481 research outputs found

    Data on the working population in Spain related to training, workplace conditions and accident rates

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    Obtaining data on worker accident rates is necessary in order to analyze the causes and variables involved in the occurrence of said accidents. The majority of these data, collected after the accident occurs, do not consider the employee's working conditions. Here are presented the data on workplace accidents and the conditions of the workers by analyzing the generic data supplied as part of the 7th National Survey of Workplace Conditions (EWCS) in Spain, conducted in 2011. These data will yield the variables needed to determine if the information on workplace risks provided by the survey respondents has an appreciable effect on the occurrence of occupational accidents in the working population, and will also be used to explore other variables

    Influence of vulnerability factors in panic disorder severity

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    Background: We studied herein the predictive value for panic severity of three well-based vulnerability factors: personality traits (neuroticism and extraversion; NEO-PI-R), anxiety sensitivity (ASI), and perceived control (ACQ-R). Method: The sample was composed of 52 participants diagnosed with panic disorder, with or without agoraphobia, according to DSM-IV-TR criteria. Results: Our results revealed that the anxiety facet is a better predictor of panic severity than neuroticism. Anxiety sensitivity increases the predictive value for panic severity and, finally, perception of control of emotions is the only perception control subscale that increases the predictive value for panic severity more than the anxiety facet and anxiety sensitivity. Conclusions: This finding supports the assumption of the importance of taking into account the assessment of the lower order dimensions of the vulnerability factors in the field of psychopathology studies. Furthermore, the predictive value of perception of control of emotions indicates the importance of this specific vulnerability factor in the etiology of panic disorder (with or without agoraphobia) and, thus, shows the necessity to include emotion regulation strategies in the psychological treatments

    Alborajico: de eremitorio a complejo funerario con reminiscencias etruscas

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    In la Muela de Alborajico, a setting of the municipality of Tobarra (Albacete), there exist three excavated rooms in the stone which have been defined as an eremitic complex in which cave I would be the monacal church. Our research proposes a new possibility: without discording that this space may have been occupied by monks, we consider that these rooms are tombs. The holes, the stone beds with pillow, lead us to believe that they are Etruscan tombs, or otherwise with clear Etruscan influence of prominent persons who lived there between the seventh and second centuries B.C. Afterwards, cave I was transformed into a reservoir in the Hispanic–Muslim period. Alongside the artificial cavities with their stone beds, there exist small caves and remains of a pre–Roman settlement, which leads us to think of a funerary complex with dates back to the second millennium before Christ and that, perhaps, might have belonged to the culture of El Algar.En la Muela de Alborajico, paraje del municipio de Tobarra (Albacete), existen tres estancias excavadas en la roca que han sido definidas como complejo eremitorio en el que la cueva I sería la iglesia monacal. Nuestra investigación plantea una nueva posibilidad: sin descartar que este espacio hubiese sido ocupado por monjes, consideramos que las cámaras son tumbas. Los agujeros–pozo, los lechos de piedra con almohada, la perfección en el tallado de las paredes y la magnitud de sus medidas, entre otras características, nos hacen pensar en la posibilidad de que sean tumbas etruscas, o de clara influencia etrusca, de personalidades relevantes que vivieron entre los siglos VII y II a. C. Posteriormente, la estancia I fue transformada en aljibe en período hispano–musulmán. Junto a estas cavidades artificiales con sus bancos de piedra, existen covachas y restos de un poblado prerromano, lo que nos lleva a pensar en un conjunto funerario que se remontaría al segundo milenio antes de Cristo y que, tal vez, perteneciese a la cultura de El Algar

    VME indicator species collected during exploratory fishing in Macaronesian seamounts

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    During the second half of 2012, the longline vessel MARANSA completed 13 fishing trips in international waters of CECAF Area (Division FAO 34), in nine Seamounts from northeast off Madeira (Lion, Ampere, Unicorn, Seine, “Camaguay”, “Cabezos”, Dacia and “Fantasma”) to south off the Canary Islands (Eco/Endeavour), between latitudes 19°N and 35°N, using bottom longlines. The main target species were demersal species such as Wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) or Splendidalfonsino (Beryx splendens). An observer on board recorded the bycatch of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VME) indicator species in order to evaluate the potential adverse impact of bottom fishing activities on VME and samples of the specimens for later identification in the laboratory were stored. The main indicator species found were cold-water corals (black corals, scleractinians and gorgonians) and sponges, species broadly associated with seamounts. The shallower banks, Ampere and Dacia in the north and centre of the area, show the greater biodiversity and the higher percentage of presence of VME indicator species (52% and 53% of the sets respectively), followed by Endeavour (South of the Canary Islands), 36.4%. In these three banks the species distribution is strongly related to depth, finding Antipatharia (mainly Stichopathes sp) and Scleractinia (Dendrophyllia cornigera and D. ramea) in shallower depths and Porifera (Neophryssospongia nolitangere, Leiodermatium lynceus and Asconema setubalense) in deeper bottoms. Species of the Porifera group are present in all banks except of so-called ”Cabezos”

    XPS as Characterization Tool for PV: From the Substrate to Complete III-V Multijunction Solar Cells

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    This contribution aims to illustrate the potential of the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) technique as a tool to analyze different parts of a solar cell (surface state, heterointerfaces, profile composition of ohmic contacts, etc). Here, the analysis is specifically applied to III-V multijunction solar cells used in concentrator systems. The information provided from such XPS analysis has helped to understand the physico-chemical nature of these surfaces and interfaces, and thus has guided the technological process in order to improve the solar cell performance

    Design Thinking: experiencia en graos STEAM

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    [Resumo] Crear experiencias de aprendizaxe a través de proxectos na aula nas que os alumnos aprendan en equipo a resolver problemas complexos e desenvolvan o pensamento creativo e crítico, resulta un desafío. Design Thinking é unha metodoloxía cuxa meta é crear un deseño innovador baseado nas necesidades do usuario (User Experience). Empregando esta ferramenta, desenvolveuse na materia de Expresión Gráfica unha experiencia de deseño, modelado e impresión 3D ligada ao contexto actual de pandemia producida polo COVID-19. Nesta experiencia participaron estudantes de primeiro curso de tres graos do ámbito STEAM da Universidade de A Coruña. As actividades expuxéronse de tal maneira que se puidesen facer de forma presencial ou a distancia. A titorización e seguimento do progreso dos alumnos fíxose a través de Microsoft Teams e Moodle. Empregouse a ferramenta Taller de Moodle para a avaliación dos prototipos desenvolvidos. Os resultados da enquisa foron moi positivos. Os proxectos Design Thinking tamén tiveron un efecto positivo nas cualificacións.[Abstract] Creating learning experiences through classroom projects in which students learn as a team to solve complex problems and develop creative and critical thinking is a challenge. Design Thinking is a methodology whose goal is to create an innovative design based on the user's needs (User Experience). Using this tool, an experience of design, modeling and 3D printing linked to the current context of the pandemic produced by COVID-19 was developed in the subject of Graphic Expression. This experience involved first year students of three STEAM degrees of the University of A Coruña. The activities were planned in such a way that they could be done in person or remotely. Tutoring and monitoring of student progress was done through Microsoft Teams and Moodle. The Moodle Workshop tool was used for the evaluation of the developed prototypes. The survey results were very positive. Design Thinking projects also had a positive effect on the grades.http://hdl.handle.net/2183/2879


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    Augmented reality (AR) is the combination of real environment and virtual elements that have the taskof enriching reality with information or other elements. In this sense, chemistry, and organic chemistryin particular, are disciplines for which students require an adequate spatial vision to understand theconcepts and we propose that augmented reality can support and promote spatial skills.Although different studies have been carried out in recent years on the use of augmented reality inthis context, it is necessary to deepen into its application from a multidisciplinary point of view, being inclose contact with the developers of the applications and considering the needs and criteria of professorsof different levels and students.To this end, this project has counted on the collaboration with the company CreativiTIC, throughits MetAClass Studio platform. From our side, we needed to create markers and the linked chemicalstructures, which students can then visualise the molecular structures in 3D directly from their mobiledevices. The development has been carried out in a multidisciplinary way and covering differenteducational levels, from Secondary Education to University.Finally, we conducted an evaluation of this tool to qualitatively assess whether students achieved abetter understanding and improved their visualisation of molecular structures.This project demonstrates how the appropriate use of augmented reality allows for a betterunderstanding of chemical structures and their reactions, as well as increasing student motivation, butalso highlights the need for proper teacher training and the appropriate implementation of the technolog

    The Spanish Pancreatic Club's recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis: Part 2 (treatment)

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    Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a complex disease with a wide range of clinical manifestations. This range comprises from asymptomatic patients to patients with disabling symptoms or complications. The management of CP is frequently different between geographic areas and even medical centers. This is due to the paucity of high quality studies and clinical practice guidelines regarding its diagnosis and treatment. The aim of the Spanish Pancreatic Club was to give current evidence-based recommendations for the management of CP. Two coordinators chose a multidisciplinary panel of 24 experts on this disease. These experts were selected according to clinical and research experience in CP. A list of questions was made and two experts reviewed each question. A draft was later produced and discussed with the entire panel of experts in a face-to-face meeting. The level of evidence was based on the ratings given by the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. In the second part of the consensus, recommendations were given regarding the management of pain, pseudocysts, duodenal and biliary stenosis, pancreatic fistula and ascites, left portal hypertension, diabetes mellitus, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, and nutritional support in CP

    Generic competences for the IT knowledge workers: a study from the field.

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    Proceedings of: Third World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2010), Corfu, Greece, September 22-24, 2010This paper aims to identify generic competency levels relevant to a particular kind of knowledge workers: software engineers. Based on previous works, and in particular in the description of a professional career, authors review of the literature related to the characterization of the labor force in the Software Engineering (SE) domain. Subsequently, using a quantitative analysis based on investigative surveys administered to a number of representative professionals, authors provide with a generic competency ladder adapted to the given career description.Publicad
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