658 research outputs found

    El fraude en la ciencia: reflexiones a partir del caso Hwang

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    In 2006 Hwang's fraudulent papers published in Science on stem cell research re-opened the debate on scientific misconduct. Taking this as a starting point, some reflections are put forward on the dimension of fraud in science. The singularity of Hwang's case, due to its scientific, social and media impact, is examined as a consequence of the persuasion mechanisms systematised in the so-called Routes of Scholarly Lying. Furthermore, the reasons for publishing fraudulent research, the inefficiency of peer review for detecting it, and the various mechanisms for managing and eradicating it, are presented

    Análisis bibliométrico de la producción española de tesis doctorales sobre cine 1978-2007

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    Comunicaciones del IV Congreso Internacional sobre análisis fílmico celebrado en la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón 4,5 y 6 de mayo de 201

    Análisis métrico de los blogs españoles de Biblioteconomía y Documentación (2006-2007)

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    This paper analyses several indicators of production and participation in spanish library and information science blogs. We selected a sample of 46 personal and corporative weblogs, taking those 12 blogs with the higher number of incoming links. These blogs get more than 70% of the total number of links received by the whole group. Our results detect an important decline in production along the period, keeping constant the comments per post indicator. More than 50% of comments are written by the library blogs authors. 4 blogs show higher than average indicators of production and participation. These are Deakialli, Catorze, Documentalista Enredado and Véase Además

    Towards a Book Publishers Citation Reports. First approach using the Book Citation Index

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    Este artículo se ha publicado posteriormente con actualización del contenido en: Torres-Salinas, D.; Robinson-García, N.; Jiménez-Contreras, E. y Delgado López-Cózar, E. Towards a "Book Publishers Citation Reports". First approach using the "Book Citation Index". Revista Española de Documentación Científica 35(4): 615-620 (2012). [http://hdl.handle.net/10481/22700]The absence of books and book chapters in the Web of Science Citation Indexes (SCI, SSCI and A&HCI) has always been considered an important flaw but the Thomson Reuters 'Book Citation Index' database was finally available in October of 2010 indexing 29,618 books and 379,082 book chapters. The Book Citation Index opens a new window of opportunities for analyzing these fields from a bibliometric point of view. The main objective of this article is to analyze different impact indicators referred to the scientific publishers included in the Book Citation Index for the Social Sciences and Humanities fields during 2006-2011. This way we construct what we have called the 'Book Publishers Citation Reports'. For this, we present a total of 19 rankings according to the different disciplines in Humanities & Arts and Social Sciences & Law with six indicators for scientific publishers

    New actions and land uses in the historical heritage: the case study of one of the oldest underground water tanks in Madrid (Spain)

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    The preservation of architectural heritage in Europe is generally associated with the recovery of monumental buildings such as churches and castles, leaving behind a high amount of other historical constructions of civil and industrial architecture that exist in an old country like Spain. High efforts have been devoted by professionals from very different fields aiming to recover and enhance engineering works such as bridges, but the particular case of hydraulic works deserves special attention because it has remained hidden for centuries and sometimes continues to be ignored by society and many institutions. This type of architectural heritage, in the form of underground deposits that represents the case under study in this research, occupies a large area in cities such as Madrid and must be preserved to relieve the pressures of adapting them to accommodate other uses of the land that they occupy. In this paper, the complexity of material characterization and calculation of the Mayor water tank in Madrid (Spain), as an example of this type of construction, is presented. This reservoir currently supplies drinking water to a large part of the city and can accommodate a park on its surface without altering an original 150-year-old structure. As the main conclusion of this research, and in the absence of detailed studies of pathologies, tests, characterization of materials and the terrain, it is recommended to avoid loads greater than 30 kN/m2 in the existing structure, hence the current stresses are not substantially exceeded. This is a recommendation to preserve the historical heritage of this structure against economic and political perspectives that push for a substantial change in its use. This research is an example that can easily be extrapolated to other similar historical infrastructures aiming to guarantee their prevalence in the future

    Teorema do limiar para uma memória quântica em um ambiente correlacionado

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    Orientadores: Amir Ordacgi Caldeira, Eduardo Peres Novais de SáTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb WataghinResumo: A criação de um computador quântico é um projeto que guia, ao mesmo tempo, avanços tecnológicos e um melhor entendimento das propriedades de sistemas quânticos e da Mecânica Quântica em geral. O teorema do limiar é derivado da teoria quântica de correção de erros e garante que, se o ruido estocástico que afeta os componentes de um computador quântico encontra-se abaixo de um valor limite, podemos operar esse computador quântico confiavelmente. Investigamos como esse teorema é modificado quando consideramos uma memória quântica (a qual usa o código de superfície para corrigir erros) acoplada a um ambiente correlacionado. O limiar de erros nesse caso é relacionado à transição de fase ordem-desordem de um sistema de spin equivalenteAbstract: The design of a quantum computer is a project which drives, at the same time, technological advancement and a better understanding of the properties of quantum systems and of Quantum Mechanics in general. The threshold theorem comes from quantum error correction theory and it guarantees that, if stochastic noise affecting the components of a quantum computer is below some threshold value, we can operate this quantum computer reliably. We investigate how this theorem is modified when we consider a quantum memory (which uses the surface code to correct errors) coupled to a correlated environment. The error threshold in this case is related the order-disorder phase transition of an equivalent spin systemDoutoradoFísicaDoutor em Ciência

    Transformations in the models of journalists formation in Spain

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    Estudio descriptivo longitudinal retrospectivo de las tesis doctorales sobre radio, defendidas en España entre 1976 y 2008. Los datos han sido extraídos principalmente de Teseo. A fin de fijar y representar la evolución, participación de universidades, perfil de los actores, genealogías académicas, focos y grupos invisibles de trabajo e investigación se han estudiado las siguientes variables: Frecuencia de términos de los títulos, evolución del número de tesis leídas por periodos, universidad de lectura, dirección de tesis así como la presidencia del mismo y genealogías director-doctorando. El análisis de redes vislumbra y visualiza las interacciones entre académicos, el nivel de independencia de los diferentes actores de la red, la coparticipación entre actores en tribunales, el grado de intermediación de los diferentes académicos.This is a longitudinal, retrospective and descriptive study about doctoral theses on radio which have been defended in Spain over the period 1976-2008. The TESEO database has been used to search theses and the composition of examination boards for theses on radio, even when the data had been contrasted with previous works. A number of variables have been studied to show and represent the evolution, the partnership of universities, the participants’ profiles, the academic genealogies, invisibles working parties and research teams. These are the variables studied: frequency of the terms in the titles, development of the number of thesis by year, university of thesis defense, thesis advisor, participation in examination committees and advisor-candidate genealogies. The network analysis shows the interactions among professors, level of independence, cooperation among the members in the examination boards and intermediation. The membership within the theses examination boards in Spain can be observed on the graph. It shows a mode-2 social network of advisors and universities

    How to Use Challenge-Based Learning for the Acquisition of Learning to Learn Competence in Early Childhood Preservice Teachers: A Virtual Archaeological Museum Tour in Spain

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    This article presents the research results in relation to an interdisciplinary teaching innovation project—Teaching and Learning of Social Sciences and Teaching and Learning of Natural Sciences—with Early Childhood Preservice Teachers (ECPT) at the University of Alcalá (Spain) in the pandemic context by COVID-19 during 2020–2021 (N 55): 52 women (94.55%) and 3 men (5.45%) from 20 to 22 years of age. The main research problem is to know if the ECPT improves the learning to learn competence after a challenge-based learning (CBL) linked to virtual tour in a museum. The main objective was to improve the learning to learn competence, during a virtual tour at the Community of Madrid Regional Archaeological Museum (MAR) (Alcalá de Henares, Spain) for a reflective training of students to understand problems of the past and present and future global challenges, promote collaborative and multidisciplinary work, and defend ethics and leadership. In order to ascertain the level of acquisition of this competence in those teachers who were being trained, their self-perception—pretest–posttest—of the experience was assessed through a system of categories adapted from the European Commission. ECPT worked, in small groups and using e/m-learning tools, ten challenges and one storytelling cooperatively with university teachers to solve prehistoric questions related to current situations and problems. Subsequently, two Early Childhood Education teachers from a school in Alcalá de Henares reviewed the proposals and adapted them for application in the classroom of 5-year-old boys and girls. The results show an improvement in this competence in Early Childhood Preservice Teachers: total score pre-post comparison paired-samples Wilcoxon test result shows a statistically significant difference (p > 0.001); an evaluation rubric verified the results of self-perception. Second, we highlight the importance of carrying out virtual museum tours from a challenge-based learning for the development of big ideas, essential questions, challenges, and activities on socioeconomic, environmental, and emotional knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Third, this experience shows the insufficient educational adaptation of the virtual museum tour to the Early Childhood Education stage from a technological and didactic workshops point of view, but there is a diversity of paleontological and archaeological materials and a significant sociocritical discourse.This work was developed within the framework of the following funded teaching innovation project: Challenge-based learning at the Community of Madrid Regional Archaeological Museum: a proposal for teacher training applied to the classroom 5 years old (UAH/EV1212) (University of Alcalá, Spain). In addition, it had the support of the R + D HETEIC project: Heritage education for the territorial and emotional intelligence of citizens. Analysis of good practices, design, and intervention in compulsory education (EDU 2015-67953-P) (Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities/FEDER