484 research outputs found

    Sistema para evaluar la calidad de un producto o servicio de software

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    SERVIQUALITY pretende facilitar el proceso de calificación de un producto bien o un servicio de software -- Con el fin de poderse integrar con otros productos manejados en las organizaciones, SERVIQUALITY se encuentra conformado por una serie de portlets, los cuales podrán ser instalados en un portal (Integrador de herramientas Web

    Green Synthesis of Potential Antifungal Agents: 2-Benzyl Substituted Thiobenzoazoles

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    A series of benzyl-substituted thiobenzoazoles were synthesized by an environmentally friendly 18 approach, to search for new antifungal agrochemicals. Compounds were prepared starting from 2- 19 mercaptobenzoazoles, using KOH, benzyl halides and water, resulting in a simple and ecological 20 method. New antifungals were tested against a group of phytopathogenic fungi. Two compounds 21 showed an interesting activity against Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum and Aspergillus spp.: 22 2-((4-(trifluoromethyl)benzyl)thio)benzo[d]thiazole, 3ac, and 2-((4- 23 methylbenzyl)thio)benzo[d]thiazole, 3al. Thus, 3ac and 3al can be considered as broad spectrum 24 antifungal agents. Furthermore, two new compounds, 2-((4-iodobenzyl)thio)benzo[d]thiazole, 3aj, 25 and 2-(benzylthio)benzo[d]oxazole, 3ba, showed better inhibitory effect against Botrytis cinerea 26 and Fusarium oxysporum when compared to the commercial fungicide Captan. Thus, 3aj and 3ba 27 can be considered reduced-spectrum antifungalsFil: Ballari, María Sol. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Herrera Cano, Natividad Carolina. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Biotecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: López, Abel Gerardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos; ArgentinaFil: Wunderlin, Daniel Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Feresin, Gabriela Egly. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Biotecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Santiago, Ana Noemi. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba; Argentin

    Characterizing Structure Formation through Instance Segmentation

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    Dark matter haloes form from small perturbations to the almost homogeneous density field of the early universe. Although it is known how large these initial perturbations must be to form haloes, it is rather poorly understood how to predict which particles will end up belonging to which halo. However, it is this process that determines the Lagrangian shape of protohaloes and is therefore essential to understand their mass, spin and formation history. Here, we present a machine-learning framework to learn how the protohalo regions of different haloes emerge from the initial density field. This involves one neural network to distinguish semantically which particles become part of any halo and a second neural network that groups these particles by halo membership into different instances. This instance segmentation is done through the Weinberger method, in which the network maps particles into a pseudo-space representation where different instances can be distinguished easily through a simple clustering algorithm. Our model reliably predicts the masses and Lagrangian shapes of haloes object-by-object, as well as summary statistics like the halo-mass function. We find that our model extracts information close to optimal by comparing it to the degree of agreement between two N-body simulations with slight differences in their initial conditions. We publish our model open-source and suggest that it can be used to inform analytical methods of structure formation by studying the effect of systematic manipulations of the initial conditions.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figures. Comments are welcome. Public code: https://github.com/daniellopezcano/instance_halos. Typos corrected, references adde

    Influence of Titanium Oxide Pillar Array Nanometric Structures and Ultraviolet Irradiation on the Properties of the Surface of Dental Implants: A Pilot Study

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    Aim: Titanium implants are commonly used as replacement therapy for lost teeth and much current research is focusing on the improvement of the chemical and physical properties of their surfaces in order to improve the osseointegration process. TiO2, when it is deposited in the form of pillar array nanometric structures, has photocatalytic properties and wet surface control, which, together with UV irradiation, provide it with superhydrophilic surfaces, which may be of interest for improving cell adhesion on the peri-implant surface. In this article, we address the influence of this type of surface treatment on type IV and type V titanium discs on their surface energy and cell growth on them. Materials and methods: Samples from titanium rods used for making dental implants were used. There were two types of samples: grade IV and grade V. In turn, within each grade, two types of samples were differentiated: untreated and treated with sand blasting and subjected to double acid etching. Synthesis of the film consisting of titanium oxide pillar array structures was carried out using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition equipment. The plasma was generated in a quartz vessel by an external SLAN-1 microwave source with a frequency of 2.45 GHz. Five specimens from each group were used (40 discs in total). On the surfaces to be studied, the following determinations were carried out: (a) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, (b) scanning electron microscopy, (c) energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, (d) profilometry, (e) contact angle measurement or surface wettability, (f) progression of contact angle on applying ultraviolet irradiation, and (g) a biocompatibility test and cytotoxicity with cell cultures. Results: The application of ultraviolet light decreased the hydrophobicity of all the surfaces studied, although it did so to a greater extent on the surfaces with the studied modification applied, this being more evident in samples manufactured in grade V titanium. In samples made in grade IV titanium, this difference was less evident, and even in the sample manufactured with grade IV and SLA treatment, the application of the nanometric modification of the surface made the surface optically less active. Regarding cell growth, all the surfaces studied, grouped in relation to the presence or not of the nanometric treatment, showed similar growth. Conclusions. Treatment of titanium oxide surfaces with ultraviolet irradiation made them change temporarily into superhydrophilic ones, which confirms that their biocompatibility could be improved in this way, or at least be maintained

    Barracks from modern age iberian wars (1650-1750) heritage value, contemporary use and social housing

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    The present paper studies 18th century military garrisons built in border villages of Portuguese Alentejo during the instability period that began with the Restoration War (1640-1668) between Portugal and Spain. Besides presenting their constructive types and materiality, the research focus on the heritage value of these barracks, especially given their urban context inside small peripheral towns’ historical centres under threat of desertification. Three cases are compared in order to determine which contemporary use better favours heritage conservation of the barracks modular structures

    Heterogeneity in agricultural land use decisions in Argentine Rolling Pampas: The effects on environmental and economic indicators

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    Argentine Pampas are one of the major regions in the world for agricultural production. There is a trend towards system simplification in this area, with soybeans being the predominant crop. One major concern of “soybeanization” is its long-term effect on productivity. There is an increasing interest in more diverse and intensive cropping sequences in order to mitigate environmental concerns related to agricultural simplification, while increasing or maintaining crop production. The aims of this study were to assess the heterogeneity of agricultural land use schemes in Pergamino, Buenos Aires, and to determine environmental and economic indicators for the different land uses. Data were collected through surveys to a sample of farmers for three cropping years. For each farm, three environmental indicators (soil organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus balances) and two economic indicators (crop revenue and on-farm environmental cost associated to negative soil organic carbon and nutrient balances) were computed. Under current land use and crop management practices, soil nutrients and organic carbon tend to decrease. The estimated on-farm environmental cost from soil organic carbon and nutrients losses represents a 6% of crop revenue, on average. Farm size is related to land-use schemes and environmental and economic indicators. Smaller farms are associated with a lower proportion of full-season soybeans in crop rotations, lower nutrients and carbon losses, and lower environmental costs. There are farms in the sample with diverse and intensive rotation schemes and low environmental cost. The characterization of farming systems provides valuable information in the search of sustainable intensification alternatives

    Comparación entre el ACI-318-19 y la NSR-10 para diseño estructural de pórticos de concreto en zonas de amenaza sísmica alta

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    En este trabajo se realiza un análisis comparativo de la Norma Colombiana Sismorresistente NSR-10 y el reglamento ACI 318-19 (base del próximo título C de la norma NSR actualmente en desarrollo), en dicha comparación se detallaron las exigencias técnicas actuales presentes en ambos reglamentos para sistemas de pórticos de concreto reforzado en zonas de amenaza sísmica alta. Inicialmente se realizó un análisis comparativo entre el cuerpo del título C de la NSR-10 y el reglamento ACI 318-19 mostrando las diferencias en la disposición de cada uno de los capítulos presentes en cada normatividad, de este análisis se obtiene una matriz comparativa y los mapas de ruta correspondiente a cada capítulo, los cuales facilitaran la búsqueda y comprensión de las diferencias encontradas en la disposición de los capítulos. Posteriormente se realiza un segundo análisis comparativo confrontando uno a uno los requisitos para elementos pertenecientes a estructuras con capacidad especial de disipación de energía. De esta segunda comparación se detallan las diferencias más relevantes encontradas entre las especificaciones de ambas normativas, acompañada de una breve justificación de los cambios encontrados. Finalmente, se realiza el diseño estructural de dos edificaciones aporticadas de concreto reforzado, siguiendo los lineamientos de ambas normativas con el fin de realizar un comparativo final de las cuantías de refuerzo y volúmenes de concreto por medio del cual, se realizó un análisis del impacto económico que generará la aplicación de las nuevas especificaciones establecidas en el reglamento ACI 318-19, encontrándose una diferencia porcentual de aumento de costos del 2.2%

    Comparación entre el ACI-318-19 y la NSR-10 para diseño estructural de pórticos de concreto en zonas de amenaza sísmica alta: Comparison between ACI-318-19 and NSR-10 for structural design of concrete frames in high seismic hazard zones

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    This work is a comparative analysis between the Colombian Earthquake Resistant Construction Standard NSR-10 and the  ACI 318-19 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete of 2019, which is the basis of the upcoming title C of the NSR-21/22 standard. The current technical requirements in title C of NSR-10 were compared with the requirements of the ACI 318-19 regulation for reinforced concrete frames systems in areas of high-seismic hazard. Initially, a comparative analysis was developed between the body of title C of the NSR-10 and the ACI 318-19 regulation, showing the differences in the disposition of each of the present chapters. From this analysis it is possible to obtain a comparative matrix and the corresponding procedures to each chapter, which facilitated the understanding of the differences in their arrangement. Subsequently, another comparative analysis is developed, where the requirements for elements belonging to structures with special energy dissipation capacity are compared one by one. From this comparison, a more detailed analysis of the most relevant differences is found between the specifications of both regulations, accompanied by a brief discussion of the changes found. Finally, the structural design of two frame buildings is developed, designed under the guidelines of both regulations in order to compare the amounts of reinforcement and volumes of concrete, through which an analysis of the economic impact generated by the application of the new specifications established in the ACI 318-19 code was developed, in which the structural designs of both alternatives yielded a percentage difference in costs of 2.2%.En este trabajo se realiza un análisis comparativo de la Norma Colombiana Sismorresistente NSR-10 y el reglamento ACI 318-19 (base del próximo título C de la norma NSR actualmente en desarrollo), en dicha comparación se detallaron las exigencias técnicas actuales presentes en ambos reglamentos para sistemas de pórticos de concreto reforzado en zonas de amenaza sísmica alta. Inicialmente se realizó un análisis comparativo entre el cuerpo del título C de la NSR-10 y el reglamento ACI 318-19 mostrando las diferencias en la disposición de cada uno de los capítulos presentes en cada normatividad, de este análisis se obtiene una matriz comparativa y los mapas de ruta correspondiente a cada capítulo, los cuales facilitaran la búsqueda y comprensión de las diferencias encontradas en la disposición de los capítulos. Posteriormente se realiza un segundo análisis comparativo confrontando uno a uno los requisitos para elementos pertenecientes a estructuras con capacidad especial de disipación de energía. De esta segunda comparación se detallan las diferencias más relevantes encontradas entre las especificaciones de ambas normativas, acompañada de una breve justificación de los cambios encontrados. Finalmente, se realiza el diseño estructural de dos edificaciones aporticadas de concreto reforzado, siguiendo los lineamientos de ambas normativas con el fin de realizar un comparativo final de las cuantías de refuerzo y volúmenes de concreto por medio del cual, se realizó un análisis del impacto económico que generará la aplicación de las nuevas especificaciones establecidas en el reglamento ACI 318-19, encontrándose una diferencia porcentual de aumento de costos del 2.2%

    Involvement of both caspase-8 and Noxa-activated pathways in endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptosis in triple-negative breast tumor cells

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    Recent evidences indicate that triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells with a mesenchymal phenotype show a basal activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR) that increases their sensitivity to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress although the underlying cell death mechanism remains largely unexplored. Here we show that both caspase-8-dependent and -independent apoptotic mechanisms are activated in TNBC cells undergoing sustained ER stress. Activation of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway by ER stress involves ATF4-dependent upregulation of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand receptor 2 (TRAIL-R2/DR5). In addition, accumulation of BH3-only protein Noxa at the mitochondria further contributes to apoptosis following ER stress in TNBC cells. Accordingly, simultaneous abrogation of both extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways is required to inhibit ER stress-induced apoptosis in these cells. Importantly, persistent FLICE-inhibitory protein (FLIP) expression plays an adaptive role to prevent early activation of the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis upon ER stress. Overall, our data show that ER stress induces cell death through a pleiotropic mechanism in TNBC cells and suggest that targeting FLIP expression may be an effective approach to sensitize these tumor cells to ER stress-inducing agents

    Novel chimeric proteins mimicking SARS-CoV-2 spike epitopes with broad inhibitory activity.

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    SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein mediates virus attachment to the cells and fusion between viral and cell membranes. Membrane fusion is driven by mutual interaction between the highly conserved heptad-repeat regions 1 and 2 (HR1 and HR2) of the S2 subunit of the spike. For this reason, these S2 regions are interesting therapeutic targets for COVID-19. Although HR1 and HR2 have been described as transiently exposed during the fusion process, no significant antibody responses against these S2 regions have been reported. Here we designed chimeric proteins that imitate highly stable HR1 helical trimers and strongly bind to HR2. The proteins have broad inhibitory activity against WT B.1 and BA.1 viruses. Sera from COVID-19 convalescent donors showed significant levels of reactive antibodies (IgG and IgA) against the HR1 mimetic proteins, whereas these antibody responses were absent in sera from uninfected donors. Moreover, both inhibitory activity and antigenicity of the proteins correlate positively with their structural stability but not with the number of amino acid changes in their HR1 sequences, indicating a conformational and conserved nature of the involved epitopes. Our results reveal previously undetected spike epitopes that may guide the design of new robust COVID-19 vaccines and therapies.This work was supported by grants CV20.26565 from the Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento, Junta de Andalucía (Spain), PID2019.107515RB.C21 from the Spanish State Research Agency (SRA/10.13039/501100011033), and co-funded by ERDF/ESF, “A way to make Europe”/“Investing in your future. The work performed in C.M.’s laboratory was supported by grants from ANRS (Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le SIDA et les h´epatites virales), the Investissements d’Avenir program managed by the ANR under reference ANR-10-LABX-77 and EHVA (No. 681032, Horizon 2020). Work in S.B.’s laboratory was supported by grants from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) (ANR-11-LABX-0070_TRANSPLANTEX), the INSERM (UMR_S1109), the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), all the University of Strasbourg (IDEX UNISTRA), the European Regional Development Fund (European Union) INTERREG V program (project no. 3.2 TRIDIAG) and MSD-Avenir grant AUTOGEN