1,068 research outputs found

    Asymptotics and zeros of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on unbounded supports

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    In this paper we present a survey about analytic properties of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a weighted Sobolev inner product such that the vector of measures has an unbounded support. In particular, we are focused in the study of the asymptotic behaviour of such polynomials as well as in the distribution of their zeros. Some open problems as well as some new directions for a future research are formulated.Comment: Changed content; 34 pages, 41 reference

    OTELO survey: optimal emission-line flux determination with OSIRIS/GTC

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    Emission-line galaxies are important targets for understanding the chemical evolution of galaxies in the universe. Deep, narrow-band imaging surveys allow to detect and study the flux and the equivalent widths (EW) of the emission line studied. The present work has been developed within the context of the OTELO project, an emission line survey using the Tunable Filters (TF) of OSIRIS, the first generation instrument on the GTC 10.4m telescope located in La Palma, Spain, that will observe through selected atmospheric windows relatively free of sky emission lines. With a total survey area of 0.1 square degrees distributed in different fields, reaching a 5 \sigma depth of 10^-18 erg/cm^2/s and detecting objects of EW < 0.3 A, OTELO will be the deepest emission line survey to date. As part of the OTELO preparatory activities, the objective of this study is to determine the best combination of sampling and full width at half maximum (FWHM) for the OSIRIS tunable filters for deblending H\alpha from [NII] lines by analyzing the flux errors obtained. We simulated the OTELO data by convolving a complete set of synthetic HII galaxies in EW with different widths of the OSIRIS TFs. We estimated relative flux errors of the recovered H\alpha and [NII]6583 lines. We found that, for the red TF, a FWHM of 12 A and a sampling of 5 A is an optimal combination that allow deblending H\alpha from the [NII]6583 line with a flux error lower than 20%. This combination will allow estimating SFRs and metallicities using the H\alpha flux and the N2 method, respectively.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Some authors added. Accepted for publication in PAS

    Near-Earth asteroids spectroscopic survey at Isaac Newton Telescope

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    The population of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) shows a large variety of objects in terms of physical and dynamical properties. They are subject to planetary encounters and to strong solar wind and radiation effects. Their study is also motivated by practical reasons regarding space exploration and long-term probability of impact with the Earth. We aim to spectrally characterize a significant sample of NEAs with sizes in the range of \sim0.25 - 5.5 km (categorized as large), and search for connections between their spectral types and the orbital parameters. Optical spectra of NEAs were obtained using the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) equipped with the IDS spectrograph. These observations are analyzed using taxonomic classification and by comparison with laboratory spectra of meteorites. A total number of 76 NEAs were observed. We classified 44 of them as Q/S-complex, 16 as B/C-complex, eight as V-types, and another eight belong to the remaining taxonomic classes. Our sample contains 27 asteroids categorized as potentially hazardous and 31 possible targets for space missions including (459872) 2014 EK24, (436724) 2011 UW158, and (67367) 2000 LY27. The spectral data corresponding to (276049) 2002 CE26 and (385186) 1994 AW1 shows the 0.7 μ\mum feature which indicates the presence of hydrated minerals on their surface. We report that Q-types have the lowest perihelia (a median value and absolute deviation of 0.797±0.2440.797\pm0.244 AU) and are systematically larger than the S-type asteroids observed in our sample. We explain these observational evidences by thermal fatigue fragmentation as the main process for the rejuvenation of NEA surfaces. In general terms, the taxonomic distribution of our sample is similar to the previous studies and matches the broad groups of the inner main belt asteroids. Nevertheless, we found a wide diversity of spectra compared to the standard taxonomic types.Comment: Accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A

    Stellar populations of galaxies in the ALHAMBRA survey up to z1z \sim 1. II. Stellar content of quiescent galaxies within the dust-corrected stellar mass-colour and the UVJUVJ colour-colour diagrams

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    Our aim is to determine the distribution of stellar population parameters (extinction, age, metallicity, and star formation rate) of quiescent galaxies within the rest-frame stellar mass-colour and UVJUVJ colour-colour diagrams corrected for extinction up to z1z\sim1. These novel diagrams reduce the contamination in samples of quiescent galaxies owing to dust-reddened galaxies, and they provide useful constraints on stellar population parameters. We set constraints on the stellar population parameters of quiescent galaxies combining the ALHAMBRA multi-filter photo-spectra with our SED-fitting code MUFFIT, making use of composite stellar population models. The extinction obtained by MUFFIT allowed us to remove dusty star-forming (DSF) galaxies from the sample of red UVJUVJ galaxies. The distributions of stellar population parameters across these rest-frame diagrams are revealed after the dust correction and are fitted by the LOESS method to reduce uncertainty effects. Quiescent galaxy samples defined via classical UVJUVJ diagrams are typically contaminated by a 20\sim20% fraction of DSF galaxies. A significant part of the galaxies in the green valley are actually obscured star-forming galaxies (3065\sim30-65%). Consequently, the transition of galaxies from the blue cloud to the red sequence, and hence the related mechanisms for quenching, seems to be much more efficient and faster than previously reported. The rest-frame stellar mass-colour and UVJUVJ colour-colour diagrams are useful for constraining the age, metallicity, extinction, and star formation rate of quiescent galaxies by only their redshift, rest-frame colours, and/or stellar mass. Dust correction plays an important role in understanding how quiescent galaxies are distributed in these diagrams and is key to performing a pure selection of quiescent galaxies via intrinsic colours.Comment: (37 pages, 29 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

    Doxorubicin plus lurbinectedin in patients with advanced endometrial cancer: Results from an expanded phase i study

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    Objective: Second-line treatment of endometrial cancer is an unmet medical need. We conducted a phase I study evaluating lurbinectedin and doxorubicin intravenously every 3 weeks in patients with solid tumors. The aim of this study was to characterise the efficacy and safety of lurbinectedin and doxorubicin for patients with endometrial cancer. Methods: Thirty-four patients were treated: 15 patients in the escalation phase (doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 and lurbinectedin 3.0-5.0 mg) and 19 patients in the expansion cohort (doxorubicin 40 mg/m2 and lurbinectedin 2.0 mg/m2). All histological subtypes were eligible and patients had received one to two prior lines of chemotherapy for advanced disease. Antitumor activity was evaluated every two cycles according to the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors version 1.1. Adverse events were graded according to the National Cancer Institute-Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4. Results: Median age (range) was 65 (51-78) years. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status was up to 1 in 97% of patients. In the escalation phase, 4 (26.7%) of 15 patients had confirmed response: two complete and two partial responses (95% CI 7.8% to 55.1%). Median duration of response was 19.5 months. Median progression-free survival was 7.3 (2.5 to 10.1) months. In the expansion cohort, confirmed partial response was reported in 8 (42.1%) of 19 patients (95% CI 20.3% to 66.5%). Median duration of response was 7.5 (6.4 to not reached) months, median progression-free survival was 7.7 (2.0 to 16.7) months and median overall survival was 14.2 (4.5 to not reached) months. Fatigue (26.3% of patients), and transient and reversible myelosuppression (neutropenia, 78.9%; febrile neutropenia, 21.1%; thrombocytopenia, 15.8%) were the main grade 3 and higher toxicities in the expanded cohort. Conclusions: In patients with recurrent advanced endometrial cancer treated with doxorubicin and lurbinectedin, response rates (42%) and duration of response (7.5 months) were favorable. Further evaluation of doxorubicin and lurbinectedin is warranted in this patient population

    Lyman break and ultraviolet-selected galaxies at z ~ 1 - II. PACS 100μm/160μm FIR detections

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    In this work, we report the Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) 100 μm/160 μm detections of a sample of 42 GALEX-selected and far-infrared (FIR)-detected Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) at z ~ 1 located in the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) field and analyse their ultraviolet (UV) to FIR properties. The detection of these LBGs in the FIR indicates that they have a dust content high enough so that its emission can be directly detected. According to a spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting with stellar population templates to their UV-to-near-IR observed photometry, PACS-detected LBGs tend to be bigger (Reff ~ 4.1 kpc), more massive [log (M*/M⊙) ~ 10.7], dustier [Es(B - V) ~ 0.40], redder in the UV continuum (β ~ -0.60) and UV-brighter [log (LUV/L⊙) ~ 10.1] than PACSundetected LBGs. PACS-detected LBGs at z ~ 1 are mostly disc-like galaxies and are located over the green valley and red sequence of the colour-magnitude diagram of galaxies at their redshift. By using their UV and IR emission, we find that PACS-detected LBGs tend to be less dusty and have slightly higher total star formation rates (SFRs) than other PACS-detected UV-selected galaxies within the same redshift range. As a consequence of the selection effect due to the depth of the FIR observations employed, all our PACS-detected LBGs have total IR luminosities, LIR, higher than 1011 L⊙ and thus are luminous IR galaxies. However, none of the PACS-detected LBGs are in the ultra-luminous IR galaxy (ULIRG) regime, LIR =1012 L⊙, where the FIR observations are complete. The finding of ULIRGs-LBGs at higher redshifts (z ~ 3) suggests an evolution of the FIR emission of LBGs with cosmic time. In an IRX-β diagram, PACS-detected LBGs at z~1 tend to be located around the relation for local starburst similarly to other UV-selected PACS-detected galaxies at the same redshift. Consequently, the dust-correction factors obtained with theirUVcontinuum slope allowus to determine their total SFR, unlike at higher redshifts. However, the dust attenuation derived from UV to NIR SED fitting overestimates the total SFR for most of our PACS-detected LBGs in an age-dependent way: the overestimation factor is higher in younger galaxies. This is likely due to the typical degeneracy between dust attenuation and age in the SED fitting with synthetic templates and highlights the importance of the FIR measurements in the analysis of star-forming galaxies at intermediate redshifts.Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEO-2008/132NASA Office of Space Science NNX09AF08GEuropean Southern Observatory LP175.A-0839Junta de Andalucía TIC-114, P08-TIC-03531Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AYA2011- 29517-C03-01, AYA2010-22111-C03-02, AYA2010-1516

    On the Anticorrelation Between Galaxy Light Concentration and X-ray-to-Optical Flux Ratio

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    Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) play an important role in many aspects of the modern cosmology, and of particular interest is the issue of the interplay between AGN and their host galaxy. Using X-ray and optical data sets, we have explored the properties of a large sample of AGNs in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) field, and studied their evolution in relation with the evolution of their host galaxy. We present here an anticorrelation between X-ray-to-optical flux ratio (X/O) and galaxy light concentration (C), which has been found for the first time and might suggest that early type galaxies, having poor matter supply to feed the AGN activity, have lower Eddington rates than those of late type galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The young open cluster NGC 7067 using Strömgren photometry

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    © 2016 The Authors. NGC 7067 is a young open cluster located in the direction between the first and the second Galactic quadrants and close to the Perseus spiral arm. This makes it useful for studies of the nature of the MilkyWay spiral arms. Strömgren photometry taken with theWide Field Camera at the Isaac Newton Telescope allowed us to compute individual physical parameters for the observed stars and hence to derive the cluster's physical parameters. Spectra from the 1.93-m telescope at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence helped to check and improve the results. We obtained photometry for 1233 stars, individual physical parameters for 515 and spectra for 9 of them. The 139 selected cluster members lead to a cluster distance of 4.4 ±0.4 kpc, with an age below log10(t(yr)) = 7.3 and a present mass of 1260 ± 160 M⊙. The morphology of the data reveals that the centre of the cluster is at (α, δ) = (21: 24: 13.69, +48: 00: 39.2) J2000, with a radius of 6.1 arcmin. Strömgren and spectroscopic data allowed us to improve the previous parameters available for the cluster in the literature

    The ALHAMBRA survey: evolution of galaxy spectral segregation

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    We study the clustering of galaxies as a function of spectral type and redshift in the range 0.35<z<1.10.35 < z < 1.1 using data from the Advanced Large Homogeneous Area Medium Band Redshift Astronomical (ALHAMBRA) survey. The data cover 2.381 deg2^2 in 7 fields, after applying a detailed angular selection mask, with accurate photometric redshifts [σz<0.014(1+z)\sigma_z < 0.014(1+z)] down to IAB<24I_{AB} < 24. From this catalog we draw five fixed number density, redshift-limited bins. We estimate the clustering evolution for two different spectral populations selected using the ALHAMBRA-based photometric templates: quiescent and star-forming galaxies. For each sample, we measure the real-space clustering using the projected correlation function. Our calculations are performed over the range [0.03,10.0]h1[0.03,10.0] h^{-1} Mpc, allowing us to find a steeper trend for rp0.2h1r_p \lesssim 0.2 h^{-1} Mpc, which is especially clear for star-forming galaxies. Our analysis also shows a clear early differentiation in the clustering properties of both populations: star-forming galaxies show weaker clustering with evolution in the correlation length over the analysed redshift range, while quiescent galaxies show stronger clustering already at high redshifts, and no appreciable evolution. We also perform the bias calculation where similar segregation is found, but now it is among the quiescent galaxies where a growing evolution with redshift is clearer. These findings clearly corroborate the well known colour-density relation, confirming that quiescent galaxies are mainly located in dark matter halos that are more massive than those typically populated by star-forming galaxies.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Ap