86 research outputs found

    Algoritmo para la caracterización univoca de metamateriales basados en inclusiones quirales

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    Electromagnetic characterization is perfomed from the reflection and transmission coefficients by making use of retrieval algorithms. However, it is known the existence of uncertainties in the determination of these electromagnetic parameters. Here, we present a new algorithm that uses some techniques in order to avoid these uncertainities, some based on continuity conditions of physical magnitudes and some others based on causality relations, that is, exploiting Kramers-Kronig relations.Ingeniería, Industria y Construcció

    Estrategias y modelos de inserción laboral de las mujeres en la industria rural de Castilla y León

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    La igualdad no se circunscribe exclusivamente a los aspectos legales sino que implica todas las cuestiones que supongan capacidad de acceso a cualquier opción legal, social y económica. En este sentido uno de los aspectos en los que aún hoy se manifiesta una flagrante desigualdad es el que se refiere al grado y formas de inserción de las mujeres en el mercado laboral reglado. En efecto, a pesar de los indudables avances producidos en los últimos veinte años, la menor tasa de actividad, la segregación vertical y horizontal, los peores contratos y, como consecuencia, la menor remuneración que los varones, constituyen todavía graves problemas para las mujeres españolas.Todos estos problemas se agravan en los espacios rurales, donde las propias características sociales (familiares, formativas, económicas…) de las mujeres y la estrechez de un mercado laboral restringido a actividades con escasa generación de empleo, acentúan sus limitaciones para acceder a un trabajo dignamente remunerado que se aparte de las opciones de los servicios sin cualificación y vinculados a la ética de cuidados, tradicional nicho laboral de las mujeres rurales.Departamento de GeografíaMemoria de Investigación final del proyecto plurianual 2005-2007 I+D+I Exp nº 137/0

    Diagnóstico de necesidades de formación para revitalizar el sector comercial

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    Producción CientíficaEstudio del comercio minorista en las ciudades de Valladolid (incluyendo análisis pormenorizado del centro y varios barrios) y Medina del Campo, basado en el impuesto de actividades económicas y la realización de encuestas a comerciantes y consumidores.Geografí

    Una aproximación numérica en el dominio del tiempo al comportamiento de medios quirales realizados en circuito impreso

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    The growing development of the new communications technologies requests devices to perform new features or to improve the old ones. The trend is to develop new artificial materials reproducing well-known properties already present in other frequency ranges (such as optics) or materials with properties inexistent in the nature. Among the first kind, artificial chiral media, based on the inclusion of particles with chiral symmetry into a host medium are worth to mention. Recently, we have considered new fabrication techniques based on the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) technology, because the use of via holes gives a great additional flexibility to select the type of chiral inclusions from helix to cranks. In this work, a numerical study in the time domain of the EM wave propagation through such a structure is achieved using the commercial software MEFiSToTM.Ingeniería, Industria y Construcció

    Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Cybervictimization, and Academic Performance in Secondary School Students

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    The benefits attributed to emotional intelligence (EI) in a school environment can be observed in areas such as interpersonal relationships, psychological well-being, academic performance, and avoidance of disruptive behaviors. The objective of this study was to analyze a sample of 3451 adolescents from a secondary school to test whether EI is a protector against cybervictimization and the repercussions of cybervictimization, and whether EI has an influence on academic performance. The instruments used in the study included a questionnaire of risk factors for cybervictimization—the Trait Meta Mood Scale 24 (Spanish version)—and the global marks or academic performance of the students. The relationships between the variables were analyzed and a structural equation model was developed. The correlations revealed that there was a positive relationship between EI and student academic performance, but there was also a negative relationship regarding cybervictimization. In other words, students with lower EI were more likely to suffer from cybervictimization and could experience negative repercussions on school success. Through EI training and addressing disruptive behaviors by focusing on school climate, classroom management, and discipline, we can create emotional regulation guidelines among students to eradicate disruptive behaviors

    La universidad nacionalcatólica. La reacción antimoderna

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    La Universidad nacionalcatólica, la reacción antimoderna estudia los postulados ideológico-políticos de la dictadura franquista mediante el estudio de las oposiciones a cátedras universitarias entre 1939 y 1951. Tras el fin de la guerra civil la continuidad de la actividad científica y del espíritu con el que nació la Junta para Ampliación de Estudios fue imposible. La separación definitiva de la Universidad de catedráticos y profesores auxiliares destruyó el tejido científico que había permitido el despegue de la ciencia en España y la renovación de la universidad española. El coste fue abrumador, se perdió un valioso capital humano del que España no estaba sobrada. A lo largo de esta obra los autores han analizado todos los concursos de cátedras celebrados durante el ministerio de Ibáñez Martín, de todas las disciplinas de todas las universidades españolas entre 1939 y 1951. Un escenario emerge con claridad: la destrucción de la universidad de la edad de plata de la ciencia española y la construcción de una nueva universidad, basada en los postulados ideológico-políticos del nacionalcatolicismo. El destino de numerosas disciplinas quedó marcado durante decenios por los resultados de los primeros concursos de traslado y oposiciones de la inmediata posguerra.Cap. 1. La edad de plata y la renovación de la universidad española / Luis Enrique Otero Carvajal. -- Cap.2. La universidad nacionalcatólica / Luis Enrique Otero Carvajal. -- Cap. 3. La Física y las Matemáticas en la universidad nacionalcatólica / Luis Enrique Otero Carvajal. -- Cap. 4. La Química y la Farmacia en la universidad nacionalcatólica / Luis Enrique Otero Carvajal. -- Cap. 5. La Biología y la Geología en la universidad nacionalcatólica / Luis Enrique Otero Carvajal y José María López Sánchez. -- Cap. 6. La Medicina en la universidad nacionalcatólica / José María López Sánchez. -- Cap. 7. La Filosofía en la universidad nacionalcatólica / Rubén Pallol Trigueros. -- Cap. 8. La Historia, la Historia del Arte, la Paleografía y la Geografía en la Universidad nacionalcatólica / Rubén Pallol Trigueros. -- Cap. 9. La Filología en la universidad nacionalcatólica / Rubén Pallol Trigueros. -- Cap. 10. El Derecho Político en la universidad nacionalcatólica / Javier San Andrés Corral. -- Cap. 11. La Economía y el Derecho Mercantil en la universidad nacionalcatólica / Javier San Andrés Corral. -- Cap. 12. El Derecho Civil, Derecho Procesal, Derecho Penal, Derecho Canónico, Derecho Romano y la Historia del Derecho en la universidad nacionalcatólica / Gutmaro Gómez Bravo

    Physical Education and the Adoption of Habits Related to the Mediterranean Diet

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    Childhood obesity and sedentary lifestyles are now gaining a foothold in the Western world. The aim of this research was to analyse the influence of physical education classes on a healthy diet (i.e., Mediterranean diet). To this end, psychological constructs derived from the theory of self-determination and the theory of planned behaviour were taken into account, such as the satisfaction and frustration of basic psychological needs, motivation in physical education classes, and social cognition and intention. A total of 3415 secondary school students (13–19 years) participated in this study. A structural equation model was proposed that would explain the relationships between the variables mentioned above and the adherence to a Mediterranean diet. The results provide adequate fit indexes for the proposed model. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that a high satisfaction perceived in the physical education classes would help to reinforce the intention of having a healthy diet and therefore help to generate a perdurable commitment to this habit

    The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Resilience, Test Anxiety, Academic Stress and the Mediterranean Diet. A Study with University Students

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    The academic transition to university is a turning point in young people’s lifestyles. However, studies to date have focused on student behaviour within the classroom context, rather than on the consequences it may have on their lifestyle. This study aims to analyze the influence of emotional intelligence of university students on their resilience, academic stress, exam anxiety, and eating habits related to the Mediterranean diet at the university stage. This study was carried out with the participation of 733 male and 614 female students from the University of Almeria, aged between 19 and 27. A structural equation model was made to explain the causal relationships between the variables. The results showed emotional intelligence positively predicted resilience. In turn, test anxiety and academic stress were negatively predicted by resilience. Finally, test anxiety and academic stress were negatively predicted by the Mediterranean diet. In short, the results of the present study have shown that academic transfer to university and grading pressure can generate maladaptive consequences for food consumption

    Treatment of Dysphagia in Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review

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    The incidence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is very high. It is necessary to search for effective therapies that could prevent pneumonia. Previous results should be interpreted cautiously as there is a lack of evidence to support the use of compensatory or rehabilitative approaches to dysphagia. We reviewed the scientific literature to describe the treatments of dysphagia in PD. A systematic review was performed in PubMed, Scopus, Elsevier, and Medline according to PRISMA standards in 2018. The articles that did not mention dysphagia secondary to PD or used surgical treatment were excluded. Eleven articles met the criteria with information from 402 patients. The review relates to different protocols, such as training in expiratory muscle strength, postural techniques, oral motor exercises, video-assisted swallowing therapy, surface electrical stimulation, thermal stimulation, touch, compensatory interventions, training regime for swallowing, neuromuscular electrical stimulation, Lee Silverman voice treatment, swallow maneuver, airway protection, and postural compensation maneuvers. This review identifies the rationing interventions in each trial, if they are efficient and equitable. Several rehabilitative therapies have been successful. An improvement was seen in the degenerative function (coordination, speed, and volume), quality of life, and social relationships of people with PD. Further investigations concerning the clinical applicability of these therapies based on well-designed randomized controlled studies are needed. Larger patient populations need to be recruited to evaluate the effectiveness, long-term effects, and new treatment techniques