789 research outputs found

    Studying Solutions of the p-Median Problem for the Location of Public Bike Stations

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    The use of bicycles as a means of transport is becoming more and more popular today, especially in urban areas, to avoid the disadvantages of individual car traffic. In fact, city managers react to this trend and actively promote the use of bicycles by providing a network of bicycles for public use and stations where they can be stored. Establishing such a network involves the task of finding best locations for stations, which is, however, not a trivial task. In this work, we examine models to determine the best location of bike stations so that citizens will travel the shortest distance possible to one of them. Based on real data from the city of Malaga, we formulate our problem as a p-median problem and solve it with a variable neighborhood search algorithm that was automatically configured with irace. We compare the locations proposed by the algorithm with the real ones used currently by the city council. We also study where new locations should be placed if the network grows.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This research was partially funded by the University of Málaga, Andalucı́a Tech, the Spanish MINECO and FEDER projects: TIN2014- 57341-R, TIN2016-81766-REDT, and TIN2017-88213-R. C. Cintrano is supported by a FPI grant (BES-2015-074805) from Spanish MINECO

    ¿Las condiciones ambientales contrastantes de manglares pueden promover variabilidad morfológica en Aratus pisonii (Crustacea: Brachyura: Sesarmidae)?

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    Aratus pisonii is one of the most common crab species in Neotropical mangroves. It shows great plasticity in its life history traits, which makes it an interesting subject for comparative studies. This study evaluated the morphometric variability in five populations of A. pisonii inhabiting mangroves with different degrees of structural development under contrasting environmental conditions. Mangrove forests located on the northwest coast of Venezuela were studied during the rainy season in 2006. The results showed morphometric differences and interaction between sampling sites and sex (PERMANOVA, P=0.0001), as well as the presence of five morphological groups in males and four in females. The findings support the existence of sexual dimorphism. Females from the dwarf hypersaline mangrove showed a wide variability associated with the chelipeds. The differences in crab morphology between sites seem to be related to a combination of environmental factors that is unique for each habitat, leading to the formation of different morphological groups, in which the mangrove structural development (resource availability) and salinity (which compromises the energy budget) play an important role. The presence of more robust chelipeds in females from the dwarf hypersaline mangrove seems to reflect an adaptation to the biomechanical properties of the leaves (sclerophylly).Aratus pisonii es una de las especies de cangrejos más comunes en manglares neotropicales, mostrando una gran plasticidad en las características de su historia de vida, lo cual hace a este organismo interesante para estudios comparativos. Esta investigación evaluó la variabilidad morfométrica en cinco poblaciones de A. pisonii que habitan manglares con diferentes grados de desarrollo estructural bajo condiciones ambientales contrastantes. Se estudiaron los bosques de manglar localizados en la costa noroeste de Venezuela durante la estación lluviosa en 2006. Los resultados indicaron diferencias morfométricas e interacción entre sitios de muestreo y sexos (PERMANOVA, P=0.0001), así como la presencia de cinco grupos morfológicos en machos y cuatro en hembras. Los hallazgos soportan la existencia de dimorfismo sexual. Hembras del manglar achaparrado hipersalino mostraron una amplia variabilidad asociada con los quelípedos. Las diferencias en la morfología de los cangrejos entre sitios parecen responder a una combinación de factores ambientales únicos de cada hábitat, conllevando a la formación de diferentes grupos morfológicos, donde el desarrollo estructural del manglar (el cual representa la disponibilidad de recursos) y la salinidad (la cual compromete el presupuesto energético) juegan un papel importante. La presencia de quelípedos más robustos en hembras del manglar achaparrado hipersalino parece reflejar una adaptación a las propiedades biomecánicas de las hojas (esclerofilia)

    Hybridization of Evolutionary Operators with Elitist Iterated Racing for the Simulation Optimization of Traffic Lights Programs.

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    In the traffic light scheduling problem, the evaluation of candidate solutions requires the simulation of a process under various (traffic) scenarios. Thus, good solutions should not only achieve good objective function values, but they must be robust (low variance) across all different scenarios. Previous work has shown that combining IRACE with evolutionary operators is effective for this task due to the power of evolutionary operators in numerical optimization. In this article, we further explore the hybridization of evolutionary operators and the elitist iterated racing of IRACE for the simulation–optimization of traffic light programs. We review previous works from the literature to find the evolutionary operators performing the best when facing this problem to propose new hybrid algorithms. We evaluate our approach over a realistic case study derived from the traffic network of Málaga (Spain) with 275 traffic lights that should be scheduled optimally. The experimental analysis reveals that the hybrid algorithm comprising IRACE plus differential evolution offers statistically better results than the other algorithms when the budget of simulations is low. In contrast, IRACE performs better than the hybrids for a high simulations budget, although the optimization time is much longer.This research was partially funded by the University of Malaga, Andaluc ´ ´ıa Tech and the project TAILOR Grant #952215, H2020-ICT-2019-3. C. Cintrano is supported by a FPI grant (BES-2015-074805) from Spanish MINECO. M. Lopez-Ib ´ a´nez is a ˜ “Beatriz Galindo” Senior Distinguished Researcher (BEAGAL 18/00053) funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government. J. Ferrer is supported by a postdoc grant (DOC/00488) funded by the Andalusian Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities

    Entrepreneurship and dynamisation of internships for the approach to the future of work

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    [EN] Degree practices are an opportunity for students to find out about possible employment opportunities for their studies. They are a key moment, not only to consolidate theoretical knowledge, but also for the teaching staff and/or institutions to motivate students, show them possible job opportunities and help them to get the most out of their studies through research or entrepreneurship. The aim of this study is to analyse the lack of misinformation and need on the part of students in the different fields of study and to propose possible solutions. When students of the different degrees of the University of Valencia were surveyed, the results reflect a lack of information on the part of the students during the courses, as well as a lack of motivation on the part of the teaching staff. However, most of them would like to have more knowledge and training in degree practices and entrepreneurship, but indicate a lack of information during the academic years. Therefore, teachers should take advantage of degree practices to show them the importance of this, to motivate them and to presentations during the courses to motivate them and help them in their choice of future.[ES] Las prácticas de las asignaturas de los grados son una oportunidad para los alumnos de conocer las posibles salidas laborales de sus estudios. Son un momento clave, no solo para afianzar conocimientos teóricos sino por parte del profesorado y/o las instituciones para motivar al alumno, mostrarle las posibles salidas laborales y ayudarle a obtener el máximo rendimiento de sus estudios a través de la investigación o del emprendimiento. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la falta de desinformación y necesidad por parte de los alumnos, de las diferentes ramas de estudio y proponer posibles soluciones. Al realizar las encuestas a los alumnos de los diferentes grados de la Universidad de Valencia, los resultados reflejan falta de información por parte de los alumnos durante los cursos, además de poca motivación por parte el profesorado. Sin embargo, a la mayoría les gustaría tener un mayor conocimiento y formarse más en las prácticas y emprender, pero indican la falta de información durante los años académicos. Por tanto, los profesores deberíamos aprovechar las prácticas para mostrarles la importancia de estas, motivarlos y la realización de charlas durante los cursos para motivarles y ayudarles en su elección de futuro.Torres Cuevas, I.; Marqués Martinez, E.; Deltoro López, P.; Torres Cuevas, E. (2022). Emprendimiento y dinamización de las prácticas para el enfoque del futuro laboral. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 417-425. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.1593641742

    Consideraciones para la provisión de servicios de regulación de fertilidad para mujeres durante la pandemia por COVID-19

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    Introduction. The sexual and reproductive health (SRH) constitutes a universal human right. Due the consequences generated by the pandemic Virus SARS-COV-2 sexual and reproductive health benefits have been deprioritized in different countries. In Chile, a loss in access and continuity of benefits has been observed due to the reorientation of primary health care resources. The consequences of these decisions affected the preventive benefits in SRH and the discontinuation of contraceptive controls. The latter becomes more serious if it is observed that this level solves 95 % of the contraceptive benefits of the entire public network. Objectives. Describe the main international recommendations available regarding the management of contraception in pandemic times and generate proposals for our country. Material and Methods. It was done a literature review in Pubmed, the Cochrane Library and the websites of the main international Spanish and English-speaking scientific societies. Results. 6 documents were identified that systematize the recent and updated information so that the countries can face better the problems in contraception. The results were organized into the following categories: implementation of a non-face-to-face consultation system, suggestions for access to information / services and management of different types of contraception. Conclusions. The adoption of all or some of the proposed measures implies that the health system can prevent the consequences derived from the loss of access and continuity in contraceptive and SRH services.Introducción. La salud sexual y reproductiva (SSR) constituye un derecho humano universal. Debido a las consecuencias generadas por la pandemia del Virus SARS-COV-2 las prestaciones en salud sexual y reproductiva han sido postergadas en diferentes países. En Chile, debido a las medidas de distanciamiento social y reorganización de los servicios, se ha observado una pérdida en el acceso y continuidad de las prestaciones a causa de la reorientación de los recursos de atención primaria de salud. Las consecuencias de estas decisiones afectan a las prestaciones preventivas en SSR y descontinuación de los controles de anticoncepción. Esto último se torna más grave si se observa que este nivel resuelve el 95 % de las prestaciones de anticoncepción de toda la red pública. Objetivos. Describir las principales recomendaciones internacionales disponibles respecto del manejo de la anticoncepción en tiempos de pandemia y generar propuestas generales aplicables a nuestro país. Material y métodos. Se realizó una revisión de literatura en Pubmed, Biblioteca Cochrane y sitios web de las principales sociedades científicas internacionales de habla hispana e inglesa. Resultados. Se identificaron 6 documentos que sistematizan la información reciente y actualizada para que los países puedan enfrentar de la mejor manera las problemáticas en anticoncepción. Los resultados fueron organizados en: implementación de sistema de consultas no presenciales, sugerencias para el acceso a información/ servicios y manejo de los distintos tipos de anticoncepción. Conclusiones. La adopción de la totalidad o algunas de las medidas propuestas supone que un sistema de salud pueda prevenir las consecuencias derivadas de la pérdida de acceso y continuidad en los servicios de anticoncepción y SSR

    Propuesta para el diseño de un Programa de Gestión para trabajo en espacios confinados en la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, según la resolución 0491 de 2020

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    Resumen La Universidad Militar Nueva granada cuenta desde el año 2016 con un sistema de gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo ligado a la norma OHSAS 18001:2007 y certificados en la norma NTC ISO 45001:2018 y los requisitos legales entre otros, así mismo se identificó que el SG SST no cuenta con la articulación de un programa de gestión para trabajos en espacios confinados que realizan las contratitas en sus instalaciones Con base a lo anterior el planteamiento del problema se orienta a la propuesta de un diseño de un programa de gestión para las actividades en espacios confinados enmarcando la prevención de riesgos de los trabajadores que realizan estas tareas, el cual llevará a la mitigación y disminución de accidentes de trabajo que por medio de este estudio se puedan identificar. A su vez, como parte del desarrollo de la presente investigación se aplicaron herramientas que permitieron realizar un análisis del estado actual de las condiciones de la UMNG y como diseñar el programa, lo anterior fue insumo para la estructuración del contenido del programa alineado a los establecido en la resolución 0491 de 2020. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: DOFA, entrevista, inventario de los espacios confinados, Análisis de la matriz de identificación de peligros y evaluación de riesgos de los contratistas que ejecutan las actividades en la UMNG. Palabras claves: gestión, prevención, riesgos, accidentes, espacios confinadosThe Universidad Militar Nueva Granada has, since 2016, an occupational health and safety management system linked to the OHSAS 18001: 2007 standard and certified in the NTC ISO 45001: 2018 standard and legal requirements, among others, as well It was identified that the SG SST does not have the articulation of a management program for works in confined spaces that the contractors carry out in its facilities Based on the above, the problem statement is oriented to the proposal of a design of a management program for activities in confined spaces framing the prevention of risks of the workers who perform these tasks, which will lead to the mitigation and reduction of work accidents that can be identified through this study. In turn, as part of the development of this research, tools were applied that allowed an analysis of the current state of the conditions of the UMNG and how to design the program, the above was input for the structuring of the content of the program aligned to the established in resolution 0491 of 2020. The instruments used were: SWOT, interview, inventory of confined spaces, Analysis of the hazard identification matrix and risk assessment of the contractors that carry out the activities in the UMNG. Keywords: management, prevention, risks, accidents, confined spacesIntroducción Titulo1 1. Problema de investigación 1.1. Descripción del problema 1.2. Formulación del problema 2. Objetivos de la investigación 2.1. Objetivo general 2.2. Objetivos específicos 3. Justificación y delimitación 3.1. Justificación 3.2. Delimitación de la investigación 3.3. Limitaciones 4. Marco de referencia 4.1. Estado del arte 4.2. Marco teórico 4.3. Marco legal 5. Marco metodológico de la investigación 5.1. Recolección de la información 5.2. Análisis de la información – fases 5.3. Diagrama Gannt 6. Resultados 6.1. Análisis e interpretación de los resultados 6.2. Análisis matriz de peligros y valoración de los riesgos 6.3. Informe gerencial Programa de gestión para espacios confinados 7. Análisis financiero 8. Conclusiones y recomendaciones 8.1. Conclusiones 8.2. Recomendaciones 9. ReferenciasEspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de la Seguridad y Salud en el TrabajoEspecialización en Gerencia de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabaj

    Ether gas-sensor based on Au nanoparticles-decorated ZnO microstructures

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    Trabajo de Investigación derivado de la estancia Posdoctoral del Dr. Roberto LópezAn ether gas-sensor was fabricated based on gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) decorated zinc oxide microstructures (ZnO-MS). Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and high-resolution transmission elec- tron microscope (HRTEM) measurements were performed to study morphological and structural proper- ties, respectively, of the ZnO-MS. The gas sensing response was evaluated in a relatively low temperature regime, which ranged between 150 and 250 C. Compared with a sensor fabricated from pure ZnO-MS, the sensor based on Au-NPs decorated ZnO-MS showed much better ether gas response at the highest working temperature. In fact, pure ZnO-MS based sensor only showed a weak sensitivity of about 25%. The improvement of the ether gas response for sensor fabricated with Au-NPs decorated ZnO-MS was attributed to the catalytic activity of the Au-NPs.Investigación realizada bajo proyecto UAEM 1025/2014RIF

    Factors Determining Food Safety in Cuban Municipalities: Limitations and Capacities for Chain Approach Management

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    The aim of this paper is to identify the most commonly recognized determining factors of food safety, according to the dimensions established at the municipal scale; and secondly, to assess the capacities and limitations for chain approach management, in Cuba. Various national and international related methods, laws, programs, and policies were examined. The documentary review resulted in the classification of 10 factors, including four dimensions: availability (4), access (3), stability (1), and food use (2). The most commonly recognized factors by 16 authors were, 1) income level, 2) food prices, 3) local food production, 4) basic sanitation. A 5th factor was included, according to the authors’ criteria about the characteristics of the Cuban scenario: seasonality of crops and food items. They were linked to the agro-food chain through examples derived from the implementation of business projects and initiatives. It was concluded that the factors that determined access in terms of consumer market demand top priority in terms of municipal development strategies and Management of Municipal Administrations. Meanwhile, the limitations to apply this approach are mainly the contradictions between sector and local development