63 research outputs found

    Curso clínico de micosis producidas por Exophiala xenobiotica en paciente trasplantado renal en el Hospital Universitario de Burgos

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    Mycosis by exophiala xenobiotica comprise a broad clinical spectrum in immunosuppressed patients, from localized to disseminated infections. They are a recognized etiology of phaeohyphomycosis, currently considered as emerging fungal infections in transplanted solid organ recipients. We present 2 cases of mycosis by exophiala xenobiotica in kidney transplant recipients, a localized cutaneous mycosis and a systemic infection with central nervous system involvement.Las micosis por Exophiala xenobiotica comprenden un amplio espectro clínico en pacientes inmunosuprimidos, desde infecciones localizadas, hasta diseminadas. Son incluidas como etiología de las feohifomicosis, actualmente consideradas como infecciones fúngicas emergentes en pacientes trasplantados de órgano sólido. Presentamos 2 casos de micosis por Eexophiala xenobiotica en paciente trasplantado renal, una micosis cutánea localizada y una infección sistémica con afectación del sistema nervioso central

    Effect of the Inoculation Site of Bovine and Avian Purified Protein Derivatives (PPDs) on the Performance of the Intradermal Tuberculin Test in Goats From Tuberculosis-Free and Infected Herds

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    The single and comparative intradermal tuberculin (SIT and CIT) tests are used for the ante-mortem diagnosis of caprine tuberculosis (TB). The tuberculin injection site has been associated with a different performance of the test in cattle. In contrast to that required in cattle in Europe (cervical injection), it can be carried out in the scapular region in goats. Nevertheless, there are no previous data concerning the effect of the injection site on the performance of the test in goats. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of two different inoculation sites (cervical and scapular) on the performance of the SIT/CIT tests. This was done by intradermally inoculating 309 goats from two infected herds and one TB-free herd with both avian and bovine PPDs in the mid-cervical and scapular regions. None of the animals from the TB-free herd had positive reactions, and the number of reactors was not significantly higher, regardless of the inoculation site, in the high and low prevalence herds. However, significantly higher increases in skin fold thickness were observed on the cervical site when compared to the scapular site after the avian and bovine PPD inoculations in the TB-free herd (p < 0.001) and after the bovine PPD injection in the high prevalence herd (p = 0.003). The presence of clinical signs was also more evident on the cervical site when using avian and bovine PPDs in the high prevalence herd (p < 0.01). In contrast, increases in higher skin fold thickness were observed on the scapular site when compared to the cervical site after the bovine and avian PPD inoculations were employed in the low prevalence herd (p < 0.01). These results suggest that the cervical injection of PPDs may improve the sensitivity of the intradermal tuberculin test in high TB prevalence caprine herds, mainly owing to the increased presence of local clinical signs and a better performance of the CIT test. Moreover, specificity was not affected when using standard interpretations, although further analyses in a great number of herds are required in order to confirm these findings.This study was funded by the Herramientas para alcanzar la erradicación de la tuberculosis caprina (GoaTBfree) project (PID2019-105155RB-C31) and the Spanish Government's Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. JO was supported by an FPU (Formación de Profesorado Universitario) contract-fellowship provided by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (FPU18/05197).S

    Glacial geomorphology of the High Gredos Massif: Gredos and Pinar valleys (Iberian Central System, Spain)

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    We present a detailed geomorphological map of the landform assemblages originated by the two major paleoglaciers of the Sierra de Gredos mountain range in the Spanish Iberian Central System. Based on previous works, our map focused on the features formed by Gredos and Pinar paleoglaciers during the last glaciation and subsequent glacial events. Based on a remote sensing analysis and exhaustive field surveys, we identified with great accuracy the local distribution of glacial, periglacial, mass movement, structural, fluvial, and lacustrine features. We recognized three main glacial geomorphological formations representing: (i) the maximum glacial extension reached (peripheral deposits); (ii) the culmination of glacial conditions (principal moraines) and (iii) the local glacial withdrawal (internal deposits). Our map offers a renewed spatial framework on which to conduct higher-resolution glacial chronologies, especially of Late Glacial and Holocene glacial activity, providing key information for performing future paleoclimatic reconstructions of the northern hemisphere mid-latitudes

    Production of spinach in intensive Mediterranean horticultural systems can be sustained by organic-based fertilizers without yield penalties and withlow environmental impacts

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    Agricultural production of leafy vegetables in Mediterranean countries aims to achieve high yields without elevated nitrate contents in the edible parts. This implies an adjusted nutrient management, especially of nitrogen (N), in irrigated horticultural systems under semiarid conditions. These horticultural systems are highly relevant in SE Spain from an economic perspective. However, the management of N fertilizer, generally applied in large amounts (150–250 kg N ha−1 in a split application), could trigger losses of reactive N to the environment. The use of novel fertilizers may fulfill the nitrogen requirements of the crop, but should also help to decrease the environmental impacts of production, thus achieving carbon-neutral horticultural systems through (e.g.) enhancement of carbon (C) stocks and greenhouse gases (GHG) emission abatement. In this experiment, eight different fertilizing scenarios at a normalized N application rate of 150 kg N ha−1 were assessed in terms of crop yields, nutrients uptake, C stocking capacity, and yield-scaled GHG emissions. Inorganic NPK fertilizers, digestates, biosolids, composts, and vermicomposts were included among this set of fertilizers. Our results show that organic-based stabilized materials, especially composts, lowered the NO3 − concentration in spinach leaves, in comparison to organic raw materials and synthetic fertilizers. They also produced yields similar to those of slow-release synthetic fertilizers, but with a significant increase in soil organic C 61 days after application. In general, N2O emissions were positively affected by the treatments. Nevertheless, direct N2O emissions were generally low (the highest emission factor, 0.13, being for the biosolid treatment) due to the combined mitigating effect of both the edapho-climatic conditions and the management practices. In general, cumulative CO2 emissions were high in all organic scenarios compared to the control treatment (299 kg C-CO2 ha−1), the highest values being observed in the treatment with biosolid (589 kg C-CO2 ha−1), probably due to differences in the labile organic C contents. In conclusion, some of the organic-based treatments showed multiple positive effects: on crop quality (i.e. leaf N content), crop yields, and GHG mitigation potential. Based on our results, the use of these materials represents an optimized N fertilizer strategy to help achieve a circular economy, by closing nutrient loops and decreasing the environmental impacts of horticultural production systems in semiarid regions of southern Europ

    Pregnancy control in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus/antiphospholipid syndrome. Part 2: Pregnancy follow-up

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    Objective: In order to agree on the fundamental aspects related to the management of pregnancy in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), the Spanish Societies of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Internal Medicine and Rheumatology set up a working group for the preparation of three consensus documents. Methods: Each of the Scientific Societies involved proposed five representatives based on their experience in the field of pregnancy control in patients with autoimmune diseases. The recommendations were developed following the Delphi methodology. Results: This second document contains the recommendations regarding the management of pregnancy in women with SLE and APS, including complications such as lupus activity, congenital heart block, thrombotic and obstetric manifestations of APS and placental vascular disease. Conclusions: These multidisciplinary recommendations are considered decision-making tools for clinicians involved in the care of patients with SLE/APS during pregnancy.Objetivo: Las sociedades españolas de ginecología y obstetricia, de medicina interna y de reumatología han constituido un grupo de trabajo paritario para la elaboración de 3 documentos de consenso sobre el control del embarazo en mujeres con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) y síndrome antifosfolípido (SAF).Métodos: Cada una de las sociedades científicas implicadas propuso 5 representantes en base a su experiencia en el área del control del embarazo en pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes. Las recomendaciones se elaboraron siguiendo la metodología Delphi. Resultados: En este segundo documento se incluyen las recomendaciones que abordan el manejo del embarazo normal y sus complicaciones en mujeres con LES/SAF. Se presentan las recomendaciones relacionadas con el seguimiento del embarazo, la actividad lúpica, el bloqueo cardíaco congénito, las manifestaciones trombóticas y obstétricas del SAF y los defectos de placentación. Conclusiones: Estas recomendaciones multidisciplinares se consideran herramientas en la toma de decisiones para los clínicos involucrados en la asistencia a pacientes con LES/SAF durante el embarazo

    Pregnancy Control in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Antiphospholipid Syndrome. Part 1: Infertility, Ovarian Preservation and Preconception Assessment. Consensus Document of the Spanish Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SEGO), the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI) and the Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER)

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    Objetivo: El embarazo y el puerperio se consideran una situación de riesgo en mujeres con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) y síndrome antifosfolípido (SAF). Es esencial que especialistas en enfermedades autoinmunes y en embarazo de alto riesgo intervengan en su seguimiento de forma coordinada. La Sociedad Española de Ginecología y Obstetricia, la Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna, y la Sociedad Española de Reumatología han constituido un grupo de trabajo paritario para la elaboración de 3 documentos de consenso. Métodos: Las fases del trabajo fueron: distribución del trabajo en grupos correspondientes a los 3 períodos relacionados con la gestación, identificación de áreas clave, revisión de la literatura y formulación de recomendaciones. Resultados: En este primer documento se incluyen las primeras 48 recomendaciones que tratan aspectos relacionados con la infertilidad, la necesidad y los tratamientos de preservación gonadal y la valoración preconcepcional. Conclusiones: Estas recomendaciones multidisciplinares se consideran herramientas en la toma de decisiones para los clínicos involucrados en la asistencia a pacientes con LES/SAF durante el embarazo

    Palynological Study of the Roman Site of La Vereda (Burguillos, Sevilla): From Paleoenvrionmental Reconstruction to Functionality of Structures

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    RESUMEN: Análisis arqueopalinológicos se llevaron a cabo en contextos del yacimiento de La Vereda (Burguillos, Sevilla), en el sur de España, ubicados cronológicamente en el siglo III d.C. en el momento de abandono hasta la actualidad del área excavada. Los datos aportados por el estudio de pólenes y microfósiles no polínicos contribuyen notablemente a detallar la función de determinadas estructuras documentadas en el sitio. En época romana se cultivaron cereales, lino y olivos, en un paisaje muy alterado por las actividades antrópicas.El trabajo palinológico ha sido financiado por el Proyecto de investigación de Excelencia P11RNM-7033 de la Junta de Andalucía; y la parte arqueológica por el proyecto HAR2013-43599P y HAR2016-78691P del MINECO

    Impact of interstitial lung disease on the survival of systemic sclerosis with pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    To assess severity markers and outcomes of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) with or without pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH-SSc/non-PAH-SSc), and the impact of interstitial lung disease (ILD) on PAH-SSc. Non-PAH-SSc patients from the Spanish SSc registry and PAH-SSc patients from the Spanish PAH registry were included. A total of 364 PAH-SSc and 1589 non-PAH-SSc patients were included. PAH-SSc patients had worse NYHA-functional class (NYHA-FC), worse forced vital capacity (FVC) (81.2 ± 20.6% vs 93.6 ± 20.6%, P &lt; 0.001), worse tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) (17.4 ± 5.2 mm vs 19.9 ± 6.7 mm, P &lt; 0.001), higher incidence of pericardial effusion (30% vs 5.2%, P &lt; 0.001) and similar prevalence of ILD (41.8% vs. 44.9%). In individuals with PAH-SSc, ILD was associated with worse hemodynamics and pulmonary function tests (PFT). Up-front combination therapy was used in 59.8% and 61.7% of patients with and without ILD, respectively. Five-year transplant-free survival rate was 41.1% in PAH-SSc patients and 93.9% in non-PAH-SSc patients (P &lt; 0.001). Global survival of PAH-SSc patients was not affected by ILD regardless its severity. The multivariate survival analysis in PAH-SSc patients confirmed age at diagnosis, worse NYHA-FC, increased PVR, reduced DLCO, and lower management with up-front combination therapy as major risk factors. In conclusion, in PAH-SSc cohort risk of death was greatly increased by clinical, PFT, and hemodynamic factors, whereas it was decreased by up-front combination therapy. Concomitant ILD worsened hemodynamics and PFT in PAH-SSc but not survival regardless of FVC impairment

    Impact of interstitial lung disease on the survival of systemic sclerosis with pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    To assess severity markers and outcomes of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) with or without pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH-SSc/non-PAH-SSc), and the impact of interstitial lung disease (ILD) on PAH-SSc. Non-PAH-SSc patients from the Spanish SSc registry and PAH-SSc patients from the Spanish PAH registry were included. A total of 364 PAH-SSc and 1589 non-PAH-SSc patients were included. PAH-SSc patients had worse NYHA-functional class (NYHA-FC), worse forced vital capacity (FVC) (81.2 +/- 20.6% vs 93.6 +/- 20.6%, P < 0.001), worse tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) (17.4 +/- 5.2 mm vs 19.9 +/- 6.7 mm, P < 0.001), higher incidence of pericardial effusion (30% vs 5.2%, P < 0.001) and similar prevalence of ILD (41.8% vs. 44.9%). In individuals with PAH-SSc, ILD was associated with worse hemodynamics and pulmonary function tests (PFT). Up-front combination therapy was used in 59.8% and 61.7% of patients with and without ILD, respectively. Five-year transplant-free survival rate was 41.1% in PAH-SSc patients and 93.9% in non-PAH-SSc patients (P < 0.001). Global survival of PAH-SSc patients was not affected by ILD regardless its severity. The multivariate survival analysis in PAH-SSc patients confirmed age at diagnosis, worse NYHA-FC, increased PVR, reduced DLCO, and lower management with up-front combination therapy as major risk factors. In conclusion, in PAH-SSc cohort risk of death was greatly increased by clinical, PFT, and hemodynamic factors, whereas it was decreased by up-front combination therapy. Concomitant ILD worsened hemodynamics and PFT in PAH-SSc but not survival regardless of FVC impairment