333 research outputs found

    Niche divergence and limits to expansion in the high polyploid Dianthus broteri complex

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    Niche evolution in plant polyploids remains controversial and evidence for alternative patterns has been reported. Using the autopolyploid Dianthus broteri complex (2×, 4×, 6× and 12×) as a model, we aimed to integrate three scenarios – competitive exclusion, recurrent origins of cytotypes and niche filling – into a single framework of polyploid niche evolution. We hypothesized that high polyploids would tend to evolve towards extreme niches when low ploidy cytotypes have nearly filled the niche space. We used several ecoinformatics and phylogenetic comparative analyses to quantify differences in the ecological niche of each cytotype and to evaluate alternative models of niche evolution. Each cytotype in this complex occupied a distinct ecological niche. The distributions were mainly constrained by soil characteristics, temperature and drought stress imposed by the Mediterranean climate. Tetraploids had the highest niche breadth and overlap due to their multiple origins, whereas the higher ploidy cytotypes were found in different, restricted, nonoverlapping niches. Niche evolution analyses suggested a scenario with one niche optimum for each ploidy, including the two independent tetraploid lineages.Our results suggest that the fate of nascent polyploids could not be predicted without accounting for phylogenetic relatedness, recurrent origins or the niche occupied by ancestors.Aridos La Melera S.L. (FIUS project 2234/0724

    Polyploidy promotes divergent evolution across the leaf economics spectrum and plant edaphic niche in the Dianthus broteri complex

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    The evolution of the leaf economics spectrum (LES) is known to be constrained by genetic relatedness but also promoted at small geographical and phylogenetic scales. In those cases, we hypothesized that polyploidy would play a prominent role as an outstanding source of functional divergence and adaptive potential. We registered leaf-level nutrient, water- and light-economy-related traits from the LES as well as edaphic properties in the four cytotypes of the autopolyploid Dianthus broteri complex (2×, 4×, 6× and 12×). We analysed the effect of ploidy level on the integration of the LES network, checked if concerted evolution occurred between LES and soil niche and tested the influence of phylogeny on the variables. Alternative evolutionary models for both sets of traits were compared. We found higher divergence of polyploids (especially 6× and 12×) compared to diploids in the LES and soil niche, but these traits are not coevolving. 6× and 12× showed opposite ecological strategies regarding resource use and higher uncoupling of the LES network. Early divergence of traits prevailed in both LES and edaphic niche (supported by better fitted evolutionary models with one optimum per cytotype), but post-polyploidization processes played an important role for the photochemical behaviour. Synthesis. Our results indicated shifts in ecological strategies across Dianthus broteri cytotypes and suggested a powerful role of polyploidy in overcoming constraints for the evolution of plant functional traits.PGC2018-098358-B-I00 from the Spanish MICINNÁridos La Melera S.L. (FIUS project 2234/0724

    A Simplified Modeling Approach of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines for Dynamic Simulations

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    Currently, floating offshore wind is experiencing rapid development towards a commercial scale. However, the research to design new control strategies requires numerical models of low computational cost accounting for the most relevant dynamics. In this paper, a reduced linear time-domain model is presented and validated. The model represents the main floating offshore wind turbine dynamics with four planar degrees of freedom: surge, heave, pitch, first tower foreaft deflection, and rotor speed to account for rotor dynamics. The model relies on multibody and modal theories to develop the equation of motion. Aerodynamic loads are calculated using the wind turbine power performance curves obtained in a preprocessing step. Hydrodynamic loads are precomputed using a panel code solver and the mooring forces are obtained using a look-up table for different system displacements. Without any adjustment, the model accurately predicts the system motions for coupled stochastic wind–wave conditions when it is compared against OpenFAST, with errors below 10% for all the considered load cases. The largest errors occur due to the transient effects during the simulation runtime. The model aims to be used in the early design stages as a dynamic simulation tool in time and frequency domains to validate preliminary designs. Moreover, it could also be used as a control design model due to its simplicity and low modeling order.The work was funded by the Basque Government through the BIKAINTEK PhD support program (grant No. 48-AF-W2-2019-00010

    On the entropy of a stealth vector-tensor black hole

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    We apply Wald's formalism to a Lagrangian within generalised Proca gravity that admits a Schwarzschild black hole with a non-trivial vector field. The resulting entropy differs from that of the same black hole in General Relativity by a logarithmic correction modulated by the only independent charge of the vector field. We find conditions on this charge to guarantee that the entropy is a non-decreasing function of the black hole area, as is the case in GR. If this requirement is extended to black hole mergers, we find that for Planck scale black holes, a non-decreasing entropy is possible only if the area of the final black hole is several times larger than the initial total area of the merger. Finally, we discuss some implications of the vector Galileon entropy from the point of view of entropic gravity

    Municipalities of Extremadura InfoParticipa Transparency Map. Case study with the Community of Baleare

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    Se analizan las websites de los ayuntamientos con más de 10000 habitantes de la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura. Se procede al análisis mediante un formulario/cuestionario con 41 apartados que se comparan con el estudio realizado en la Comunidad Autónoma de Baleares. El análisis por grupo de indicadores muestra que de los 14 municipios de la Comunidad de Extremadura, 7 ayuntamientos aprueban y 7 suspenden. Aunque ambas Comunidades presentan datos parecidos globalmente Extremadura está ligeramente por encima a nivel de transparencia municipal. Es imprescindible que los ayuntamientos tanto extremeños como baleares intensifiquen sus esfuerzos para mejorar la comunicación con sus ciudadanos.The websites of the municipalities of Extremadura with more than 10,000 inhabitants were analyzed. The analysis was made using a form/questionnaire with 41 indicators and the results were compared with the study of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands. The analysis of the group of indicators shows that seven councils approve and seven suspended from the total of 14 municipalities of the Community of Extremadura. Although both Communities have similar data, Extremadura is slightly above at the level of municipal transparency. Both Autonomous Communities of Balearic Islands and Extremadura should intensify their efforts to improve communication with its citizens

    Efecto agudo del programa Knäkontroll sobre parámetros del rendimiento físico en jugadores de fútbol de categoría juvenil

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    Soccer is a sport that, due to the high physical demands it requires, entails a high injury risk. Given the magnitude of the problem, researchers have opted to design preventive strategies with the aim of minimizing the incidence of injuries in this sport. These strategies have been structured as warm-up programs. However, evidence on the acute effect of these interventions on parameters of physical performance is scarce. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to assess the acute effect of the Knäkontroll program (level B) on several parameters of physical performance in youth soccer players. A quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test design was used, including the dynamic stability of the lower extremity (Y-Balance Test), the landing kinematics during a vertical jump (Tuck Jump Assessment [TJA]), the ankle dorsiflexion range of motion (ROM-Sport), and the performance of unilateral jumping in the horizontal (Single-Legged Hop Tests) and vertical (Single Leg Countermovement Jump [SLCMJ]) directions as main measures of physical performance. The results showed a significant increase on all physical performance measures after the implementation of the Knäkontroll program, with the exception of the SLCMJ and TJA. In conclusion, the Knäkontroll program may be viewed as a suitable warm-up strategy to be implemented prior to soccer practice. However, the inclusion of additional plyometric exercises might contribute to improve the players’ performance in vertical jumping skills.El fútbol es un deporte que, por la alta exigencia física que requiere, lleva asociado un elevado riesgo de lesión. Dada la magnitud del problema, los investigadores han optado por diseñar estrategias preventivas que ayuden a minimizar la incidencia de lesión en este deporte. Estas estrategias se han organizado como programas de calentamiento previo a la participación en el deporte. Sin embargo, la evidencia sobre el efecto agudo de estas intervenciones sobre parámetros del rendimiento físico es escasa. Por tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar el efecto agudo del programa Knäkontroll (nivel B) sobre parámetros del rendimiento físico en jugadores de fútbol de categoría juvenil. Para ello, se utilizó un diseño cuasi-experimental pre-test y post-test, empleando la estabilidad dinámica de la extremidad inferior (Y-Balance Test), la cinemática de la caída en salto vertical (Tuck Jump Assessment [TJA]), el rango de movimiento articular de la dorsiflexión de tobillo (ROM-Sport), la distancia de salto horizontal unilateral (Single-Legged Hop Tests), y la altura de salto vertical unilateral (Single Leg Countermovement Jump [SLCMJ]) como principales medidas del rendimiento físico. Los resultados mostraron un incremento significativo del rendimiento para todas las variables tras la implementación del programa Knäkontroll, a excepción de la altura en el SLCMJ y la cinemática en el TJA. En conclusión, el programa Knäkontroll se presenta como una estrategia adecuada para su aplicación como calentamiento previo a la práctica del fútbol. No obstante, la inclusión de ejercicios (o variantes) adicionales que trabajen el componente pliométrico podría contribuir a la mejora del desempeño en el salto vertical

    Numerical modelling o bed sediment particle tracking in open channel with skewed box-culvert

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    A particle tracking model was applied to estimate the bed sediment transport in open channel with skewed box-culvert in rivers in Mexico, for which purpose the calculation of the hydrodynamics of the study channel was determined the three-dimensional velocity field [1], later, the calculation of particle transport was obtained, which was determined in any direction of the space caused by the velocity field and the turbulent dispersion (random movement of the Brownian type). The dispersion and re-suspension mechanisms of the particles used were represented by stochastic models, which describe the movement by means of a probability function [2]. The validation of the model was previously carried out by [3], obtaining average relative errors of less than 4.8%. Three numerical scenarios were calculated including different alternatives and its behaviour at the entrance, interior and exit of the water flow in the construction to determine which is the best option to be used on the skewed multi barrel crossings. In order to accomplish this, a variable slope channel and 1: 60 scale models of box culverts with 10, 22 and 45 degrees of skewedness were used. The results observed in the multi-eyed box culverts were favourable, due to the fact that the speed utside of them, which favours the hydrodynamic behaviour and minimize the accumulation of sediment into structure in the river

    Global trends in coronavirus research at the time of Covid-19: A general bibliometric approach and content analysis using SciMAT

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    Covid-19 represents the greatest challenge facing mankind today. In December 2019, several cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology were reported from China. This coronavirus infection subsequently identified as Covid-19 aroused worldwide concern. As a result, the scientific community has focused attention on Covid-19, as revealed by recent research reported in literature based on a holistic approach. In this regard, this study conducts a bibliometric analysis of coronavirus research in the literature with an emphasis on Covid-19 disease, using as a reference the publications in the Web of Science Core Collection from 1970 to 2020. This research analyzes 12,571 publications from 1970 to (April 18) 2020 by applying advanced bibliometric techniques in SciMAT bibliometric analysis software. The current research therefore provides a complete conceptual analysis of the main coronavirus types and strains in the literature by quantifying the main bibliometric performance indicators, identifying the main authors, organizations, countries, sources, and research areas, and evaluating the development of this field. Furthermore, a science map is constructed to understand the corresponding intellectual structure and main research lines (themes). SciMAT thereby offers a complete approach to the field and evaluates the main performance indicators related to coronavirus, with a focus on Covid-19. Finally, this research serves as a framework to strengthen existing research lines and develop new ones, establishing synergistic relationships that were not visible without the maps generated herein

    Numerical study and experimental validation of the water films and the detachment of drops on drifts eliminators

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    This paper is focused on the study of a type of drift eliminator installed in a mechanical draft cooling tower. Drift eliminators are installed in cooling towers in order to avoid water droplets to be emitted to the ambient. These droplets are formed by the crossflow between airflow and water pulverization inside the tower. The study is centered on the analysis of three aspects: the water film formed on the plates of the drift eliminator, the size of water droplets detached from this film and the flow conditions for the detachment of these droplets. These aspects are studied with a multiphase numerical approach, validated by experimental tests. Good agreement is obtained between numerical and experimental results. The study shows that the behavior of water droplets is very influenced by air velocity inside the cooling tower. Moreover, limits for air velocity are set for the drift eliminator not to act as a droplet generator itself.This research is sponsored by the Spanish Government, through the Projects No. ENE2013-48696-C2-2-R and ENE2013-48696-C2-1-R, including FEDER (European Union)