903 research outputs found

    La violencia grupal juvenil

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    El autor pedirá permiso a la revista si en algún momento desea reimprimir este artículo en otros medios, y debe hacer la mención de la versión original publicada en la revista española Psicología PolíticaEl tratamiento otorgado al fenómeno de la violencia grupal juvenil en nuestro contexto social se revela como paradigma del modo en que se configuran y distorsionan los objetos sociales que interpelan reiteradamente a nuestra sociedad. El alarmismo cíclico sobre la expansión incontrolada del fenómeno o la persistente tendencia a vincularlo con fines instrumentales de carácter delictivo son algunas de las distorsiones más recurrentes que difícilmente resisten un análisis empírico cimentado en las evidencias disponibles. La visión psicosocial es una excelente herramienta de análisis que permite identificar los procesos que se encuentran detrás de la repetida confusión generada en torno a sus dimensiones y manifestaciones. Por otra parte, es un marco con un gran poder heurístico para comprender el fenómeno desde la lógica de la interacción social, y encuadrarlo, a su vez, en las dinámicas de construcción de la identidad grupal y personal en el marco de la cultura del respeto.Treatment of the phenomenon of juvenile group violence in our social context is a paradigm of the way social objects that repeatedly interpellate our society are configured and distorted. The cyclic alarmism about the uncontrolled extension of the phenomenon or the persistent tendency to link it to instrumental delinquent ends are some of the most recurrent distortions, which cannot withstand empirical analysis based on the available evidence. The psychosocial view is an excellent analysis tool that allows us to identify the processes underlying the repeated confusion generated about the dimensions and manifestations of juvenile group violence. [DVX21] It is also a framework with great heuristic power to understand the phenomenon from the logic of social interaction and to set it, in turn, within the dynamics of the construction of group and personal identity within the framework of the culture of respect

    Permisos y negativas familiares en la donación de órganos para trasplantes: un estudio psicosocial

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    Tesis doctoral inédita de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Psicología, Departamento de Psicología Social. Fecha de lectura: 6-11-9


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    En el estado de Oaxaca, la mayoría de los municipios se rigen social y políticamente por “Usos y Costumbres”, como es el caso de Santa Catarina Ixtepeji, ubicada en el distrito de Ixtlán de Juárez, en la Sierra Norte, sin embargo, se han ido modificando por la migración como una forma de adquirir un sustento económico o para poder continuar con sus estudios de nivel medio superior y superior, a largo plazo estos factores han ido causando la pérdida de la identidad biocultural pues las nuevas generaciones adoptan factores sociales que poner en riesgo sus valores comunitarios y su patrimonio biocultural. Es importante analizar la influencia de la educación formal y su pertinencia en los valores comunitarios pues son estos los que les proporcionan una identidad cultural y están íntimamente relacionados con su cosmovisión que desde el enfoque etnoecológico se describe como el estudio del Kosmos (creencias), Corpus (conocimientos tradicionales) y Praxis (prácticas tradicionales) de los recursos naturales que forman parte de un territorio biocultural. Lo anterior permite reconocer que se pueden establecer líneas de acción que se reflejen en términos de desarrollo comunitario sustentable al explicar y reconocer los conocimientos y prácticas tradicionales igualmente importantes como los conocimientos formales impartidos en las escuelas formales que se encuentran bajo el régimen del gobierno del Estado. Dicho reconocimiento puede incidir en la preservación de la autonomía de los pueblos indígenas y comunidades rurales que evidentemente se encuentran en riesgo por el capitalismo y la globalización

    Identification and characterization of laccase-type multicopper oxidases involved in dye-decolorization by the fungus Leptosphaerulina sp.

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    13 p.-4 fig.-4 tab.[Background] Fungal laccases are multicopper oxidases (MCOs) with high biotechnological potential due to their capability to oxidize a wide range of aromatic contaminants using oxygen from the air. Albeit the numerous laccase-like genes described in ascomycete fungi, ascomycete laccases have been less thoroughly studied than white-rot basidiomycetous laccases. A variety of MCO genes has recently been discovered in plant pathogenic ascomycete fungi, however little is known about the presence and function of laccases in these fungi or their potential use as biocatalysts. We aim here to identify the laccase-type oxidoreductases that might be involved in the decolorization of dyes by Leptosphaerulina sp. and to characterize them as potential biotechnological tools.[Results] A Leptosphaerulina fungal strain, isolated from lignocellulosic material in Colombia, produces laccase as the main ligninolytic oxidoreductase activity during decolorization of synthetic organic dyes. Four laccase-type MCO genes were partially amplified from the genomic DNA using degenerate primers based on laccase-specific signature sequences. The phylogenetic analysis showed the clustering of Lac1, Lac4 and Lac3 with ascomycete laccases, whereas Lac2 grouped with fungal ferroxidases (together with other hypothetical laccases). Lac3, the main laccase produced by Leptosphaerulina sp. in dye decolorizing and laccase-induced cultures (according to the shotgun analysis of both secretomes) was purified and characterized in this study. It is a sensu-stricto laccase able to decolorize synthetic organic dyes with high efficiency particularly in the presence of natural mediator compounds.[Conclusions] The searching for laccase-type MCOs in ascomycetous families where their presence is poorly known, might provide a source of biocatalysts with potential biotechnological interest and shed light on their role in the fungus. The information provided by the use of genomic and proteomic tools must be combined with the biochemical evaluation of the enzyme to prove its catalytic activity and applicability potential.This research was supported by the Program for Interuniversity Cooperation and Scientific Reasearch (PCI) from the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID), Project AP/033932/11, and the Spanish Project NOESIS BIO2014-56388-R.Peer reviewe

    Relations between mental workload and decision-making in an organizational setting

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    Background: the complexity of current organizations implies a potential overload for workers. For this reason, it is of interest to study the effects that mental workload has on the performance of complex tasks in professional settings. Objective: the objective of this study is to empirically analyze the relation between the quality of decision-making, on the one hand, and the expected and real mental workload, on the other. Methods: the study uses an ex post facto prospective design with a sample of 176 professionals from a higher education organization. Expected mental workload (Pre-Task WL) and real mental workload (Post-Task WL) were measured with the unweighted NASA-Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) questionnaire; difference between real WL and expected WL (Differential WL) was also calculated; quality of decision-making was measured by means of the Decision-Making Questionnaire. Results: general quality of decision-making and Pre-Task WL relation is compatible with an inverted U pattern, with slight variations depending on the specific dimension of decision-making that is considered. There were no verifiable relations between Post-Task WL and decision-making. The subjects whose expected WL matched the real WL showed worse quality in decision-making than subjects with high or low Differential WL. Conclusions: the relations between mental workload and decision-making reveal a complex pattern, with evidence of nonlinear relations

    Factors related to attitudes toward organ donation after death in the immigrant population in Spain

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    The version posted must contain the text: This is the accepted version of the following article: [full citation], which has been published in final form at [Link to final article]Considering the relevance of the migratory processes in Western societies, the attitudes toward organ donation after death are analyzed bymeans of a survey applied to a representative random sample of the resident immigrant population in Spain, comprising 1202 subjects (estimated marginof error of ±2.88%, p = q, p < 0.05). Considered variables were disposition toward own organ donation, disposition toward deceased relatives donation in different situations, arguments against donation, socio-demographic indicators, religious beliefs, social integration, and information about organ donation and transplantation. Predisposition to donate varies strongly across geographical origin and religious beliefs and also shows relationships with additional socio-demographic, social integration, and informative variables. In turn, the relationship between religious beliefs and attitude toward donation varies as a function of the degreeof social integration. In Spain, the immigrant population is a heterogeneous collective that requires differential strategies to promote donation. Such strategies should be aimed at reinforcing the existing positive attitudes ofcitizens from West Europe and Latin America, and at familiarizing and informing about donation in citizens from the East, and at making specific efforts to break down the cultural and religious barriers toward donation in African citizens, with special emphasis on people of the Muslim faith

    Are sexist attitudes and gender stereotypes linked?: A critical feminist approach with a spanish sample

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    This study aims to verify the psychometric properties of the Spanish versions of the Social Roles Questionnaire (SRQ; Baber and Tucker, 2006), Modern Sexism Scale (MS), and Old-Fashioned Sexism Scale (OFS; Swim et al., 1995; Swim and Cohen, 1997). Enough support was found to maintain the original factor structure of all instruments in their Spanish version. Differences between men and women in the scores are commented on, mainly because certain sexist attitudes have been overcome with greater success in the current Spanish society, while other issues, such as distribution of power in organizational hierarchies or distribution of tasks in the household, where traditional unequal positions are still maintained. In all cases, it was found that men showed greater support for sexist attitudes. The correlations between the three instruments were as expected in assessing sexist attitudes that tend to relate to each other. Eventually, we found no empirical evidence for the postulated link between sexist attitudes and traditional gender stereotypes. Our results call for the validity and effectiveness of the classic theories of gender psychology, such as gender schema theories (Bem, 1981; Markus et al., 1982) and the notion of a gender belief system (Deaux and Kite, 1987; Kite, 2001

    Efficacy and safety comparison of two amoxicillin administration schedules after third molar removal. A randomized, double-blind and controlled clinical trial

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    Objective: The aim of this comparative double-blind, prospective, randomized, clinical trial was to evaluate two amoxicillin administration patterns. The first was a short prophylactic therapy and the second a long postoperative regimen. Study Design: The study population consisted of 160 patients who underwent mandibular third molar extraction. Patients were randomized into two equal groups. In group 1, 2 grams of amoxicillin were administered 1 hour before the procedure and 1 gram 6 hours after surgery. In group 2, patients received 1 gram of amoxicillin 6 hours after surgery followed by 1 gram every 8 hour for 4 days. All patients received the same number of tablets thanks to the use of placebo pills. A total of 25 variables were evaluated, such as alveolitis, surgical infection, number of analgesic needed, subjective pain scale, post-surgical inflammation, consistency of the diet, axillary temperature and millimetres of mouth opening loss after the surgery. Results: No statistically significant post-operative differences were found within the recorded parameters between the groups. Conclusions: Postoperative 4-days amoxicillin therapy is not justified

    KIR+ CD8+ T Lymphocytes in Cancer Immunosurveillance and Patient Survival: Gene Expression Profiling

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    Killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) are molecules expressed by the most important cells of the immune system for cancer immune vigilance, natural killer (NK) and effector T cells. In this manuscript we study the role that cytotoxic CD8+ T cells expressing KIR receptors could play in cancer immune surveillance. With this objective, frequencies of different KIR+ CD8+ T cell subsets are correlated with the overall survival of patients with melanoma, ovarian and bladder carcinomas. In addition, the gene expression profile of KIR+ CD8+ T cell subsets related to the survival of patients is studied with the aim of discovering new therapeutic targets, so that the outcome of patients with cancer can be improved. Killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) are expressed by natural killer (NK) and effector T cells. Although KIR+ T cells accumulate in oncologic patients, their role in cancer immune response remains elusive. This study explored the role of KIR+CD8+ T cells in cancer immunosurveillance by analyzing their frequency at diagnosis in the blood of 249 patients (80 melanomas, 80 bladder cancers, and 89 ovarian cancers), their relationship with overall survival (OS) of patients, and their gene expression profiles. KIR2DL1+ CD8+ T cells expanded in the presence of HLA-C2-ligands in patients who survived, but it did not in patients who died. In contrast, presence of HLA-C1-ligands was associated with dose-dependent expansions of KIR2DL2/S2+ CD8+ T cells and with shorter OS. KIR interactions with their specific ligands profoundly impacted CD8+ T cell expression profiles, involving multiple signaling pathways, effector functions, the secretome, and consequently, the cellular microenvironment, which could impact their cancer immunosurveillance capacities. KIR2DL1/S1+ CD8+ T cells showed a gene expression signature related to efficient tumor immunosurveillance, whereas KIR2DL2/L3/S2+CD8+ T cells showed transcriptomic profiles related to suppressive anti-tumor responses. These results could be the basis for the discovery of new therapeutic targets so that the outcome of patients with cancer can be improved

    Edge detection algorithm based on fuzzy logic theory for a local vision system of robocup humanoid league

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    Este artículo presenta el desarrollo de un algoritmo para la extracción de bordes basado en la teoría de lógica difusa, mediante el cual es posible reconocer las marcas de un campo de juego para la liga humanoide de RoboCup. El algoritmo propuesto describe la creación de un sistema de inferencia difuso que permite evaluar la relación existente entre los pixeles de una imagen, encontrando así las variaciones en los niveles de gris para una vecindad de pixeles específica. Posteriormente se plantea la implementación del método OTSU para binarizar la imagen obtenida en el proceso difuso y así generar una imagen que contiene solo los bordes extraídos, validando el algoritmo en imágenes de la liga humanoide. Luego se analizan los resultados obtenidos evidenciando el buen desempeño del algoritmo, considerando que el tiempo de procesamiento de la propuesta es tan solo el 35% más del tiempo necesario en métodos tradicionales, mientras que los bordes extraídos son unos 52% menos susceptibles al ruido.At this paper we shown the development of an algorithm to perform edges extraction based on fuzzy logic theory. This method allows recognizing landmarks on the game field for Humanoid League of RoboCup. The proposed algorithm describes the creation of a fuzzy inference system that permit evaluate the existent relationship between image pixels, finding variations on grey levels of related neighbor pixels. Subsequently, it shows an implementation of OTSU method to binarize an image that was obtained from fuzzy process and so generate an imagecontaining only extracted edges, validating the algorithm with Humanoid League images. Later, we analyze obtained results that evidence a good performance of algorithm, considering that this proposal only takes an extra 35% processing time that will be required by traditional methods, whereas extracted edges are 52% less noise susceptible