47 research outputs found

    Refractive index measurements in absorbing media with white light spectral interferometry

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    White light spectral interferometry is applied to measure the refractive index in absorbing liquids in the spectral range of 400–1000 nm. We analyze the influence of absorption on the visibility of interferometric fringes and, accordingly, on the measurement of the refractive index. Further, we show that the refractive index in the absorption band can be retrieved by a two-step process. The procedure requires the use of two samples of different thickness, the thicker one to retrieve the refractive index in the transparent region and the thinnest to obtain the data in the absorption region. First, the refractive index values are retrieved with good accuracy in the transparent region of the material for 1-mm-thick samples. Second, these refractive index values serve also to precisely calculate the thickness of a thinner sample (~150 µm) since the accuracy of the methods depends strongly on the thickness of the sample. Finally, the refractive index is recovered for the entire spectral rangeMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) (MAT2014-57943-C3-2-P, MAT2017-89239-C2-1-P); Xunta de Galicia and ERDF (AGRU 2015/11, GRC ED431C 2016/001 and ED431D 2017/06)S

    Características básicas do sistema detector

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    Titulación: Grao de Óptica e Optometría -- Materia: Óptica Visual e PercepciónO proceso da visión pode dividirse en 3 etapas: 1. Formación da imaxe, o ollo funciona como un sistema óptico que forma imaxes dos obxectos exteriores sobre a súa parte posterior: a retina. 2. Adquisición da imaxe, i.e. a transdución dos sinais ópticos en sinais neurais, que se leva a cabo nas células fotorreceptoras da retina. 3. Tratamento das imaxes, que se realiza en parte na propia retina, mais fundamentalmente no córtex visual. Estas 3 etapas permiten que o noso sistema visual constrúa, en tempo real, unha representación mental do mundo exterior, elaborada coas imaxes que se están formando continuamente nas nosas retinas, mais tamén e dun xeito decisivo, con outra información que ten almacenada o noso cerebro correspondente a imaxes retinianas anteriores. Esta representación mental depende loxicamente das características físicas e fisiolóxicas do noso ollo, especialmente da nosa retina. Nos temas I a V estúdase a primeira etapa da visión , entanto os temas VI a IX están dedicados as otras dúas etapas. Cómpre esclarecer que a adquisición e o tratamento das imaxes están íntimamente ligados, e o seu estudo resulta moi complexo e necesariamente multidisciplinar, para o cal é preciso utilizar coñecementos e técnicas de varias disciplinas da física, da medicina e da psicoloxía. O presente tema serve como unha introducción a esta difícil e apaixonante materia. Está divido en 4 seccións nas que se estudan: — a retina humana dun punto de vista funcional; — a fotometría, i.e. a ciencia da medida da radiación electromagnética por un fotodetector particular, o ollo humano; — a iluminación retiniana, como se calcula en función da fonte de luz e a súa relación coa pupila; e finalmente — a notábel capacidade de adaptación do ollo a iluminación ambiental, aproveitando para presentar o concepto de limiar luminoso, absoluto e diferencial.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    Charge delocalization and hyperpolarizability in ionic liquids

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    In this work the role that charge delocalization plays in the non-linear optical response of ionic liquids is evaluated. The first hyperpolarizability for the non-linear process of second harmonic generation (SHG) and second hyperpolarizability for the non-linear process of electro-optical Kerr-Effect (EOKE) of a large number of ionic liquid forming ions were estimated by means of density functional theory calculations. The results point to that both charge delocalization and molecular geometry are the key features that govern their hyperpolarizabilities. Our findings show that some of the most commonly used anions in ionic liquids are expected to present strong non-linear responses while common cations present a much more limited performance. However, this limitation can be overcome by a proper tailoring of cations to present charge delocalization over large molecular regions. The hypothesis of additivity of hyperpolarizabilities in ionic liquids is tested and exploited to obtain a map of second and third order non-linear susceptibilities of 1496 ion combinations. This map is intended to be a guide for future works on the hyperpolarizability of ILsThis work was supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and FEDER 17 Program through the projects (MAT2017-89239-C2-1-P); Xunta de Galicia and FEDER (GRC ED431C 2016/001, ED431D 2017/06, ED431E2018/08). C. D. R. F. thanks the support of Xunta de Galicia through the grant ED481A-2018/032. We also thank the Centro de Supercomputacion de Galicia (CESGA) facility, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain, for providing the computational resources employed in this workS

    Spectrally resolved white light interferometry to measure material dispersion over a wide spectral band in a single acquisition

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    In this paper we apply spectrally resolved white light interferometry to measure refractive and group index over a wide spectral band from 400 to 1000 nm. The output of a Michelson interferometer is spectrally decomposed by a homemade prism spectrometer with a high resolution camera. The group index is determined directly from the phase extracted from the spectral interferogram while the refractive index is estimated once its value at a given wavelength is known.Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) (MAT2014-57943-C3-1-P, MAT2014-57943-C3-2-P); Xunta de Galicia and FEDER (R2014/015, AGRU 2015/11)S

    Nonlinear absorption in bis(1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium) tetrathiocyanatozincate [BMIM]2[Zn(SCN)4] an ionic liquid with a transition metal in the anionic moiety

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    The 19th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry session Ionic LiquidsNonlinear absorption has been investigated by open aperture z-scan in ionic liquids obtained by combination of 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium cations with anions containing a transition metal (Zn) and thiocyanate groups. The laser source was a Ti: Sapphire oscillator (80-fs pulses, λ= 810 nm, repetition rate of 80.75 MHz). This ionic liquid presents quite low heat capacity that favors the development of strong thermal effects at 810 nm. Thermal effects and nonlinear absorption make it a potential material for optical limiting purpose

    Unha enxeñeira ou científica en cada cole

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    Póster presentado na V XORNADA UNIVERSITARIA GALEGA EN XÉNERO. TRANSFORMANDO DENDE A UNIVERSIDADE. Vigo, 7 Xullo 2017Nesta comunicación, presentamos o proxecto Unha enxeñeira ou científica en cada cole organizado pola Oficina de Igualdade de Xénero da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) en colaboración co Concello de Santiago de Compostela. Esta iniciativa pretende incentivar a presenza de rapazas en carreiras relacionadas coas disciplinas STEM (ciencia, enxeñería, tecnoloxía e matemáticas), mediante actividades didácticas nos centros educativos que rachen cos estereotipos sexistas da nosa sociedade. A actividade didáctica consistiu na realización de dezanove obradoiros, dirixidos a nenas e nenos de 5º ou 6º de primaria e realizados nos meses de setembro e outubro de 2016. Os obradoiros foron impartidos por profesoras ou investigadoras da USC e do Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA) para crear referentes femininos e incentivar a presenza de rapazas no ámbito científico tecnolóxico. Ademais, estes obradoiros amosaron a relación da ciencia e da tecnoloxía coa nosa vida cotiá e serviron para achegar ao alumnado a estas disciplinas dun xeito lúdicoConcello de Santiago de Compostel

    Synthesis, microstructure and volumetry of novel metal thiocyanate ionic liquids with [BMIM] cation

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    We present a new family of ionic liquids (ILs) with a common cation, 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium, the popular [BMIM]+ (also written C4C1Im+) and a variety of anionic complexes (also called adducts) based in thiocyanate (SCN)?: one blank compound, BMIM(SCN), and ten doped with metals having different oxidation states: Al+3, Mn+2, Fe+3, Cr+3, Ni+2, Hg+2, Zn+2, Co+2, Cd+2 and Cu+, forming, respectively, [BMIM]3[Al(SCN)6], [BMIM]4 Mn(SCN)6, [BMIM]3 Fe(SCN)6, [BMIM]3 Cr(SCN)6, [BMIM]4 Ni(SCN)6, [BMIM]2 Hg(SCN)4, [BMIM]2 Zn(SCN)4, [BMIM]2 Co(SCN)4, [BMIM]2 Cd(SCN)4 and [BMIM]3 Cu(SCN)4. All of them were synthesized by us, except the blank IL and the Co thiocyanate, which are commercial. Obtained products have been characterized by NMR, and also by electrospray ionization, MS-ES, which allows the determination of the new ILs purities. Then, compounds have been analyzed using FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy. In addition, magnetic susceptibility and refractive index measurements were performed in some of the compounds studied, as well as thermal characterization using DSC and TGA. Finally, experimental measurements of density on all those ILs have been performed, and for some of the samples in a broad temperature range (about 100 K). In spite of being very similar compounds from the chemical point of view, they present quite different physical properties, including optical, thermal and magnetic ones? Also, they show different oxidation states (one with +1, six with +2 and other three with +3). We guess that this family of ILs will have interesting applications, mainly for photonic devices

    On the physical properties of mixtures of nitrate salts and protic ionic liquids

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    We report a systematic study of the effect of salt concentration and its cation valence on several equilibrium and transport properties of mixtures of the model protic ionic liquid ethylammonium nitrate with monovalent (LiNO3), divalent (Mg(NO3)2 and Ca(NO3)2), and trivalent (Al(NO3)3) salts. These properties, determined by appropriate experimental techniques, include density, sound velocity, refractive index, surface tension, conductivity and viscosity. Single-particle dynamics and radial distribution functions were also analyzed by means of molecular dynamics simulations. The temperature dependence of the conductivity was studied in the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann framework, and we obtained effective activation energies, fragility indexes, and Vogel temperatures. In addition, we performed a high-temperature Arrhenius analysis and we calculated the activation energies of both conductivity and viscosity. Finally, the exponents of the fractional Walden rule for the different mixtures were obtained and the ionicities and fragilities of the systems were analyzed, proving that all the mixtures are subionic and fragile. The distortion of the network of hydrogen bonds characteristic of protic ionic liquids and the formation of long-lived anionic aggregates composed of the cations of the added salt and the nitrate anions in their first solvation shell were found to have a deep impact on the analyzed properties. The role of the surface charge density of the salt cations on the structure and transport properties of the solutions is detailedly analyzed and related to solvation of salt species in the polar nanoregions of the ionic liquid (nanostructured solvation)The financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Projects MAT2017-89239-C2-1-P and MAT2017-89239- C2-2-P) is gratefully acknowledged. Moreover, this work was funded by the Xunta de Galicia (ED431D 2017/06, ED431E 2018/08, GRC ED431C 2016/001 and GRC ED431C 2020/10). All these research projects were partially supported by FEDER. P. V. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for his FPI grant (PRE2018-084212). T.M.-M. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for her Juan de la Cierva grant (IJC2018-036774-I).J. J. Parajó thanks the funding support of I2C postdoctoral program of Xunta de Galicia. Y. A. thanks the funding support from postdoctoral Program of Xunta de Galicia (ED481B-2021-027)S

    Model of teleconsultation pharmaceutical integrated in the electronic clinical history of the patient

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    OBJECTIVE: Describe the phases of implementation, scaling and integration of a pharmacy teleconsultation model in electronic history, to coordinate the care transition of patients. METHOD: Descriptive and retrospective study in a health area of 500,000 inhabitants (3 years). In the first phase, a working group was created, a communication platform was designed and a continuity program was piloted between a hospital pharmacist and the 13 primary care pharmacists. The objective was to solve problems related to medications (especially those of sanitary approval) in polymedicated patients hospitalized in the Short Stay Unit- Emergency. In a second phase, the program included all the patients in any unit and all the pharmacists in the hospital. In the third phase, the program was extended to the teleconsultation format within the corporate information systems of the Health Service. Quantitative descriptive variables were recorded (number, motives and resolution of the teleconsultations). RESULTS: In total, more than 470 consultations were registered (118 in the first phase, 158 in the second and 194 in the third), which were resolved in 90% of the cases. The main reasons were discrepancies in type approval drugs, prescribed in the care transition and nutritional assessment. CONCLUSIONS: Teleconsultation allows the coordination of pharmaceutical care between levels, quickly and easily. Increase the visibility and access of professionals. Problems are resolved without displacements or time delays for patients