3,247 research outputs found

    Imperfect bifurcations via topological methods in superlinear indefinite problems

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    In [5] the structure of the bifurcation diagrams of a class of superlinear indefinite problems with a symmetric weight was ascertained, showing that they consist of a primary branch and secondary loops bifurcating from it. In [4] it has been proved that, when the weight is asymmetric, the bifurcation diagrams are no longer connected since parts of the primary branch and loops of the symmetric case form an arbitrarily high number of isolas. In this work we give a deeper insight on this phenomenon, studying how the secondary bifurcations break as the weight is perturbed from the symmetric situation. Our proofs rely on the approach of [5,4], i.e. on the construction of certain Poincar\'e maps and the study of how they vary as some of the parameters of the problems change, constructing in this way the bifurcation diagrams.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Optimal map of the modular structure of complex networks

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    Modular structure is pervasive in many complex networks of interactions observed in natural, social and technological sciences. Its study sheds light on the relation between the structure and function of complex systems. Generally speaking, modules are islands of highly connected nodes separated by a relatively small number of links. Every module can have contributions of links from any node in the network. The challenge is to disentangle these contributions to understand how the modular structure is built. The main problem is that the analysis of a certain partition into modules involves, in principle, as many data as number of modules times number of nodes. To confront this challenge, here we first define the contribution matrix, the mathematical object containing all the information about the partition of interest, and after, we use a Truncated Singular Value Decomposition to extract the best representation of this matrix in a plane. The analysis of this projection allow us to scrutinize the skeleton of the modular structure, revealing the structure of individual modules and their interrelations.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Reducing Trade Inequality: A Network-Based Assessment.

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    International trade, the network that underpins globalization, shows an extreme inequality. Despite efforts of multilateral organizations to foster a more fair world through trade agreements, it is hard to assess the effect of these changes on such a complex system. We have measured, using numerical simulation on a recently published network model, the impact of simple policies to boost trade chances among the weakest economies. Results suggest that global inequality may be reduced improving trade among low-income economies.post-print3064 K

    Exfoliated graphite flakes as soft-electrodes for precisely contacting nanoobjects

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    This is the post-peer reviewed version of the following article: P. ares et al. “Exfoliated graphite flakes as soft-electrodes for precisely contacting nanoobjects”. 2D Matererials, 2015, 2(3): 035008. Which has been published in final form at:http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/2053-1583/2/3/035008We introduce a simple, clean and reliable method to transfer exfoliated graphite flakes as soft-electrodes for the electrical contacts of nano-objects. The microelectrodes thus produced exhibit extremely well-defined and thin edges and can be placed at any sample location with sub-micrometer precision. The procedure is carried out under ambient conditions and does not require chemical agents. We present electrical characterization of relevant examples including carbon nanotubes, metal-organic MMX nanoribbons, reduced graphene sheets and damaged circuit repair. The quality of the electrical contacts thus obtained is as good as those fabricated with conventional techniques. This technique is particularly relevant for conductive atomic force microscopy (AFM) studiesThis work was supported by Consolider CSD2010-0024, MAD2D-CM, S2013/MIT-3007 and MAT2013-46753-C2-1 and

    Drivers of depositor discipline in credit unions

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    In this paper, we analyze whether credit unions are subject to market discipline by their (member) depositors and examine the drivers of such discipline. We first provide descriptive evidence of depositor discipline in credit unions: shares and deposits as well as savings interest rates react to variables that reflect the financial health of the credit union and its asset risk. We show that this discipline is long-lasting and that it is mediated by the existence of a deposit guarantee scheme and by the strength of the relationship of members with the credit union. We then use proxies of the capability of members to process financial information to show that discipline is heavily influenced by member financial sophistication. Our results suggest that a type of market-based discipline acts as a complement for regulation in controlling credit union risk taking, thus contributing to overall financial stability

    The risk implications of the business loan activity in credit unions

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    US credit unions have been subject to a strict regulation of their commercial lending which included both requirements for enhanced organizational practices and a cap on the proportion of business loans relative to assets (imposed in 1998 by US Congress). Since 2003, however, these limitations have been steadily relaxed, a process which has resulted in an increase in credit union business lending activity. Using data from the universe of US credit unions we provide comprehensive evidence that expansion of the business loan portfolio increases the risk of the asset side of the credit union. This is the case even for credit unions which benefit from partnership with the SBA, for which we observe an initial increase in the risk of non-SBA backed loans (an overconfidence effect) which reverses over time (a learning effect). Our results suggest, furthermore, that the risk of business loans is exacerbated for credit unions which initiate their business loan activity and which do so rapidly. In the second part of our analysis we provide descriptive and quasi-experimental evidence that expansions of credit union activity into business loans are associated with lower subsequent growth rates of deposits. This result is similar to the reaction to risk indicators found in the banking literature and might give an ex-ante incentive for the CU that could work as a market-based stabilization mechanism complementary to that of explicit regulation

    Biodiesel production from palm oil in a fixed-bed-reactor with calcium methoxide catalyst

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    En el presente trabajo se analizó el comportamiento del metóxido de calcio como catalizador para la producción de biodiesel a partir de aceite de palma. Inicialmente se establecieron condiciones de operación en un reactor por lotes, como temperatura de activación CaO (25°C), temperatura de reacción (60°C) y relación molar metanol/aceite (10). Se describió el montaje y puesta en marcha de un reactor de lecho fijo y flujo continuo a escala laboratorio; a las condiciones establecidas se obtuvieron rendimientos a métilesteres del 20% con un tiempo de residencia de 60 min. También se analizó el uso de cosolventes como el terbutanol y el acetato de etilo para eliminar las limitaciones de transferencia de masa entre las fases e incrementar los rendimientos a metil ésteres. Se encontró que el uso de etil acetato como cosolvente incrementó el rendimiento a metil esteres hasta el 31 %. Abstract In this research, the behavior of calcium methoxide as catalyst for the production of biodiesel from palm oil in a continuous system was studied. Initially, operating conditions such as CaO activation temperature (25°C), reaction temperature (60°C) and molar ratio methanol-oil (10)were established for a batch reactor. Then, the schematic diagram of the experimental setup and its implementation were described for a packed-bed laboratory scale reactor with continuous flow; for this system, yields of methyl esters of 20% with a residence time of 60 min were obtained. The use of co-solvent such as tert-Bbutanol and ethyl acetate in the continuous reaction system was also investigated, aiming to eliminate mass transfer artifacts between the phases and eventually increasing yields to methyl esters. The use of ethyl acetate as co-solvent increased methyl esters yields up to 31 %

    HH 223: a parsec-scale H2 outflow in the star-forming region L723

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    The dark cloud Lynds 723 (L723) is a low-mass star-forming region where one of the few known cases of a quadrupolar CO outflow has been reported. Two recent works have found that the radio continuum source VLA 2, towards the centre of the CO outflow, is actually a multiple system of young stellar objects (YSOs). Several line-emission nebulae that lie projected on the east-west CO outflow were detected in narrow-band Halpha and [SII] images. The spectra of the knots are characteristic of shock-excited gas (Herbig-Haro spectra), with supersonic blueshifted velocities, which suggests an optical outflow also powered by the VLA 2 YSO system of L723. We imaged a field of ~5' X 5' centred on HH 223, which includes the whole region of the quadrupolar CO outflow with nir narrow-band filters . The H2 line-emission structures appear distributed over a region of 5.5' (0.5 pc for a distance of 300 pc) at both sides of the VLA 2 YSO system, with an S-shape morphology, and are projected onto the east-west CO outflow. Most of them were resolved in smaller knotty substructures. The [FeII] emission only appears associated with HH 223. An additional nebular emission from the continuum in Hc and Kc appears associated with HH 223-K1, the structure closest to the VLA 2 YSO system, and could be tracing the cavity walls. We propose that the H2 structures form part of a large-scale near-infrared outflow, which is also associated with the VLA 2 YSO system. The current data do not allow us to discern which of the YSOs of VLA 2 is powering this large scale optical/near-infrared outflow.Comment: Accepted for A&A http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201015125 12 pages, 9 figure

    The effect of stellar activity on the LiI 6708, NaI 5896 and KI 7699 \AA lines: A comparison with the Pleiades, field stars and the Sun

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    An analytical model has been developed to empirically study the effects of stellar spots and faculae on the observed equivalent widths of Li {\sc i} 6708, Na {\sc i} 5896 and K {\sc i} 7699 \AA lines (and abundances in the case of lithium) in late-type stars, taking into account the changes in the observed magnitudes and colors. Solar spectra corresponding to different active regions are used as input data and a range of filling factors are applied to simulate the surfaces of stars with different levels of activity. Detailed comparisons between predicted and observed photometric colors and equivalent widths are made for late-type stars of the Pleiades and the field. The observed dispersions in K {\sc i} and Li {\sc i} equivalent widths for Pleiades stars can be partially accounted by the simultaneous effects of activity on colors and the line formation, indicating that the lithium-rotation connection suggested for ~0.7-0.9 Msun Pleiades stars could be due in part to the stellar activity. However, under realistic values for the filling factors, only a small portion of the observed spread could be explained by these effect

    Exchange operator formalism for N-body spin models with near-neighbors interactions

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    We present a detailed analysis of the spin models with near-neighbors interactions constructed in our previous paper [Phys. Lett. B 605 (2005) 214] by a suitable generalization of the exchange operator formalism. We provide a complete description of a certain flag of finite-dimensional spaces of spin functions preserved by the Hamiltonian of each model. By explicitly diagonalizing the Hamiltonian in the latter spaces, we compute several infinite families of eigenfunctions of the above models in closed form in terms of generalized Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials.Comment: RevTeX, 31 pages, no figures; important additional conten