17 research outputs found

    Análisis espectro-temporal de la variabilidad del ritmo cardíaco y su relación con el umbral ventilatorio en un ejercicio incremental maximal

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    La presente tesis doctoral estudia la relación entre el umbral ventilatorio (UV) y el umbral de la variabilidad del Ritmo Cardíaco (VRC) en individuos deportistas y no deportistas. Para ello se evalúa, en un protocolo de ejercicio de intensidad creciente maximal en un tapiz rodante, a 24 sujetos los que son separados en dos grupos: 12 deportistas (21,83±2,44 años) y 12 no deportistas (22,17±2,17 años), registrando los intervalos RR latido a latido a través del monitor de frecuencia cardíaca Polar s810i (Polar Electro) y los parámetros ventilatorios PETO2, VE, VCO2, VO2, VE/VO2 Y VEV/CO2 respiración a respiración por medio de un ergoespirómetro (Sensor Medics, Vmax 29 Series). La determinación del umbral de la VRC se efectúa mediante la aplicación de la transformada discreta de Wavelet (TDW) sobre los intervalos RR, mientras que el UV se obtiene por medio de la aplicación de los siguientes criterios: incremento del cociente respiratorio superior a 1.0, incremento no lineal de la VE, incremento no lineal del VCO2, descenso de la PETCO2 e incremento de la PETO2. En ambos umbrales se determina el porcentaje de la frecuencia cardíaca de reserva (%FCR) en donde acontecen, siendo ésta considerada como el parámetro de comparación entre los umbrales. Los resultados indican que no existe una diferencia significativa entre el %FCR donde ocurren los umbrales de la VRC y UV en el grupo total de sujetos evaluados (Dif-medias=0,22; p=0,74), deportistas (dif-medias=0,24; p=0,76) y no deportistas (Dif-medias=0,20; p=0,86). De igual manera se observan correlaciones directas y significativas entre las %FCR en donde ocurren los umbrales en el grupo total (r=0,91; p<0,0001), deportistas (r=0,84; p=0,0007) y no deportistas (r=0,88; p<0,0001). El presente estudio ha demostrado que a través del estudio de la VRC por medio de la TDW durante un esfuerzo incremental maximal, permite la identificación de la transición aeróbica - anaeróbica en sujetos jóvenes deportistas como no deportistas

    Effects of Physical Activity Governmental Programs on Health Status in Independent Older Adults: A Systematic Review

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    ABSTRACT: This systematic review analyzes the evidence of the effects of physical activity governmental programs oriented towards the health of independent older adults. Medline, Web of Science, PsycINFO and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection databases were used for data mining and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISMA-P) recommendations were followed. Five studies (n=2,545 participants) fulfilled the established inclusion criteria. The physical activity programs had beneficial effects on the older adults? quality of life, fall risk, activities of daily living, physical activity levels, nutritional risk, body mass index, arterial pressure, resting heart rate, blood glucose, triglycerides and/or cholesterol, but did not significantly alter their body fat mass percentage. Programs involving diverse physical capacities seem to be more effective for healthy aging. It is recommended that governments start to disseminate the outcomes of these programs within society and the scientific community

    Effects of Physical Activity Governmental Programs on Health Status in Independent Older Adults: A Systematic Review

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    [EN] This systematic review analyzes the evidence ofthe effects ofphysical activity governmental programs oriented toward the health of independent older adults. Medline, Web of Science, PsycINFO, and Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection databases were used for data mining, and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols recommendations were followed. Five studies (n = 2,545 participants) fulfilled the established inclusion criteria. The physical activity programs had beneficial effects on the older adults’ quality of life, fall risk, activities of daily living, physical activity levels, nutritional risk, body mass index, arterial pressure, resting heart rate, blood glucose, triglycerides, and/or cholesterol, but did not significantly alter their body fat mass percentage. Programs involving diverse physical capacities seem to be more effective for healthy aging. It is recommended that governments start to disseminate the outcomes of these programs within society and the scientific community.S

    Validação e fidelidade do dispositivo Haefni Health HHe 1.0 na medição da velocidade e da amplitude isocinética

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    Cuando se realizan valoraciones de cualquier protocolo de evaluación uno de los aspectos fundamentales es conocer la validez y fiabilidad de los dispositivos utilizados. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar la validez y fiabilidad de la variable de velocidad en el rango isocinético (VRI) en el dispositivo Haefni Health (HHe 1.0). Un total de dos protocolo se diseñaron para el análisis de la validez y fiabilidad. Los resultados mostraron altos Índices de Correlación Intraclase (ICC 2,1) para las medidas de validez y fiabilidad del dispositivo (0,998 y 0,99, respectivamente). Cuando se analizó la fiabilidad de las medidas por cada una de las condiciones de evaluación altos ICC 2,1, además de bajos CV y SEM fueron encontraros (rango 0,71–0,99, rango 0,19–3,73 y rango 0,001–0,004 m·s-1, respectivamente). Los resultados obtenidos avalan la validez y fiabilidad del dispositivo Haefni Health HHe 1.0 para la medición de la variable de VRI tanto para la fase concéntrica como para la fase excéntrica del movimiento.When rating any assessment protocol one of the key issues is to determine the validity and reliability of the devices used. The aim of this study was to analyze the validity and reliability of the variable velocity isokinetic range (VRI) in Haefni Health System (HHe 1.0). Two assessment protocols were design to test bot, validity and reliability. The results showed high Index of Intraclass Correlation (ICC2,1) for measures of validity and reliability of the VRI (0,998 and 0,99, respectively). Moreover, when the reliability was assessed at each criterion velocity high values of ICC2,1, range 0,71–0,99 and low CV and SEM, range 0,19–3,73% and range 0.001– 0.004 m·s-1, were found respectively. The results obtained confirm the validity and reliability of HHe1.0 device for measuring VRI variable.Quando se realizam apreciações de qualquer protocolo de avaliação um dos aspectos fundamentais é conhecer a validade e fidelidade dos dispositivos utilizados. O objectivo do presente trabalho foi analisar a validade e fidelidade da variável de velocidade na amplitude isocinética (VRI) no dispositivo Haefni Health HHe 1.0. Um total de dois protocolos foram delineados para a análise da validade e fidelidade. Os resultados mostraram elevados Índices de Correlação Intraclasse (ICC2,1) para as medidas de validade e fidelidade do dispositivo (0,998 e 0,99, respectivamente). Adicionalmente, quando se analisou a fidelidade das medidas por critério de altos ICC2,1 e baixos CV e SEM foram identificados (amplitude 0,71–0,99, amplitude 0,19–3,73 e amplitude 0,001–0,004 m·s-1, respectivamente). Os resultados obtidos confirmam a validade e fidelidade do dispositivo Haefni Health HHe1.0 para a medição da variável de VRI, tanto para a fase concêntrica, como para a fase excêntrica do movimento

    Estimation of the Aerobic-anaerobic Transition by Heart Rate Variability in Athletes and Non-athletes Subjects

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    Background: The estimate of aerobic-anaerobic threshold is commonly used for exercise prescription in athletes and non-athletes subjects; however, the methods currently used are expensive, and some of them use invasive techniques. The analysis of changes in heart rate variability during exercise may contribute to the introduction of a novel methodology to estimate the aerobic-anaerobic metabolic transition. Objective: The purpose of this study was to estimate the heart rate variability threshold (HRVT) through the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and compare the exercise intensities at which this happens to the moment when the aerobic-anaerobic metabolic transition occurs, estimated by the ventilatory threshold 2 (VT2) in athletes and non-athletes. Methods: 24 male subjects were enrolled (12 athletes; 12 non-athletes). Ventilatory parameters and R-R intervals were recorded breath by breath in a maximal incremental intensity exercise. HRVT was estimated through DWT and the VT2 was determined by 5 indicators: respiratory quotient ≥1.0, non-linear increase of the VE and VCO2, decrease of the PETCO2 and increase of the PETO2. Reserve heart rate frequency percentages (%RHRF) are determined, compared and correlated to VT2 (%RHRF-VT2) and HRVT (%RHRF-HRVT). We used a significance level of p0.05 for all our analysis. Results: The results showed that there is no significant difference between the %RHRF-VT and %RHRF-HRVT in the assessed subject groups (total, athletes, non-athletes). There is a correlation between %RHRF-VT and %RHRF-HRVT in the whole group (r=0.91; p0.001), athletes (r=0.84; p0,001) and non-athletes (r=0.88; p0,001). Conclusion: We conclude that the aerobic-anaerobic metabolic transition (i.e. VT2) during an incremental maximal exercise can be estimated through the HRVT measured by the DWT in athletes and non-athletes.Keywords: non-linear analysis, anaerobic threshold, exercise tes

    Estimation of the Aerobic-anaerobic Transition by Heart Rate Variability in Athletes and Non-athletes Subjects

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    Background: The estimate of aerobic-anaerobic threshold is commonly used for exercise prescription in athletes and non-athletes subjects; however, the methods currently used are expensive, and some of them use invasive techniques. The analysis of changes in heart rate variability during exercise may contribute to the introduction of a novel methodology to estimate the aerobic-anaerobic metabolic transition. Objective: The purpose of this study was to estimate the heart rate variability threshold (HRVT) through the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and compare the exercise intensities at which this happens to the moment when the aerobic-anaerobic metabolic transition occurs, estimated by the ventilatory threshold 2 (VT2) in athletes and non-athletes. Methods: 24 male subjects were enrolled (12 athletes; 12 non-athletes). Ventilatory parameters and R-R intervals were recorded breath by breath in a maximal incremental intensity exercise. HRVT was estimated through DWT and the VT2 was determined by 5 indicators: respiratory quotient ≥1.0, non-linear increase of the VE and VCO2, decrease of the PETCO2 and increase of the PETO2. Reserve heart rate frequency percentages (%RHRF) are determined, compared and correlated to VT2 (%RHRF-VT2) and HRVT (%RHRF-HRVT). We used a significance level of p<0.05 for all our analysis. Results: The results showed that there is no significant difference between the %RHRF-VT and %RHRF-HRVT in the assessed subject groups (total, athletes, non-athletes). There is a correlation between %RHRF-VT and %RHRF-HRVT in the whole group (r=0.91; p<0.001), athletes (r=0.84; p<0,001) and non-athletes (r=0.88; p<0,001). Conclusion: We conclude that the aerobic-anaerobic metabolic transition (i.e. VT2) during an incremental maximal exercise can be estimated through the HRVT measured by the DWT in athletes and non-athletes. Keywords: non-linear analysis, anaerobic threshold, exercise tes

    Asociación entre características antropométricas y funcionalidad motriz en sujetos chilenos con distintos niveles de actividad física

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    Existe escasa informaci&oacute;n respecto a la relaci&oacute;n entre los par&aacute;metros antropom&eacute;tricos y la funcionalidad motriz en sujetos activos e inactivos. En ese sentido, la presente investigaci&oacute;n pretende determinar la relaci&oacute;n entre las caracter&iacute;sticas antropom&eacute;tricas y la puntuaci&oacute;n de funcionalidad motriz en sujetos chilenos con distintos niveles de actividad f&iacute;sica. La muestra incluy&oacute; 63 sujetos (20 mujeres), distribuidos en tres grupos: grupo f&iacute;sicamente activo (GFA, n=21), grupo deportista (GD, n=21) y grupo f&iacute;sicamente inactivo (GFI, n=21). Las variables estudiadas correspondieron a la composici&oacute;n corporal, per&iacute;metro de cintura (PC), &iacute;ndice de masa corporal (IMC), &iacute;ndice cintura-cadera (ICC) y funcionalidad motriz a trav&eacute;s del Functional Movement Screen (FMS). Se aplic&oacute; Anova una v&iacute;a, el test de Pearson y un modelo de regresi&oacute;n lineal m&uacute;ltiple, considerando un p &lt;0,05. Los resultados indican correlaciones moderadas e inversas entre la puntuaci&oacute;n FMS y la sumatoria de pliegues cut&aacute;neos, Zadiposidad, masa adiposa (kg) e IMC en el GFI (-0,52 &le; r &le; -0,62), y con la sumatoria de pliegues cut&aacute;neos, masa adiposa (kg y %) en el GFA(-0,54 &le; r &le; -0,60). Los cambios en la puntuaci&oacute;n del FMS se explican principalmente por la suma de pliegues cut&aacute;neos, la Zadiposidad, la masa grasa (kg), el porcentaje de masa grasa y el PC. En conclusi&oacute;n, las caracter&iacute;sticas antropom&eacute;tricas y la funcionalidad motriz se encuentran asociadas en sujetos chilenos f&iacute;sicamente activos (GFA) e inactivos, mostrando una relaci&oacute;n inversa entre el puntaje del FMS con los par&aacute;metros de la composici&oacute;n corporal relacionados con la adiposidad.There is little information about the relationship between anthropometric indexes and motor function in active and inactive subjects. In that sense, this research aims todetermine the relationship between anthropometric characteristics and motor function score in Chilean subjects with different levels of physical activity. The sample included 63 subjects (20 women), allocated into three groups:physically active group (GFA, n=21), athlete group (GD, n=21) and physically inactive group (GFI, n=21).The variables studied were body composition, waist circumference (WC), body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and motor functionality using the Functional Movement Screen (FMS). A One-way ANOVA, Pearson&rsquo;s correlation test, and a multiple linear regression model were applied, considering P &lt;0.05.The results showed a moderate inverse correlation (-0.52 &le; r &le; -0.62)between FMS score and sum of skin folds, Z-score fat, fat mass (Kg), BMI in the GFI. Similarly, in the GFA the FMS showed a moderate inverse correlation (-0.54 &le; r &le; -0.60) with the sum of skin folds, fat mass (Kg&amp; %). Changes in the FMS score were mainly explained by the sum of skin fold, Z-score fat, fat mass (kg), percentage of fat mass and WC. In conclusion, anthropometric characteristics are associated with motor function in physically active (GFA) and inactive Chilean subjects, showing an inverse relationship between the FMS score and adiposity parameters of body composition

    Asociación entre características antropométricas y funcionalidad motriz en sujetos chilenos con distintos niveles de actividad física

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    Existe escasa informaci&oacute;n respecto a la relaci&oacute;n entre los par&aacute;metros antropom&eacute;tricos y la funcionalidad motriz en sujetos activos e inactivos. En ese sentido, la presente investigaci&oacute;n pretende determinar la relaci&oacute;n entre las caracter&iacute;sticas antropom&eacute;tricas y la puntuaci&oacute;n de funcionalidad motriz en sujetos chilenos con distintos niveles de actividad f&iacute;sica. La muestra incluy&oacute; 63 sujetos (20 mujeres), distribuidos en tres grupos: grupo f&iacute;sicamente activo (GFA, n=21), grupo deportista (GD, n=21) y grupo f&iacute;sicamente inactivo (GFI, n=21). Las variables estudiadas correspondieron a la composici&oacute;n corporal, per&iacute;metro de cintura (PC), &iacute;ndice de masa corporal (IMC), &iacute;ndice cintura-cadera (ICC) y funcionalidad motriz a trav&eacute;s del Functional Movement Screen (FMS). Se aplic&oacute; Anova una v&iacute;a, el test de Pearson y un modelo de regresi&oacute;n lineal m&uacute;ltiple, considerando un p &lt;0,05. Los resultados indican correlaciones moderadas e inversas entre la puntuaci&oacute;n FMS y la sumatoria de pliegues cut&aacute;neos, Zadiposidad, masa adiposa (kg) e IMC en el GFI (-0,52 &le; r &le; -0,62), y con la sumatoria de pliegues cut&aacute;neos, masa adiposa (kg y %) en el GFA(-0,54 &le; r &le; -0,60). Los cambios en la puntuaci&oacute;n del FMS se explican principalmente por la suma de pliegues cut&aacute;neos, la Zadiposidad, la masa grasa (kg), el porcentaje de masa grasa y el PC. En conclusi&oacute;n, las caracter&iacute;sticas antropom&eacute;tricas y la funcionalidad motriz se encuentran asociadas en sujetos chilenos f&iacute;sicamente activos (GFA) e inactivos, mostrando una relaci&oacute;n inversa entre el puntaje del FMS con los par&aacute;metros de la composici&oacute;n corporal relacionados con la adiposidad.There is little information about the relationship between anthropometric indexes and motor function in active and inactive subjects. In that sense, this research aims todetermine the relationship between anthropometric characteristics and motor function score in Chilean subjects with different levels of physical activity. The sample included 63 subjects (20 women), allocated into three groups:physically active group (GFA, n=21), athlete group (GD, n=21) and physically inactive group (GFI, n=21).The variables studied were body composition, waist circumference (WC), body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and motor functionality using the Functional Movement Screen (FMS). A One-way ANOVA, Pearson&rsquo;s correlation test, and a multiple linear regression model were applied, considering P &lt;0.05.The results showed a moderate inverse correlation (-0.52 &le; r &le; -0.62)between FMS score and sum of skin folds, Z-score fat, fat mass (Kg), BMI in the GFI. Similarly, in the GFA the FMS showed a moderate inverse correlation (-0.54 &le; r &le; -0.60) with the sum of skin folds, fat mass (Kg&amp; %). Changes in the FMS score were mainly explained by the sum of skin fold, Z-score fat, fat mass (kg), percentage of fat mass and WC. In conclusion, anthropometric characteristics are associated with motor function in physically active (GFA) and inactive Chilean subjects, showing an inverse relationship between the FMS score and adiposity parameters of body composition

    ¿Bandas elásticas o equipos de gimnasio para el entrenamiento de adultos mayores?

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of six weeks of resistance training with the use of elastic bands (EB) to the use of traditional gym equipment (TGE) on maximum strength, body composition, manual grip, blood pressure, glycemia blood, agility, dynamic balance, flexibility, and peak aerobic consumption in older adults. This is an experimental study that evaluated two groups of older adults, one with EB (n=7) and another with TGE (n=5). A significant increase in maximal strength (EB: p=0.043 and TGE: p=0.018), peak aerobic consumption (EB: p=0.008 and TGE: p=0.038) and lower train flexibility (EB: p=0.021 and TGE: p=0.027), and a decrease of fat mass (EB: p=0.028 and TGE: p=0.021) were found. In conclusion, both training produce similar effects on neuromuscular, anthropometric, and metabolic variables in older adults. Therefore, using EB showed as effective as ETG in the training of older adults.El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar los efectos de seis semanas de entrenamiento de resistencia muscular con el uso de bandas elásticas (BE) respecto al uso de equipos tradicionales de gimnasio (ETG) sobre la fuerza máxima, composición corporal, prensión manual, presión arterial, glicemia sanguínea, agilidad, equilibrio dinámico, flexibilidad y potencia aeróbica máxima (VO2pico) en adultos mayores. Estudio experimental que evaluó dos grupos de adultos mayores, uno con BE (n=7) y otro con ETG (n=5). Se reportó en ambos grupos un aumento significativo de la fuerza máxima (BE: p=0,043 y ETG: p=0,018), VO2pico (BE: p=0,008 y ETG: p=0,038) y flexibilidad del tren inferior (BE: p=0,021 y ETG: p=0,027), y una reducción de la masa adiposa (BE: p=0,028 y ETG: p=0,021). En conclusión, ambos entrenamientos producen efectos similares sobre variables neuromusculares, antropométricas y metabólicas en adultos mayores. Por lo tanto, usar BE fue tan efectivo como los ETG para entrenar adultos mayores