180 research outputs found

    Análisis de los beneficios de la RSE en las instituciones bancarias que operan en Celaya Guanajuato, desde la perspectiva del cliente

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    La Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) es un tema vigente en el mundo, la cual plantea que las empresas deben ser responsables con todas las partes interesadas con las que están en contacto y no solamente con los accionistas. El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es analizar el nivel de responsabilidad social de los bancos que operan en la ciudad de Celaya desde la perspectiva del consumidor y analizar la relación de la responsabilidad social con el compromiso, lealtad y satisfacción del usuario. Con una muestra de 391 usuarios de bancos y un análisis correlacional, los resultados muestran que existe una relación positiva y estadísticamente significativa entre los niveles de compromiso, lealtad y satisfacción de los clientes con el nivel de RSE percibido por los clientes

    Changes in cortisol and cortisone in hair of pigs reared under heat stress conditions

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    Heat stress accounts for millions of dollars in losses for swine producers worldwide. The aim of the present study was to determine and evaluate cortisol and cortisone in hair as indicators of thermal stress in growing pigs reared under high environmental temperatures. The study was carried out in two independent batches of commercial crosses of Lean Duroc and Pietrain in trials 1 and 2, respectively, during the growing period (from 40 to 100 kg; 81 days in trial 1 and 77 days in trial 2) in the same commercial farm in Spain during the summers of 2020 and 2021. In both cases, four rooms were used. In Trial 1, Room 1 had cooling and 11 pigs per pen; Room 2 had no cooling and 13 pigs per pen; Room 3 had no cooling and 11 pigs per pen, and Room 4 had cooling and 13 pigs per pen. In Trial 2, Rooms 2 and 3 had cooling and rooms 1 and 4 had no cooling, and all of them had 13 pigs per pen. Mean THI value was higher (p < 0.0001) in rooms without cooling systems (75.0 trial 1; 74.9 trial 2) than with them (71.3 trial 1; 71.7 trial 2). A total of four pens per room (16 in total) was selected for analysis of hair corticoids and all pigs inside were sampled at the end of the study. Fifty percent of the pigs were males (castrated and intact in trial 1 and 2, respectively) and 50% females. In total, 44, 52, 44, and 52 pigs, respectively, were sampled in four rooms from the first trial and 52 for each of four rooms in Trial 2. Cortisol concentrations in hair did not show any significant change in relation to cooling-non-cooling in any trial. However, hair cortisone concentration was 172.3 pg./mg and 105.8 pg./ mg less (p < 0.001) in pigs housed with cooling systems compared to those without them in Trial 1 and 2, respectively. In addition, the cortisone/cortisol ratio, which is an estimator of the activity of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSD) type 2, was also greater in rooms without cooling than in rooms with cooling in both trials (p < 0.0001 and p = 0.0105 for Trials 1 and 2, respectively). In relation to the sex effect, the results showed greater levels in females than in castrated males both in cortisone and the cortisol/cortisone ratio while cortisol hair levels were greater in intact males than in females. Therefore, the use of cortisone and the estimation of 11β-HSD type 2 activity in hair is recommended to evaluate the chronic stress produced by high environmental conditions in pigs instead of using hair cortisol concentrations alone.This study was included in Vall Companys, S.A.U.’s project WELFARE+ 8IDI-20210216 co-funded by Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), a Public Business Entity, answering to the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). DE was funded by the postdoctoral contract “Generational renewal to promote research” of the University of Murcia. ML-A (FJC2021-047105-I) by means of a post-doctoral fellowship, “Juan de la Cierva Formación,” supported by the “Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.”info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spontaneous gram-negative bacillary meningitis in adult patients : characteristics and outcome

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    Background: Spontaneous meningitis caused by gram-negative bacilli in adult patients is uncommon and poorly characterized. Our objective is to describe and compare the characteristics and the outcome of adult patients with spontaneous gram-negative bacilli meningitis (GNBM) and spontaneous meningitis due to other pathogens. Methods: Prospective single hospital-based observational cohort study conducted between 1982 and 2006 in a university tertiary hospital in Barcelona (Spain). The Main Outcome Measure: In-hospital mortality. Results: Gram-negative bacilli meningitis was diagnosed in 40 (7%) of 544 episodes of spontaneous acute bacterial meningitis. The most common pathogens were Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas species. On admission, characteristics associated with spontaneous gram-negative bacilli meningitis by multivariate modeling were advanced age, history of cancer, nosocomial acquisition of infection, urinary tract infection as distant focus of infection, absence of rash, hypotension, and a high cerebrospinal fluid white-cell count. Nine (23%) episodes were acquired in the hospital and they were most commonly caused by Pseudomonas. The in-hospital mortality rate was 53%. The mortality rate was higher among patients with Gram-negative bacillary meningitis than among those with other bacterial meningitis and their risk of death was twenty times higher than among patients infected with Neisseria meningitidis (odds ratio 20.47; 95% confidence interval 4.03-103.93; p<0.001). Conclusions: Gram-negative bacilli cause 9% of spontaneous bacterial meningitis of known etiology in adults. Characteristics associated with GNBM include advanced age, history of cancer, nosocomial acquisition, and urinary tract infection as distant focus of infection. The mortality rate is higher among patients with gram-negative bacillary meningitis than among those with other bacterial meningitides

    Resultados de un programa de intervención aleatorizado, abierto, con analista enmascarado para la optimización del tratamiento antimicrobiano de las bacteriemias y fungemias nosocomiales en un hospital terciario

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    La elevada y creciente incidencia de la bacteriemia nosocomial, el aumento de las resistencias bacterianas con sus importantes consecuencias clínicas y económicas, junto con el hecho de que sigue siendo muy frecuente la inadecuación en el uso de los antibióticos en los hospitales, hace necesario buscar las mejores estrategias para optimizar el uso de los antibióticos. Se consideró que el diseño del estudio utilizando la metodología más exigente y rigurosa, permitiría demostrar si la intervención inmediata por el médico especialista en Enfermedades Infecciosas en los pacientes con sospecha de bacteriemia nosocomial, mejora o no la adecuación del uso de los antimicrobianos. En nuestro conocimiento nunca antes se había realizado un ensayo clínico para tal fin. Hipótesis: 1) La intervención inmediata del especialista en Enfermedades Infecciosas tras conocerse el resultado del Gram en la bacteriemia nosocomial es capaz de mejorar la adecuación del uso de los antimicrobianos. 2) Los pacientes en los que se sospecha una bacteriemia nosocomial que debuta durante el fin de semana tienen una peor adecuación en el uso de los antimicrobianos, que aquellos que debutan durante los días laborables. Objetivos: 1) Principal: Evaluar el impacto de una intervención precoz por el médico especialista en Enfermedades Infecciosas en los pacientes con sospecha de bacteriemia nosocomial en cuanto a: a) Adecuación de la prescripción de los antimicrobianos; b) Evolución clínica y microbiológica de los pacientes; c) Evolución de indicadores asistenciales como la estancia media, la mortalidad y los reingresos; d) Consumos y gasto de antibióticos. 2) Secundario: Evaluar si existen diferencias, en la adecuación de los antibióticos entre los pacientes atendidos en los días laborables y los festivos. Métodos: 1) Estudio de intervención aleatorizado, controlado y con un análisis ciego de los datos, y con una ratio de intervención 1:2 (n=178 vs. 346) y 2) Estudio observacional prospectivo y comparativo entre las bacteriemias ocurridas en festivo y en laborables (n=346 vs. 279) Resultados y conclusiones: 1) La intervención del especialista en Infecciosas inmediata tras el resultado microbiológico, mejora la adecuación de los antimicrobianos en un 37% (p 0.001). Este hecho produce: Mejoría de la curación clínica (24.8%; p=0.001), de la erradicación microbiológica (19.5%; p=0.001), disminución de la bacteriemia persistente (4.3%; p=0.001), disminución de la sobreinfección confirmada (3.2%; p=0.001), disminución de las estancias corregidas (8.3 días de media; p=0.017), disminución la mortalidad atribuible a la infección (8.8%; p=0.002), disminución del consumo de antibióticos (en LOT -4.1 días de media; p=0.013-y en DOT/1000e dirigida 15.7%; p=0-015-) de forma independiente a las estancias, no disminuye los reingresos, no modifica el consumo de antibióticos medidos en 01D/100e, probablemente por el impacto de las altas dosis empleadas. 2) Los pacientes con sospecha de bacteriemia nosocomial que debuta durante el fin de semana tienen una inadecuación del 10.1% mayor en el uso de antimicrobianos en el momento de la identificación. Este hecho no permite observar diferencias en: Porcentaje de curación clínica, porcentaje de erradicación microbiológica, bacteriemia persistente o de sobreinfección confirmada, duración de las estancias, reingresos, mortalidad atribuible, ni en consumo de antibióticos (en LOT, en DOT y en 01D/100e).The high and increasing incidence of nosocomial bacteremia and increased bacterial resistance has an important clinical impact and also economic consequences. The fact that inadequate use of antibiotics is still happening, very often in hospitals makes necessary to seek for the best strategies to optimize the antibiotics use. It was thought that a study design using the most demanding and rigorous methodology would show whether immediate intervention by the medical specialist in Infectious Diseases could improve antibiotic use in patients with microbiological suspected nosocomial bacteremia. To our knowledge, there has never been a clinical trial to achieve this purpose. Hypotheses: 1) The immediate intervention of the specialist in Infectious Diseases (ID) after the receiving the results from Gram stain can improve the appropriate use of antimicrobials in patients with nosocomial bacteremia. 2) Patients with a nosocomial bacteremia which begins during the weekend are thought to have a worse appropriateness in the use of antimicrobials, than those who begin on weekdays. Objectives: 1) Main objective: Evaluate the impact of early intervention by the specialist in Infectious Diseases in patients with suspected nosocomial bacteremia in terms of: a) appropriateness of antimicrobials; b) clinical and microbiological evolution of patients; c) development of welfare indicators such as average length of stay, mortality, and readmissions; d) consumption of antibiotics. 2) Secondary objective: To evaluate whether there are differences in the adequacy of antibiotics among patients treated on weekdays or on weekends. Methods: 1) Randomized, controlled, intervention clinical trial with blind data analyst. Intervention ratio of 1: 2 (n = 178 vs. 346) Intervention group: Immediate ID specialist recommendation after Gram result vs. control group (standard of care, physicians can c p=0.001onsult or not to ID specialist) and 2) prospective observational and comparative study between bacteremia occurred weekdays and on weekends (n = 346 vs. 279) Results and conclusions: 1) the intervention of the ID specialist immediately after microbiological result, improved the adequacy of use of the antimicrobials by 37% (p 0.001). This produces: Improved clinical cure (24.8%; p=0.001), improved microbiological eradication (19.5%; p=0.001), decreased persistent bacteremia (4.3% p=0.001; ), decreased confirmed superinfection (3.2%; p=0.001 ), decreased the corrected admission-days (8.3 days on average; p=0.017), decreased mortality attributable to the infection (8.8%; p=0.002), decreased consumption of antibiotics (by 4.1 days of LOT; p=0.0013 and 15.7% of DOT/1000e; p=0.015) regardless of the length of stay, did not decrease readmissions, did not decrease antibiotic consumption measured in DDD / 100e, probably by the impact of the high doses used. 2) Patients with suspected nosocomial bacteremia which begun during the weekend have a of 10.1% higher inappropriateness in the antimicrobial use at the time of microorganism identification. This fact did not allow detecting differences in: Percentage of clinical cure, microbiological eradication rate, persistent bacteremia or confirmed superinfection, length of stay, readmissions, mortality attributable to the infection or consumption of antibiotics (LOT, DOT/1000e and DDD/100e)

    Estudio de la percepción de los clientes de un banco del estado sobre sus canales virtuales a través del marketing mix de servicios: estudio de caso Banco de la Nación

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    El constante desarrollo tecnológico que evoluciona de manera exponencial ha generado cambios en los modelos de negocio en todos los sectores de la economía, volviéndose indispensable para el crecimiento de las organizaciones y su competitividad. De esta manera, uno de los cambios adoptados por la banca se encuentra vinculado a sus canales de distribución, incluyendo nuevas y más efectivas alternativas para la prestación de sus servicios. Siguiendo esta tendencia, el objetivo de la presente investigación busca entender la percepción de los clientes entre 18-40 años del Banco de la Nación en Lima Metropolitana sobre los canales virtuales del banco a través de su propuesta de marketing mix de servicios. La investigación se estructura estableciendo el problema de investigación, objetivos e hipótesis planteadas; luego, se desarrolla el marco teórico y el estado del arte de la investigación. Para ello, se plantean diversas aproximaciones teóricas sobre los conceptos de banca, canales de distribución, marketing en el sector público y las siete Ps del marketing mix de servicios (Plaza, Presencia Física, Promoción, Producto, Procesos, Personas y Precio). El tercer capítulo abarca el marco contextual, donde se explica la evolución y digitalización en el sector bancario a través del uso de internet y de telefonía móvil, asimismo, se detalla acerca del sujeto de estudio, su relevancia en el sistema financiero peruano, sus principales productos y servicios y el modelo de negocio de sus canales virtuales (Multired Celular y Multired Virtual). En el cuarto capítulo se establece el diseño de la metodología con un enfoque mixto, tomando en cuenta el análisis de información cualitativo y cuantitativo, un alcance exploratorio-descriptivo y un diseño de estudio de caso. En relación al quinto capítulo, este abarca el análisis de la investigación y el último hace alusión a las conclusiones y recomendaciones. Con el fin de responder a los objetivos específicos del estudio, se optó por utilizar la herramienta Análisis de Importancia - Valoración (IPA) para analizar la percepción de los clientes en base a las 7 Ps del marketing mix de servicios. Para el uso de esta herramienta, fue necesario realizar entrevistas a expertos y representantes del Banco de la Nación, focus groups y la aplicación de una encuesta a los clientes del banco. De esta manera, se pudo conocer a detalle la percepción y gestión de los canales Multired Celular y Multired Virtual. Los resultados de la investigación demuestran que existe una percepción positiva de los clientes entre 18-40 años de Lima Metropolitana acerca de canal Multired Celular en comparación al Multired Virtual, pero que, ambos aún son susceptibles de mejora en varios aspectos estudiados en la presente investigación.Tesi

    Evaluation of the Effect of Sampling Time on Biomarkers of Stress, Immune System, Redox Status and Other Biochemistry Analytes in Saliva of Finishing Pigs

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    Saliva is a sample with a high potential in pigs since it is usually easy to obtain and its collection from animals causes less stress than blood sampling. However, the possible effects of daily variations in many salivary biomarkers are still unknown in this species. In our report, the possible variations depending on the sampling time in the day in a panel of 26 salivary biomarkers related to stress, immune system, redox status and other physiological functions in the saliva of pigs were evaluated. In our experimental conditions, daily variations were observed in cortisol, α-amylase, total esterase, butyrylcholinesterase, lipase, adenosine deaminase isoenzyme 1, uric acid, superoxide dismutase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, triglycerides and lactate. In some analytes, these differences appeared in both sexes, whereas others only showed differences in one sex. These variations should be taken into consideration for an appropriate interpretation of these analytes in the saliva of healthy pigs. This study aims to evaluate the possible variations due to the sampling time in the day in 26 analytes of pigs' saliva, related to stress, the immune system, redox status and other biomarkers related to metabolism and selected tissues and organs, in order to know the possible effects of the hour of the day in their interpretation. These analytes were measured in saliva obtained from a population of 40 clinically healthy pigs from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., every 4 h in the same day. In our experimental conditions, daily variations were observed in cortisol, salivary α-amylase, total esterase activity, butyrylcholinesterase, lipase, adenosine deaminase isoenzyme 1, uric acid, superoxide dismutase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, lactate and triglycerides. These changes appeared in both sexes, except for adenosine deaminase isoenzyme 1 and superoxide dismutase which only showed differences in females. In conclusion, this report indicates that, in the experimental conditions of this trial, the time of the day and sex can influence the values obtained in various salivary analytes in pigs. These variations should thus be taken into consideration for an adequate interpretation of these analytes when used for the evaluation of health and welfare in this species

    Complete genome sequences of field isolates of Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium caprae

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    Here we report the complete genome sequences of field isolates of Mycobacterium bovis and the related mycobacterial species, Mycobacterium caprae. The genomes of three M. bovis (MB1, MB3, MB4) and one M. caprae (MB2) field isolates with different virulence, prevalence, and host distribution phenotypes were sequenced.This research was supported by grant AGL2011-30041 from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain, by the Programa de Tecnologías Avanzadas en Vigilancia Sanitaria (TAVS) from the Comunidad de Madrid (ref. S2013/ABI-2747), the EU H2020 COllaborative Management Platform for detection and Analyses of (Re-) emerging and foodborne outbreaks in Europe (COMPARE) Grant 377/14, and by the EU FP7 grants ANTIGONE (project number 278976) and WildTBvac (project number 613779).Peer Reviewe


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    ResumenActualmente las baterías juegan un papel importante en el uso de energía eléctrica, dichos dispositivos tienen aplicaciones en pequeña y grande escala; para las aplicaciones de baja potencia (baja escala) las baterías son utilizadas en dispositivos electrónicos portátiles tales como teléfono celular, computadoras, ventiladores, etc.; para las aplicaciones de alta potencia (grande escala), éstas son usadas como reserva de energía para aplicaciones automotrices, inyección de energía a la red, entre otras.La batería es el dispositivo más utilizado para almacenar energía por su practicidad y eficiencia que otorga al usuario. Una batería envejece en proporción a los ciclos de carga y descarga; dichos procesos degradan las sustancias químicas que componen al dispositivo de almacenamiento; una baja carga tiene como consecuencia efectos de sulfatación y estratificación que acortan la duración de la batería, mientras que la sobrecarga provoca gases y pérdidas de agua.Debido a que la energía almacenada en una batería es limitada se vuelve importante contar con la habilidad de determinar la capacidad disponible, el estado de carga (SOC, por sus siglas en inglés) y el estado de salud (SOH, por sus siglas en inglés) de dicho dispositivo; esto asegura que la batería tenga la energía disponible para ser utilizada. En este artículo se realiza una revisión y análisis comparativo sobre los principales métodos de estimación de SOC y SOH de las baterías en general.Palabras Claves: AHC, carga, corriente, descarga, SOC, SOF, SOH, tensión. REVIEW OF METHODS FOR THE ESTIMATION OF THE STATES OF CHARGE AND HEALTH OF A BATTERYAbstractBatteries currently play a significant role in the use of electric power. Such devices have applications on a small and large scale; for low power applications (low scale) batteries are used in portable electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, fans, etc.; On the other hand, for high power applications (large scale) these sources are used as energy reserve for automotive applications, energy injection to the network, among others.The battery is the most used device to store energy by its practicality and efficiency that it grants to the user. A battery ages in proportion to the loading and unloading cycles; Such processes degrade the chemicals that make up the storage device; a low charge results in stratification and sulphation effects that shorten battery life, while overloading causes gas and water loss.Because power is stored in a limited battery, it is important to have the ability to determine the available capacity, the state of charge (SOC), and health status (SOH) of said device; this ensures that the battery has the power available to be used. In this paper, a review and a comparative analysis of the primary methods of estimation of SOC and SOH of general batteries is presented.Keywords: AHC, charge, current, discharge, SOC, SOF, SOH, voltag

    Oral antibiotic prophylaxis lowers surgical site infection in elective colorectal surgery: results of a pragmatic cohort study in Catalonia

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    Background: The role of oral antibiotic prophylaxis (OAP) and mechanical bowel preparation (MBP) in the prevention of surgical site infection (SSI) after colorectal surgery is still controversial. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of a bundle including both measures in a National Infection Surveillance Network in Catalonia. Methods: Pragmatic cohort study to assess the effect of OAP and MBP in reducing SSI rate in 65 hospitals, comparing baseline phase (BP: 2007-2015) with implementation phase (IP: 2016-2019). To compare the results, a logistic regression model was established. Results: Out of 34,421 colorectal operations, 5180 had SSIs (15.05%). Overall SSI rate decreased from 18.81% to 11.10% in BP and IP, respectively (OR 0.539, CI95 0.507-0.573, p < 0.0001). Information about bundle implementation was complete in 61.7% of cases. In a univariate analysis, OAP and MBP were independent factors in decreasing overall SSI, with OR 0.555, CI95 0.483-0.638, and OR 0.686, CI95 0.589-0.798, respectively; and similarly, organ/space SSI (O/S-SSI) (OR 0.592, CI95 0.494-0.710, and OR 0.771, CI95 0.630-0.944, respectively). However, only OAP retained its protective effect at both levels at multivariate analyses. Conclusions: oral antibiotic prophylaxis decreased the rates of SSI and O/S-SSI in a large series of elective colorectal surger