106 research outputs found

    Participación ciudadana y cultura científica

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    Upon the basis of the political evolution of contemporary societies and the new social role assumed in them by science and technology, this contribution essays a critical examination of the relationship between scientific literacy and public participation. New opportunities are identified along the road of promoting democracy in scientific matters, among them and particularly the so-called "formative participation" - a new form of citizen participation closely related to the consolidation of the "knowledge society" and recent advances of social activism in public affairs involving science and technology.En esta contribución se realiza una reflexión acerca de las relaciones entre cultura científica y participación ciudadana, sobre la base de la reciente evolución política de nuestras sociedades y el nuevo papel que en ellas desempeñan la ciencia y la tecnología. Se identifican nuevos espacios de oportunidad para la democratización de la ciencia y se aborda en particular una modalidad de participación ciudadana conocida como «participación formativa », una modalidad asociada a la consolidación de la sociedad del conocimiento y los nuevos frentes abiertos por el activismo social en asuntos públicos relacionados con la ciencia y la tecnología

    Gobernabilidad en la sociedad del conocimiento

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    The aim of this paper is to bring forward an argument about one of the most important determining factors of governance in the present society of knowledge: citizen participation in public policies concerning science and technology. It begins by a brief outline of what �society of knowledge� is. Then it analyses the concepts of society of risk and regulatory science, as necessary for the right understanding of the character of both �society� and �knowledge� are. In line with this analysis, it is possible to identify several models of future projection for the society of knowledge with different governance conditions. On this basis I will argue that the new role of knowledge in nature transformation and social dynamics as well as the growing prominence of the civil society in public life involve of social agents in the technological- scientific change management a key condition of governance in the society of knowledge.En esta presentación planteo una reflexión sobre un importante condicionante para la gobernabilidad en la actual sociedad del conocimiento: la participación ciudadana en las políticas públicas sobre ciencia y tecnología. Comenzaré con un bosquejo de lo que entiendo genéricamente como �sociedad del conocimiento�. Defenderé los conceptos de sociedad del riesgo y de ciencia reguladora como necesarios para una compresión adecuada del carácter de esa �sociedad� y ese �conocimiento�. En función de este análisis, es posible detectar varios modelos de proyección futura para la sociedad del conocimiento con distintas condiciones de gobernabilidad. Sobre esta base, argumentaré que el nuevo papel del conocimiento en la transformación de la naturaleza y en la dinámica social, así como el creciente protagonismo de la sociedad civil en la vida pública, hace del involucramiento de los agentes sociales en la gestión del cambio científico-tecnológico una condición clave de gobernabilidad en la sociedad del conocimiento

    Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad en la España del siglo XXI

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    A lo largo del artículo se analizan, por un lado, los cambios políticos que en las últimas décadas del siglo XX dieron lugar en España a un cambio sustancial en la cantidad y calidad de la producción científica y tecnológica española. Por otro, se reivindica la necesidad de que los ciudadanos españoles sean cada vez más conscientes de que la ciencia y la tecnología tienen un papel esencial en sus vidas, para lo que se repasan las distintas iniciativas que se han llevado a cabo en nuestro país desde lo que se conoce como el ámbito CTS. Por último, se señalan algunas de las acciones que se han de producir en el futuro si nuestro objetivo es continuar en la marcha de crecimiento en la producción científica y en la mejora de la cultura científica ciudadana

    Fatigue strain fields comparison between Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction and 3D Numerical computation in a bainitic steel.

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    Engineers prioritize resource preservation when designing lightweight materials, but fatigue can pose challenges. Although various experimental methods exist for studying fatigue cracks, some are only effective for transparent materials. For example, transmission photo-elasticity is limited in application, and post-failure metallography and micro-indentation cannot be adopted during mechanical testing. However, Synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments can obtain valuable data from the bulk of metallic materials. A study was done on a 12mm thick Compact Tension bainitic steel sample (used in civil engineering and Wind offshore industry). A fatigue test was conducted by applying 51,000 loading cycles at a frequency of 10 Hz, ΔP=14.9KN (0.5kN to 15.4kN), followed by a 24.5 kN load. We analyzed the strain fields along the crack growth direction (εxx) and loading direction (εyy). Both experimental and Finite Element Methods data showed promising results with similar strain field shapes and values, showing as well consistency with mode I loading.Authors are grateful for the beam time granted by the ESRF (MA1483). Authors would also like to acknowledge the financial support of Programa Operativo FEDER (Junta de Andalucia, Spain) through grant reference UMA18-FEDERJA-250. This work was also supported by the Henry Royce Institute for Advanced Materials, funded through EPSRC grants EP/R00661X/1, EP/S019367/1, EP/P025021/1, and EP/P025498/1 and the European Social Found, through the Youth Employment Initiative, grant reference UMAJI84. The authors are especially thankful to Manuel Carrera for his help in the early stages of this study. We would also acknowledge funding for open access charge: Universidad de Malaga / CBUA. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analysis of fatigue strain fields with synchrotron x-ray diffraction and 3d numerical computation.

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    When designing lightweight materials, engineers prioritise resource preservation but often encounter issues with fatigue. Various experimental methods exist to study fatigue cracks; nevertheless, transmission photo-elasticity is only effective for transparent materials, and post-failure metallography and micro-inden-tation cannot obtain fatigue test data. Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction (S-XRD) experiments allow us to get data from the bulk of metallic materials. It was conducted a study on a CT bainitic steel sample that was 3.3mm thick. During the fatigue test, we applied 30,000 loading cycles at a frequency of 20 Hz, followed by an 8,800 N load. We analysed strain fields along the crack growth direction εxx and loading direction εyy. Both experimental and Finite Element Methods (FEM) data showed promising results, as observed in the similar strain field shapes with similar maximum values. We observed symmetry along the X-axis, consistent with mode I loading.UMA18-FEDERJA-250 UMAJI84 Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Fatigue crack growth behaviour of selective laser-melted 18NI300 manufactured at 0º, 45º and 90º to perpendicular crack growth plane

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    The use of selective laser melting (SLM) as a method of additive manufacturing (AM) of valuable objects has a promising future. Maraging steel is a widely used material due to its excellent qualities in AM, so it is essential to know the fatigue mechanisms existing in this material manufactured at different angles. The current state of research in fracture mechanics applied to additive manufacturing has been analyzed to determine the importance of mechanical properties in this process. The CT samples were laser fabricated in three orientations with respect to the intended crack plane; the angles used are 0-, 45- and 90-degrees respect from the displacement. Fatigue tests show a longer service life with the 90-degree specimens than with the 0-degree specimens, with a reduction up to 20% for the 0-degree tests. On the 45-degree specimens, a 40% reduction is observed compared to the 90-degree specimens, and there is no apparent reason. A fracture surface analysis has shown different textures on the 45-degree specimens, with rougher surfaces in certain tests due to a rougher application of load. This also results in sharper ridges signifying rapid cracking due to shorter periods of higher forces. In addition, it is necessary to continue the study to obtain the da/dN curves, as well, the reasons for these difference in surface areas.UMA18-FEDERJA-250 y POCI-01-0247-FEDER-042536. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Aprendiendo el lenguaje con Nora: Colección de materiales didácticos para el acceso al lenguaje en contextos educativos multilingües

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    La colección de materiales elaborados e implementados en diversos centros de Educación Infantil y Primaria de la región de Murcia recoge una serie de propuestas didácticas en formato papel y multimedia que, en torno a diez unidades didácticas integradas, pretenden ayudar al alumnado a acceder al lenguaje en contextos educativos con diversidad cultural y lingüística. Esta propuesta metodológica presenta un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del español, en ocasiones como segunda lengua, que da respuesta educativa a la diversidad de necesidades del alumnado que hay en las aulas, bien por desconocimiento del idioma, bien por presentar dificultades de aprendizaje, o por requerir apoyo educativo ante otras necesidades educativas especiales

    La educación física y la organización de la clase: aprendiendo a enseñar. Consideraciones previas

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    We must start by saying that the Physical Education as a curricular area has to offer truly educative experiences through the corporal practise to the pupils, contributing to the educative aims of the Primary Education stage. The Physical Education teacher, through the didactic intervention, will have to facilitate situations in which the pupils can fi nd possibilities of acting and implication in the corporal activities and the corresponding satisfactory and motivating learning close to his/her interests, attending to the educative values and purposes. In our case, we are going to refer to the didactic process of the Physical Education teacher, trying to fi nd some explanations about the way he/she teaches, for this reason we have focused on the process of didactic intervention and more specifi cally on the class organization.Facultad de Educación y Humanidades - Campus de Melilla (Universidad de Granada