1,693 research outputs found

    Business Cycle and Speculative Pressures in a Target Zone

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    In the past time, most economies have suffered cyclical fluctuations in their activity which may influence the optimal use of productive factors in long slow-growth phases or price stability in periods of fast growth. This paper focuses on the possible interrelationship between business cycles and exchange rate ‡uctuations. We have chosen the European Monetary System framework in the nineties, from June 1989 to December 1998, because the Peseta belonged to the EMS during that time. This sample is specially interesting because it includes the worst crisis of the System in 1992-93 and the following ones affecting emerging countries like Mexico, Brazil or Russia at the end of the decade. We use a Binary Dependent Variable Logit Model to estimate the readjustment probability inside a band for two currencies, the Peseta and the french Franc . We calculate the dependent variable values from a Markov-Switching Regime Model with constant transition probabilities. We prove that it is a suitable method and that it allows both real and monetary variables to be identified in order to explain speculative pressures.Readjustment Probability, Speculative Pressures, Economic Fluctuations.

    A Cytochemical Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of Non-Specific Acid Esterase and Acid Phosphatase Activities in Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes

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    We analyzed the distribution patterns of nonspecific acid esterase and acid phosphatase activities with cytochemistry-scanning electron microscopy in backscattered and secondary electron imaging modes in isolated normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes . The analysis of non-specific acid esterase activity in the backscattered electron imaging mode showed, in some cells, focal distribution with a well-defined, homogenous deposit. Two patterns of acid phosphatase activity were evident with the backscattered electron imaging mode, i.e., focal and granular. Peripheral blood lymphocytes showing focal activity of both enzymes presented a smooth surface with few scattered microvilli as seen with the secondary electron imaging mode ; while lymphocytes with a granular pattern of acid phosphatase activity had abundant microvilli . The correlation between patterns of enzymatic activity as seen in backscattering electron imaging mode, and surface morphological features as seen with secondary electron imaging mode, distinguished a subpopulation of lymphocytes of T lineage in human peripheral blood

    Bozepinib: A Promising Selective Derivative Targeting Breast Cancer Stem Cells

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    Bozepinib is a potent antitumour compound that shows an IC50 of 0.166 μM against MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cell line. It is also a very selective drug that presents a therapeutic index (TI) of 11.0 against MDA-MB-231 in relation to the normal MCF-10A. It is important to identify new cancer stem-like cells (CSCs) anticancer drugs to struggle against the resistance and the high risk of relapse in patients. In the present chapter, we show how bozepinib demonstrated selectivity on cancer cells and showed an inhibitory effect over kinases involved in carcinogenesis, proliferation and angiogenesis. Bozepinib inhibits HER-2 signaling pathway and JNK and ERK kinases. In addition, it has an inhibitory effect on AKT and VEGF together with anti-angiogenic and anti-migratory activities. Interestingly, bozepinib suppresses the formation of both mammo- and colonospheres and eliminated ALDH+ CSC subpopulations at a low micromolar range similar to salinomycin. It also induces the downregulation of SOX2, c-MYC and β-CATENIN and upregulation of the GLI-3 Hedgehog signaling repressor. Finally, bozepinib shows in vivo antitumor and anti-metastatic efficacy in xenotransplanted nude mice without presenting subacute toxicity. However, further studies in cancer patients are needed to confirm the therapeutic potential of bozepinib

    Reducción de los salarios de los trabajadores con educación universitaria en México: ¿son los más jóvenes o los más viejos los más perjudicados?

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    A reduction in the wage premium for skilled labor –and a consistent reduction of overall wage inequality-has played an important role in explaining the fall of income inequality in Latin America during the 2000-2014 period. Consistent with that pattern, wage inequality declined in Mexico since 2000. This paper investigates the possible channels on why the wages of high-skilled workers have declined. Using data from Mexican labor surveys for the period between 2000 and 2014, we investigate if the decline was driven by wages declining more sharply for younger or older workers. We find that wages of older workers declined and the decline was more pronounced the older the cohort. This would seem to support the hypothesis that older workers’ skills became obsoleteUna reducción en la prima salarial del trabajo calificado -y una reducción constante de la desigualdad salarial global- ha jugado un papel importante en la explicación de la caída de la desigualdad del ingreso en América Latina durante el período 2000-2014. En consonancia con ese patrón, la desigualdad salarial disminuyó en México desde el año 2000. Este trabajo investiga las posibles causas de por qué los salarios de los trabajadores altamente cualificados han disminuido. Utilizando datos de encuestas sobre el trabajo de México para el periodo 2000- 2014, se investiga si la reducción se debió a una disminución de salarios más acusada para los trabajadores más jóvenes o más viejos. Nos encontramos con que los salarios de los trabajadores de edad se redujeron y el descenso fue más pronunciado cuanto mayor es la cohorte. Esto parece apoyar la hipótesis de que las cualificaciones de los trabajadores de más edad se volvieron obsoleta

    Dynamics of Executive Functions, Basic Psychological Needs, Impulsivity, and Depressive Symptoms in American Football Players

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    Executive functions play an important role in sports since the ability to plan, organize,and regulate behavior to reach an objective or goal depends on these functions. Someof the components of executive functions, such as inhibition of impulsive behavior andcognitive flexibility, are necessary for contact sports (e.g., American football) to carryout successful plays on the sports field. Executive functions have been studied in thesporting environment, but their relationship with the athletes’ basic psychological needs(BPN), such as autonomy, competence, and relatedness, remains unexplored. Due tothe importance of motivational processes over cognitive functions and in the generatedadaptive results in athletes, this relationship should be taken into account. Therefore, theaim of this study was to analyze and compare executive functioning and psychologicalneed thwarting overimpulsivity and psychological distress, before and after the season(4 months) in 28 undergraduate football players. Neuropsychological and psychologicaltests were applied. The results showed that there was an improvement in inhibitionand planning at the end of the season. There was also an increase in attention andmotor impulsiveness, and a decrease in need thwarting at the end of the season.A positive association between executive function, impulsiveness, psychological needs,and affective symptoms were also found. Our findings reveal the dynamics of sport-related psychological variables throughout the sport season in American football players,the association of these for the achievement of sport success, and the importance ofencouraging proper management of emotions

    Clutch size in great tits (Parus major) in orange-groves of Valencia and in the holm oak forest of Monte Poblet (Tarragona)

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    La estación de nidificación del Carbonero Común (Parus major) en la franja mediterránea ibérica comienza en abril y finaliza en julio. No obstante, la fecha media de puesta es diferente en distintas localidades. El tamaño medio de la puesta gira en torno a los 7 huevos por nido en las localidades estudiadas. Este valor es diferente del tamaño de la puesta al norte de los Pirineos y en regiones más occidentales de la Península Ibérica.In the Iberian Mediterranean area, the Great Tit's breeding season starts in April and finishes in July, but the mean laying date differs in different areas. The mean clutch size is about 7 eggs in the study sites. This values is significantly lower than mean clutch size both in more northern localities and in Salamanca (western Spain)

    Predicting IR Personalization Performance using Pre-retrieval Query Predictors

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    Personalization generally improves the performance of queries but in a few cases it may also harms it. If we are able to predict and therefore to disable personalization for those situations, the overall performance will be higher and users will be more satisfied with personalized systems. We use some state-of-the-art pre-retrieval query performance predictors and propose some others including the user profile information for the previous purpose. We study the correlations among these predictors and the difference between the personalized and the original queries. We also use classification and regression techniques to improve the results and finally reach a bit more than one third of the maximum ideal performance. We think this is a good starting point within this research line, which certainly needs more effort and improvements

    Repercusiones de las resecciones intestinales sobre algunos aspectos de las secreciones digestivas

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    The removal of a segment of intestine may interfere with the mechanical, enzymatic or hormonal role played by this segment in digestion and, indirectly, in metabolismo The extent of this interference depends on the location and size of the segment removed. This technique has been widely used to shed light on the relation between morphology and function. Specifically, the goals of such research have been to identify the relation between the extension and topography of the resection and its effects on various aspects of bite and pancreatic secretions, and in particular on the parameters that are directly and indirectly related to the physiology of the structures extracted.La extirpación de un segmento de intestino puede interferir en el papel mecánico, enzimático u hormonal que dicho segmento ejerce en la digestión e indirectamente en el metabolismo; interferencias que dependerán de la situación y extensión del segmento resecado. Esta técnica ha sido muy utilizada para tratar de aportar alguna luz a la relación entre morfología y función; en definitiva, lo que se intenta es buscar la relación entre la extensión y topografía de la resección y como se afectan las secreciones biliar y pancreática, en especial, de aquellos parámetros directa e indirectamente relacionados con la fisiología de las estructuras resecadas

    Identidad y memoria urbana. Recuerdo y olvido, continuidades y discontinuidades en la ciudad

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    The symbolic dimensions of urban life, that include matters concerning culture and identity, have been absent when reflecting upon the city. There are many ways to approach the problems concerning the 'construction of identity' in an urban context. In this paper the built heritage is presented not only as a 'place of memory', also it is a fixed phenomenon that allow us to look at symbolic relations that the people establish with their space, thus dubbing their memory as something sacred and representing their identity.El interés por las dimensiones simbólicas de la vida urbana, incorpora un conjunto de interrogantes vinculadas a las nociones de cultura e identidad, que han estado relativamente ausentes en la reflexión sobre la ciudad. Para abordar los problemas relativos a la construcción de la identidad en el contexto urbano, habría variados accesos. En esta ocasión se presenta al patrimonio, en tanto 'lugar de memoria', como un fenómeno acotado que permite introducirse en las relaciones simbólicas que establecen los habitantes con determinado espacio, con el fin de sacralizar su memoria y representar su identidad