775 research outputs found

    Dirección técnica de procesos de construcción : herramientas prácticas para seguimiento y control

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    El propósito del presente manual, es establecer un conjunto de herramientas prácticas destinadas a asegurar el control de calidad de los procesos de construcción. Ha sido pensado, como una guía de consulta rápida, aplicable a las actividades de control que realiza la dirección técnica y la inspección en las obras civiles

    Manual de técnicas constructivas : material de estudio

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    Toda obra civil debe brindar al usuario condiciones de seguridad, habitabilidad, durabilidad, estética y adecuación ambiental, las cuales deben materializarse durante la ejecución de la obra. Para contribuir a cumplir con estos aspectos, se ha desarrollado este manual, buscando constituirse en una herramienta práctica de consulta permanente. Se desarrollan temas desde el inicio del proyecto, todas las etapas constructivas hasta las terminaciones, incluyendo la descripción de máquinas y herramientas para la construcción. Este material es el producto de una revisión bibliográfica de los principales textos de técnica constructiva, complementado con el aporte y la experiencia de los profesionales responsables de su compaginación y edición

    Heteroaromatic polyamides with Improved thermal and mechanical properties

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    We prepared high-performance aromatic copolyamides, containing bithiazole and thiazolo-thiazole groups in their main chain, from aromatic diamines and isophthaloyl chloride, to further improve the prominent thermal behavior and exceptional mechanical properties of commercial aramid fibers. The introduction of these groups leads to aramids with improved strength and moduli compared to commercial meta-oriented aromatic polyamides, together with an increase of their thermal performance. Moreover, their solubility, water uptake, and optical properties were evaluated in this work.Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional and both the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MAT2017-84501-R) and the Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León (BU306P18) is gratefully acknowledged. M.T.L. also thankfully acknowledges the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2019-108583RJ-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    30-Day Mortality Following Palliative Radiotherapy

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    Indicador clínic; Radiació pal·liativa; PronòsticIndicador clínico: Radiación paliativa; PronósticoClinical indicator; Palliative radiation; PrognosisPurpose: 30-day mortality (30-DM) is a parameter with widespread use as an indicator of avoidance of harm used in medicine. Our objective is to determine the 30-DM followed by palliative radiation therapy (RT) in our department and to identify potential prognosis factors. Material/Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study including patients treated with palliative RT in our center during 2018 and 2019. Data related to clinical and treatment characteristics were collected. Results: We treated 708 patients to whom 992 palliative irradiations were delivered. The most frequent primary tumor sites were lung (31%), breast (14.8%), and gastrointestinal (14.8%). Bone was the predominant location of the treatment (56%), and the use of single doses was the preferred treatment schedule (34.4%). The 30-DM was 17.5%. For those who died in the first month the median survival was 17 days. Factors with a significant impact on 30-DM were: male gender (p < 0.0001); Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance Status (PS) of 2–3 (p = 0.0001); visceral metastases (p = 0.0353); lung, gastrointestinal or urinary tract primary tumors (p = 0.016); and single dose RT (p = <0.0001). In the multivariate analysis, male gender, ECOG PS 2–3, gastrointestinal and lung cancer were found to be independent factors related to 30-DM. Conclusion: Our 30-DM is similar to previous studies. We have found four clinical factors related to 30-DM of which ECOG was the most strongly associated. This data may help to identify terminally ill patients with poor prognosis in order to avoid unnecessary treatments

    Encapsulación de compuestos bioactivos con alginatos para la industria de alimentos

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    Los compuestos bioactivos como vitaminas, antioxidantes, aceites esenciales, enzimas, microorganismos benéficos, etc. pueden ser preservados por distintas técnicas de encapsulación. Estas tienen como propósito mantener su actividad por aislamiento total o parcial del entorno hasta su liberación en tiempo y lugar adecuados. También la encapsulación es fuente de nuevos ingredientes con propiedades únicas, permite enmascarar o preservar aromas y sabores, reducir problemas de aglomeración y volatilidad de líquidos, mejorando la dosificación de aditivos y por lo tanto la relación costo-efectividad. Los métodos que involucran al alginato de Na o K como precursor de la matriz encapsulante son la coacervación y la gelación iónica. Combinando ambos mecanismos, en nuestro laboratorio se ha estudiado la encapsulación de extractos de yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) en matrices de alginato de Ca con y sin recubrimiento de quitosano, para preservar sus características antioxidantes. Se desarrollaron sistemas complejos con el agregado de carga (gránulos de almidón). Esto permitió aumentar la eficiencia del contenido del compuesto activo y la modulación de su liberación en un sistema gastro-intestinal simulado

    HIVconsv vaccines and romidepsin in early-treated HIV-1-infected individuals: safety, immunogenicity and effect on the viral reservoir (Study BCN02)

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    Kick&kill strategies combining drugs aiming to reactivate the viral reservoir with therapeutic vaccines to induce effective cytotoxic immune responses hold potential to achieve a functional cure for HIV-1 infection. Here, we report on an open-label, single-arm, phase I clinical trial, enrolling 15 early-treated HIV-1-infected individuals, testing the combination of the histone deacetylase inhibitor romidepsin as a latency-reversing agent and the MVA.HIVconsv vaccine. Romidepsin treatment resulted in increased histone acetylation, cell-associated HIV-1 RNA, and T-cell activation, which were associated with a marginally significant reduction of the viral reservoir. Vaccinations boosted robust and broad HIVconsv-specific T cells, which were strongly refocused toward conserved regions of the HIV-1 proteome. During a monitored ART interruption phase using plasma viral load over 2,000 copies/ml as a criterium for ART resumption, 23% of individuals showed sustained suppression of viremia up to 32 weeks without evidence for reseeding the viral reservoir. Results from this pilot study show that the combined kick&kill intervention was safe and suggest a role for this strategy in achieving an immune-driven durable viremic control.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Genetic, molecular and cellular approaches to the analysis of maize embryo development

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    The development of embryo structures in plants is essential for the formation of the adult plant organs. In cereals, this process has distinct features which have attracted attention from different points of view. Differential gene expression analyses have been used in order to identify genes useful as molecular markers of certain physiological, molecular or developmental processes. Several maize mutants affected in embryo development have been isolated, but only a fraction of them have been characterized at the molecular level. Molecular markers can be useful in the characterization of embryo defective mutants. Here, we describe the different techniques used in the identification of molecular marker genes for embryo development. We describe in more detail some groups of genes coding for cell wall proteins. We also describe the application of these molecular markers in the characterization of some embryo mutants

    LA ENSEÑANZA UNIVERSITARIA Y LA FORMACION PARA EL TRABAJO. Un análisis desde la opinión de los estudiantes.

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    Uno de los grandes retos que tiene planteada la Universidad actual es lograr una mayorconexión entre la formación y el desarrollo profesional del alumnado. Se viene insistiendodesde diferentes frentes en que los nuevos títulos que surjan en el marco del Espacio Europeode Educación Superior deben estar en consonancia con la demanda social y potenciar eldesarrollo de la profesionalidad de los egresados, de modo que se tracen puentes para latransición desde la formación a la ocupación. Dado que actualmente en la Universidad de LaLaguna (Tenerife, España) se está en un proceso de concreción y diseño de los nuevos títulos,hemos querido conocer qué opina el alumnado sobre la formación que están recibiendo y siconsideran que les capacita para su incorporación a la vida social y laboral. Los resultadosrevelan que la formación que se ofrece actualmente carece de la suficiente preparaciónpráctica que permita a los estudiantes tener una visión real de la aplicación de losconocimientos en la práctica y del trabajo que realizan los profesionales en el campodirectamente relacionado con la formación. Esta información puede ser un referente de interéspara plasmar en las nuevas titulaciones medidas que estrechen la conexión entre la enseñanzay el desempeño profesional.Palabras clave: enseñanza universitaria y competencias, orientación universitaria, formación alo largo de la vida, formación para el empleo.UNIVERSITY EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR WORK:AN ANALYSIS FROM THE OPINION OF THE STUDENTSAbstractOne of the major challenges facing the University today is to achieve a closer link betweentraining and professional development of students. It comes from different fronts, insisting thatthe new titles that arise under the European Higher Education Area should be in line withsocial demands and enhance the professional development of graduates, so they draw bridgefor the transition from the formation to the occupation. Since it is currently at the University ofLa Laguna (Tenerife, Spain) in a process of specification and design of new titles, we wantedto know your opinion about students who are receiving training and if you consider that theyare able to join social life and work. The results reveal that training is currently available lacks sufficient practical training to enable students to have a real vision of the application ofknowledge in practice and the work done by professionals in the field directly related totraining. This information may be an interesting referent to translate in the new titles necessarymeasures to strengthen the evidence linking between education and performance.Key Words: university education and skills, college guidance, training throughout life,employment trainin

    Severe cardiac and abdominal manifestations without lung involvement in a child With COVID-19

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a worldwide pandemic, affecting humans of all ages. Clinical features of the pediatric population have been published, but there is not yet enough information to make a definitive description. Fever is typical, as it is respiratory symptom. Rarely are the infection and complications severe, and, when they are, it is almost always in a patient with another underlying disease. However, some otherwise healthy children with COVID-19 do suffer critical organ injury, such as acute myocarditis, heart failure and gastrointestinal inflammation. The mechanism of these organ damages remains unclear. An otherwise normally healthy 13-year-old male was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit with acute abdomen pain, possible myocarditis and a suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. Noteworthy basal findings were ventricular extrasystoles in the electrocardiogram (EKG) and moderate left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Chest X-ray was normal. Blood tests revealed altered levels of inflammation factors (C-reactive protein (CRP), D-dimer, fibrinogen, interleukin 6 (IL-6)), lymphopenia and elevated cardiac enzymes. The first test for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was negative. The patient’s condition worsened, and he entered cardiogenic shock (hypotension, tachycardia and oliguria). He was vomiting continuously, which made pain control difficult; imaging of his abdomen was undertaken. There was no response to fluid resuscitation, and so milrinone and epinephrine were administered. Empiric treatment began with azithromycin, foscarnet, carnitine and immunoglobulins. Hydroxychloroquine was given before the results of repeated SARSCoV-2 and serology tests were available. Tocilizumab was administered once COVID-19 had been confirmed and massive inflammation had been observed. Progressively the clinical situation and the levels of the parameters studied improved. The patient was discharged 8 days after admission. Most children with SARS-CoV-2 infection are asymptomatic or present only mild symptoms. However, physicians should be aware of atypical and severe manifestations that may occur in the hyperinflammatory phase of the illness