39 research outputs found

    Modelling and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Methodology (2009–2018) on Debris Cones in Temperate High Mountains

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    Producción CientíficaDebris cones are a very common landform in temperate high mountains. They are the most representative examples of the periglacial and nival processes. This work studies the dynamic behavior of two debris cones (Cone A and Cone B) in the Picos de Europa, in the north of the Iberian Peninsula. Their evolution was measured uninterruptedly throughout each August for 10 years (2009–2018) using the Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) technique. The observations and calculations of the two debris cones were treated independently, but both showed the same behavior. Therefore, if these results are extrapolated to other debris cones in similar environments (temperate high mountain), they should show behavior similar to that of the two debris cones analyzed. Material falls onto the cones from the walls, and transfer of sediments follows linear trajectories according to the maximum slope. In order to understand the linear evolution of the two debris cones, profiles were created along the maximum slope lines of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of 2009, and these profile lines were extrapolated to the remaining years of measurement. In order to determine volumetric surface behavior in the DEMs, each year for the period 2009–2018 was compared. In addition, the statistical predictive value for position (Z) in year 2018 was calculated for the same planimetric position (X,Y) throughout the profiles of maximum slopes. To do so, the real field data from 2009–2017 were interpolated and used to form a sample of curves. These curves are interpreted as the realization of a functional random variable that can be predicted using statistical techniques. The predictive curve obtained was compared with the 2018 field data. The results of both coordinates (Z), the real field data, and the statistical data are coherent within the margin of error of the data collection.Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional - Agencia Estatal de Investigación (grant TIN2016-76843-C4-2-R)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant CGL2015-68144-R

    Effect of VacuumImpregnation and High Hydrostatic Pressure Treatments on Shelf Life, Physicochemical, and Sensory Properties of Seabream Fillets

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    Marination is commonly used to preserve fish, which, in combination with other non-thermal technologies, such as vacuum impregnation and high hydrostatic pressure, may help to preserve freshness and extend shelf life. In addition, marination may mask changes in physicochemical properties and the sensory attributes of fish resulting from intense pressurization treatments. In this study, we evaluated the effects of vacuum impregnation (50 mbar for 5 min) alone or in combination with a moderate pressurization treatment (250 MPa for 6 min) on the physicochemical properties, microbiological and oxidative stability, and sensory properties of refrigerated seabream fillets. Compared to conventional marination, vacuum impregnation alone had no effect on the aforementioned properties, except for a higher perception of lemon aroma (0.9 vs. 1.6). However, vacuum impregnation with pressurization reduced the total viable mesophilic aerobic bacteria to counts below 4 log colony forming units (CFU)/g after 16 days of storage at ≤ 2 °C, compared to 6 log CFU/g with conventional marination. Additionally, the color and texture were affected by the pressurization treatment. However, color was more susceptible, and at the beginning of storage, lightness was higher in the pressurized samples than in the control (52 vs. 78). Regardless, this whitening effect and other minor changes in texture and sensory properties compared to conventional marination with vacuum impregnation with pressurization can be considered of little relevance considering the increase in shelf life, the lack of lipid oxidation (maintained at low and similar levels as those of the non-pressurized samples), and the intrinsic whitening effects of certain marinades.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Majors i mitjans de comunicació: ¿una assignatura pendent?

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    La realidad demográfica del envejecimiento de la población ha promovido cambios socioeconómicos y culturales que están modificando el papel y la imagen pública de las personas mayores en nuestra sociedad. Para conocer cómo se transmite esta imagen a través de los medios de comunicación, nace en el año 2007, dentro de la Universidad Permanente de la UA, el Observatorio Mayores y Medios de Comunicación. Somos un seminario de investigación de carácter permanente con investigadores y expertos, del ámbito de la comunicación, y un grupo de alumnos de la Universidad Permanente. Así, los componentes del observatorio se convierten en investigadores

    Genomic and Phenotypic Agreement Defines the Use of Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy for Recording Muscle Lipid Content in European Seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax)

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    Recording the fillet lipid percentage in European seabass is crucial to control lipid deposition as a means toward improving production efficiency and product quality. The reference method for recording lipid content is solvent lipid extraction and is the most accurate and precise method available. However, it is costly, requires sacrificing the fish and grinding the fillet sample which limits the scope of applications, for example grading of fillets, recording live fish or selective breeding of fish with own phenotypes are all limited. We tested a rapid, cost effective and non-destructive handheld microwave dielectric spectrometer (namely the Distell fat meter) against the reference method by recording both methods on 313 European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). The total method agreement between the dielectric spectrometer and the reference method was assessed by Lin's concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), which was low to moderate CCC = 0.36-0.63. We detected a significant underestimation in accuracy of lipid percentage 22-26% by the dielectric spectrometer and increased imprecision resulting in the coefficient of variation (CV) doubling for dielectric spectrometer CV = 40.7-46% as compared to the reference method 27-31%. Substantial genetic variation for fillet lipid percentage was found for both the reference method (h 2 = 0.59) and dielectric spectroscopy (h 2 = 0.38-0.58), demonstrating that selective breeding is a promising method for controlling fillet lipid content. Importantly, the genetic correlation (rg) between the dielectric spectrometer and the reference method was positive and close to unity (rg = 0.96), demonstrating the dielectric spectrometer captures practically all the genetic variation in the reference method. These findings form the basis of defining the scope of applications and experimental design for using dielectric spectroscopy for recording fillet lipid content in European seabass and validate its use for selective breedin

    Multi-Targeted Molecular Effects of Hibiscus sabdariffa Polyphenols: An Opportunity for a Global Approach to Obesity

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    Improper diet can alter gene expression by breaking the energy balance equation and changing metabolic and oxidative stress biomarkers, which can result in the development of obesity-related metabolic disorders. The pleiotropic effects of dietary plant polyphenols are capable of counteracting by modulating different key molecular targets at the cell, as well as through epigenetic modifications. Hibiscus sabdariffa (HS)-derived polyphenols are known to ameliorate various obesity-related conditions. Recent evidence leads to propose the complex nature of the underlying mechanism of action. This multi-targeted mechanism includes the regulation of energy metabolism, oxidative stress and inflammatory pathways, transcription factors, hormones and peptides, digestive enzymes, as well as epigenetic modifications. This article reviews the accumulated evidence on the multiple anti-obesity effects of HS polyphenols in cell and animal models, as well as in humans, and its putative molecular targets. In silico studies reveal the capacity of several HS polyphenols to act as putative ligands for different digestive and metabolic enzymes, which may also deserve further attention. Therefore, a global approach including integrated and networked omics techniques, virtual screening and epigenetic analysis is necessary to fully understand the molecular mechanisms of HS polyphenols and metabolites involved, as well as their possible implications in the design of safe and effective polyphenolic formulations for obesity.Some of the investigations described in this review have been partially or fully supported by competitive public grants from the following institutions: AGL2011-29857-C03-03 and IDI-20120751 grants (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation); projects AGL2015-67995-C3-1-R, AGL2015-67995-C3-2-R and AGL2015-67995-C3-3-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO); and PROMETEO/2012/007, PROMETEO/2016/006, ACOMP/2013/093, ACIF/2010/162, ACIF/2015/158 and ACIF/2016/230 grants from Generalitat Valenciana and CIBER (CB12/03/30038, Fisiopatologia de la Obesidad y la Nutricion, CIBERobn, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain)

    Trends in the epidemiology of catheter-related bloodstream infections; towards a paradigm shift, Spain, 2007 to 2019

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    Altres ajuts: Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya ("Pla estratègic de recerca i innovació en salut (PERIS) 2019-2021"); Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital; Red Española de Investigación en Patología Infecciosa (REIPI).Background: Catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) are frequent healthcare-associated infections and an important cause of death. Aim: To analyse changes in CRBSI epidemiology observed by the Infection Control Catalan Programme (VINCat). Methods: A cohort study including all hospital-acquired CRBSI episodes diagnosed at 55 hospitals (2007-2019) in Catalonia, Spain, was prospectively conducted. CRBSI incidence rates were adjusted per 1,000patientdays. To assess the CRBSI rate trend per year, negative binomial models were used, with the number of events as the dependent variable, and the year as the main independent variable. From each model, the annual rate of CRBSI diagnosed per 1,000patientdays and the incidence rate ratio (IRR) with its 95% confidence intervals (CI) were reported. Results: During the study, 9,290 CRBSI episodes were diagnosed (mean annual incidence rate:0.20episodes/1,000patientdays). Patients' median age was 64.1years; 36.6% (3,403/9,290) were female. In total, 73.7% (n=6,845) of CRBSI occurred in non-intensive care unit (ICU) wards, 62.7% (n=5,822) were related to central venous catheter (CVC), 24.1% (n=2,236) to peripheral venous catheters (PVC) and 13.3% (n=1,232) to peripherally-inserted central venous catheters (PICVC). Incidence rate fell over the study period (IRR:0.94;95%CI:0.93-0.96), especially in the ICU (IRR:0.88;95%CI:0.87-0.89). As a whole, while episodes of CVC CRBSI fell significantly (IRR:0.88;95%CI:0.87-0.91), peripherally-inserted catheter CRBSI (PVC and PICVC) rose, especially in medical wards (IRR PICVC:1.08;95%CI:1.05-1.11; IRR PVC: 1.03; 95% 1.00-1.05). Conclusions: Over the study, CRBSIs associated with CVC and diagnosed in ICUs decreased while episodes in conventional wards involving peripherally-inserted catheters increased. Hospitals should implement preventive measures in conventional wards

    La utilización de las TIC para la difusión de proyectos científicos de género

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    En nuestro proyecto “Haciendo Historia: Género y Transición en España”, las fuentes deben tener una característica común: aportar datos nuevos. Para lo cual, pretendemos recuperar, reconstruir, preservar y difundir las experiencias vividas por “ellas”, una representación importante de las mujeres que fueron protagonistas de ese momento histórico pero ignoradas por los medios de comunicación. El proyecto recoge testimonios mediante la realización de entrevistas a las protagonistas. Al mismo tiempo, adquirimos todos aquellos documentos que puediesen enriquecer las entrevistas, para digitalizarlos y formar parte de los datos aportados. Y, puesto que la mejor manera de fomentar el conocimiento es poniéndolo a disposición de todo el mundo, el proyecto final vendrá en formato web para su difusión vía Interne

    Exposición “Ríete con las Mates”

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    This paper presents the exhibition “Laugh with Maths: Mathematical Cartoons” that the Educational Innovation Group (GIE) “Mathematical Thinking” (“Pensamiento Matemático”) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) has done with the collaboration of students of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos of the UPM. The work wants to show the utility of the exhibitions as a teaching resource in the teaching of mathematics.Este artículo presenta la exposición “Ríete con las Mates: Viñetas Cómicas Matemáticas” que el Grupo de Innovación Educativa (GIE) “Pensamiento Matemático” de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) ha confeccionado con la colaboración de alumnos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la UPM. El trabajo quiere poner de manifiesto la utilidad de las exposiciones como recurso docente en la enseñanza de las matemáticas

    Ecuaciones diofánticas en enteros gaussianos

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    In this paper we search for solutions in Gaussian integers to some known Diophantine equations.En este artículo se resuelven en los enteros gaussianos algunas ecuaciones diofánticas conocidas

    Optimización de recursos y calidad de servicio en las consultas de urgencias de un centro de atención primaria

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    The hospital emergency services receive a non insignificant proportion of patients who should have been attended in the primary attention services. Planning the emergency services of primary attention for them to improve their quality and to be attractive for the patients can clear the hospital emergencies influencing in an integral way on the whole sanitary emergency service. The reduced wait time is the main factor which the users identify with quality of service. In this article the problem is analysed from a mathematic and computer point of view designing a software which allows obtaining the assignment of doctors to an emergency service of primary attention fulfilling the objective of not surpassing a predetermined wait time as well as optimizing the resources consumption.Los servicios de urgencia hospitalarios reciben una proporción no despreciable de pacientes que deberían haber sido atendidos en los servicios de atención primaria. Planificar los servicios de urgencias de atención primaria para que mejoren su calidad y sean atrayentes para los pacientes puede descongestionar las urgencias hospitalarias incidiendo de manera integral en todo el servicio de urgencias sanitario. El tiempo de espera reducido es el principal factor que los usuarios identifican con la calidad del servicio. En este artículo se analiza el problema desde un punto de vista matemático e informático diseñando un software que permite obtener la asignación de facultativos a un servicio de urgencias de atención primaria cumpliendo el objetivo de no sobrepasar un tiempo de espera prefijado optimizando además el consumo de recursos