1,482 research outputs found

    Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) for improving the topic modeling of the official bulletin of the spanish state (BOE)

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    Since Internet was born most people can access fully free to a lot sources of information. Every day a lot of web pages are created and new content is uploaded and shared. Never in the history the humans has been more informed but also uninformed due the huge amount of information that can be access. When we are looking for something in any search engine the results are too many for reading and filtering one by one. Recommended Systems (RS) was created to help us to discriminate and filter these information according to ours preferences. This contribution analyses the RS of the official agency of publications in Spain (BOE), which is known as "Mi BOE'. The way this RS works was analysed, and all the meta-data of the published documents were analysed in order to know the coverage of the system. The results of our analysis show that more than 89% of the documents cannot be recommended, because they are not well described at the documentary level, some of their key meta-data are empty. So, this contribution proposes a method to label documents automatically based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). The results are that using this approach the system could recommend (at a theoretical point of view) more than twice of documents that it now does, 11% vs 23% after applied this approach

    A cloud-based tool for sentiment analysis in reviews about restaurants on TripAdvisor

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    The tourism industry has been promoting its products and services based on the reviews that people often write on travel websites like TripAdvisor.com, Booking.com and other platforms like these. These reviews have a profound effect on the decision making process when evaluating which places to visit, such as which restaurants to book, etc. In this contribution is presented a cloud based software tool for the massive analysis of this social media data (TripAdvisor.com). The main characteristics of the tool developed are: i) the ability to aggregate data obtained from social media; ii) the possibility of carrying out combined analyses of both people and comments; iii) the ability to detect the sense (positive, negative or neutral) in which the comments rotate, quantifying the degree to which they are positive or negative, as well as predicting behaviour patterns from this information; and iv) the ease of doing everything in the same application (data downloading, pre-processing, analysis and visualisation). As a test and validation case, more than 33.500 revisions written in English on restaurants in the Province of Granada (Spain) were analyse

    Power-aggregation of pseudometrics and the McShane-Whitney extension theorem for Lipschitz p-convace maps

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    [EN] Given a countable set of families {Dk:k¿N} of pseudometrics over the same set D, we study the power-aggregations of this class, that are defined as convex combinations of integral averages of powers of the elements of ¿kDk. We prove that a Lipschitz function f is dominated by such a power-aggregation if and only if a certain property of super-additivity involving the powers of the elements of ¿kDk is fulfilled by f. In particular, we show that a pseudo-metric is equivalent to a power-aggregation of other pseudometrics if this kind of domination holds. When the super-additivity property involves a p-power domination, we say that the elements of Dk are p-concave. As an application of our results, we prove under this requirement a new extension result of McShane-Whitney type for Lipschitz p-concave real valued maps.Both authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigaciones and FEDER under each grants MTM2015-64373-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE) and MTM2016-77054-C2-1-P.Rodríguez López, J.; Sánchez Pérez, EA. (2020). Power-aggregation of pseudometrics and the McShane-Whitney extension theorem for Lipschitz p-convace maps. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 170:611-629. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10440-020-00349-3S611629170Dahia, E., Achour, D., Rueda, P., Sánchez Pérez, E.A., Yahi, R.: Factorization of Lipschitz operators on Banach function spaces. Math. Inequal. Appl. 21(4), 1091–1104 (2018)Beliakov, G.: Optimization and aggregation functions. In: Lodwick, W.A., Kacprzyk, J. (eds.) Fuzzy Optimization: Recent Advances and Applications, pp. 77–108. Springer, Berlin (2010)Beliakov, G., Bustince Sola, H., Calvo Sánchez, T.: A Practical Guide to Averaging Functions, vol. 329. Springer, Heidelberg (2016)Botelho, G., Pellegrino, D., Rueda, P.: A unified Pietsch domination theorem. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 365(1), 269–276 (2010)Botelho, G., Pellegrino, D., Rueda, P.: On Pietsch measures for summing operators and dominated polynomials. Linear Multilinear Algebra 62(7), 860–874 (2014)Chávez-Domínguez, J.A.: Duality for Lipschitz p-summing operators. J. Funct. Anal. 261, 387–407 (2011)Chávez-Domínguez, J.A.: Lipschitz pp-convex and qq-concave maps (2014). arXiv:1406.6357Defant, A.: Variants of the Maurey-Rosenthal theorem for quasi Köthe function spaces. Positivity 5, 153–175 (2001)Defant, A., Floret, K.: Tensor Norms and Operator Ideals. Elsevier, Amsterdam (1992)Diestel, J., Jarchow, H., Tonge, A.: Absolutely Summing Operators. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1995)Dugundji, J.: Topology. Allyn and Bacon, Needham Heights (1966)Farmer, J., Johnson, W.: Lipschitz pp-summing operators. Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 137(9), 2989–2995 (2009)Juutinen, P.: Absolutely minimizing Lipschitz extensions on a metric space. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn., Math. 27, 57–67 (2002)Marler, T.R., Arora, J.S.: The weighted sum method for multi-objective optimization: new insights. Struct. Multidiscip. Optim. 41(6), 853–862 (2010)Mustata, C.: Extensions of semi-Lipschitz functions on quasi-metric spaces. Rev. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx. 30(1), 61–67 (2001)Mustata, C.: On the extremal semi-Lipschitz functions. Rev. Anal. Numér. Théor. Approx. 31(1), 103–108 (2002)Pellegrino, D., Santos, J.: Absolutely summing multilinear operators: a panorama. Quaest. Math. 34(4), 447–478 (2011)Romaguera, S., Sanchis, M.: Semi-Lipschitz functions and best approximation in quasi-metric spaces. J. Approx. Theory 103, 292–301 (2000)Willard, S.: General Topology. Addison-Wesley, Reading (1970)Yahi, R., Achour, D., Rueda, P.: Absolutely summing Lipschitz conjugates. Mediterr. J. Math. 13(4), 1949–1961 (2016

    La Experiencia del Uso de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica en la Elaboración del Plan de Desarrollo Sostenible del Parque Natural de los Alcornocales (Cádiz)

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    Este trabajo parte de la experiencia obtenida por el uso de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica en los estudios preparatorios para el Plan de Desarrollo Sostenible del Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales 2000-006. Del trabajo realizado sobre el Parque Natural en un equipo multidisciplinar se han extraído conclusiones que pueden servir como experiencia en posteriores tareas de planificación medioambiental. En complicidad con el programa 40 de la agenda 21, el objetivo final es concluir en el planteamiento y sistematización de trabajo que permita la integración eficiente de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica en el esquema de planificación, a la luz de la experiencia obtenida sobre las fuentes y las técnicas, con al problemática del Desarrollo Sostenible como hilo conductor

    Partial cooperation and convex sets

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    We consider games of transferable utility, those that deal with partial cooperation situations, made up of coalition systems, in which every unit coalition is feasible and every coalition of players can be expressed as a disjoint union of maximal feasible coalitions. These systems are named partition systems and cause restricted games. To sum up, we study feasible coalition systems defined by a partial order designed for a set of players and we analyze the characteristics of a feasible coalition system developed from a family of convex sets

    Análisis jurisprudencial del control empresarial a través de las TIC y su incidencia en los derechos fundamentales de los trabajadores

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    Se realiza un estudio de la evolución de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos y de la jurisprudencia nacional en materia de control empresarial realizado a través de las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación e información y su incidencia en los derechos fundamentales de los trabajadores, como el derecho a la intimidad, secreto de las comunicaciones o la propia imagen. La investigación se divide en 10 capítulos. Tras una breve introducción histórica de la evolución del derecho laboral en general se estudian los derechos fundamentales que pueden verse vulnerados por el control empresarial a través de las TIC, deteniéndose en la dignidad, base de todos los derechos fundamentales. Después, se realiza un análisis conceptual de las tecnologías de información y comunicación y se relacionan con el control laboral ejercido por el empresario en el desarrollo de su actividad, estudiando su régimen jurídico (desarrollo y límites) y la jurisprudencia más notable. Más tarde, se enumeran y desarrollan los derechos fundamentales más sensibles al control empresarial a través de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación, como son el derecho a la intimidad, el derecho a la protección de datos, y el derecho al secreto de las comunicaciones. En este sentido, se mostrará la evolución histórica del derecho fundamental, su régimen jurídico y la jurisprudencia y doctrina judicial relevante a nivel nacional y comunitaria. Por lo tanto, se tratará de un estudio “del poder de dirección versus los derechos fundamentales”, partiendo de dos premisas, que el poder del empresario tiene límites y que los derechos fundamentales de los trabajadores no son absolutos

    La carga procesal y su afectación al principio de celeridad procesal en el juzgado de familia

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    La presente investigación: La Carga Procesal y su afectación al Principio de Celeridad Procesal en el Juzgado de Familia, tiene como objeto general Analizar porqué la Carga Procesal en el Juzgado de Familia de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Arequipa afecta el Principio de Celeridad Procesal, es decir, explicar el motivo por el cual la Carga Procesal vulnera el Principio de Celeridad Procesal, perjudicando así la administración de justicia. La investigación realizada es básica, de enfoque cualitativo y diseño interpretativo basada en la teoría fundamentada. Para lograr el objetivo planteado de la presente investigación se, se usó como instrumento la guía de entrevista y la guía de análisis documental, el primero fue dirigido hacia los bogados especialistas en procesos de familia; y el segundo, hacia los expedientes judiciales de familia

    Opinión de los Catedráticos de Educación Física y Deportiva sobre los aspectos más importantes de la evaluación del profesorado universitario

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    This study aims to know the Spanish Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Full Professors` opinion about Spanish National Habilitation and Evaluation Agency´s faculty evaluation. The sample was composed of 17 full professors. The instrument used was a semi-structured interview. The qualitative analysis of the data obtained from the interviews indicates that in opinion of the Spanish physical activity and sport sciences full professors teaching and researching should have the same importance for the faculty evaluation. In addition, it is important to underline the need to improve and objectify both researching and teaching evaluation introducing for example qualitative evaluations of faculty's scientific productions

    Comparison between the Performance of Algorithmic Optical Codes and Orthogonal Optical Codes in OCDMA Systems

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    A novel method to be used in OCDMA systems is exhaustively described in this paper. It uses Algorithmic Optical Codes (AOCs). They are based on the signature sequence idea. However patterns are constantly changing. A common seed for pseudo-random sequence is the signature element. In this paper a derivation of the probability of error due to the multiple-access interference is provided. An other contribution of this work is also the comparison between the AOCs and the Orthogonal Optical Codes (OOCs) with (auto- and cross-) correlation equal to one. Attending to the cardinality limitation problem observed in OOCs, the comparison is focused on the number of users allowed by the two different systems aforementioned. As result we state that a system using AOCs allows more users than one using OOCs when the codes are long enough

    Motion Detection by Microcontroller for Panning Cameras

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    Motion detection is the first essential process in the extraction of information regarding moving objects. The approaches based on background difference are the most used with fixed cameras to perform motion detection, because of the high quality of the achieved segmentation. However, real time requirements and high costs prevent most of the algorithms proposed in literature to exploit the background difference with panning cameras in real world applications. This paper presents a new algorithm to detect moving objects within a scene acquired by panning cameras. The algorithm for motion detection is implemented on a Raspberry Pi microcontroller, which enables the design and implementation of a low-cost monitoring system.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech