2,319 research outputs found

    Twerking, Alcohol, and Fame: The Construction of Disney Celebrities in the Media

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    The mass media expanded intrusion of cameras into the public and private lives of celebrities has contributed to the public\u27s fascination with Hollywood celebrities. Specifically, this cultural obsession has been increasingly centered on female celebrity\u27s increased deviancy and criminal behaviours. Although numerous studies have been completed discussing the cultural fixation of Hollywood celebrity culture and the audience’s attachment to these celebrities, few have provided insight into the media construction of cultural narratives surrounding Disney celebrities. To fill the gap in the literature, I will assess how female celebrity deviance and sexuality is constructed in the media by examining the media portrayal of three Disney celebrities Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus, and Selena Gomez as either victims or villains (Loseke, 2003). Using Charmaz (2006) constructivist grounded theory approach, I will analyze how the media has constructed social boundaries outlining the appropriate / inappropriate behaviours of women

    Effects of a Motivational Climate on Psychological Needs Satisfaction, Motivation and Commitment in Teen Handball Players

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the motivational climate created by the coach and perceived by a group of young high-performance handball players on their sport motivation, self-determination, sport psychological needs and sport commitment. The study participants were 479 young handball players. The age range was 16–17 years old. Players were administered a battery composed of a Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire, Sport Motivation Scale, the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale and Sport Commitment Questionnaire to measure the above-mentioned theoretical constructs. Results showed that the handball players showed high levels of a task-involving climate, of basic psychological needs satisfaction and of self-determined motivation and commitment. Higher levels of basic psychological needs such as autonomy and competence were associated with a higher task-involving climate, self-determined index and sport commitment (task-involving climate–basic psychological needs (β = 0.55; 95% IC 0.387/0.682; p = 0.001); Ego-involving climate–basic psychological needs (β = 0.06; 95% IC −0.069/0.181; p = 0.387); Basic psychological needs–self-determined index (β = 0.48; 95% IC 0.376/0.571; p = 0.001); Self-determined index–commitment (β = 0.58; 95% IC 0.488/0.663; p = 0.001). The obtained model showed that basic psychological needs mediated the association between a task-involving climate and self-determination, and self-determination mediated the association between basic psychological needs satisfaction and commitment

    How to reach compromises in life satisfaction: a conflicting and multidimensional task

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    Recent concerns around the importance of job and life satisfaction on firms’ productivity have been brought to the policy debate in the European Union. Irrespective of the numerous scientific publications that have been studying the main determinants of workers’ life satisfaction, a gap remains on how to grasp compromises between these. The importance of finding such compromises can be particularly relevant, in face of the multiple factors, seldom intertwined and at the same time conflicting, which have a well-known influence on workers’ well-being. Therefore, policymakers should be supported with sound methodological tools to help them shape policies that will further promote workers’ life satisfaction. With this reasoning in mind, we have developed a multiobjective interval programming model through the use of econometric techniques, where four different workers’ life satisfaction determinants (i.e. satisfaction with education, present work, family life and social life) are viewed as objective functions. Furthermore, we have made a separate assessment of the factors that have an influence on life satisfaction for both genders, because of the discrepancies that might arise with this regard. Overall, we were able to conclude that female workers usually have to devote more time to their work than men to get the highest levels of satisfaction regardless of the features under evaluation. Additionally, having one child is sufficient to obtain the highest levels of well-being both for female and male workers. One of the possible implications of these findings is that the existing work-family priorities are clearly not in line with the current falling birth rates all over Europe. Thus, new supportive workplace policies should be in place that could change people’s priorities regarding their work and family life.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad under research project ECO2017-88883-R PAI group SEJ-532 Fundação para a Ciência e aTecnologia (FCT) under project grant UID/MULTI/00308/201

    Protein Hydrogels: The Swiss Army Knife for Enhanced Mechanical and Bioactive Properties of Biomaterials.

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    Biomaterials are dynamic tools with many applications: from the primitive use of bone and wood in the replacement of lost limbs and body parts, to the refined involvement of smart and responsive biomaterials in modern medicine and biomedical sciences. Hydrogels constitute a subtype of biomaterials built from water-swollen polymer networks. Their large water content and soft mechanical properties are highly similar to most biological tissues, making them ideal for tissue engineering and biomedical applications. The mechanical properties of hydrogels and their modulation have attracted a lot of attention from the field of mechanobiology. Protein-based hydrogels are becoming increasingly attractive due to their endless design options and array of functionalities, as well as their responsiveness to stimuli. Furthermore, just like the extracellular matrix, they are inherently viscoelastic in part due to mechanical unfolding/refolding transitions of folded protein domains. This review summarizes different natural and engineered protein hydrogels focusing on different strategies followed to modulate their mechanical properties. Applications of mechanically tunable protein-based hydrogels in drug delivery, tissue engineering and mechanobiology are discussed.We acknowledges funding from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN) through grant BIO2017-83640-P (AEI/FEDER, UE), RYC-2014-16604, and the Comunidad de Madrid (consortium Tec4Bio-CM, S2018/NMT-4443, FEDER). The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), MCIN and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and was a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505). CHL was the recipient of an FPI predoctoral fellowship (BES-2015-073191).S

    Evolución del estigma hacia salud mental en especialistas sanitarios en formación en Asturias

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    Introduction: Several studies have analysed social stigma among medical and nurse students or health care workers towards people with mental disorders. However, there is no evidence of social stigma training in residents during their specialised health training (FSE). Objective: This study aims to evaluate social stigma in residents in clinical specialities, the “anti-stigma” training during their residency, and its influence on the beliefs and attitudes they had in the first and last year of specialisation.Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study in a sample of 250 residents of nursing, medicine, and clinical psychology: 141 in the first year of speciality and 109 in the last year, selected by random sampling proportional to the total number of residents in each year. The CAMI-S scale was used to measure social stigma, and a self-made questionnaire was used for sociodemographic variables. Both were created in the FORMS app and sent via email. The mean and standard deviation (SD) were obtained for “integration and contact”, “social distance”, “dangerousness and avoidance”, and overall stigma. Overall score for no stigma was between 80-100.Results: Response rate of 57.6%: 72.2% women, 64.6% 23-28 years old, 54.2% in the first year, 51.4% medical specialisation and 29.9% nursing. Only 20.1% had received “anti-stigma” training. Overall mean stigma of 86.7 (SD=8.5); 87.3 (SD=7.9) in the first year and 86.1 (SD=9.1) in the last year (P=0.398); 90.0 (SD=8.2) if they received training and 86.1 (SD=8.4) if they did not (p=0.027).Conclusions: Overall scores favourable to "anti-stigma" were obtained for people both in their first and last year of specialty. When there was "anti-stigma" training during residency, the results were even more favourable. It would therefore be beneficial to include content on "anti-stigma" in residency training programmes.Introducción: Diversos estudios analizaron el estigma en estudiantes o en profesionales sanitarios hacia personas con enfermedades mentales. Sin embargo, no hay evidencia que lo estudie en residentes en Formación Sanitaria Especializada (FSE). Objetivo: Este trabajo pretende evaluar el grado de estigma de residentes en especialidades clínicas, la formación recibida en materia «antiestigma» durante la residencia y su influencia sobre las creencias y actitudes que tenían en el primer y último año de la especialidad. Material y métodos: Diseño descriptivo transversal en una muestra de 250 residentes de enfermería, medicina y psicología clínica: 141 en el primer año de especialidad y 109 en el último, seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio proporcional al total de residentes en cada año. Para medir el estigma se utilizó la escala CAMI-S y para las variables sociodemográficas un cuestionario de elaboración propia. Ambos se crearon en la aplicación FORMS y se enviaron por correo electrónico. Se obtuvo la media y desviación estándar (DE) en «Integración y contacto», «Distancia social», «Peligrosidad y evitación», y Estigma global. Puntuación global sin estigma entre 80-100.Resultados: Tasa de respuesta del 57,6%: 72,2% mujeres, 23-28 años el 64,6%, 54,2% en primer año, 51,4% especialidad médica y de enfermería el 29,9%. El 20,1% había recibido formación «antiestigma». Media global de estigma de 86,7 (DE=8,5); de 87,3 (DE=7,9) en primer año y 86,1(DE=9,1) en último año (P=0,398); de 90,0 (DE=8,2) si recibieron formación y 86,1 (DE=8,4) si no la recibieron (p=0,027). Conclusiones: Se obtuvieron puntuaciones globales favorables al «antiestigma» hacia personas tanto en el primero como en el último año de especialidad. Cuando hubo formación «antiestigma» durante la residencia los resultados aún son más favorables. Resultaría por lo tanto beneficioso incluir contenidos en materia «antiestigma» en los programas formativos de FSE

    Análisis del impacto que genera en las y los educandos el Estudio de Caso como estrategia didáctica innovadora en el desarrollo de habilidades y capacidades en el Proceso Enseñanza Aprendizaje de la disciplina de Ciencias Naturales en el contenido de los “Recursos Naturales” del séptimo grado de la Escuela San Marcos; municipio de San Marcos del II Semestre del año 2016

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    El trabajo de investigación realizado en la asignatura de Seminario de Graduación como requisito para culminar los estudios de la carrera de Ciencias Naturales consistió en el análisis del impacto que genera en las y los educandos el Estudio de Caso como estrategia didáctica innovadora en el desarrollo de habilidades y capacidades en el Proceso Enseñanza Aprendizaje de la disciplina de Ciencias Naturales en el contenido de los “Recursos Naturales” del séptimo grado de la Escuela San Marcos, municipio de San Marcos del II Semestre del año 2016. El problema de investigación surge a través de las visitas realizadasa la docente donde se observó la clase y se detectó que los estudiantes reflejaron un aprendizaje memorístico producto de preguntas y respuestas reproductivas que están presentes en el libro de texto. La importancia del trabajo contribuye a mejorar las habilidades y capacidades superiores en los estudiantes al proponerles una estrategia que ayuda al análisis e interpretación de problemas de la vida real para dar posibles soluciones. Por tal razón los beneficiariosdirectos de la investigación son los estudiantes de séptimo grado de la Escuela San Marcos. El enfoque de la investigación es cualitativo, descriptivo y transversal sustentado en la metodología de Sampiere que indica que la investigación cualitativa trata de estudiar y comprender la realidad apoyado de informantes claves que garantizaron que la información sea importante para la investigación. Para el trabajo se utilizaron varios instrumentos como: la entrevista realizada a docente y estudiantes, la observación, el plan de clase y el cuestionario que ayudaron a cumplir los objetivos propuestos. A través del análisis de los resultados se comprobó la importancia de aplicar la estrategia Estudio de Caso en el contenido Los Recursos Naturales donde los estudiantes participaron y se sintieron motivados al momento de realizar dicha estrategia. Es importante destacar que el estudio está basado en la fundamentación teórica de los autores: Primitivo Sánchez y Joaquín Gairín, Alfonso López y Ausubel lo que garantizo que la investigación tuviera éxito. Producto de la investigación realizada se elaboró una propuesta didáctica que favorece la calidad del Proceso de Enseñanza Aprendizaje para que los estudiantes analicen, discutan e interpreten y a través de la aplicación del Estudio de Caso contribuir al desarrollo de habilidades y capacidades. Lo significativo de la investigación es que el docente comprenda que el estudio de caso es una técnica de aprendizaje donde el sujeto se enfrenta ante la descripción de una situación específica que plantea un problema que ha de ser comprendido, valorado y resuelto por un grupo de personas, a través de un proceso de discusión

    Sistema Contable y Control Interno en la Cooperativa Multisectorial Augusto César Sandino R.L en el Municipio El Tuma La Dalia, departamento de Matagalpa en el Primer Semestre del año 2015

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    El presente seminario de graduación estudia el Sistema Contable y Control Interno de la Cooperativa Multisectorial Augusto Cesar Sandino R.L en el Municipio del Tuma La Dalia Comunidad Guapotal en el Primer semestre del año 2015. El Sistema Contable es importante porque permite planificar y poner en funcionamiento la forma en que se va fluir la información dentro de la entidad. En el desarrollo del documento se estudia el Sistema Contable, su importancia, Características principios, Marco Normativo, Libros Contables y Estados Financieros, además aborda el estudio de la estructura del Control Interno sus Objetivos, elemento del COSO, tipo de controles, debilidades del Control Interno, manual de Control Interno y su contenido. El propósito de este trabajo es evaluar el Sistema Contable y Control Interno en la Cooperativa. La Importancia radica en la información obtenida en el trabajo realizado ya que será de utilidad para los funcionarios de la Cooperativa en la realización del registro y presentación de sus Estados Financieros. Con los resultados obtenidos se constató que la Entidad ha implementado formalmente un Sistema Contable Automatizado que permite el registro de las Operaciones y también se pudo constatar que aplican normas de control interno no formales ya que carecen de un manual de Control Interno y de procedimiento que las contengan

    Stability and bioaccessibility of EGCG within edible micro-hydrogels. Chitosan vs. gelatin, a comparative study

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    Micro-hydrogels are very promising systems for the protection and controlled delivery of sensitive bioactives, but limited knowledge exists regarding the impact of this encapsulation on their bioaccessibility. In this work, two different hydrogel-forming biopolymers (gelatin and chitosan) were compared as wall materials for the microencapsulation of a model flavonoid, (−)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Results showed that gelatin was more adequate as wall material for the encapsulation of EGCG than chitosan, achieving higher encapsulation efficiencies (95% ± 6%), being more effective in delaying EGCG release and degradation in aqueous solution and exhibiting a 7 times higher bioaccessibility of the bioactive compound (in terms of antioxidant activity) after in-vitro gastrointestinal digestion. A very low bioaccessibility of EGCG in chitosan was observed, due to the neutralization of the carbohydrate in the basic simulating salivary conditions, thus precluding subsequent flavonoid release. Moreover, gelatin micro-hydrogels also hindered dimer formation during in-vitro digestion, thus suggesting greater bioavailability when compared with free EGCG.Laura G. Gómez-Mascaraque is recipient of a predoctoral contract from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), Call 2013. The authors would like to thank the Spanish MINECO projectAGL2015-63855-C2-1 for financial support.Peer reviewe

    Knowledge organization and scientific assessment in Spain: Information Science as a case study

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    [Resumen] El carácter interdisciplinar de la Documentación y el escaso consenso en lo que se refiere a su ubicación dentro de la organización del conocimiento, pueden generar efectos negativos en la evaluación científica de esta disciplina en España. Con el objetivo de lograr una aproximación a la problemática y contribuir a mejorar el sistema de evaluación, este estudio aborda la disciplina desde tres perspectivas consideradas posibles fuentes de conflicto: la ubicación de los estudios de Documentación en las universidades españolas y extranjeras, la estructura temática de los comités de las agencias de evaluación de la actividad científica, y finalmente las revistas del área, a partir del estudio de su difusión en bases de datos. A modo de conclusión preliminar, no se detecta interdisciplinariedad en las bases de datos, pero sí en la organización universitaria de los estudios y en los organismos de evaluación (o al menos un gran desacuerdo en lo relativo a la ubicación de la Documentación dentro de sus esquemas de organización del conocimiento).[Abstract] Information Science?s interdisciplinary character and the scarce consensus about its placement within knowledge organization could generate negative effects on its scientific evaluation in Spain. In order to achieve an approximation to the problem and help to find solutions to improve the system, this paper studies the discipline from three perspectives: the location of Information Science studies on Spanish and foreigner universities, thematic structure of committees in charge of research?s activity evaluation and,finally, the study of Information Science journals through the analysis of their inclusion on databases. First conclusions don?t detect interdisciplinarity on databases, but they do on university organization and on evaluation organisms (or at least a great disagreement concerning placement of this discipline in knowledge organization)