246 research outputs found

    Nálastungumeðferð í fæðingu

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenNálastungumeðferð hefur til langs tíma verið notuð við ýmsum heilsufarsvandamálum og kvillum, upphaflega í Kína en hefur breiðst út á Vesturlöndum. Í barneignarferlinu hefur notkun nálastungumeðferðar farið vaxandi á síðustu árum. Síðan árið 2002 hefur ís lenskum ljósmæðrum verið boðið upp á námskeið í nálastungumeðferð í meðgöngu, fæðingu og sængurlegu og í árslok 2005 höfðu 88 ljósmæður lokið námskeiðinu. Þær hafa látið í ljós ánægju sína með meðferðina í fagrýniviðtölum. Í þessari grein verður leitast við að finna svör við því hvaða áhrif nálastungumeðferð hefur í fæðingu. Eftirfarandi þættir eru viðfangsefni greinarinnar: áhrif á verki og slökun í fæðingu, áhrif á lengd fæðingar og áhrif á notkun verkjalyfja og deyfinga í fæðingu. Rannsóknir þær sem fundust við leit eru allar megindlegar þar sem í einni þeirra voru viðbótargögn fengin með viðtölum. Þrjár rannsóknanna voru slembivalstilraunir með samanburðarhópum og flestar hinna með samanburðarhópa. Engin eigindleg rannsókn fannst við leit. Niðurstöður eru að marktækt minni notkun er á notkun verkjalyfja og deyfinga hjá konum sem fengu nálastungumeðferð. Í þeim rannsóknum sem skoðuðu slökunaráhrif komu þau fram en misjafnt var hvort verkjastillingaráhrif komu fram. Engar teljandi aukaverkanir komu fram í rannsóknunum. Konur voru almennt ánægðar með nálastungumeðferð og myndu flestar velja hana aftur í fæðingu. Niðurstöður yfirlitsins benda til að nálastungumeðferð geti verið gagnlegur valkostur í fæðingu. Meðferð með nálastungum er í samræmi við hugmyndafræði og stefnu ljósmæðra þar sem lögð er áhersla á að styðja við eðlilegt ferli fæðingar

    Áhrif átröskunar á meðgöngu og fæðingu

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnÁtröskun er alvarlegur geðsjúkdómur sem leggst oftast á konur á barneignaraldri. Meðgangan er viðkvæmur tími og getur átröskun verið áhrifavaldur á heilsu móður og barns. Tilgangur þessarar fræðilegu samantektar var að skoða samband átröskunar á meðgöngu við fylgikvilla meðgöngu og útkomuþætti fæðingar. Leitað var að rannsóknarheimildum í gagnasöfnum PubMed, Cinahl og Scopus og með því að skoða heimildaskrár greina sem fundust. Úr þeirri leit voru 16 greinar sem byggja á samanburðarrannsóknum metnar nothæfar. Meginniðurstöður eru að rannsóknum ber ekki saman um áhrif átröskunar á meðgöngu og fæðingu. Sterkustu tengsl fundust milli átröskunar á meðgöngu og fæðingarþyngdar þar sem tíu af tólf rannsóknum sýna að átröskun móður getur haft áhrif á fæðingar- þyngd barns. Hvað varðar önnur áhrif á meðgöngu og útkomu fæðingar eru rannsóknarniðurstöðurnar misvísandi. Sjö af þrettán rannsóknum sýndu að konum með átröskun er hættara við að fæða fyrir tímann og fjórar af sjö rannsóknum sýna að fósturlát er algengara hjá konum með einhverja tegund af átröskun. Konur með átröskunarsjúkdóma bera það ekki endilega utan á sér og tilhneiging er til að fela sjúkdóminn. Ljósmæður eru í lykilhlutverki þegar kemur að greiningu átröskunar á meðgöngu og skoða mætti hvort gagnlegt væri að taka upp skimun fyrir átröskunareinkennum og þá með hvaða hætti. Hins vegar er frekari rannsókna þörf á áhrifum átröskunar á fylgikvilla meðgöngu og útkomu fæðingar. Snið rannsóknanna sem hér voru til skoðunar var mismunandi og þar með talið umfang og fjöldi þátttakenda og styrkur rannsóknanna í mörgum tilvikum ekki nægur til að draga raunhæfar ályktanir.Eating disorders are serious psychiatric disorders that commonly occur in women of childbearing age. Pregnancy is a vulnerable time where eating disorders can be influential for the health of both mother and child. The purpose of this literature review was to assess the relationship between eating disorders during pregnancy with complications during pregnancy and birth outcomes. A search was conducted using Pub Med, Cinahl and Scopus and references of selected articles reviewed. Sixteen comparative studies were found and used. The main findings are that the results of the impact of eating disorders on pregnancy and birth are inconclusive. Ten out of twelve studies showed that eating disorders seem to affect the neonatal birth weight. The effects on other outcomes of pregnancy and birth are inconclusive. Seven out of thirteen studies showed that women with eating disorders are more likely to give premature birth and four out of seven studies that miscarraige is more prevalent among women with some type of eating disorder. Women with eating disorders are not easily detected and they tend to hide their disorder. Midwives are in a key postition when it comes to diagnosing eating disorders during pregnancy. The usefulness of screening for eating disorders during pregnancy needs to be discussed and if useful, how it should be performed. The design of the studies included in the literature review was different, regarding scope and sample sizes. In many of the studies, the strength was not sufficient to make any reasonable conclusion

    Occuerence and degree of osteochondrosis in distal radius and ulna in conventinally and organically raised pigs

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    The occurrence and degree of osteochondrosis was studied in 64 pigs raised in conventional systems (45) or organically according to KRAVs principles (19). In this blind study the growth plates of distal radius and ulna were examined macroscopically and radiologically searching for pathological lesions. One significant difference was shown in this study. Conventionally raised pigs diagnosed with osteochondrosis had more severe lesions in the distal growth plate of radius and ulna than the corresponding group of pigs raised organically. No significant difference was shown between the groups when all pigs were included.Förekomsten av osteokondros studerades hos 64 slaktsvin uppfödda konventionellt (45) eller ekologiskt efter KRAV:s normer (19). Studien utfördes blint och tillväxtplattan samt metafysen i distala radius och ulna bedömdes makroskopiskt och radiologiskt i sökandet efter patologiska förändringar. Den enda signifikanta skillnaden mellan grupperna var att de konventionellt uppfödda grisarna med osteokondrosförändringar hade gravare förändringar i distala ulna än motsvarande grupp av ekologiskt uppfödda grisar. Ingen signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna i sin helhet kunde påvisas

    Nontargeted Lipidomic Characterization of Porcine Organs Using Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography and Off-Line Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

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    Abstract Lipids form a significant part of animal organs and they are responsible for important biological functions, such as semi-permeability and fluidity of membranes, signaling activity, anti-inflammatory processes, etc. We have performed a comprehensive nontargeted lipidomic characterization of porcine brain, heart, kidney, liver, lung, spinal cord, spleen, and stomach using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI/MS) to describe the representation of individual lipid classes in these organs. Detailed information on identified lipid species inside classes are obtained based on relative abundances of deprotonated molecules [M-H] -in the negative-ion ESI mass spectra, which provides important knowledge on phosphatidylethanolamines and their different forms of fatty acyl linkage (ethers and plasmalogens), phosphatidylinositols, and hexosylceramides containing nonhydroxy-and hydroxy-fatty acyls. The detailed analysis of identified lipid classes using reversed-phase liquid chromatography in the second dimension was performed for porcine brain to determine more than 160 individual lipid species containing attached fatty acyls of different acyl chain length, double-bond number, and positions on the glycerol skeleton. The fatty acid composition of porcine organs is determined by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection after the transesterification with sodium methoxide

    Birtingarmyndir kyngervis og þversagnir í markaðsefni íslenskrar ferðaþjónustu

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    This article explores images in Icelandic tourism promotion and marketing. The empirical material presented is of two origins. First, images from tourist brochures promoting rural tourism in Iceland are explored. Second, the content of national marketing campaigns associated with marketing diversification in Icelandic tourism in the first years of the millennium, is detailed. The exploration is specifically focused on female representations in the marketing material and the discussion hinges on theories of images and gender in tourism studies. What is demonstrated is the paradox of women being objectified in a nation internationally recognised for successes in introducing gender equality. Thus an interesting perspective emerges for those studying processes of othering, which is traditionally associated with exoticism and race, effectively highlighting the role of gender and representations of femininity. The article concludes with some thoughts on how tourism promoters in Iceland could possibly make use of the country’s reputation in terms of gender equality and thus how tourism could help undermine hegemonic patriarchal discourses, which seemingly sustain the paradox observed

    Characteristics of women attending Listen to me; interview intervention offered at the women's department at Landspitali University Hospital

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked FilesInngangur: Neikvæð reynsla kvenna af fæðingu hefur talsvert verið skoðuð innan ljósmóðurfræði síðasta áratug en rannsóknir sýna að 5 – 17% kvenna hafa neikvæða fæðingarreynslu. Þróuð hafa verið úrræði fyrir þennan hóp í nokkrum löndum en Ljáðu mér eyra viðtalsmeðferð hefur verið í boði á Landspítala frá árinu 1999 fyrir konur og pör sem hafa upplifað fæðingu neikvætt eða óttast væntanlega fæðingu. Tilgangur rannsóknar (fagrýni) var að skoða hvað einkennir þann hóp kvenna sem leitar til Ljáðu mér eyra með tilliti til bakgrunns, fæðingasögu og eigin mats á heilsu og andlegri líðan. Aðferð: Rannsóknarsniðið er lýsandi og afturvirkt. Spurningalistar voru sendir út til allra kvenna (n=301) sem komu í viðtal í Ljáðu mér eyra á rúmlega fimm ára tímabili frá 2006 til 2011. Gögnin voru greind með lýsandi tölfræði. Niðurstöður: Svörun var 44% (n=131). Meðalaldur þátttakenda var 34,2 ár, en 26,8 ár við fæðingu fyrsta barns. Rúm 82% höfðu lokið námi á háskólastigi og 81% stunduðu vinnu utan heimilis. Um 96% töldu heilsu sína og andlega líðan vera góða. Tæp 66% höfðu leitað sér aðstoðar vegna andlegrar vanlíðanar og rúmlega 40% taldi sig hafa fengið fæðingarþunglyndi. Í fyrri fæðingum kvennanna höfðu 73,3% fengið mænurótardeyfingu, 45,1% höfðu reynslu af áhaldafæðingu, 34,4% af bráðakeisaraskurði og 13% af fyrirfram ákveðnum keisaraskurði. Umræður: Flestar konur sem leita til Ljáðu mér eyra eru með háskólamenntun og eru giftar eða í sambúð. Margar hafa sögu um íhlutanir í fæðingum. Einnig hafa margar kvennanna upplifað fæðingarþunglyndi og leitað sér aðstoðar vegna andlegrar vanlíðanar. Mikilvægt er að ljósmæður og annað fagfólk finni þær konur sem upplifa fæðingu sína neikvætt, hafi viðeigandi úrræði að bjóða þeim og hvetji þær til að nota þau.Background: Negative birth experience has been a prominent research topic within midwifery the past decade and studies show that 5-17% of women have negative birth experience. Interventions have been developed and implemented in some countries. Since, 1999, Listen to me, an interview intervention has been offered at the Landspitali University Hospital, for women who have experienced birth negatively or suffer from fear of childbirth. The aim of this paper is to present findings from an audit study, exploring characterisitics of attending women and outcome of their births. Methods: A questionnaire was developed and sent to all women who had attended the Listen to me intervention (n=301) 2006-2011. SPSS was used for data management and descriptive analysis to present findings. Results: Response rate was 44% (n=131). Mean age of the participating women was 34,2 years, but 26,8 years at time of their first birth. More than 82% had a university degree and 81% worked outside home. Around 96% estimated their own health, physical and mental, to be good. Almost 66% had sought help for mental symptoms and 40% reported perinatal depression. During their previous births 73,3% had received epidural analgesia, 45,1% had experienced instrumental deliveries, 34,4% emergency and 13% elective caesarean sections. Conclusions: Women who attend Listen to me intervention are in general well educated, married or cohabiting. History of interventions in the childbirth process is common among the participants and many of them have sought assistance for mental health issues. It is important that midwives and other professionals identify women, who need to discuss their birth experience or fear, offer them available adequate support and encourage them to accept it.Rannsóknar- og þróunarsjóður Ljósmæðrafélags Íslands og Vísindasjóður Landspítal

    Childbirth experience questionnaire 2 – Icelandic translation and validation

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    Funding Information: We would like to thank the women who took time to participate in the study. Furthermore, we would like to acknowledge Dr. Anna Dencker for the permission to translate the CEQ and useful advice regarding the translation and validation process. The study received financial support from The Icelandic Centre for Research and the Memorial Fund of Midwife Björg Magnúsdóttir and Farmer Magnús Jónasson. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Authors Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Objective: The aim of this study was to translate the Childbirth Experience Questionnaire (CEQ2) to Icelandic and assess its psychometric characteristics. Methods: The CEQ2 was translated to Icelandic using forward-to-back translation and tested for face-validity (n = 10). Then data was collected in an online survey to test validation in terms of reliability and construct validity (n = 1125). Reliability was assessed by calculating Cronbach's alpha for the total scale and subscales. Cronbach's alpha > 0.7 was regarded as satisfactory. Construct validity was measured using known-groups validation with data collected on women's birth outcomes known to be associated with more positive birth experiences. A comparison was made of CEQ2 subscale scores and total CEQ2 score for country of origin, social complications, parity, pregnancy complications, birthplace, mode of birth, maternal autonomy and decision making (MADM), and mothers on respect index (MORi). Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis H tests were used to compare scale scores between the groups. Principal components analysis with varimax rotation was chosen to determine whether the Icelandic version of the CEQ had similar psychometric properties as the original version. Results: The face validity and internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's alpha > 0.85 for the total scale and all subscales) of the Icelandic version of CEQ2 was good. Our findings indicate that two of the items in the 'own capacity' domain were not sufficiently related to other items of the scale to warrant inclusion. Conclusions: The Icelandic CEQ2 is a valid and reliable measure of childbirth experience but further work is needed to determine the optimal number of items and domains of the Icelandic CEQ2.Peer reviewe

    Proceedings of the 10th Háskóli Íslands Student Conference on the Medieval North (Reykjavík, April 15–17, 2021)

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    The Háskoli Íslands Student Conference on the Medieval North was established in 2011 as an annual international and interdisciplinary forum for graduate students of Old Norse and broadly defined Medieval Scandinavia including but not limited to Archaeology, History, (Comparative) Literature, Old Nordic Religion, Linguistics, Editing and Digitisation, Codicology, Manuscript Transmission, Gender and Queer Studies, Ludology, and Modern Reception Studies. The conference is organised by Early Career Researchers and postgraduate students and at the University of Iceland. In recent years, the Háskóli Íslands Student Conference on the Medieval North has become a successful event with a steadily growing number of attendees. As the conference was held for the tenth time from April 15–17, 2021, we were delighted to expand the conference to a three-day online event on Zoom and Twitch and to introduce several new initiatives including a virtual exhibition of 14 posters, two keynote lectures, a manuscript showcase and a workshop on bookmaking and illuminated manuscripts. The conference comprised papers and posters from 51 graduate students and Early Career Researchers affiliated with 29 universities and institutions in 15 countries. These proceedings compile selected abstracts from the event in a more easily accessible format. The papers and posters at the conference showed a variety of novel research in the field of Medieval Norse Studies. Among the wide range of diverse, interdisciplinary topics, an encompassing question became evident: How do our interactions with the past shape the present and the future of research and us as researchers? Three key themes emerged: First, a significant number of papers engaged with the layers that comprise cultural identity, in particular, how it is created, how it impacts the relationship between individuals and communities, and what we can learn from it. Some speakers considered the internal and external perception of Old Norse culture, people and language, most notably regarding ability and disability, supernatural entities, and other marginalised groups. Some speakers focused on abstract concepts, for instance,dreams, performance, memory, and emotions, while others explored the changing image of Old Norse concepts in postmodern literature, media, and games. Second, several papers demonstrated instances of exciting technologies, such as LiDAR DEMs, 3D models, databases and mapping tools that can be useful contributions to our understanding of the Old Norse world. This trend underlines the increasing importance of Digital Humanities. Third, particularly the two keynote lectures and concluding conference reception presented strategies for Early Career Researchers to discuss how we can benefit from the knowledge and understanding of the Medieval North, and how to use it to develop our professional careers and build networks. Both keynote speakers, Dr Beeke Stegmann and Dr Luke John Murphy gave significant insights into the different possible pathways of academic careers by sharing their personal journeys with the audience. The organising committee would like to thank all participants of the 10th Háskóli Íslands Student Conference on the Medieval North. We would also like to thank the sponsors of the conference for their generous support, particularly Enkon A/S, Reykjavík UNESCO City of Literature, and Rimmugýgur, and we are grateful for the following institutions and universities which have been providing facilities, refreshments, and other resources for many years: The University of Iceland Centre for Medieval Studies (Miðaldastofan), the Centre for Research in the Humanities (Hugvísindastofnun), and the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies. In addition, we extend our gratitude to a number of individuals without whom the 10th Háskóli Íslands Student Conference on the Medieval North would not have been possible: We thank Haraldur Bernharðsson (University of Iceland) for his continued support and advice throughout the process of planning and holding the conference as well as his assistance with this e-book. We are grateful for Guðvarður Már Gunnlaugsson and Vasarė Rastonis (Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum) for allowing us to showcase three manuscripts in the Arnamagnæan collection, GKS 2365 4to, AM 350 fol., and AM 132 fol. We also appreciate the work of Liv Marit Mathilde Aurdal (Snorrastofa) and Beth Rogers (University of Iceland) and thank them for their involvement with the initial planning of the conference. Lastly, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to Beeke Stegmann and Luke John Murphy who not only organised the first Háskóli Íslands Student Conference on the Medieval North, but also significantly enriched the anniversary conference in April 2021 with their insightful keynotes on strategies, opportunities, and overcoming challenges in Early Research Careers. The 11th Háskóli Íslands Student Conference on the Medieval North will take place online and at the University of Iceland on April 7–9, 2022. We hope to see you at a future event!Non peer reviewe

    A multidisciplinary evaluation, exploration, and advancement of the concept of a traumatic birth experience

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    BackgroundUnderstanding a woman’s traumatic birth experience benefits from an approach that considers perspectives from various fields of healthcare and social sciences.AimTo evaluate and explore the multidisciplinary perspectives surrounding a traumatic birth experience to form a theory and to capture its structure.MethodsA multidisciplinary advanced principle-based concept analysis was conducted, including the following systematic steps: literature review, assessment of concept maturity, principle-based evaluation, concept exploration and advancement, and formulating a multidisciplinary concept theory. We drew on knowledge from midwifery, psychology, childbirth education, bioethics, obstetric & gender violence, sociology, perinatal psychiatry, and anthropology.ResultsOur evaluation included 60 records which were considered as ‘mature’. Maturity was determined by the reported concept definition, attributes, antecedents, outcomes, and boundaries. The four broad principles of the philosophy of science epistemology, pragmatics, linguistics, and logic illustrated that women live in a political, and cultural world that includes social, perceptual, and practical features. The conceptual components antecedents, attributes, outcomes, and boundaries demonstrated that a traumatic birth experience is not an isolated event, but its existence is enabled by social structures that perpetuate the diminished and disempowered position of women in medical and institutionalised healthcare regulation and management.ConclusionThe traumatic childbirth experience is a distinctive experience that can only occur within a socioecological system of micro-, meso-, and macro-level aspects that accepts and allows its existence and therefore its sustainability - with the traumatic experience of the birthing woman as the central construct