21 research outputs found

    Mantle structure and tectonic history of SE Asia

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    Seismic travel-time tomography of the mantle under SE Asia reveals patterns of subduction-related seismic P-wave velocity anomalies that are of great value in helping to understand the region's tectonic development. We discuss tomography and tectonic interpretations of an area centred on Indonesia and including Malaysia, parts of the Philippines, New Guinea and northern Australia. We begin with an explanation of seismic tomography and causes of velocity anomalies in the mantle, and discuss assessment of model quality for tomographic models created from P-wave travel times. We then introduce the global P-wave velocity anomaly model UU-P07 and the tectonic model used in this paper and give an overview of previous interpretations of mantle structure. The slab-related velocity anomalies we identify in the upper and lower mantle based on the UU-P07 model are interpreted in terms of the tectonic model and illustrated with figures and movies. Finally, we discuss where tomographic and tectonic models for SE Asia converge or diverge, and identify the most important conclusions concerning the history of the region. The tomographic images of the mantle record subduction beneath the SE Asian region to depths of approximately 1600. km. In the upper mantle anomalies mainly record subduction during the last 10 to 25. Ma, depending on the region considered. We interpret a vertical slab tear crossing the entire upper mantle north of west Sumatra where there is a strong lateral kink in slab morphology, slab holes between c.200-400. km below East Java and Sumbawa, and offer a new three-slab explanation for subduction in the North Sulawesi region. There is a different structure in the lower mantle compared to the upper mantle and the deep structure changes from west to east. What was imaged in earlier models as a broad and deep anomaly below SE Asia has a clear internal structure and we argue that many features can be identified as older subduction zones. We identify remnants of slabs that detached in the Early Miocene such as the Sula slab, now found in the lower mantle north of Lombok, and the Proto-South China Sea slab now at depths below 700. km curving from northern Borneo to the Philippines. Based on our tectonic model we interpret virtually all features seen in upper mantle and lower mantle to depths of at least 1200. km to be the result of Cenozoic subduction

    The interaction between stirring and osmosis. Part 2

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    Parsimonious Seismic Tomography with Poisson Voronoi Projections: Methodology and Validation

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    Ill‐posed seismic inverse problems are often solved using Tikhonov‐type regularization, that is, incorporation of damping and smoothing to obtain stable results. This typically results in overly smooth models, poor amplitude resolution, and a difficult choice between plausible models. Recognizing that the average of parameters can be better constrained than individual parameters, we propose a seismic tomography method that stabilizes the inverse problem by projecting the original high‐dimension model space onto random low‐dimension subspaces and then infers the high‐dimensional solution from combinations of such subspaces. The subspaces are formed by functions constant in Poisson Voronoi cells, which can be viewed as the mean of parameters near a certain location. The low‐dimensional problems are better constrained, and image reconstruction of the subspaces does not require explicit regularization. Moreover, the low‐dimension subspaces can be recovered by subsets of the whole dataset, which increases efficiency and offers opportunities to mitigate uneven sampling of the model space. The final (high‐dimension) model is then obtained from the low‐dimension images in different subspaces either by solving another normal equation or simply by averaging the low‐dimension images. Importantly, model uncertainty can be obtained directly from images in different subspaces. Synthetic tests show that our method outperforms conventional methods both in terms of geometry and amplitude recovery. The application to southern California plate boundary region also validates the robustness of our method by imaging geologically consistent features as well as strong along‐strike variations of San Jacinto fault that are not clearly seen using conventional methods