324 research outputs found

    Body Awareness Questionnaire BAQ översättning och kulturell anpassning till svenska

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    There are no reliable and validated instruments in Swedish for measuring self-rated body awareness. After a review of available instruments, Body Awareness Questionnaire (BAQ) proved to be one of the few self-assessment questionnaires that reached sufficient reliability and validity. The instrument focuses on the sensitivity of normal, non-emotive bodily processes, requiring self-reflective ability and no correlation with symptoms or to be over concerned with social desirability. The purpose of this study was to translate BAQ from English to Swedish. Guidelines for translation of instruments followed the Principles of Good Practice (PGP) for the Translation and Cultural Adaptation Process for Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures. The recommended process in 10 steps has produced a Swedish version, BAQ-sv, useful for clinical purpose and for research. BAQ-sv needs further psychometric testing.Det saknas ett reliabelt och validerat instrument på svenska för att mäta självskattad kroppsmedvetenhet. Efter en genomgång av tillgängliga instrument visade sig Body Awareness Questionnaire (BAQ) vara ett av få självskattningsformulär som nådde tillräckligt god reliabilitet och validitet. Instrumentet fokuserar på känslighet för normala, icke-känsloladdade kroppsliga processer med krav på självreflekterande förmåga och utan samvariation med symtom på sjukdom eller med att vara tillagsinställd. Syftet med denna studie var att översätta BAQ från engelska till svenska. Riktlinjer för översättning av frågeformulär följde Principles of Good Practice (PGP) for the Translation and Cultural Adaptation Process for Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures. Den rekommenderade processen i 10 steg ledde till en svensk version, BAQ-sv, användbar i kliniska sammanhang och forskning. BAQ-sv behöver fortsatt testas psykometriskt


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    Acima de tudo, este trabalho procura elucidar as questões embaraçosas que surgem com relação aos direitos humanos, colocando-os em sua perspectiva ética, política ou jurídica. Serão postos sem rodeios, na certeza de eles prevalecerão e que se deve preparar para eles. Em alguns casos, dar-se-á uma dica de resposta para alimentar a reflexão. Continuar-se-á com perguntas sucessivas. Eles se relacionarão com os fundamentos e a natureza dos direitos; sua lista e seu escopo individual ou coletivo; sua natureza absoluta, universal ou contingente; sua singularidade ou hierarquia; sua exigibilidade e promoção

    A Tentação de Criar no Traduzir: uma tradução comentada de Remembering Needleman, de Woody Allen

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    This article aims to assess the variety of choices that arise in the act of translation and its implications. It also intends to discuss the position of the translator and the search for fidelity to the original text. To this purpose, we present some theoretical concepts about the fine line between reproduction and creating in the art of translation. From the translation and subsequent comparison with a translation by Ruy Castro of a chronical by Woody Allen, Remembering Needleman, this study analyzes the differences of choices and their adaptations, and it evaluates the aspect of preserving the author's style. The analysis often finds a tendency to give in to the temptation of excessive creating over the work of others, by the translator who is also a renowned writerEste artigo visa verificar a variedade de escolhas que surgem no ato tradutório e suas implicações. Pretende também discutir o posicionamento do tradutor diante da busca da fidelidade ao texto de partida. Para tanto, são apresentados conceitos de alguns teóricos a respeito do estreito limite entre reprodução e criação na arte da tradução. A partir da tradução e posterior comparação com a feita por Ruy Castro de uma crônica de Woody Allen, Remembering Needleman, são analisadas as diferenças de escolha e suas adequações, e avaliado o aspecto da manutenção do estilo do autor. A análise recai muitas vezes na tendência de ceder à tentação de criar demasiadamente em cima da obra alheia, por parte do tradutor que também é reconhecido escrito

    Zur Kenntnis der chlor- und amidochromsauren Salze

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    International organizations and migration: a global issue without a global forum

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    Internationale Organisationen und Migration: ein globales Thema ohne globales Forum. Ursachen und Auswirkungen seiner Vernachlässigung. [International Organizations and Migration: a global issue without a global forum. Why it does not have the place it deserves.] Zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts stellt Migration ein globales Phänomen dar, das einerseits bemerkenswertes Potential für gesellschaftliche, wirtschaftliche und politische Veränderung aufweist, andererseits aber auch ebenso beachtliche Risiken für Migranten und Migrantinnen selbst birgt. Das Management von Migration ist oder besser sollte daher eine Schlüsselstellung für globale Organisationen wie die UN einnehmen. Nichtsdestotrotz ist der internationale Zugang zum Migrationsmanagement bis dato unerklärlich fragmentiert und gespalten. Der Zugang, den diese Dissertation zu der oben benannten Thematik nimmt, basiert auf der folgenden Fragestellung: 1a) Wer sind die Akteure bzw. Teilhaber im Management des globalen Migrationsprozesses und was sind ihre Rollen, ihre gegenwärtige Performance und die Auswirkungen ihrer Entscheidungen? 1b) Existiert eine zentrale, übergeordnete Organisation oder Organisationseinheit auf globaler Ebene, die über das alleinige Mandat des Migrationsmanagements verfügt und als wichtigste Autorität in allen relevanten Migrationsfragen gesehen und anerkannt wird? 2) Können ausreichend flexible Legislativinstrumente, d.h. internationale Abkommen, zur Lösung der dringlichsten Probleme im sich laufend verändernden Bereich der Migration beitragen? Zunächst wird in Kapitel 1 der theoretische und konzeptuelle Rahmen etabliert, in dem der ersten Fragestellung der Dissertation – d.h. jener, die internationale Organisationen betrifft – nachgegangen wird. Hierzu werden einerseits Theorien zur staatlichen Souveränität und andererseits Diskussionen über Global Governance herangezogen. Kapitel 2 und 3 widmen sich anschließend dem Vergleich zwischen Migration bzw. dem Management von Migrationsphänomenen und anderen globalen Themen des 21. Jahrhunderts wie etwa Umweltschutz und Menschenrechte. Aspekte des Managements dieser globalen Phänomene auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen (national, regional und international) werden umrissen um ein vollständigeres Bild dieses facettenreichen Feldes zu erhalten. Der zweiten leitenden Fragestellung wird in Kapitel 4 in Hinblick auf internationale Legislativinstrumente nachgegangen, die geschaffen wurden um das Thema Migration innerhalb des UN Systems abzudecken. Kapitel 5 ergänzt diese Perspektive um eine detaillierte Diskussion von migrationsrelevanten Schlüsselbegriffen, Definition und Gesetzen. Diese Diskussion stellt gleichzeitig die Basis für die in Kapitel 6 präsentierte Fallstudie dar, die einen weiteren Beitrag zur Beantwortung der Fragestellung liefert. Einsichten, die bei Experteninterviews mit Mitarbeitern von maßgeblichen mit Migration beschäftigten Organisationen gewonnen wurden, ergänzen den Gesamtrahmen der Studie in Kapitel 7. Auf Basis aller vorangegangener Kapitel zieht Kapitel 8 Schlussfolgerungen und ergründet den ungerechtfertigten Mangel an Aufmerksamkeit für Migration als bedeutendes gesellschaftliches, ökonomisches, humanitäres und politisches Problemfeld seitens internationaler Organisationen.Migration: a global issue without a global forum. Why it does not have the place it deserves. At the beginning of the 21st century, migration represents a global phenomenon that holds considerable potential for social, economic and political development, while holding equally substantial risks for those who migrate. The management of migration is or rather should therefore be a key interest for global organisations such as the UN. Yet, the international approach to the global management of migration remains inexplicably fragmented to date. The approach taken in the study is informed by the following research questions: 1a) Who are the stakeholders, and what are their roles, their current performance and policy impact, that are involved in managing the global migration process? 1b) Does a central entity or an umbrella organisation exist at the global level, meaning primarily within the UN system, which has the sole mandate of managing migration and which is both considered and acknowledged as the main authority on all relevant issues related to migration? 2) Could sufficiently flexible legislative instruments, i.e. international regimes, contribute to solving the most pressing of the emerging problems related to migration? First of all, chapter 1 establishes the framework of the first issue dealt with in the study, namely that of international organizations, by way of discussing the theory of state sovereignty on the one hand and of global governance on the other. Chapters 2 and 3 then compares migration, as the central phenomenon discussed in the study, to other global issues of the 21st Century, such as the environment and human rights. Its management at different levels (national, regional and international) is sketched in order to complete the general picture. The core question with respect to international instruments created to cover the migration issue within the UN system is answered in Chapter 4, followed by a detailed discussion of migration-related definitions and legislation in chapter 5. This discussion leads to and informs the case study presented in chapter 6 in order to provide an answer to the second leading research question. Insights gained through expert interviews conducted with representatives of leading organizations dealing with migration complement the study in chapter 7, providing a basis for final conclusions in chapter 8 that shed some light on the unjustifiable lack of attention by international organisations towards an important social, economic, human and political issue

    XML schemas for common bioinformatic data types and their application in workflow systems

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Today, there is a growing need in bioinformatics to combine available software tools into chains, thus building complex applications from existing single-task tools. To create such workflows, the tools involved have to be able to work with each other's data – therefore, a common set of well-defined data formats is needed. Unfortunately, current bioinformatic tools use a great variety of heterogeneous formats.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Acknowledging the need for common formats, the Helmholtz Open BioInformatics Technology network (HOBIT) identified several basic data types used in bioinformatics and developed appropriate format descriptions, formally defined by XML schemas, and incorporated them in a Java library (BioDOM). These schemas currently cover sequence, sequence alignment, RNA secondary structure and RNA secondary structure alignment formats in a form that is independent of any specific program, thus enabling seamless interoperation of different tools. All XML formats are available at <url>http://bioschemas.sourceforge.net</url>, the BioDOM library can be obtained at <url>http://biodom.sourceforge.net</url>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The HOBIT XML schemas and the BioDOM library simplify adding XML support to newly created and existing bioinformatic tools, enabling these tools to interoperate seamlessly in workflow scenarios.</p

    Value of diffusion weighted MR imaging as an early surrogate parameter for evaluation of tumor response to high-dose-rate brachytherapy of colorectal liver metastases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To assess the value of diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) as an early surrogate parameter for treatment response of colorectal liver metastases to image-guided single-fraction <sup>192</sup>Ir-high-dose-rate brachytherapy (HDR-BT).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Thirty patients with a total of 43 metastases underwent CT- or MRI-guided HDR-BT. In 13 of these patients a total of 15 additional lesions were identified, which were not treated at the initial session and served for comparison. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) including breathhold echoplanar DWI sequences was performed prior to therapy (baseline MRI), 2 days after HDR-BT (early MRI) as well as after 3 months (follow-up MRI). Tumor volume (TV) and intratumoral apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) were measured independently by two radiologists. Statistical analysis was performed using univariate comparison, ANOVA and paired t test as well as Pearson's correlation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At early MRI no changes of TV and ADC were found for non-treated colorectal liver metastases. In contrast, mean TV of liver lesions treated with HDR-BT increased by 8.8% (<it>p </it>= 0.054) while mean tumor ADC decreased significantly by 11.4% (<it>p </it>< 0.001). At follow-up MRI mean TV of non-treated metastases increased by 50.8% (<it>p </it>= 0.027) without significant change of mean ADC values. In contrast, mean TV of treated lesions decreased by 47.0% (<it>p </it>= 0.026) while the mean ADC increased inversely by 28.6% compared to baseline values (<it>p </it>< 0.001; Pearson's correlation coefficient of r = -0.257; p < 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>DWI is a promising imaging biomarker for early prediction of tumor response in patients with colorectal liver metastases treated with HDR-BT, yet the optimal interval between therapy and early follow-up needs to be elucidated.</p