362 research outputs found

    Peranan Human Relations Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Pegawai Di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (Bkd) Propinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh pentingnya keterlibatan sumber daya manusia di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dalam pencapaian tujuan organisasi yang bisa menjadi tantangan. Karena itu dibutuhkan human relations dengan memberikan rasa nyaman, aman dan hati yang puas dalam bekerja, sehingga meningkatkan motivasi kerja pegawai yang berdampak kepada produktivitas kerja.Secara singkat human relations adalah suatu proses interaksi yang terjadi antara seseorang dengan orang lain untuk mendapatkan adanya saling pengertian, kesadaran dan kepuasan psikologis. Dan motivasi kerja merupakan suatu perangsang keinginan dan daya penggerak kemauan yang menciptakan kegairahan seseorang untuk mencapai suatu tujuan yang dikendaki. Dalam teori human relations beranggapan bahwa komunikasi interpersonal untuk mengubah perilaku seseorang lewat interaksi untuk membangun suasana akrab dalam kerja sama yang dapat memberikan motivasi dalam bekerja dengan perasaan puas. Teori motivasi prestasi, mengemukakan ada tiga komponen dasar yang dapat digunakan untuk memotivasi orang bekerja, yaitu kebutuhan untuk sukses, kebutuhan akan kehangatan dan kebutuhan untuk menguasai.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Korelasional Kuantitatif. Populasi berjumlah 72 orang dan semua dijadikan sampel. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu korelasi product moment dan regresi linier sederhana.Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan terdapat hubungan signifikan antara variabel dependen dan independen, dimana "" = 4,617 > "" = 1,67. Hasil Koefisien diterminan total menunjukkan 41,1% dan sisanya 58,9% ditentukan oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Hasil analisis linear sederhana menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang fungsional dan linear diantara kedua variabel Peranan Human Relations terhadap Motivasi Kerja Pegawai di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Utara.Diharapkan dengan human relations organisasi harus memperhatikan kesejahteraan pegawai demi kemajuan organisasi. Untuk memotivasi kerja pegawai arah yang lebih produktif, bukan hanya kebutuhan fisik saja yang diperhatikan tetapi yang paling penting yaitu kebutuhan psikologis dari pegawai juga harus diperhatikan

    Waktu Produksi Yolk Immunoglobulin (IGY) Kuning Telur Ayam Yang Diimunisasi Streptococcus Mutans

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    Prevalensi karies di Indonesia menunjukkan angka yang tinggi. Karies diketahui sebagai penyakit multifaktorial rongga mulut yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Streptococcus mutans. Salah satu metode terbaru pencegahan karies gigi, yaitu, melalui imunisasi pasif menggunakan antibodi kuning telur ayam (Yolk Immunoglobulin/IgY). Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan waktu produksi IgY bervariasi dengan perbedaan teknik pengujian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk memproduksi IgY kuning telur ayam yang diimunisasi S. mutans. Metode penelitian menggunakan 4 ekor ayam Hysex Brown sebagai kelompok perlakuan dan 1 ekor ayam sebagai kontrol. Suspensi S. mutans diinjeksikan pada ayam saat minggu pertama hari ke-1,2,3, kemudian ditambahkan Freund Adjuvant pada minggu ke-2 hingga minggu ke-4. Koleksi kuning telur ayam dilakukan mulai minggu ke-2 setelah imunisasi. Untuk mengetahui efektivitas vaksinasi dan keberadaan S.mutans, kuning telur ayam selanjutnya diuji dengan AGPT (Agar Gel Precipitation Test) dan hasilnya dinyatakan positif apabila terbentuk presipitasi diantara sumuran antigen dan antibodi.. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil positif pada kuning telur ayam minggu ke-5. Disimpulkan bahwa waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk produksi IgY spesifik S. mutans pada kuning telur ayam mulai minggu ke-5 setelah imunisasi.Production Time of Yolk Immunoglobulin (Igy) Yellow Chicken Egg Immunized with Streptococcus mutans. Dental caries prevalence in Indonesia appears in high rate. Caries is known as a multifactorial disease in oral cavity caused by Streptococcus mutans bacteria. The latest method to prevent dental caries is through passive immunization using chicken yolk antibody (Yolk Immunoglobulin /IgY). Some researches showed the variation of IgY production time using different testing technique. The purpose of this research is to determine the time required to produce IgY chicken yolk immunized by S. mutans. For the method, this research uses 4 chickens of Hysex Brown as the treatment group and a chicken as the control. S. mutans suspension is injected to the chicken from 1st, 2nd, and 3rdday in the first week; Freund Adjuvant was added in the 2ndtill 4thweeks. Collection of chicken yolk was started at 2ndweek after immunization. The chicken yolk then was tested using Agar Gel Precipitation Test (AGPT) to know the effectiveness of vaccination and the existence of S.mutans. The result of the test can be positive if it forms precipitation between antigen and antibody wells. The result has shown a positive response in chicken yolk in the 5thweek. From the test, it can be concluded that the time required for the production of IgY specific against S. mutans in chicken yolk is in the beginning of 5thweek after immunization

    Left and right handedness of fermions and bosons

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    It is shown, by using Grassmann space to describe the internal degrees of freedom of fermions and bosons, that the Weyl like equation exists not only for massless fermions but also for massless gauge bosons. The corresponding states have well defined helicity and handedness. It is shown that spinors and gauge bosons of the same handedness only interact.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, no figures, typographical errors corrected and a few sentences added to clarify some issue

    Glycoprotein Ib activation by thrombin stimulates the energy metabolism in human platelets

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    <div><p>Thrombin-induced platelet activation requires substantial amounts of ATP. However, the specific contribution of each ATP-generating pathway <i>i</i>.<i>e</i>., oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos) versus glycolysis and the biochemical mechanisms involved in the thrombin-induced activation of energy metabolism remain unclear. Here we report an integral analysis on the role of both energy pathways in human platelets activated by several agonists, and the signal transducing mechanisms associated with such activation. We found that thrombin, Trap-6, arachidonic acid, collagen, A23187, epinephrine and ADP significantly increased glycolytic flux (3–38 times <i>vs</i>. non-activated platelets) whereas ristocetin was ineffective. OxPhos (33 times) and mitochondrial transmembrane potential (88%) were increased only by thrombin. OxPhos was the main source of ATP in thrombin-activated platelets, whereas in platelets activated by any of the other agonists, glycolysis was the principal ATP supplier. In order to establish the biochemical mechanisms involved in the thrombin-induced OxPhos activation in platelets, several signaling pathways associated with mitochondrial activation were analyzed. Wortmannin and LY294002 (PI3K/Akt pathway inhibitors), ristocetin and heparin (GPIb inhibitors) as well as resveratrol, ATP (calcium-release inhibitors) and PP1 (Tyr-phosphorylation inhibitor) prevented the thrombin-induced platelet activation. These results suggest that thrombin activates OxPhos and glycolysis through GPIb-dependent signaling involving PI3K and Akt activation, calcium mobilization and protein phosphorylation.</p></div

    What works for wellbeing in culture and sport? Report of a DELPHI process to support coproduction and establish principles and parameters of an evidence review

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    Aims: There is a growing recognition of the ways in which culture and sport can contribute to wellbeing. A strong evidence base is needed to support innovative service development and a 3-year research programme is being undertaken to capture best evidence of wellbeing impacts and outcomes of cultural and sporting activities in order to inform UK policy and practice. This article provides an overview of methods and findings from an initial coproduction process with key stakeholders that sought to explore and agree principles and parameters of the evidence review for culture, sport and wellbeing (CSW). Methods: A two-stage DELPHI process was conducted with a purposeful sample of 57 stakeholders between August and December 2015. Participants were drawn from a range of culture and sport organisations and included commissioners and managers, policy makers, representatives of service delivery organisations (SDOs) and scholars. The DELPHI 1 questionnaire was developed from extensive consultation in July and August 2015. It explored definitions of wellbeing, the role of evidence, quality assessment, and the culture and sport populations, settings and interventions that are most likely to deliver wellbeing outcomes. Following further consultation, the results, presented as a series of ranked statements, were sent back to participants (DELPHI 2), which allowed them to reflect on and, if they wished, express agreement or disagreement with the emerging consensus. Results: A total of 40 stakeholders (70.02%) responded to the DELPHI questionnaires. DELPHI 1 mapped areas of agreement and disagreement, confirmed in DELPHI 2. The exercise drew together the key priorities for the CSW evidence review. Conclusion: The DELPHI process, in combination with face-to-face deliberation, enabled stakeholders to engage in complex discussion and express nuanced priorities while also allowing the group to come to an overall consensus and agree outcomes. The results will inform the CSW evidence review programme until its completion in March 2018

    Genetic diversity of carotenoid-rich bananas evaluated by Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT)

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the carotenoid content and genetic variability of banana accessions from the Musa germplasm collection held at Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits, Brazil. Forty-two samples were analyzed, including 21 diploids, 19 triploids and two tetraploids. The carotenoid content was analyzed spectrophotometrically and genetic variability was estimated using 653 DArT markers. The average carotenoid content was 4.73 μg.g -1 , and ranged from 1.06 μg.g -1 for the triploid Nanica (Cavendish group) to 19.24 μg.g -1 for the triploid Saney. The diploids Modok Gier and NBA-14 and the triploid Saney had a carotenoid content that was, respectively, 7-fold, 6-fold and 9-fold greater than that of cultivars from the Cavendish group (2.19 μg.g -1). The mean similarity among the 42 accessions was 0.63 (range: 0.24 to 1.00). DArT analysis revealed extensive genetic variability in accessions from the Embrapa Musa germplasm bank

    Key challenges in simulated patient programs: An international comparative case study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The literature on simulated or standardized patient (SP) methodology is expanding. However, at the level of the program, there are several gaps in the literature. We seek to fill this gap through documenting experiences from four programs in Australia, Canada, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. We focused on challenges in SP methodology, faculty, organisational structure and quality assurance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used a multiple case study method with cross-case synthesis. Over eighteen months during a series of informal and formal interactions (focused meetings and conference presentations) we documented key characteristics of programs and drew on secondary document sources.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Although programs shared challenges in SP methodology they also experienced differences. Key challenges common to programs included systematic quality assurance and the opportunity for research. There were differences in the terminology used to describe SPs, in their recruitment and training. Other differences reflected local conditions and demands in organisational structure, funding relationships with the host institution and national trends, especially in assessments.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This international case study reveals similarities and differences in SP methodology. Programs were highly contextualised and have emerged in response to local, institutional, profession/discipline and national conditions. Broader trends in healthcare education have also influenced development. Each of the programs experienced challenges in the same themes but the nature of the challenges often varied widely.</p

    Frequency of eNOS polymorphisms in the Colombian general population

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    BACKGROUND: Nitric oxide (NO) synthesized by endothelial cells is known to be a potent vasodilator. It has been suggested that polymorphisms in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) can affect the response of the vascular endothelium to increased oxidative stress. The objective of the present study was to determine the presence of G894T (rs1799983), intron-4 (27-bp TR) and -T786C (rs2070744) polymorphisms in the eNOS gene among the Colombian general population. RESULTS: Genotype and allele frequencies showed significant differences in their distribution. White, black and mixed populations were in HW equilibrium for the variants in 27-bp TR- and rs1799983, but the black population was in HW disequilibrium for rs2070744 (p < 0.001). Allele "T" of rs1799983 polymorphisms was more common in the white population (26,5%) than the others, while allele "C" of rs2070744 polymorphisms had a similar frequency in all populations, and the allele 4a from 27-bp TR was more frequent in the black population (26,2%) than the others. Similar differences were found when genotypes were analyzed. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that there is a substantial difference in the distribution of eNOS polymorphisms between different ethnic groups. These results could aid the understanding of inter-ethnic differences in NO bioavailability, cardiovascular risk, and response to drugs