17 research outputs found

    Artritis cervicales, C3-C7, en una colección osteológica documentada

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    Osteoarthritis on the cervical vertebrae, C3-C7, accumulates as a function of age, life style, diet and severity of long-term skeletomuscular stress. However, the degree to which age (older adult and elderly) and sex differences impact on the manifestation of osteoarthritis remains difficult to assess because of the variability of biological aging and the lack of discrete post-reproductive age categories. The aim of this investigation was to score the degree of osteophytic marginal lipping, porosity and eburnation on the cervical vertebrae of identified individuals from the William M. Bass Donated Skeletal Collection of the Forensic Anthropology Center of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA, to address whether the expression of osteoarthritic features differs (1) between older adults, 50-55 years, and elderly adults, 70-76 years, within each sex; (2) between both sexes of the same William M. Bass Donated Skeletal Collection age category; and (3) between the sexes regardless of age. Osteological remains included were accessioned between 2000 and 2010 to reflect contemporary variation, and only C3 to C7 were scored given the distinctions in morphology and function of the atlas and axis. The vertebrae were separated by number and analyzed using Mann-Whitney U tests. Osteoarthritic features are generally more severe in males compared to females although eburnation is elevated in older females (50-55 years) compared to their elderly counterparts (70-76 years). Both sexes show an accumulation of osteoarthritic features as a consequence of advancing age. However, sex differences between elderly adults (70-76 years) are less extreme compared to when all females and males are considered regardless of age.La osteoartritis en las vértebras cervicales, C3-C7, se acumula debido a la edad, el estilo de vida, la dieta y la gravedad del estrés esqueletomuscular a largo plazo. Sin embargo, el grado en que la edad (adultos mayores y ancianos) y las diferencias sexuales afectan la manifestación de la osteoartritis sigue siendo difícil de evaluar debido a la variabilidad del envejecimiento biológico y la falta de categorías discretas de edad postreproductiva. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el grado de inflamación osteofítica, porosidad y eburnación en las vértebras cervicales de individuos identificados de la Colección Osteológica William M. Bass del Centro de Antropología Forense de la Universidad de Tennessee, Knoxville, EE. UU, para determinar si la expresión de las características osteoartríticas difiere (1) entre adultos mayores, de entre 50-55 años, y ancianos, de 70-76 años, dentro de cada sexo; (2) entre ambos sexos de la misma categoría de edad; y (3) entre los sexos, independientemente de la edad. Los restos osteológicos incluidos fueron seleccionados entre 2000 y 2010 para reflejar la variación contemporánea, y solo se analizaron las vértebras cervicales C3 a C7, dadas las distinciones en morfología y función del atlas y del axis. Las vértebras se separaron por número y se analizaron mediante la prueba Mann-Whitney. Las características osteoartríticas son generalmente más serias en hombres que en mujeres, aunque la eburnación es elevada en mujeres mayores (50-55 años) en comparación con sus contrapartes mayores (70-76 años). Ambos sexos muestran una acumulación de rasgos osteoartríticos como consecuencia de la edad avanzada. Sin embargo, las diferencias en función del sexo entre los adultos mayores (70-76 años) son menos extremas en comparación con las diferencias observadas al considerar hombres y mujeres con independencia de la edad de los individuos.Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentin

    Artritis cervicales, C3-C7, en una colección osteológica documentada

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    Osteoarthritis on the cervical vertebrae, C3-C7, accumulates as a function of age, life style, diet and severity of long-term skeletomuscular stress. However, the degree to which age (older adult and elderly) and sex differences impact on the manifestation of osteoarthritis remains difficult to assess because of the variability of biological aging and the lack of discrete post-reproductive age categories. The aim of this investigation was to score the degree of osteophytic marginal lipping, porosity and eburnation on the cervical vertebrae of identified individuals from the William M. Bass Donated Skeletal Collection of the Forensic Anthropology Center of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA, to address whether the expression of osteoarthritic features differs (1) between older adults, 50-55 years, and elderly adults, 70-76 years, within each sex; (2) between both sexes of the same William M. Bass Donated Skeletal Collection age category; and (3) between the sexes regardless of age. Osteological remains included were accessioned between 2000 and 2010 to reflect contemporary variation, and only C3 to C7 were scored given the distinctions in morphology and function of the atlas and axis. The vertebrae were separated by number and analyzed using Mann-Whitney U tests. Osteoarthritic features are generally more severe in males compared to females although eburnation is elevated in older females (50-55 years) compared to their elderly counterparts (70-76 years). Both sexes show an accumulation of osteoarthritic features as a consequence of advancing age. However, sex differences between elderly adults (70-76 years) are less extreme compared to when all females and males are considered regardless of age.La osteoartritis en las vértebras cervicales, C3-C7, se acumula debido a la edad, el estilo de vida, la dieta y la gravedad del estrés esqueletomuscular a largo plazo. Sin embargo, el grado en que la edad (adultos mayores y ancianos) y las diferencias sexuales afectan la manifestación de la osteoartritis sigue siendo difícil de evaluar debido a la variabilidad del envejecimiento biológico y la falta de categorías discretas de edad postreproductiva. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el grado de inflamación osteofítica, porosidad y eburnación en las vértebras cervicales de individuos identificados de la Colección Osteológica William M. Bass del Centro de Antropología Forense de la Universidad de Tennessee, Knoxville, EE. UU, para determinar si la expresión de las características osteoartríticas difiere (1) entre adultos mayores, de entre 50-55 años, y ancianos, de 70-76 años, dentro de cada sexo; (2) entre ambos sexos de la misma categoría de edad; y (3) entre los sexos, independientemente de la edad. Los restos osteológicos incluidos fueron seleccionados entre 2000 y 2010 para reflejar la variación contemporánea, y solo se analizaron las vértebras cervicales C3 a C7, dadas las distinciones en morfología y función del atlas y del axis. Las vértebras se separaron por número y se analizaron mediante la prueba Mann-Whitney. Las características osteoartríticas son generalmente más serias en hombres que en mujeres, aunque la eburnación es elevada en mujeres mayores (50-55 años) en comparación con sus contrapartes mayores (70-76 años). Ambos sexos muestran una acumulación de rasgos osteoartríticos como consecuencia de la edad avanzada. Sin embargo, las diferencias en función del sexo entre los adultos mayores (70-76 años) son menos extremas en comparación con las diferencias observadas al considerar hombres y mujeres con independencia de la edad de los individuos.Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentin

    Cervical arthritis, C3-C7, from an identified osteological collection

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    Osteoarthritis on the cervical vertebrae, C3-C7, accumulates as a function of age, life style, diet and severity of long-term skeletomuscular stress. However, the degree to which age (older adult and elderly) and sex differences impact on the manifestation of osteoarthritis remains difficult to assess because of the variability of biological aging and the lack of discrete post-reproductive age categories. The aim of this investigation was to score the degree of osteophytic marginal lipping, porosity and eburnation on the cervical vertebrae of identified individuals from the William M. Bass Donated Skeletal Collection of the Forensic Anthropology Center of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA, to address whether the expression of osteoarthritic features differs (1) between older adults, 50-55 years, and elderly adults, 70-76 years, within each sex; (2) between both sexes of the same age category; and (3) between the sexes regardless of age. Osteological remains included were accessioned between 2000 and 2010 to reflect contemporary variation, and only C3 to C7 were scored given the distinctions in morphology and function of the atlas and axis. The vertebrae were separated by number and analyzed using Mann-Whitney U tests. Osteoarthritic features are generally more severe in males compared to females although eburnation is elevated in older females (50-55 years) compared to their elderly counterparts (70-76 years). Both sexes show an accumulation of osteoarthritic features as a consequence of advancing age. However, sex differences between elderly adults (70-76 years) are less extreme compared to when all females and males are considered regardless of age

    The Ice Age diet of the La Quina 5 Neandertal of southwest France

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    International audienceThe La Quina 5 Neandertal individual, dated to late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4 or early MIS 3, lived during a particularly cold and arid Ice Age interval, hunting mostly reindeer in open steppe habitats. Stable isotopes indicate the importance of hunted resources for Neandertals, although evidence of plant use also has been discovered. To address the plant food signature in the diet of La Quina 5, we marshal multiple methods, including dental microwear texture analysis (DMTA) and plant microremains analysis. For the DMTA, La Quina 5 is compared to Neandertals from MIS 5 – MIS 3, including Malarnaud, Spy I, Kůlna 1, Švédův stůl 1, and several individuals from Hortus cave (n = 5), Krapina (n = 19) and Vindija (n = 4), as well as human foragers, farmers and pastoralists (n = 150). La Quina 5 presents a low value for anisotropy implying the use of heterogeneous masticatory regimes like those characterizing foragers of the Americas. La Quina 5 also has a low complexity value indicating a plant-poor diet, and may have relied significantly on hunted resources perhaps necessary in the cold glacial interval of lower temperatures during Heinrich Stadial 6. Nevertheless, plant microremains are preserved in the dental calculus, including starch grains from grass seeds and plant underground storage organs, demonstrating the importance of plant foods in Paleolithic diets even if temporally or spatially dispersed.L’individu néandertalien La Quina 5, daté de la fin du stade isotopique marin (MIS) 4 ou du début du MIS 3, a vécu pendant une phase de la dernière période glaciaire particulièrement froide et aride, chassant principalement le renne dans des habitats steppiques ouverts. Les isotopes stables indiquent l’importance des ressources animales dans le régime alimentaire des Néandertaliens, bien que des preuves d’utilisation de plantes aient également été découvertes. Afin de mieux décrire la part végétale du régime alimentaire de l’individu La Quina 5, nous utilisons ici plusieurs méthodes, notamment l’analyse de la texture des micro-usures dentaires (DMTA) et l’analyse des microrestes végétaux. Pour l’analyse DMTA, La Quina 5 est comparée aux Néandertaliens du MIS 5 – MIS 3, dont Malarnaud, Spy I, Kůlna 1, Švédův stůl 1, et plusieurs individus des grottes de l’Hortus (n = 5), de Krapina (n = 19) et de Vindija (n = 4), ainsi que des chasseurs-collecteurs, des agriculteurs et des éleveurs (n = 150). La Quina 5 présente une faible valeur d’anisotropie impliquant des régimes masticatoires hétérogènes comme ceux caractérisant les chasseurs-collecteurs des Amériques. La Quina 5 a également une faible valeur de complexité indiquant une alimentation pauvre en plantes. Ce Néandertalien s’est peut-être beaucoup appuyé sur les produits de la chasse, probablement par nécessité face aux conditions climatiques du stade d’Heinrich 6 aux températures particulièrement basses. Les micro-restes végétaux préservés dans le tartre dentaire, y compris les grains d’amidon provenant de graines de graminées et d’organes de stockage souterrains de plantes, démontrent cependant la présence de plantes dans les régimes alimentaires paléolithiques, même si leur importance a pu varier dans le temps ou dans l’espace

    Inner ear morphology of the cioclovina early modern European calvaria from Romania

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    Objectives: The morphology of the human bony labyrinth is thought to preserve a strong phylogenetic signal and to be minimally, if at all, affected by postnatal processes. The form of the semicircular canals is considered a derived feature of Neanderthals and different from the modern human anatomy. Among other hominins, European Middle Pleistocene humans have been found to be most similar to Neanderthals. Early modern humans have been proposed to show a pattern that is distinct, but most similar to that of Holocene people. Here we examine the inner ear structures of the Cioclovina calvaria, one of the earliest reliably dated and relatively complete modern human crania from Europe, in the context of recent and fossil human variation. Materials and Methods: Bony labyrinths were virtually extracted from CT scans of recent Europeans and Cioclovina. Using univariate and multivariate methods, measurements of the semicircular canals were compared with published measurements of other fossil specimens. Results: Our results show that Cioclovina\u27s inner ear morphology falls within the range of modern variation, with affinities to both Late Pleistocene modern humans and recent Europeans. Using discriminant functions, the sex of the Cioclovina specimen is estimated as male. Discussion: Results agree with previous work showing that Cioclovina exhibits fully modern cranial morphology