24 research outputs found

    Vegetative, metabolic and immune accompaniments of changes in the electrokinetic index of the buccal epithelium under the influence of therapeutic factors

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    Background. In previous studies, we have shown that electrokinetic index of buccal epithelium (EKI) correlated with some functional and metabolic parameters. Subsequent studies have shown that сhanges in EKI correlated with changes in some parameters of EEG, HRV, hemodynamics, metabolism, immunity and fecal microbiocenosis. Further research in this direction was continued on a significantly increased contingent of patients and with the involvement of new methods and factors of influence. This message starts the presentation of the obtained results. Material and methods. Under a observations were 44 men (49±15 years) and 30 women (51±13 years) without clinical diagnosis or with chronic pyelonephritis in the phase of remission (23 men). We registered caused by the various therapeutic factors changes in EKI, state of the vegetative and hormonal regulation as well as immunity and metabolism, then calculated relationships between changes. Results. In 49 patients the changes in EKI were in the range of ±2,5%, in 19 people EKI increased by more than 2,5% (M±SD=+4,0±1,6%), while in 9 people decreased by more than 2,5% (-4,2±1,7%). The canonical correlation between changes in EKI, on the one hand, and HRV and immunity parameters, on the other, is moderate: R=0,478; p=0,023. The method of discriminant analysis revealed 10 immune and 6 HRV parameters as well as triglycerides and cholesterol, whose changes are characteristic of multidirectional changes in EKI. Conclusion. Electrokinetic index of buccal epithelium responds to therapeutic factors in different directions, accompanied by characteristic changes in a number of parameters of HRV, immunity and metabolism

    Changes in electrokinetic index of buccal epithelium correlated with changes in some parameters of immunity and fecal microbiocenosis

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    Previously we examined relationships between electrokinetic index of the buccal epithelium (EKI) and some functional and metabolic parameters of patients with chronic pyelonephritis in the phase of remission. The purpose of this study is the relationships between changes in EKI and some parameters of immunity, fecal microbiocenosis as well as urine in these same patients. Materials and Methods. Under a observations were 32 males and 10 females by age 24-76 years with chronic pyelonephritis in the phase of remission. We determined the rate of electronegative nuclei of buccal epithelium by intracellular microelectrophoresis (EKI), counted up leukocytogram and calculated its adaptation and strain indexes by IL Popovych, evaluated immune status on a set of I and II levels recommended by the WHO as well as fecal microbiocenosis, bacteriuria and leukocyturia by routine methods. After 9-11 days of balneotherapy (drinking of bioactive water Naftussya, applications of ozokerite, mineral pools) all testes repeated. Results. A number of parameters of immunity and fecal microbiocenosis have been identified, the changes of which correlate with changes in EKI. A turn-based exclusion in the multiple regression model includes changes in the Killing Index by Neutrophils of E. coli, levels in the blood of T-active and 0 Lymphocytes, rod-nuclear Neutrophils, Entropy of the Immunocytogram, Popovych's Strain Index of Leukocytogram as well as Leukocytesuria and content in feces E. coli. R=0,686; R2=0,470; Adjusted R2=0,342; F(8,3)=3,7; p=0,004. Conclusion. Caused by balneotherapy, the increase in most patients in the EKI is accompanied by favorable changes in parameters of immunity and fecal microbiocenosis, which justifies its use to assess the effectiveness of balneotherapy

    Effects of transcutaneous electrical stimulation with the device “VEB” ® on the human body

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    Background. In 2015, a generator for electrotherapy and stimulation oh human nerve centers was created, called “VEB-1”®. Preliminary observation of volunteers revealed a modulating effect of a four-day course of electrical stimulation on the parameters of electroencephalogram, metabolism, as well as gas-discharge visualization (GDV). In this message, we present the results of the approbation of the device on an expanded contingent of volunteers with the use of additional research methods and a new modification of the device. Material and research methods. The object of observation were employees of the sanatorium “Moldova”, patients with chronic cholecystitis: 19 women 30-62 y and 19 men 25-63 y. In the morning registered HRV (“CardioLab+HRV”, “KhAI-Medica”, Kharkiv, UA), EEG (“NeuroCom Standard”, “KhAI-Medica”, Kharkiv, UA), kirlianogram by the method of GDV (“GDV Chamber”, “Biotechprogress”, SPb, RF), electroconductivity of skin in three pairs of points of acupuncture (“Medissa”), electrokinetic index of buccal epithelium ("Biotest", Kharkiv State University), as well as some endocrine, immune and metabolic parameters. After the initial testing, an transcutaneous electrical stimulation session was performed with a “VEB-1”® or a “VEB-2” devices. The next morning after completing the four-day course, retesting was performed. Results. Electrical stimulation causes a sympathotonic shift in the sympatho-vagal balance and an increase in PSD of delta-rhythm generating neurons combined with a decrease in PSD of beta- and theta-rhythm generating neurons. This is accompanied by increase in phagocytosis and favorable changes in immune, biochemical and biophysical parameters as well as increase in testosterone level in men only. The integral effects on the constellation of registered body parameters of both device modifications do not differ significantly. Conclusion. The "VEB" device exerts an adaptogenic effect on the body through transcutaneous electrical stimulation of neurons

    Використання спеціалізованого програмного забезпечення для моделювання розливу рідких радіоактивних речовин у навчанні студентів і аспірантів

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    The study proves relevance of specialized software use to solve problems of emergencies prevention of radioactive liquids spills to teach students and graduate students. Main assessment criteria of accidents at radiation-hazardous objects associated with radioactive liquids spillage is identified. A model of radioactive substances transport in emergency rooms is developed. It takes into account physical features of radioactive liquid spill from the source, air pollution during transition of radioactive liquid from the spill surface into the air and subsequent scattering in the emergency room under influence of local air flows. It is determined that the existing software tools for radiation exposure assessment do not comprehensively cover features of such events and possess number of shortcomings regarding accidents modeling with spillage of radioactive liquids indoors. Computer modeling and forecasting examples for hypothetical event related to liquid radioactive spill in the JRODOS system are presented. The training process of future specialists, specialties 183 “Environmental Protection Technologies”, 143 “Nuclear Energy”, 103 “Earth Sciences”, and 122 “Computer Science” should be based on application of powerful scientific and methodological training base using modern achievements in the field of digital technologies. It is advisable to supplement curricula for students‘ and postgraduate students’ preparation in the mentioned above specialties by studying issues related to: development of mathematical models and software for solving problems of emergencies prevention in case of radioactive liquids spills; usage of features of specialized decision software of emergencies prevention during spills of radioactive liquids.У статті досліджено особливості використання спеціалізованого програмного забезпечення вирішення задач попередження надзвичайних ситуацій при розливах радіоактивних рідин у навчанні студентів і аспірантів. Визначено основні критерії для оцінювання аварій на радіаційно-небезпечних об’єктах пов’язаних з розливом радіоактивних рідин. Розроблена модель транспорту радіоактивних речовин у аварійних приміщеннях, що враховує фізичні особливостей витікання радіоактивної рідини з джерела, забруднення повітря при переході радіоактивної рідини з поверхні розливу в повітряне середовище та подальше їх розсіювання в аварійному приміщенні під впливом локальних повітряних потоків (спричинених, наприклад, вентиляцією). Визначено, що існуючі програмні засоби оцінки радіаційного впливу комплексно не охоплюють особливостей таких подій та мають ряд недоліків стосовно моделювання протікання аварій із розливом радіоактивних рідин в закритих приміщеннях. Представлено приклади комп’ютерного моделювання та прогнозування для гіпотетичної події, пов'язаної з розливом рідких радіоактивних середовищ в системі JRODOS. Процес підготовки майбутніх фахівців зі спеціальностей 183 «Технології захисту навколишнього середовища», 143 «Атомна енергетика», 103 «Науки про Землю», 122 «Комп’ютерні науки» має ґрунтуватись на використанні потужної науково-методологічної навчальної бази із використанням сучасних досягнень у сфері цифрових технологій. Доцільним є доповнення навчальних планів з підготовки студентів і аспірантів з окреслених спеціальностей вивченням питань щодо: розробки математичних моделей та програмних засобів вирішення задач попередження надзвичайних ситуацій при розливах радіоактивних рідин; особливостей використання спеціалізованого програмного забезпечення вирішення задач попередження надзвичайних ситуацій при розливах радіоактивних рідин

    Проблеми та пріоритети економічної інтеграції транспортних систем України та ЄС

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    The monograph examines theoretical and practical aspects of transport development in Ukraine in the context of European integration. Based on the study and generalization of the standards, values and experience of the EU countries in the development of transport and logistics, the authors have developed scientific approaches to their implementation in Ukrainian practice. Proposals aimed at developing the institutional environment, improving management mechanisms, and removing barriers to the economic integration of the transport systems of Ukraine and the EU are presented. The monograph will be useful for scientists, entrepreneurs, specialists in public management and administration, teachers, students of economic specialties and other interested personsУ монографії розглядаються теоретичні та практичні аспекти розвитку транспорту в Україні в контексті євроінтеграції. На основі вивчення та узагальнення стандартів, цінностей та досвіду країн ЄС у розвитку транспорту та логістики авторами розроблено наукові підходи до їх впровадження в українську практику. Представлено пропозиції, спрямовані на розвиток інституційного середовища, удосконалення механізмів управління, усунення бар’єрів для економічної інтеграції транспортних систем України та ЄС. Монографія буде корисною для науковців, підприємців, спеціалістів з державного управління та адміністрування, викладачів, студентів економічних спеціальностей та інших зацікавлених осіб

    CSR Communication of Enterprises Operating in Ukraine

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    Diplomová práce pojednává o CSR komunikování firem působících na Ukrajině. Pozornost je zaměřena na CSR web komunikování těchto firem. Na úvod teoretické části práce je objasněn konceptu CSR a identifikovány a charakterizovány jsou alternativní oblasti a aktivity CSR. Zvláštní pozornost je zaměřena na problematiku CSR reportování a komunikování. V praktické části práce je analyzována, zhodnocena a komparována úroveň CSR web komunikování TOP 100 nefinančních firem působících na Ukrajině, TOP 50 chemických firem působících na Ukrajině a vybraných firem Svazu chemického průmyslu působících v České republice.The diploma thesis deals with CSR communication of enterprises operating in Ukraine. Attention is focused on CSR web communication of these companies. The introduction of the theoretical part of the thesis clarifies the concept of CSR and identifies and characterizes alternative areas and CSR activities. Particular attention is paid to the issue of CSR reporting and communication. The practical part of the thesis analyzes, evaluates and compares the level of CSR web communication of TOP 100 non-financial companies operating in Ukraine, TOP 50 chemical companies operating in Ukraine and selected companies of the Association of Chemical Industry operating in the Czech Republic.Fakulta chemicko-technologickáV čem spočívají důvody, které vedly k poklesu úrovně CSR reportování~ v zemích jako je Finsko, Belgie a Slovensko? Ze studie vyplynulo, že aktivity etické a filantropické odpovědnosti jsou ve větším rozsahu komunikovány sledovanými chemickými firmami na Ukrajině než v ČR. Proč prezentují české podniky tyto aktivity v menší míře?Jaká doporučení by vedla ke zlepšení úrovně CSR web komunikování pro české chemické firmy? Otázky byly zodpovězeny

    Web-based communications about environmentally responsible activities by chemical companies based in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Ukraine

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    Environmentální odpovědnost hraje významnou roli při uplatňování společensky odpovědného chování každého ekonomického subjektu. Jako zvlášť významná se jeví z pohledu firem společensky, a zejména environmentálně, citlivých odvětví. Cílem předložené studie je analyzovat a zhodnotit rozsah web komunikování a strukturu komunikovaných environmentálně odpovědných aktivit chemických firem sídlících v České republice, na Slovensku a Ukrajině. S využitím nástrojů popisné a interferenční statistiky byla analyzována data získaná na základě obsahové analýzy webových stránek 157 chemických firem. Z provedené studie vyplývá, že na rozsah komunikování environmentálně odpovědných aktivit sledovaných chemických firem má vliv zejména země sídla, přičemž nebyly shledány rozdíly mezi členskými a nečlenskými zeměmi EU. Významnou roli také hraje vlastnictví a velikost firem, na rozdíl od konkrétního charakteru činnosti těchto firem. Z hlediska struktury komunikovaných environmentálně odpovědných aktivit můžeme mezi TOP 3 aktivity ve všech třech zemích zařadit prevenci a nápravu negativních dopadů na životní prostředí, zajištění souladu s environmentální legislativou a minimalizaci odpadů a podporu recyklace.Environmental responsibility plays an important role within the process of application of socially responsible behaviour of each economic entity. It seems to be of a particular importance from the point of view of companies from socially, and particularly environmentally sensitive industries. The presented study aims to analyze and assess the scope of web-based communications and the structure of communicated environmentally responsible activities of chemical companies based in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Ukraine. The data obtained on the basis of a content analysis of web pages of 157 chemical companies were analyzed using tools of descriptive and inferential statistics. The performed analysis implies that the scope of communications about environmentally responsible activities of the monitored chemical companies is mainly affected by the country of the registered office, where no differences have been identified between EU member and non-member states. What plays an important role on the national level is the company ownership and size, unlike the character of the corporate activity. As for the structure of the communicated environmentally responsible activities, we can say that TOP 3 activities in all the three countries include prevention and rectification of negative impacts on the environment, ensuring compliance with the environmental legislation, and minimization of wastes and support of recycling

    Web-based communications about environmentally responsible activities by chemical companies based in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Ukraine

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    Environmentální odpovědnost hraje významnou roli při uplatňování společensky odpovědného chování každého ekonomického subjektu. Jako zvlášť významná se jeví z pohledu firem společensky, a zejména environmentálně, citlivých odvětví. Cílem předložené studie je analyzovat a zhodnotit rozsah web komunikování a strukturu komunikovaných environmentálně odpovědných aktivit chemických firem sídlících v České republice, na Slovensku a Ukrajině. S využitím nástrojů popisné a interferenční statistiky byla analyzována data získaná na základě obsahové analýzy webových stránek 157 chemických firem. Z provedené studie vyplývá, že na rozsah komunikování environmentálně odpovědných aktivit sledovaných chemických firem má vliv zejména země sídla, přičemž nebyly shledány rozdíly mezi členskými a nečlenskými zeměmi EU. Významnou roli také hraje vlastnictví a velikost firem, na rozdíl od konkrétního charakteru činnosti těchto firem. Z hlediska struktury komunikovaných environmentálně odpovědných aktivit můžeme mezi TOP 3 aktivity ve všech třech zemích zařadit prevenci a nápravu negativních dopadů na životní prostředí, zajištění souladu s environmentální legislativou a minimalizaci odpadů a podporu recyklace.Environmental responsibility plays an important role within the process of application of socially responsible behaviour of each economic entity. It seems to be of a particular importance from the point of view of companies from socially, and particularly environmentally sensitive industries. The presented study aims to analyze and assess the scope of web-based communications and the structure of communicated environmentally responsible activities of chemical companies based in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Ukraine. The data obtained on the basis of a content analysis of web pages of 157 chemical companies were analyzed using tools of descriptive and inferential statistics. The performed analysis implies that the scope of communications about environmentally responsible activities of the monitored chemical companies is mainly affected by the country of the registered office, where no differences have been identified between EU member and non-member states. What plays an important role on the national level is the company ownership and size, unlike the character of the corporate activity. As for the structure of the communicated environmentally responsible activities, we can say that TOP 3 activities in all the three countries include prevention and rectification of negative impacts on the environment, ensuring compliance with the environmental legislation, and minimization of wastes and support of recycling

    CSR web komunikování v postkomunistických zemích

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    In this survey, we investigate the level of web-based CSR communication in selected post-communist countries. Our objective was to identify, analyse and evaluate the scope of web-based CSR communication and the structure of CSR activities communicated by the TOP 100 companies based in the Czech Republic and Ukraine. On the basis of content analysis of the websites of the 100 most important companies (according to level of revenue) based in each of these countries, we can state that the level of their web-based CSR communication is comparable. It does however correspond to the generally low level of CSR communication in post-communist countries. Apart from corporate websites, another popular channel of communication is social networks, in particular Facebook. As far as the scope of CSR activities communicated is concerned, companies based in the Czech Republic communicate an average of 19 and companies based in Ukraine communicate an average of 18 of the 39 monitored activities. TOP 100 companies operating in these countries communicate economic and environmental responsibility activities in the greatest scope and on the contrary, ethical responsibility activities the least.V tomto výzkumu zkoumáme úroveň CSR web komunikování ve vybraných postkomunistických zemích. Naším cílem bylo identifikovat, analyzovat a zhodnotit rozsah CSR web komunikování a strukturu komunikovaných CSR aktivit TOP 100 firem sídlících v České republice a Ukrajině. Na základě obsahové analýzy webových stránek 100 nejvýznamnějších firem (podle velikosti tržeb) sídlících v každé z těchto zemí můžeme konstatovat, že úroveň jejich CSR web komunikování je srovnatelná. Odpovídá však obecně nízké úrovni CSR komunikování v postkomunistických zemích. Oblíbeným komunikačním kanálem jsou kromě firemních webových stránek také sociální sítě, zejména Facebook. Co se týká rozsahu komunikovaných CSR aktivit, firmy sídlící v České republice komunikují v průměru 19 a firmy sídlící na Ukrajině v průměru 18 ze sledovaných 39 aktivit. V největším rozsahu TOP 100 firmy působící v obou těchto zemích komunikují aktivity ekonomické a environmentální odpovědnosti, naopak v nejmenším rozsahu aktivity etické odpovědnosti

    Source term model of radioactive liquid spills for actual decision support systems

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    Spills of liquid radioactive material are reviewed as potential event that can be associated with release into the atmosphere. Existing approaches to radiological impact assessment for onsite as well as offsite of facility are presented. The example of using the actual Java version of the European RODOS system as prototype of the decision support system shows the general implementation of the analysis and preparation of initial data in order to model the radiological impact on the public, personnel and environment. Given the specifics of the occurrence of emergency scenarios of this type, features of atmospheric models application, description of the source term model, software integration features, ventilation task solving, completeness and format of the initial data required for radiological consequence modelling