448 research outputs found

    Phase field theory modeling of CH4/CO2 gas hydrates in gravity fields

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    Natural gas hydrates in reservoirs are thermodynamically unstable due to the interactions with surrounding fluids (aqueous, gas) and mineral surfaces. Depending on the local flow hydrate will dissociate as well as reform. If the dissociation rate is faster than the capacity of the surrounding fluids to dissolve the released gas, the gas will form bubbles. Depending on the rate of released gas and possible fracture patterns this may lead to venting of gas. The proper implementation of hydrodynamics will provide a deeper insight of the hydrate kinetics involved during dissociation and formation processes which involve hydrate former phase as smaller or larger bubbles or even continuous gas phase. In this work the phase field theory coupled with hydrodynamics model is implemented with variable density using the relative composition, phase field parameter and flow, which is an extension of our previous work which considers a constant density.publishedVersio

    ‘My new routine’: Assessing the impact of citizen science on climate adaptation in Bangladesh

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    Under embargo until: 2021-01-22Citizen science is put forward as a method for extending science to include communities in learning about, and adapting to, climate variability and change in the places they live. But it is difficult to find evidence of how citizen science influences climate adaptation governance. The citizen science field lacks the assessment frameworks and empirical studies for understanding impacts on citizen scientists’ common adaptive capacities for supporting social processes of adaptation. In addressing this gap, this paper describes a citizen science initiative carried out with communities in northeast Bangladesh, and assesses how it contributed to local governance capacity for climate adaptation. In doing so, it develops and tests a novel framework that assesses citizen science’s contributions a high-quality knowledge base, and to five different capital stocks. The assessment saw high increases in citizen scientists’ human capital relative to their awareness and understanding of local rainfall; learning that they applied in adaptive practices at work and at home, and local leadership. There were also high increases in social capital among citizen scientists, but more moderate increases in technological and resource capital, and in political capital. There was some evidence of the citizen science being used to support public adaptation decision-making. The initiative had the least impact on institutional capital.acceptedVersio

    The Dynamics of 0-Group Herring Clupea harengus and Sprat Sprattus sprattus Populations Along the Norwegian Skagerrak Coast

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    Coastal areas are important habitats for early life stages of many fish species. These habitats are used as nursery grounds and can provide a significant contribution to the recruitment of a fish population. In 1919, standardized sampling with a beach seine along the Norwegian Skagerrak coastline was established mainly to target 0-group fish. Here, we focus on Atlantic herring and European sprat to explore whether inter-annual variability in the abundance of these species is indicative of variability in recruitment. We investigated if the abundance of 0-group herring and sprat are affected by environmental factors. Further, the beach seine abundance indices were compared with recruitment estimates of neighboring stocks. There was a clear correlation between herring and sprat abundance in the beach seine samples. While sprat abundance was mainly affected by environmental factors such as temperature and current drift, herring abundance was positively affected by the recruitment of the neighboring stock of western Baltic spring spawners. One plausible explanation could be that sprat recruit to a more local component, while herring of the neighboring stock utilize the Skagerrak coastline as nursery grounds. This study demonstrates the importance of long time series and can provide new insight into the dynamics and structure of multiple fish species

    Genetic analysis redraws the management boundaries for the European sprat

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    Sustainable fisheries management requires detailed knowledge of population genetic structure. The European sprat is an important commercial fish distributed from Morocco to the Arctic circle, Baltic, Mediterranean, and Black seas. Prior to 2018, annual catch advice on sprat from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) was based on five putative stocks: (a) North Sea, (b) Kattegat–Skagerrak and Norwegian fjords, (c) Baltic Sea, (d) West of Scotland—southern Celtic Seas, and (e) English Channel. However, there were concerns that the sprat advice on stock size estimates management plan inadequately reflected the underlying biological units. Here, we used ddRAD sequencing to develop 91 SNPs that were thereafter used to genotype approximately 2,500 fish from 40 locations. Three highly distinct and relatively homogenous genetic groups were identified: (a) Norwegian fjords; (b) Northeast Atlantic including the North Sea, Kattegat–Skagerrak, Celtic Sea, and Bay of Biscay; and (c) Baltic Sea. Evidence of genetic admixture and possibly physical mixing was detected in samples collected from the transition zone between the North and Baltic seas, but not between any of the other groups. These results have already been implemented by ICES with the decision to merge the North Sea and the Kattegat–Skagerrak sprat to be assessed as a single unit, thus demonstrating that genetic data can be rapidly absorbed to align harvest regimes and biological units

    A Metric Framework for quantifying Data Concentration

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    Poor performance of artificial neural nets when applied to credit-related classification problems is investigated and contrasted with logistic regression classification. We propose that artificial neural nets are less successful because of the inherent structure of credit data rather than any particular aspect of the neural net structure. Three metrics are developed to rationalise the result with such data. The metrics exploit the distributional properties of the data to rationalise neural net results. They are used in conjunction with a variant of an established concentration measure that differentiates between class characteristics. The results are contrasted with those obtained using random data, and are compared with results obtained using logistic regression. We find, in general agreement with previous studies, that logistic regressions out-perform neural nets in the majority of cases. An approximate decision criterion is developed in order to explain adverse results

    Risk of malnutrition and health-related quality of life in community-living elderly men and women: The Tromsø study

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    Purpose To explore the association between risk of malnutrition as well as current body mass index (BMI) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in elderly men and women from the general population. Methods In a cross-sectional population survey including 1,632 men and 1,654 women aged 65 to 87 years from the municipality of Tromsø, Norway, we assessed HRQoL by using the EuroQol (EQ-5D) instrument in three risk groups of malnutrition and in different categories of BMI. The Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (‘MUST’) was used to evaluate the risk of malnutrition. Results We found a significant reduction in HRQoL with an increasing risk of malnutrition, and this was more pronounced in men than in women. The relationship between BMI and HRQoL was dome shaped, with the highest score values in the BMI category being 25–27.5 kg/m2. Conclusions HRQoL was significantly reduced in elderly men and women at risk of malnutrition. The highest HRQoL was seen in moderately overweight individuals

    Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients Treated With Continuous Positive Airway Pressure: Data From the European Sleep Apnea Database

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    Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) that resolves under treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). In some patients, sleepiness persists despite CPAP treatment. We retrospectively analyzed data on subjective residual EDS, assessed as an Epworth Sleepiness Scale score (ESS) >10, in patients from the European Sleep Apnea Database (n = 4,853, mean age ± SD 54.8 ± 11.8 years, 26.1% females), at baseline and at the first visit (median follow-up: 5 months, interquartile range 3–13). An ESS > 10 occurred in 56% of patients at baseline and in 28.2% of patients at follow-up. Residual EDS was analyzed in 2,190 patients (age: 55.1 ± 12.0 years, 26.1% females) with sleep monitoring data (median follow-up: 3 months, interquartile range 1–15). Sleep studies during CPAP use were obtained in 58% of these patients; EDS was reported by 47.2% of patients at baseline and by 30.3% at follow-up. Residual OSA, defined as an apnea–hypopnea index >10/h, and insufficient CPAP adherence, defined as nightly use <4 h, occurred with similar frequency in patients with and without EDS at follow-up. Prevalence of residual EDS was highest (40%) in patients with a first follow-up visit at 0–3 months, then it was 13–19% in patients with a first follow-up visit after 4 months to 2 years. The change in ESS (n = 2,190) was weakly correlated with CPAP use (R2 = 0.023, p < 0.0001). Logistic regression showed that an ESS score >10 at the first follow-up visit was associated directly with ESS at baseline and inversely with duration of follow-up, and CPAP use (R2 of the model: 0.417). EDS showed heterogeneity in different European countries both at baseline and at the first follow-up visit, suggesting modulation by cultural and lifestyle factors. In conclusion, residual EDS in CPAP-treated OSA occurred in approximately one in four patients at follow-up; its prevalence was highest (40%) in the first 3 months of treatment and subsequently decreased. The finding of residual EDS in a significant percentage of optimally treated OSA patients suggests that wake-promoting agents may be useful, but their indication should be evaluated after at least 3 months of treatment

    Does patient satisfaction of general practice change over a decade?

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    Background The Patient Participation Program (PPP) was a patient satisfaction survey endorsed by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and designed to assist general practitioners in continuous quality improvement (CQI). The survey was been undertaken by 3500 practices and over a million patients between 1994 and 2003. This study aimed to use pooled patient questionnaire data to investigate changes in satisfaction with primary care over time. Methods The results of 10 years of the PPP surveys were analyzed with respect to 10 variables including the year of completion, patient age, gender, practice size, attendance at other doctors, and whether the practice had previously undertaken the survey. Comparisons were made using Logistic Generalized Estimating Equations (LGEE). Results There was a very high level of satisfaction with general practice in Australia (99% of respondents). An independent indicator of satisfaction was created by pooling the results of 12 questions. This new indicator had a greater variance than the single overall satisfaction question. Participants were shown to have higher levels of satisfaction if they were male, older, did not attend other practitioners or the practice was small in size. A minimal improvement in satisfaction was detected in this pooled indicator for the second or third survey undertaken by a practice. There was however no statistically significant change in pooled satisfaction with the year of survey. Conclusion The very high level of satisfaction made it difficult to demonstrate change. It is likely that this and the presentation of results made it difficult for GPs to use the survey to improve their practices. A more useful survey would be more sensitive to detect negative patient opinions and provide integrated feedback to GPs. At present, there are concerns about the usefulness of the PPP in continuous quality improvement in general practice.James Allan, Peter Schattner, Nigel Stocks and Emmae Ramsa