44 research outputs found

    The response of the "non-vocational" disciplines towards increasing focus on employability in their curricula : a case study of the Faculty of humanitites at the University of Oslo

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    This thesis examines the influence of increasing focus on employability in higher education on the response of the Universities and traditionally oriented programmes and faculties, humanities in particular. The research is carried out in the form of a case study, and has taken place at the Faculty of humanities at the University of Oslo. The attempts of the Faculty to contribute to students’ employability are revised and analyzed. Summarizing the reasons for increasing focus on employability in higher education, this particular case study accentuates employability as a response to practical application of knowledge and orientation on successful learning outcomes accentuated in HEIs to “prepare” students for the increasingly complicated challenges in society. Since there is no universally accepted strategy for introducing employability focus in higher education, this approach is argued to depend a lot on the combined initiatives of the Faculty and the academics and on the appropriately structured curriculum able to develop knowledgeable and highly-skilled graduates. Accordingly, changes in the curriculum are analyzed in relation to three domains of “knowledge, action and self” introduced by Barnett et al. (2001) and encountered constraints are examined. The differences between traditional and interdisciplinary programmes are analyzed in the context of programmes’ abilities towards implementing employability focus in their curricula. The challenges “non-vocational” disciplines encounter when increasing focus on employability are described on the example of the four selected master programmes: history (HM); english language (EL); media studies (MS); and culture, environment and sustainability (CES). The present research has concluded that employability focus does not substitute the traditional humanitarian knowledge, but becomes a “linking element” and a “translation device” between the higher education and the “world of work”. Even though employability is not the primary reason students decide to study humanities, both the faculty and the programme leaders consider it important to accentuate in the humanities curricula. However, due to the low level of involvement of academics in this process it still remains much the initiative of the Faculty and the University


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    To article are investigated problematic questions of the legal regulation the objects of the right of intellectual property. Are analyzed concepts “legal protection” and “legal safeguard” in the law-creating instrument and the scientific literature, and also the balance of these concepts. The conclusion is made that legal protection and legal safeguard these are the successive stages of the process of legal regulation. Are examined novelty of legal regulation as caricatures, parody and potpourri which became the object of the legal protection of copyright; deliktization and the criminalization of kamkording and сardsharing as the breach of copyright of copyright and neighbouring rights. In dependence to the size of the substituted damage and level of public danger of kamkording and сardsharing they come out as delicts, administrative infraction or crimes. Is given attention to the reformation the system of the legal protection of the objects intellectual property right; the liquidation Ukrainian State Department of Intellectual Property; the transfer of its functions to the ministry of economic development and trade; the creation Сouncil of Intellectual Property. Are examined the bases of the reformed legal protection of the objects of the law of intellectual property; the creation of Supreme Court of Intellectual Property, which is the superior specialized court, primary court and court of appeal. Legal disputes of economic, administrative, and also civil legal nature assigned to it jurisdiction that emphasizes specialization of this court. The investigated crucial problems of the law of intellectual property make it possible to assert that this branch of law is located on the stage of active reformation that unconditionally must positively influence the development of this sphere of social relations.У статті досліджуються проблемні питання правового регулювання об'єктів права інтелектуальної власності. Проаналізовано поняття "правова охорона" та "правовий захист" в нормативно-правових актах і науковій літературі, а також співвідношення цих понять. Зроблено висновок про те, що правовий захист і правова охорона - це послідовні етапи процесу правового регулювання. Розглянуто такі новели правового регулювання як карикатури, пародії та попурі, які стали об'єктом правової охорони авторського права; деліктизація і криміналізація камкордінга і картшейрінга як порушень авторського права. У залежності від розміру завданих збитків та ступеня суспільної небезпеки камкордінг і кардшейрінг виступають деліктами, адміністративними проступками або злочинами. Приділено увагу реформуванню системи правової охорони об'єктів права інтелектуальної власності - ліквідації Державної служби інтелектуальної власності, передачі її функцій Міністерству економічного розвитку і торгівлі, створення Ради з питань інтелектуальної власності. Розглянуто засади реформованого правового захисту об'єктів права інтелектуальної власності - створення Вищого суду з питань інтелектуальної власності, який є вищим спеціалізованим судом, судом першої та апеляційної інстанції. Віднесення до його юрисдикції спорів господарсько-правового, адміністративно-правового, а також цивільно-правового характеру підкреслює спеціалізованість цього суду. Досліджені актуальні питання права інтелектуальної власності дозволяють стверджувати, що ця галузь права перебуває на етапі активного реформування, що безумовно має позитивно вплинути на розвиток цієї сфери суспільних відносин

    Workplace adaptations promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in mainstream employment: a case-study on employers' responses in Norway

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    This case-study conducted in Norway investigates employers' responses to policy measures implemented throughout 2006-2015 and aimed at promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities (PwDs) into mainstream employment by providing workplace adaptations. For this purpose, we apply a multi-method approach by combining in-depth qualitative interviews conducted with the managers at two large private companies in Norway and quantitative shift-share analysis performed on the Norwegian Disabled People LFS data. While the shift-share analysis has demonstrated positive effects in the employment of PwDs at the national level and in providing adaptations at work during 2011-2015 for "changes of working time", "need for one or more adaptations" and "changes of work tasks", "physical adaptations" remain negative. The qualitative interviews report that "flexibility" or "changes of working time" is the main workplace adaptation the managers at both companies provide to own employees who return to work after acquiring a disability or having a long-term illness. Both companies demonstrate high conformity to accessibility standards, however, the provision of workplace adaptations to PwDs without prior work experience remains limited or absent despite the disability policy measures in Norway in that period and the companies' commitment to inclusion


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    This paper focuses on Scratch language of programming and traces its math and linguistic features. From a complex consideration about Scratch language programming in linguistic paradigm, focusing on structural, semantic and syntactic features and logic of its narration, this research attempts to clarify specifics of the language and correlate it with the English language features. Global integration of ideas and sciences underline the crucial importance of programming and language conglomerate. Human-computer interfaces, software systems, and development of various programming languages depend on well-balanced structure, shape, logic, and appearance of the actual code. Dynamic characteristics of the Scratch programming environment sustain the creation of interactive and media-rich projects. Ad expansion of Scratch for mediation of animated stories, music videos, science projects, tutorials, and other contents necessitates multifaceted analysis of this programming environment and evokes the interest of researching Scratch from the math and linguistic perspective as one possible projection on various aspects of the considered programming language

    Solid-immersion imaging interferometric nanoscopy to the limits of available frequency space

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    Imaging interferometric nanoscopy (IIN) is a synthetic aperture approach offering the potential of optical resolution to the linear-system limit of optics (∼λ∕4n). The immersion advantages of IIN can be realized if the object is in close proximity to a solid-immersion medium with illumination and collection through the substrate and coupling this radiation to air by a grating on the medium surface opposite the object. The spatial resolution as a function of the medium thickness and refractive index as well as the field-of-view of the objective optical system is derived and applied to simulations. © 2012 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 180.0180, 110.0110. 1

    Socio-economic development of Russia in terms of the BRICS countries’ development

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    The welfare of the population is largely dependent on the socio-economic development of the country. It is believed that the stronger the state’s economy, the higher the standard of living of the population. In the framework of this article, the socio-economic development of Russia in terms of the standard of living of the population is considered. It is concluded that over the past 5 years, despite an increase in the level of wages and per capita income, the standard of living of the population of Russia has decreased. The welfare of the citizens of Russia and the citizens of the BRICS countries is compared herein. It is concluded that the dynamically growing economies of India and China contribute to the improvement of the living standards of the population, while the problems in the economies of Russia, Brazil, and South Africa negatively affect the incomes of the population of these countries. The paper suggests incitement of the domestic demand as a factor in the development of the economy and thereby the standard of living

    Transport of indirect excitons in ZnO quantum wells

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    We report on spatially- and time-resolved emission measurements and observation of transport of indirect excitons in ZnO/MgZnO wide single quantum wells

    Fabrication of Artificial Graphene in a GaAs Quantum Heterostructure

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    The unusual electronic properties of graphene, which are a direct consequence of its two-dimensional (2D) honeycomb lattice, have attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. Creation of artificial lattices that recreate graphene's honeycomb topology, known as artificial graphene, can facilitate the investigation of graphene-like phenomena, such as the existence of massless Dirac fermions, in a tunable system. In this work, we present the fabrication of artificial graphene in an ultra-high quality GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well, with lattice period as small as 50 nm, the smallest reported so far for this type of system. Electron-beam lithography is used to define an etch mask with honeycomb geometry on the surface of the sample, and different methodologies are compared and discussed. An optimized anisotropic reactive ion etching process is developed to transfer the pattern into the AlGaAs layer and create the artificial graphene. The achievement of such high-resolution artificial graphene should allow the observation for the first time of massless Dirac fermions in an engineered semiconductor.Comment: 13 pages text, 8 figures, plus reference

    The Portuguese case

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020Portugal tem sido referido como um exemplo de níveis mais baixos de integração dos parceiros sociais na governação dos sistemas de educação e formação (Sanz de Miguel, 2017). Faltam pesquisas sobre a eficácia da governança do único programa próximo ao conceito de Educação e Formação Dual : o sistema de Aprendizagem. Um piloto de Educação e Formação Dual inspirado no modelo alemão começou em 2012 e foi encerrado em 2016 sem que tivesse ocorrido uma avaliação substancial ao programa. O objetivo deste documento é fornecer uma visão geral do papel que os parceiros sociais têm na governação do atual sistema de educação e formação dual português. Procedeu-se a uma extensa revisão da literatura científica e cinzenta sobre o sistema dual em Portugal, direcionado para jovens bem como a consultas a bases de dados de fontes estatísticas oficiais. A nossa pesquisa revela um papel formal complexo : A agência de emprego IEFP financia a Aprendizagem e negocia com os principais parceiros sociais a atribuição da Taxa Social Única aos seus centros regionais. Indiretamente, muitos parceiros sociais estão formalmente envolvidos na governança geral do sistema de educação e formação, participando de várias estruturas de coordenação e monitoramento do Sistema Nacional de Qualificações e outras agências reguladoras (IEFP e ANQEP). Neste artigo discutimos também as possíveis causas do insucesso do programa piloto de educação e formação dual em Portugal, que se concretizou no âmbito de uma revisão curricular do ensino básico e secundário. Portugal has been referred as one example of lower levels of integration of social partners in the governance of education and training systems (Sanz de Miguel, 2017). There is lack of research about the effectiveness of the governance of the only program close to the Dual VET concept: the Apprenticeship system. A pilot project of Dual VET ran from 2012 and terminated in 2016 without substantial evaluation. The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of the role social partners have in the governance of the existing Portuguese Apprenticeship system. We carried out extensive review of the scientific and grey literature about Dual VET for youngsters in Portugal, as well as database queries to official statistical sources. Our research reveals a complex formal role: The employment agency IEFP provides funding for Apprenticeship and negotiates with the main social partners the allocation of the Single Social Tax for its regional centres. Indirectly, many social partners are formally involved in the general VET governance participating in various coordination and monitoring structures of the National System of Qualifications and other regulatory agencies (IEFP and ANQEP). In this article we also discuss possible causes for the failure of the pilot Dual VET, which took effect within the scope of a curricular review of the primary and secondary education.publishersversionpublishe