189 research outputs found


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    The article describes the development trend of environmental management systems in railway transport and the importance of the impact of transport factors to ensure ecological and economic security of the society. Development management instrumentation of processing of environmental systems in railway transport is aimed at maintaining the global interest in reducing pollution and possible damage of the environment to ensure ecological and economic security of the country. The main objective of the development of environmental management systems in railway transport should be inextricably linked with the main goal of the human ecology. The basis of the human ecology is to maintain equilibrium within humanity and the outside world and its environment. Improving environmental activities of the company is achieved by applying a systematic approach. The proposed criteria for evaluating the best project options and directions of improvement of greening the economy are the basis for the establishment of a mechanism of transition to sustainable development of railway industry. The authors of the analysis of ecological and economic indicators of the enterprises of the railway industry and ecological and economic assessment of investment in the environmental management system in railway transport from In the article the formation of approaches to environmental management decisions at the enterprises of the railway industry was substantiated.The article describes the development trend of environmental management systems in railway transport and the importance of the impact of transport factors to ensure ecological and economic security of the society. Development management instrumentation of processing of environmental systems in railway transport is aimed at maintaining the global interest in reducing pollution and possible damage of the environment to ensure ecological and economic security of the country. The main objective of the development of environmental management systems in railway transport should be inextricably linked with the main goal of the human ecology. The basis of the human ecology is to maintain equilibrium within humanity and the outside world and its environment. Improving environmental activities of the company is achieved by applying a systematic approach. The proposed criteria for evaluating the best project options and directions of improvement of greening the economy are the basis for the establishment of a mechanism of transition to sustainable development of railway industry. The authors of the analysis of ecological and economic indicators of the enterprises of the railway industry and ecological and economic assessment of investment in the environmental management system in railway transport from In the article the formation of approaches to environmental management decisions at the enterprises of the railway industry was substantiated

    Genes involved in carotene synthesis and mating in Blakeslea trispora

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    Mating of Blakeslea trispora and other molds of the order Mucorales requires the interaction of mycelia of opposite sex, (+) and (-), leading to the development of specialized structures and to an enhanced accumulation of beta-carotene. Industry obtains beta-carotene by co-cultivating appropriate strains of Blakeslea (mated cultures). Gene transcription in single and mated cultures was assayed by cDNA-AFLP, a technique to observe the differential expression of subsets of mRNA fragments. Overexpression in mated cultures is about ten times more frequent than underexpression. We obtained and sequenced fragments of 97 candidate genes that appeared to be overexpressed during mating and confirmed four of them by reverse transcription and real-time PCR. Comparisons with gene sequences from other organisms suggest functions in carotene biosynthesis (4 genes), energy metabolism (8), cell wall synthesis (1), transfer of acetyl groups (1), and regulatory processes (10). Sodium acetate inhibited sexual overexpression in about two-thirds of the candidate genes and acted as a signal with broad effects on the metabolism and the morphology of mated cultures. Our work offers new materials for the study of carotene biosynthesis and its regulation and for the improvement of carotene production with Mucorales


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    Статья посвящена формированию «гибких» навыков (softskills) обучающихся в процессе медицинского образования. Рассмотрена роль Чемпионата «Medicalsoftskills» в обучении специалистов для сферы здравоохраненияThe article is devoted to the formation of soft skills of students in the process of medical education. The role of the “Medical soft skills” Championship in the training of specialists for the healthcare sector is considere

    Местное самоуправление в системе российской государственности: проблемы и перспективы

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    Essay. The subject of this research is to provide an elaborate analysis of current municipal reform in the RF and assess its impact on the self-government place, the role and development trends within the system of the Russian statehood. This paper aims either prove or disprove a hypothesis about the impact of adopted legal regulations on local self-government in the RF in view of the amendments to the RF Constitution, and make a contribution to scientific understanding of this issue.Methodology. The research methodology is built by combining such methods of scientific knowledge as analysis (to study normative legal acts on the research topic), synthesis (to analyse theoretical sources and make generalizations), comparative legal method (to study and compare legal norms), logical method (to identify the peculiarities of the research object), system-structural approach (to define the role of local self-government in the Russian statehood), the method of legal hermeneutics (to provide an interpretation of legal documents) and the synergistic method which allowed to analyse the system of local government in cooperation with state authorities.Results. Local self-government shall be recognized as the basis of a democratic regime and present-day Russian statehood. The adoption of the 1993 Constitution resulted in numerous normative acts which regulate the system of local self-government, including The Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the General Principles of Local Self-Government Organization in the Russian Federation”. However, regular changes to this law regarding local self-government have raised a number of concerns about uncertainty and contradictions in the legal system. Thus, along with positive effects of ongoing reforms, there are some negative trends including current tightening of local self-government officials’ liability in Russia as well as the increasing gap between the population and local self-government, uncertainty of legal solutions and enforcement practice. Members of the expert community, municipalities and practitioners have high hopes for the new legal framework in the field of local self-government, which is being developed following the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020. As a result, strengthening and expansion of local self-government powers are expected, which will increase citizens’ involvement in resolving issues of local importance. However, draft law No. 40361-8 on local self-government submitted to the State Duma on December 16, 2021, provides for the liquidation of the settlement level and the reduction in the number of lower-level local self-government bodies. As a result, the gap between the population and local self-government bodies has highly increased. In addition, the draft law strengthened responsibility of the heads of municipalities to the highest officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which implies more dependence of lower-level authorities on the state.Conclusion. Legislation is rapidly adjusting to the existing realities rather than establishing a legal basis for local self-government development. In order to restore the essence of local self-government, deformed as a result of systematic changes in the legal basis of local self-government, it is necessary to improve the submitted bill, strengthening local self-government as a factor in the sustainable development of a democratic Russian state.В связи с проводимой в Российской Федерации муниципальной реформой, затрагивающей основы местного самоуправления, проводится анализ места и роли местного самоуправления в системе российской государственности, выявляются существующие проблемы, препятствующие развитию местного самоуправления как демократического института, прогнозируется дальнейшая судьба местного самоуправления в условиях формирования нового законодательства, даются предложения совершенствованию правовой базы в сфере местного самоуправления

    The use of neuroaxial blockades in obstetric practice for thrombocytopenia

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    Thrombocytopenia is the second most frequent hematological complication of pregnancy after anemia. Among all thrombocytopenia during pregnancy, the most common is gestational thrombocytopenia. Gestational thrombocytopenia is not accompanied by coagulation disorders, has a minimal risk of bleeding, for both a mother and her fetus. Nevertheless, according to modern concepts, thrombocytopenia is a contraindication for performing obstetric neuroaxial blockades only on the basis of quantitative count of platelets, without taking into account coagulation status. These contraindications are derived from the general surgery and traumatology practice due to the high risk of developing epidural hematoma, but do not take into account the features, including physiological hypercoagulation, of pregnant patients. Refusal of the patient to perform a neuroaxial blockade during delivery on the basis of only counting the number of platelets often leads to an unreasonable increase in the risk / benefit ratio for both the mother and the fetus. Analysis of the research results indicates a change in attitude towards this problem towards a more loyal approach, taking into account the assessment of the coagulative status of a particular patient

    Change in Magnetic Properties of Reservoir Rocks During In-Situ Combustion of Crude

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    © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York The pattern of degree of change in rock magnetization on heating is shown, based on thermomagnetic and thermal analysis of rock samples from Permian asphalt deposits. When core samples are heated, the degree of magnetization may increase significantly due to conversion of iron-bearing minerals essentially to magnetite. In the kinetics of magnetite formation in rocks, the main players are oxidation of light and heavy hydrocarbons, which determine both temperature and redox conditions. The feasibility of using ground magnetic mapping for monitoring the state of the in-situ combustion front is assessed

    Change in magnetic properties of reservoir rocks during in-situ combustion of crude

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    © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York. The pattern of degree of change in rock magnetization on heating is shown, based on thermomagnetic and thermal analysis of rock samples from Permian asphalt deposits. When core samples are heated, the degree of magnetization may increase significantly due to conversion of iron-bearing minerals essentially to magnetite. In the kinetics of magnetite formation in rocks, the main players are oxidation of light and heavy hydrocarbons, which determine both temperature and redox conditions. The feasibility of using ground magnetic mapping for monitoring the state of the in-situ combustion front is assessed

    Оценка эффективности развития социо-экономической системы природопользования (на примере предприятий железнодорожной отрасли)

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    Purpose: purpose of the scientific article is assessment of social and ecological and economic efficiency of an environmental system development on the example of railway transport. This purpose suggests the following objectives implementation: 1) to identify social and economic components of the environmental system on the basis of the developed model and to describe their features; 2) to develop assessment indicators of managerial decision effect and efficiency on the basis of the identified components of the environmental system; 3) to develop indicators of environmental and economic assessment of the effect and effectiveness of management decisions based on identified components of the system; 4) to suggest an algorithm for implementation environmentally safe and cost-effective management decisions based on the developed assessment indicators.Methods: methodological base of the research is based on the following scientific methods: mathematical modeling, statistical analysis method, formalization.Results: the authors develop the simulation game model which allows identifying social and economic components of environmental system and to develop ecological and economic indicators of efficiency assessment on the basis of previous periods. Upon the model the authors of the article have developed the algorithm of efficient social oriented managerial decisions-making.Conclusions and Relevance: the developed game model allows assessing development efficiency of social and economic environmental system. In the development of the model the authors apply the concept of games with nature, also criterions of maximax, Laplace, Wald, Hurwitz. In addition, the model allows identifying components which influence managerial decisions, namely, environmental damages before and after implementation of a managerial decision, capital and operational costs indicators. On the basis of it the indicator and the criterion of managerial decisions risk-adjusted ecological and economic effect and efficiency assessment indicators have been developed. The algorithm of implementation of the environmentally friendly, socially oriented and cost-effective management decisions.Цель: Целью научной статьи является оценка социо-эколого-экономической эффективности развития системы природопользования на примере предприятий железнодорожного транспорта. Данная цель предполагает выполнение следующих задач: 1) разработать сценарную модель поведения системы «предприятие – общественная безопасность» на основе игр с природой; 2) на основе разработанной модели выделить социо-экономические компоненты системы природопользования и описать их особенности; 3) разработать показатели оценки эффекта и эффективности управленческих решений на основе выделенных социо-экономических компонентов системы природопользования; 4) предложить алгоритм принятия экологически безопасного и экономически эффективного управленческого решения на основе разработанных показателей оценки.Методология проведения работы: Методологическая база исследования основана на следующих методах: математическое моделирование, метод статистического анализа, метод формализации.Результаты работы: Построена имитационная игровая модель, позволяющая выделить социо-экономические компоненты системы природопользования и разработать эколого-экономические показатели оценки эффективности с учетом тенденций предыдущих периодов. На основе модели разработан алгоритм принятия природоохранных экономически эффективных социально ориентированных управленческих решений.Выводы: Разработанная игровая модель позволяет оценить эффективность развития социо-экономической системы природопользования. При разработке модели использовалась концепция игр с природой, в качестве теоретико-игровых критериев использованы критерии максимакса, Лапласа, Вальда, Гурвица, простой и обобщенный. Выделены эколого-экономические составляющие, которые влияют на отдельное управленческое решение предприятия, а именно, значения ущербов окружающей среде до и после реализации управленческого решения, показатели капитальных и эксплуатационных затрат. На их основе разработаны показатель и критерий оценки эколого-экономического эффекта и эколого-экономической эффективности решений с учетом риска. Был предложен алгоритм принятия экологически безопасных, социально ориентированных и экономически эффективных управленческих решений

    Thermomagnetic analysis of native iron from the upper sedimentary horizons of Lake Baikal, section GC-99 (Posolskaya Bank)

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    © 2017 We present results of a thermomagnetic analysis of Late Pleistocene-Holocene bottom sediments from the gravity core GC-99 of the borehole BDP-99 drilled at Posolskaya Bank of Lake Baikal in the framework of the Baikal Drilling Project. The results are compared with the earlier analytical data on the samples from the lower (Miocene) section of the BDP-98 drilled on the Akademichesky Ridge. Native-iron particles were found in only 14 of 61 samples. Their content varies from ~ 10 -5 to 10 -4 %, and their distribution is near-bimodal, with a distinct “zero” mode. The results of the thermomagnetic analysis are confirmed by a probe microanalysis: Only occasional native-iron particles were found. Nickel was detected in only one sample. The samples have a large number of magnetite and titanomagnetite grains. It is shown that the distribution of native-iron particles in the Baikal sediments depends on the rate of sedimentation: The rate increase is accompanied by the increase in the number of the “zero” group samples (free of iron particles). The conclusion is drawn that the native-iron particles in the studied sediments are predominantly of cosmic origin

    Лингвокультурная специфика фразеологических единиц с компонентом-зоонимом в английском и русском языках

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    The present article is devoted to studying Russian and English phraseological units containing a zoonymic component. The phraseological fund of a language is closely connected with the national culture representing both its international constituent and its uniqueness. The group of phraseological units under consideration is one of the most widely presented in the phraseological fund of the Russian and English languages. Animals symbolise various traits of human character, reflect this or that quality of a person that serves as a basis for creating of a phraseological unit. This article describes the common features and the differences of the linguocultures under consideration which are identified through the definition and linguocultural analysis of phraseological units. The similarities are mostly explained by the common origin of phraseological units, and the differences are based on the dissimilarity and peculiarities of English and Russian peoples’ ways of life, their traditions, customs, religion and geographical location.Данная статья посвящена изучению русских и английских фразеологических единиц с компонентом-зоонимом. На современном этапе развития лингвистическая наука проявляет повышенный интерес к проблеме взаимосвязи языка и культуры. Каждый язык отражает особенности национальной культуры и менталитета народа, понимание которых может вызвать трудности у носителей других языков. Фразеологический фонд национального языка характеризуется высокой степенью национальной самобытности, являясь своеобразным кладезем знаний о культуре народа, поэтому именно фразеологизмы зачастую выступают материалом лингвокультурологических исследований. ассматриваемая нами группа фразеологизмов является одной из широко представленных в фразеологическом фонде английского и русского языков. В данных фразеологических единицах животные символизируют различные положительные и отрицательные черты характера, те или иные личные качества человека, что является основой для создания фразеологизма. Наше исследование нацелено на описание сходств и различий, сопоставляемых лингвокультур, выявленных с помощью дефиниционного и лингвокультурного анализа фразеологических единиц, содержащих компонент-зооним. Сходства в большинстве своём обусловлены общим происхождением фразеологических единиц, тогда как различия основываются на отличиях и особенностях быта, традиций и обычаев, религии и географическом положении народов