488 research outputs found

    Equation of state for β\beta-stable hot nuclear matter

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    We provide an equation of state for hot nuclear matter in β\beta-equilibrium by applying a momentum-dependent effective interaction. We focus on the study of the equation of state of high-density and high-temperature nuclear matter, containing leptons (electrons and muons) under the chemical equilibrium condition in which neutrinos have left the system. The conditions of charge neutrality and equilibrium under β\beta-decay process lead first to the evaluation of proton and lepton fractions and afterwards of internal energy, free energy, pressure and in total to the equation of state of hot nuclear matter. Thermal effects on the properties and equation of state of nuclear matter are assesed and analyzed in the framework of the proposed effective interaction model. Special attention is dedicated to the study of the contribution of the components of β\beta-stable nuclear matter to the entropy per particle, a quantity of great interest for the study of structure and collapse of supernova.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figure

    Equation of state for dense supernova matter

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    We provide an equation of state for high density supernova matter by applying a momentum-dependent effective interaction. We focus on the study of the equation of state of high-density and high-temperature nuclear matter containing leptons (electrons and neutrinos) under the chemical equilibrium condition. The conditions of charge neutrality and equilibrium under β\beta-decay process lead first to the evaluation of the lepton fractions and afterwards the evaluation of internal energy, pressure, entropy and in total to the equation of state of hot nuclear matter for various isothermal cases. Thermal effects on the properties and equation of state of nuclear matter are evaluated and analyzed in the framework of the proposed effective interaction model. Since supernova matter is characterized by a constant entropy we also present the thermodynamic properties for isentropic case. Special attention is dedicated to the study of the contribution of the components of β\beta-stable nuclear matter to the entropy per particle, a quantity of great interest for the study of structure and collapse of supernova.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figure

    Shell model study of the pairing correlations

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    A systematic study of the pairing correlations as a function of temperature and angular momentum has been performed in the sd-shell region using the spherical shell model approach. The pairing correlations have been derived for even-even, even-odd and odd-odd systems near N=Z and also for the asymmetric case of N=Z+4. The results indicate that the pairing content and the behavior of pair correlations is similar in even-even and odd-mass nuclei. For odd-odd N=Z system, angular momentum I=0 state is an isospin, t=1 neutron-proton paired configuration. Further, these t=1 correlations are shown to be dramatically reduced for the asymmetric case of N=Z+4. The shell model results obtained are qualitatively explained within a simplified degenerate model

    Skyrmions from a Born-Infeld Action

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    We consider a geometrically motivated Skyrme model based on a general covariant kinetic term proposed originally by Born and Infeld. We introduce this new term by generalizing the Born-Infeld action to a non-abelian SU(2)SU(2) gauge theory and by using the hidden gauge symmetry formalism. The static properties of the Skyrmion are then analyzed and compared with other Skyrme-like models.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures (not included), revtex v3, LAVAL-PHY-11-9

    Andreev reflection between a normal metal and the FFLO superconductor

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    We consider a process of the Andreev reflection between a normal metal and the s-wave superconductor in the FFLO state. It is shown that the process takes place if the energy of the incoming electron is bound within the finite interval called the Andreev window. The position of the window determines the value of the non-zero total momentum of Cooper pairs and the value of the gap

    Convergent vegetation fog and dew water use in the Namib Desert

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    Nonrainfall water inputs (e.g., fog and dew) are the least studied hydrological components in ecohydrology. The importance of nonrainfall waters on vegetation water status in arid ecosystems is receiving increasing attention. However, a clear understanding on how common plant water status benefits from nonrainfall waters, the impacts of different types of fog and dew events on vegetation water status, and the vegetation uptake mechanisms of nonrainfall waters is still lacking. In this study, we used concurrent leaf and soil water potential measurements from 3 years to investigate the species‐specific capacity to utilize moisture from fog and dew within the Namib Desert. Eight common plant species in the Namib Desert were selected. Our results showed that both fog and dew significantly increased soil water potential. Seven of the eight plant species studied responded to fog and dew events, although the magnitude of the response differed. Plants generally showed stronger responses to fog than to dew. Fog timing seemed to be an important factor determining vegetation response; for example, night fog did not affect plant water potential. We also found that Euclea pseudebenus and Faidherbia albida likely exploit fog moisture through foliar uptake. This study provides a first comprehensive assessment of the effects of nonrainfall waters on plant water status within the Namib Desert. Furthermore, this study highlights the importance of concurrent leaf and soil water potential measurements to identify the pathways of nonrainfall water use by desert vegetation. Our results fill a knowledge gap in dryland ecohydrology and have important implications for other drylands

    Tracing Noble Gas Radionuclides in the Environment

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    Trace analysis of radionuclides is an essential and versatile tool in modern science and technology. Due to their ideal geophysical and geochemical properties, long-lived noble gas radionuclides, in particular, 39Ar (t1/2 = 269 yr), 81Kr (t1/2 = 2.3x10^5 yr) and 85Kr (t1/2 = 10.8 yr), have long been recognized to have a wide range of important applications in Earth sciences. In recent years, significant progress has been made in the development of practical analytical methods, and has led to applications of these isotopes in the hydrosphere (tracing the flow of groundwater and ocean water). In this article, we introduce the applications of these isotopes and review three leading analytical methods: Low-Level Counting (LLC), Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) and Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA)

    New attempts to understand nanodiamond stardust

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    We report on a concerted effort aimed at understanding the origin and history of the pre-solar nanodiamonds in meteorites including the astrophysical sources of the observed isotopic abundance signatures. This includes measurement of light elements by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), analysis of additional heavy trace elements by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) and dynamic calculations of r-process nucleosynthesis with updated nuclear properties. Results obtained indicate: a) there is no evidence for the former presence of now extinct 26Al and 44Ti in our diamond samples other than what can be attributed to silicon carbide and other "impurities"; this does not offer support for a supernova (SN) origin but neither does it negate it; b) analysis by AMS of platinum in "bulk diamond" yields an overabundance of r-only 198Pt that at face value seems more consistent with the neutron burst than with the separation model for the origin of heavy trace elements in the diamonds, although this conclusion is not firm given analytical uncertainties; c) if the Xe-H pattern was established by an unadulterated r-process, it must have been a strong variant of the main r-process, which possibly could also account for the new observations in platinum.Comment: Workshop on Astronomy with Radioactvities VII; Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, accepte

    41Ca in tooth enamel. part I: A biological signature of neutron exposure in atomic bomb survivors

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    The detection of 41Ca atoms in tooth enamel using accelerator mass spectrometry is suggested as a method capable of reconstructing thermal neutron exposures from atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In general, 41Ca atoms are produced via thermal neutron capture by stable 40Ca. Thus any 41Ca atoms present in the tooth enamel of the survivors would be due to neutron exposure from both natural sources and radiation from the bomb. Tooth samples from five survivors in a control group with negligible neutron exposure were used to investigate the natural 41Ca content in tooth enamel, and 16 tooth samples from 13 survivors were used to estimate bomb-related neutron exposure. The results showed that the mean 41Ca/Ca isotope ratio was (0.17 ± 0.05) × 10-14 in the control samples and increased to 2 × 10-14 for survivors who were proximally exposed to the bomb. The 41Ca/Ca ratios showed an inverse correlation with distance from the hypocenter at the time of the bombing, similar to values that have been derived from theoretical free-in-air thermal-neutron transport calculations. Given that γ-ray doses were determined earlier for the same tooth samples by means of electron spin resonance (ESR, or electron paramagnetic resonance, EPR), these results can serve to validate neutron exposures that were calculated individually for the survivors but that had to incorporate a number of assumptions (e.g. shielding conditions for the survivors).Fil: Wallner, A.. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; Alemania. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; Alemania. Universidad de Viena; AustriaFil: Ruhm, W.. Helmholtz Center Munich German Research Center For Environmental Health; Alemania. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Rugel, G.. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; Alemania. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; AlemaniaFil: Nakamura, N.. Radiation Effects Research Foundation; JapónFil: Arazi, Andres. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; Alemania. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Faestermann, T.. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; AlemaniaFil: Knie, K.. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; Alemania. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Maier, H. J.. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Korschinek, G.. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; Alemani