515 research outputs found

    Ponovni nalaz vrste Stereum reflexulum Reid na otoku Lokrumu u Jugoslaviji

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    third collection of Stereum rejlexulum Reid from Yugoslavia is described. The species was found in the same locality (the island of Lokrum) where it was collected already in 1930, but on a different substrate. Consequently, it is now known in Yugoslavia from two conifers, Cu- pressus sempervirens and Juniperus oxycedrus, and an angiosperm (Cis- tus?). Because of its similarity with S. hirsutum it is likely to be overlooked and is perhaps not very rare.Autor izvješćuje o ponovnom nalazu vrste Stereum reflexulum na o. Lokrumu na kojem ga je našao K. Rechinger već 1930, ali s drugog supstrata. Drugi dosad poznati lokalitet ove vrste je Igalo (Boka kotorska), gdje ju je 1940. sabrao Lj. Glišić s Juniperus oxycedrus (Torti ć 1975). Ova gljiva raste dakle u Jugoslaviji na kritosjemenjačama (Cistus?) i na golosjemenjačama (četinjačama — Juniperus oxycedrus, Cupressus sempervirens). Vjerojatno je češća, ali se zbog sličnosti s rasprostranjenim Stereum hirsutum lako previdi

    Images of life and death as a central theme to Crime and Punishment. Intertextual analysis of Crime and Punishment through the eyes of the 11th chapter of John´s gospel

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    The aim of the study is to provide a coherent analysis of Dostoevsky´s use of biblical intertextuality as it appears in his novel Crime and Punishment. The presence of John 11 (The Raising of Lazarus) in its nearly complete citation is so apparent that it cannot have escaped any interpreter´s attention. However, many interpreters have failed to see how this biblical passage permeates the whole novel. First, I aim to provide a deeper analysis of the symbolism of the resurrected Lazarus as it unfolds in this novel. Without full understanding of this symbolism our reading of the novel can only be partial. Secondly, I wish to present an analysis of Dostoevsky´s very unique literary method of applying the biblical text to his narrative form. My main hypothesis is that John 11 forms an underlying theme (not just a mere allusion) of this great novel without which the novel as a whole makes little sense. Finally, my aim is to show that Crime and Punishment can be read as a highly adventurous existential drama whose interpretation of John 11 is from the theological point of view shockingly modern

    Classification of selected agricultural crops from time series of Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope imagery in Kutnohorsko model area

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    Klasifikace vybraných zemědělských plodin v modelovém území Kutnohorska s využitím časové řady dat Sentinel-2 a PlanetScope Abstrakt Práce je zaměřena na analýzu spektrálních charakteristik vybraných zemědělských plodin v průběhu zemědělské sezóny z časové řady družicových dat senzorů Sentinel-2 (A a B) a PlanetScope v modelovém území v okolí sídel Kolín a Kutná Hora. Vychází z předpokladu, že využití více termínů obrazových dat, která zachycují plodiny v různých fenologických fázích, umožňuje lepší identifikaci druhů plodin (Lu et al., 2004). Cílem práce bylo zpracovat charakteristiku sezónního průběhu spektrálních příznaků vybraných zemědělských plodin (cukrovka, ječmen jarní, ječmen ozimý, kukuřice, pšenice jarní, pšenice ozimá, řepka ozimá), která určí období roku vhodná pro odlišení jednotlivých plodin. Dalším cílem práce bylo provést klasifikaci těchto plodin v modelovém území z časové řady dat dvou výše zmíněných senzorů a porovnat přesnost pixelové a objektově orientované klasifikace pro multitemporální kompozit a přesnost pro snímek z období, kdy jsou od sebe jednotlivé plodiny dobře rozlišitelné. Trénovací a validační plochy a klasifikační maska byly vytvořeny s využitím databáze LPIS, kterou poskytl Státní zemědělský intervenční fond. Pro klasifikaci byla využita časová řada družicových dat obou...Classification of selected agricultural crops from time series of Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope imagery in Kutnohorsko model area Abstract The thesis is focused on the analysis of spectral characteristics of selected agricultural crops druring agriculutural season from time series of Sentinel -2 (A and B) and PlanetScope sensors in the model area situated around the settlements of Kolín and Kutná Hora. It is based on the assumption that the use of multiple dates of image data acquired crops in different phenological phases of the crops allows better identification of crop species (Lu et al., 2004). The aim of the thesis was to analyse the characteristics of the seasonal course of spectral features of selected agricultural crops (sugar beet, spring barley, winter barley, maize, spring wheat, winter wheat, winter rape) and to determine the period of the year suitable for the differentiation of individual crops. Another aim of the thesis was to classify these crops in the model area from time series of two above-mentioned sensors and to compare the accuracy of the pixel and object-oriented classification approach for multitemporal composites and the accuracy for monotemporal image from the term when the individual crops are clearly distinguishable. The training and validation datasets and the classification mask...Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografieDepartment of Applied Geoinformatics and CartographyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Veränderungen in der sprachlichen Raumkonstruktion/Ortsherstellung im Terrorismusdiskurs

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    Die Posterpräsentation gibt einen Überblick über die Methodik der Dissertation des Autors zu den Auswirkungen des Terrorismus auf den Prozess der sprachlichen Raumkonstruktion. Der Autor beschreibt die Diskurslinguistik als eine Methode der Analyse von Medientexten, die sich mit dem Thema der Terroranschläge in Deutschland befassen. Darüber hinaus konzentriert sich der Autor auf die Kriterien für den Aufbau eines repräsentativen Korpus und auf die Struktur der Analyse.The poster presentation reviews the methodology of the author's upcoming dissertation on the effects of terrorism on the linguistic place-making process. The author describes discourse linguistics as a method of analyzing a corpus that consists of media texts dealing with the topic of the recent terrorist attacks in Germany. Additionally, the author focuses on the criteria of building a representative corpus and on the structure of the analysis

    Comparison of side effects of oxytetracycline and talc pleurodesis: an experimental study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chemical pleurodesis is widely recommended in the treatment of refractory pleural effusion or pulmonary air leak of different etiologies. Although several agents have been used, many questions have remained unanswered about their toxicity. Talc is the most commonly used agent for the treatment, with rare, serious complications reported. Oxytetracycline pleurodesis in clinical practice has been described in a few studies, but literature reveals no experimental studies using this agent. We performed a prospective, randomized, observer-blinded, controlled study to evaluate the changes in lung histology and systemic response to pleurodesis with oxytetracycline and talc in acute and subacute phases in a rat model.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty-two male albino Wistar rats were divided into three groups and 3 subgroups with 7 animals in each. Group 1 was given oxytetracycline, 35 mg/kg; Group 2 was given talc slurry, 60 mg/kg in 0.5 mL saline solution, and Group 3 was given only 0.5 mL saline intrapleurally. In subgroups "a" the nimls were sacrificed at the postoperative 72<sup>nd </sup>hour and, in subgroups "b", on the postoperative day 7. The surfaces were graded by microscopic examination.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Oxytetracycline produced alveolar collapse, hemorrhage, edema, inflammation at the postoperative 72<sup>nd </sup>hour and hemorrhage on the postoperative day 7, while talc produced significant edema, inflammation, proliferation, fibrosis at the postoperative 72<sup>nd </sup>hour and hemorrhage, edema, inflammation, proliferation, and fibrosis on the postoperative day 7 (p < 0,0042). Talc produced significant edema compared to oxytetracycline on the postoperative day 7. On contralateral side, oxytetracycline and talc produced significant hemorrhage on the postoperative day 7 (p < 0.0042).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Both agents were shown to produce pulmonary lesions. In acute phase, the pulmonary side effects of oxytetracycline were more pronounced, whereas the side effects of talc were prolonged to subacute phase. We propose that the occasional side effects in humans may be related to these changes as were observed in our rat model, and like talc, oxytetracycline must be used cautiously in patients with limited respiratory function.</p

    Conformation of 1,4-dihydropyridine — planar or boat-like?

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    AbstractThe geometry of the 1,4-dihydropyridine molecule was completely optimized employing three different ab initio basis sets (6–31 G*, 4–31 G, STO—3G). The most reliable 6–31G* basis set provides a very flat boat conformation which may easily undergo defolding to a planar ring arrangement. This result is discussed with respect to enzymatic redox cofactors and the pharmacological activity of dihydropyridine calcium antagonists

    A computational pipeline to discover highly phylogenetically informative genes in sequenced genomes: application to Saccharomyces cerevisiae natural strains

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    The quest for genes representing genetic relationships of strains or individuals within populations and their evolutionary history is acquiring a novel dimension of complexity with the advancement of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. In fact, sequencing an entire genome uncovers genetic variation in coding and non-coding regions and offers the possibility of studying Saccharomyces cerevisiae populations at the strain level. Nevertheless, the disadvantageous cost-benefit ratio (the amount of details disclosed by NGS against the time-expensive and expertise-demanding data assembly process) still precludes the application of these techniques to the routinely assignment of yeast strains, making the selection of the most reliable molecular markers greatly desirable. In this work we propose an original computational approach to discover genes that can be used as a descriptor of the population structure. We found 13 genes whose variability can be used to recapitulate the phylogeny obtained from genome-wide sequences. The same approach that we prove to be successful in yeasts can be generalized to any other population of individuals given the availability of high-quality genomic sequences and of a clear population structure to be targeted