20 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research is to determine “Attributes that are preferred by customers inselecting Golden Swallow bird’s nest products”. The population in this study are actual buyerand potential buyer in Surabaya whom are included in middle to upper economic classes. 69respondents are used as samples using judgmental sampling technique which is part of nonprobabilitiesmethod. Variables used in this research are type of bird’s nest, shape of bird’s nest,and weight of packaging size. This study uses Conjoint analysis. Results indicate that theattributes that costumers preferred in selecting Golden Swallow bird’s nest products are mostlytype of bird’s nest with the level of white bird’s nest, weight of packaging size with the level of250 gram, and shape of bird’s nest with the level of bowl shape.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui “Atribut-atribut yang menjadi preferensikonsumen dalam memilih produk sarang burung walet Golden Swallow”. Populasi dalampenelitian ini adalah orang yang pernah membeli sarang burung walet dan orang yang berpotensimembeli sarang burung walet di Surabaya yang termasuk dalam kelas ekonomi menengah keatas. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 69 responden dengan menggunakan metodepengambilan sampel non-probabilitas, dengan menggunakan teknik judgmental sampling.Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis sarang burung walet, bentuk sarangburung walet, dan ukuran berat kemasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Konjoin. Hasilpenelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa atribut yang menjadi preferensi konsumen dalam memilihproduk sarang burung walet Golden Swallow secara berturut-turut adalah jenis sarang burungwalet dengan level sarang burung walet putih, ukuran berat kemasan dengan level 250 gram, danbentuk sarang burung walet dengan level bentuk mangkuk

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Kampus Terbaik Menggunakan Multi-Objective Optimization On The Basis Of Ratio Analysis (MOORA)

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    Pemanfaatan teknologi sitem informasi yang telah menguasai proses kehidupan sosial dimana saat ini hampir semua proses kegiatan dengan menggunakan alat bantu tekhnologi sistem informasi. Banyaknya  jumlah perguruan tinggi di Provinsi Riau dengan jurusan dan prodi yang maka setiap kampus berkompetisi dalam merebut calon mahasiswa setiap tahun dengan melakukan promosi melalui brosur yang dibagi-bagikan, iklan dan pemasangan spanduk dan baliho.  Dari banyaknya kampus orang tua dan calon mahasiswa mengalamai kebingunan dan susahny memberikan keputusan dalam memilih kampus bahkan setelah menentukan pilihan terkadang bisa berubah. Dalam memantapan keputusan perlu sebuah alat bantu yang dengan menggunakan sistem penunjang keputusan(SPK) dengan menerapkan metode atau algoritma dalam melakukan proses perhitungan dengan memberikah hasil perangkingan. Dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan menggunakan metode Moora. Multi-Objective Optimization on the basis of ratio analysis (MOORA) adalah sistem multi-objektif yang mengoptimlakan dua atau lebih attribute yang saling bertentangan secara bersamaan. Metode ini diharapkan dapat mememcahkan masalah dalam pemilihan kampus terbaik

    Utilization of IP LM393 Sensor Module as an Automation System for a Portable Gallon Pump

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    Research has been conducted on developing an automatic gallon pump based on the IP LM393 sensor. This research aims to provide alternative solutions to avoid direct contact as the cause of COVID-19 transmission. The research method used includes the stages of designing, manufacturing, and testing the automatic gallon pump based on the IP LM393 sensor. The results showed that installing IP LM393 in a portable gallon pump can help people avoid direct contact when pouring water. This research proves that some materials can be sensor barriers at specific distances with an effective light intensity range of 19-23 lux

    Facial expression recognition of 3D image using facial action coding system (FACS)

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    Facial expression or mimic is one of the results of muscle motion on the face. In a large Indonesian dictionary, the expression is a disclosure or process of declaring, ie showing or expressing intentions, ideas of feelings and so on. Facial expression is affected by the cranial nerve VII or Nervus Facialis. In research conducted Paul Ekman got a standardization of expression in the format of a movement called the Facial Action Coding System (FACS). In his research, Paul Ekman said six basic expressions of happiness, sadness, shock, fear, anger, and disgust. In muscle anatomy, that every moving muscle must be contraction, and in the event of contraction, the muscle will expand or swell. Muscles are divided into three parts of origo and insersio as the tip of muscle and belli as the midpoint of the muscle, so any movement occurs then the muscle part belli will expand or swell. Data retrieval technique that is by recording data in 3D, any contraction occurs then the belli part of the muscle will swell and this data will be processed and compared. From this data processing will be obtained the maximum strength of contraction that will be used as a reference for the magnitude of expression made by the model. In the detection of expression is ecluidience distance by comparing the initial data with movement data. The result of this research is a detection of expression and the amount of expression that occurs. A conclusion of this research, we can reconstruction of facial expression detection using FACS, for the example the happiness expression using AU 6 and AU 12 and in this research AU 6 and AU 12 in area 1 and area 4, and in this area it so higher

    Facial expression recognition of 3D image using facial action coding system (FACS)

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    Facial expression or mimic is one of the results of muscle motion on the face. In a large Indonesian dictionary, the expression is a disclosure or process of declaring, i.e. showing or expressing intentions, ideas of feelings and so on. Facial expression is affected by the cranial nerve VII or Nervus Facialis. In research conducted Paul Ekman got a standardization of expression in the format of a movement called the Facial Action Coding System (FACS). In his research, Paul Ekman said six basic expressions of happiness, sadness, shock, fear, anger, and disgust. In muscle anatomy, that every moving muscle must be contraction, and in the event of contraction, the muscle will expand or swell. Muscles are divided into three parts of origo and insersio as the tip of muscle and belli as the midpoint of the muscle, so any movement occurs then the muscle part belli will expand or swell. Data retrieval technique that is by recording data in 3D, any contraction occurs then the belli part of the muscle will swell and this data will be processed and compared. From this data processing will be obtained the maximum strength of contraction that will be used as a reference for the magnitude of expression made by the model. In the detection of expression is ecluidience distance by comparing the initial data with movement data. The result of this research is a detection of expression and the amount of expression that occurs. A conclusion of this research, we can reconstruction of facial expression detection using FACS, for the example the happiness expression using AU 6 and AU 12 and in this research AU 6 and AU 12 in area 1 and area 4, and in this area it so higher than the other

    Performance Comparisson Activity Recognition using Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machine

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    Daily activities has become leading problems in human physical analysis. Autonomous system as application in several area of human physical analysis was increase along with several machine learning methods. Fall detection, medical rehabilitation or other smart home application in physical analysis application has increase degree of life. Accelerometer and gyroscope was popular sensor for physical analysis. Several research was used these sensor with various position in human body part. Activities was separated in three class, static activity, transition activity, and dynamic activity. Basic activities has same pattern in each activity. From public HAR dataset, wich have three static activity (standing, sitting, and laying) each pattern has same shape and patterns. Dataset were used in this paper have acquire from 30 volunters. Seven basic machine learning alghoritm Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, Decission Tree, Random Forest, Gradien Boosted and K-Nearest Neighbor. The purposed method Logistic Regression achieves 98% accuracy same as SVM with linear kernel, with same result hyperparameter tuning for both method has same accuracy. Likewise for result where this main problems static activity was successful detected with logistic regression and SVM

    Performance Comparisson Human Activity Recognition using Simple Linear Method

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    Human activity recognition (HAR) with daily activities have become leading problems in human physical analysis. HAR with wide application in several areas of human physical analysis were increased along with several machine learning methods. This topic such as fall detection, medical rehabilitation or other smart appliance in physical analysis application has increase degree of life. Smart wearable devices with inertial sensor accelerometer and gyroscope were popular sensor for physical analysis. The previous research used this sensor with a various position in the human body part. Activities can classify in three class, static activity (SA), transition activity (TA), and dynamic activity (DA). Activity from complexity in activities can be separated in low and high complexity based on daily activity. Daily activity pattern has the same shape and patterns with gathering sensor. Dataset used in this paper have acquired from 30 volunteers. Seven basic machine learning algorithm Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Gradient Boosted and K-Nearest Neighbor. Confusion activities were solved with a simple linear method. The purposed method Logistic Regression achieves 98% accuracy same as SVM with linear kernel, with same result hyperparameter tuning for both methods have the same accuracy. LR and SVC its better used in SA and DA without TA in each recognizing

    Monitoring Walking Devices For Calorie Balance In Patients With Medical Rehabilitation Needs

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    This article presents a measurement system intended to monitor human footsteps. The goal is to guide the users medical rehabilitation incorrect use to prevent dangerous situations and maximize comfort. Indicators of risk in question: the imbalance of movement in motor coordination and the number of calories to be burned for medical rehabilitation patients by balancing the patient's needs. Measurements are made by placing the sensor on one of the patient's legs. The main sensor accelerometer used in this study. The measurement system comes with an application link that allows patients and therapists to monitor the activity. Calibration and experimental results are presented in this article

    Monitoring Walking Devices For Calorie Balance In Patients With Medical Rehabilitation Needs

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    This article presents a measurement system intended to monitor human footsteps. The goal is to guide the users medical rehabilitation incorrect use to prevent dangerous situations and maximize comfort. Indicators of risk in question: the imbalance of movement in motor coordination and the number of calories to be burned for medical rehabilitation patients by balancing the patient's needs. Measurements are made by placing the sensor on one of the patient's legs. The main sensor accelerometer used in this study. The measurement system comes with an application link that allows patients and therapists to monitor the activity. Calibration and experimental results are presented in this article

    Optimizing Game Performance with Dynamic Level of Detail Mesh Terrain Based on CPU Usage

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    In making a game, a map is an important component. In making maps, several techniques can be used, one of which uses the Procedural Content Generator (PCG) method. In making maps using PCG can apply the Perlin Noise algorithm, as a generator engine for making maps automatically. The Algorithm Perlin Noise can make a noise gradient of and store values from 1 to 0 in each pixel. This value can be utilized as the height value of a 3D map formed from a point which is then connected to a surface called a mesh. The bigger the mesh, the more detailed a map will be. However, there are obstacles in its formation, namely the burden of the processor in processing the map. The level of detail (LOD) in a mesh will affect the workload of the processor, so we need a dynamic LOD. In this study, game performance measurements were performed using the average FPS with the application of Dynamic LOD and LOD Statistics. The performance test managed to increase processor performance to the maximum extent but did not reduce the overall performance of the game. In table 3 the connectedness calculation uses the person correlation method that the connectedness between the CPU and Vertex has a value of -0.81942 which means that if the CPU goes up the vertices go down, and the value of the connectedness between the CPU and LOD is 0.92299 which means if the CPU performance goes up, the LOD will go up, this indicates The CPU is optimized to run the rendering process and can optimize processor performance