261 research outputs found

    New data on the distribution, biology and morphology of Asemum tenuicorne Kraatz, 1879 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), with new records from Poland

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    We report the discovery of the pyrophilous species, Asemum tenuicorne (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the Białowieża Primeval Forest (NE Poland) in 2009 and 2016. This species was previously known only from Southern Europe and one locality detached from the main range on the island of Gotska Sandön in Southern Sweden. Information on its northern spread and current distribution is summarized and critically analyzed and new data on its biology are provided. The morphology of A. tenuicorne adults was studied using 46 specimens from different localities and compared with 63 specimens of the widely distributed Asemum striatum. Differences between the two species are presented and illustrated using external features, morphometric measurements, shape of the male copulatory organs and wing venation

    Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative condition that has increasingly been linked with mitochondrial dysfunction and inhibition of the electron transport chain. This inhibition leads to the generation of reactive oxygen species and depletion of cellular energy levels, which can consequently cause cellular damage and death mediated by oxidative stress and excitotoxicity. A number of genes that have been shown to have links with inherited forms of PD encode mitochondrial proteins or proteins implicated in mitochondrial dysfunction, supporting the central involvement of mitochondria in PD. This involvement is corroborated by reports that environmental toxins that inhibit the mitochondrial respiratory chain have been shown to be associated with PD. This paper aims to illustrate the considerable body of evidence linking mitochondrial dysfunction with neuronal cell death in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) of PD patients and to highlight the important need for further research in this area

    Selenium isotope evidence for pulsed flow of oxidative slab fluids

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    Isotope systematics of the redox sensitive and chalcophile element selenium (Se) were investigated on exhumed parts of subducted oceanic lithosphere to provide new constraints on slab dehydration conditions during subduction. The samples c,, show increasing delta(82/76)Se(NIST3149 )with higher abundances of fluid mobile elements, comprising a larger range (-1.89 to +0.48 parts per thousand) than that of mantle (-0.13 +/- 0.12 parts per thousand) and altered ocean crust (-0.35 to -0.07 parts per thousand). Our data point to pronounced, local scale redox variations within the subducting crust, wherein oxidative fluids dissolve sulfides and mobilise oxidised Se species. Subsequently recrystallising sulfides preferentially incorporate isotopically lighter, reduced Se, which shifts evolving fluids and late stage sulfides to higher delta Se-82/76(NIST3149). Redistribution of Se by repeated cydes of sulfide reworking within the subducted crust can be reconciled with episodes of oxidised fluid pulses from underlying slab mantle in modem subduction zones

    Characterization of long and stable de novo single alpha-helix domains provides novel insight into their stability

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    Naturally-occurring single α-helices (SAHs), are rich in Arg (R), Glu (E) and Lys (K) residues, and stabilized by multiple salt bridges. Understanding how salt bridges promote their stability is challenging as SAHs are long and their sequences highly variable. Thus, we designed and tested simple de novo 98-residue polypeptides containing 7-residue repeats (AEEEXXX, where X is K or R) expected to promote salt-bridge formation between Glu and Lys/Arg. Lys-rich sequences (EK3 (AEEEKKK) and EK2R1 (AEEEKRK)) both form SAHs, of which EK2R1 is more helical and thermo-stable suggesting Arg increases stability. Substituting Lys with Arg (or vice versa) in the naturally-occurring myosin-6 SAH similarly increased (or decreased) its stability. However, Arg-rich de novo sequences (ER3 (AEEERRR) and EK1R2 (AEEEKRR)) aggregated. Combining a PDB analysis with molecular modelling provides a rational explanation, demonstrating that Glu and Arg form salt bridges more commonly, utilize a wider range of rotamer conformations, and are more dynamic than Glu-Lys. This promiscuous nature of Arg helps explain the increased propensity of de novo Arg-rich SAHs to aggregate. Importantly, the specific K:R ratio is likely to be important in determining helical stability in de novo and naturally-occurring polypeptides, giving new insight into how single α-helices are stabilized

    Comet-assay parameters as rapid biomarkers of exposure to dietary/environmental compounds - An in vitro feasibility study on spermatozoa and lymphocytes

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    Twelve chemical compounds have been selected for the European NewGeneris study on the basis of their potential to damage DNA, in order to establish adequate and reliable biomarkers of exposure. These genotoxic chemicals include heterocyclic amines, organochlorines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, mycotoxins, lipid peroxidation products and alcohol. Damage in somatic cells such as lymphocytes could give rise to cancer, while damage in germ cells could not only give rise to cancer but also to heritable defects. The alkaline Comet assay, with and without metabolic activation, as well as the neutral Comet assay were used to assess DNA integrity in spermatozoa and lymphocytes after in vitro treatment with low, middle and high doses of each chemical. DNA-reactive aldehydes generated by lipid peroxidation, food mutagens such as heterocyclic amines, nitrosamine and benzo[a]pyrene produced the highest amounts of DNA damage, even without metabolic activation. Damage seen with the neutral Comet assay – detecting primarily double-strand breaks – was lower than with the alkaline assay. In general, there was increased damage in the spermatozoa by comparison with the lymphocytes, with altered slopes in the dose–response curves. The Comet assay with sperm was generally very sensitive in assessing genotoxic damage, with the Comet parameters being good biomarkers of induced DNA damage. Establishing reliable biomarkers of exposure for the evaluation of dietary/environmental carcinogens is of utmost importance to protect our health and the health of our offspring

    Pervasive protein thermal stability variation during the cell cycle

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    Quantitative mass spectrometry has established proteome-wide regulation of protein abundance and post-translational modifications in various biological processes. Here, we used quantitative mass spectrometry to systematically analyze the thermal stability and solubility of proteins on a proteome-wide scale during the eukaryotic cell cycle. We demonstrate pervasive variation of these biophysical parameters with most changes occurring in mitosis and G1. Various cellular pathways and components vary in thermal stability, such as cell-cycle factors, polymerases, and chromatin remodelers. We demonstrate that protein thermal stability serves as a proxy for enzyme activity, DNA binding, and complex formation in situ. Strikingly, a large cohort of intrinsically disordered and mitotically phosphorylated proteins is stabilized and solubilized in mitosis, suggesting a fundamental remodeling of the biophysical environment of the mitotic cell. Our data represent a rich resource for cell, structural, and systems biologists interested in proteome regulation during biological transitions

    Exome sequencing in dementia with Lewy bodies.

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    Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is the second most common form of degenerative dementia. Siblings of affected individuals are at greater risk of developing DLB, but little is known about the underlying genetic basis of the disease. We set out to determine whether mutations in known highly penetrant neurodegenerative disease genes are found in patients with DLB. Whole-exome sequencing was performed on 91 neuropathologically confirmed cases of DLB, supplemented by independent APOE genotyping. Genetic variants were classified using established criteria, and additional neuropathological examination was performed for putative mutation carriers. Likely pathogenic variants previously described as causing monogenic forms of neurodegenerative disease were found in 4.4% of patients with DLB. The APOE ɛ4 allele increased the risk of disease (P=0.0001), conferred a shorter disease duration (P=0.043) and earlier age of death (P=0.0015). In conclusion, although known pathogenic mutations in neurodegenerative disease genes are uncommon in DLB, known genetic risk factors are present in >60% of cases. APOE ɛ4 not only modifies disease risk, but also modulates the rate of disease progression. The reduced penetrance of reported pathogenic alleles explains the lack of a family history in most patients, and the presence of variants previously described as causing frontotemporal dementia suggests a mechanistic overlap between DLB and other neurodegenerative diseases.This study was funded by the NHS National Institute of Health Research Biomedical Research Unit for Lewy body dementia at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Newcastle University. Tissue for this study was provided by Newcastle Brain Tissue Resource, which is funded in part by a grant from the UK Medical Research Council and by Brains for Dementia Research, a joint venture between Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK. MJK is a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Training Fellow. PFC is a Wellcome Trust Senior Fellow in Clinical Science and National Institute for Health Research Senior Investigator. He receives funding from the Medical Research Council and the National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre for Ageing and Age-Related Disease award to the Newcastle upon Tyne Foundation Hospitals National Health Service Trust. The funding sources had no role in study design, data collection/analysis, the writing of the paper or the decision of when or where to publish it. The views expressed here are the views of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, NIHR or the Department of Health.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://www.nature.com/tp/journal/v6/n2/full/tp2015220a.html

    Altered ceramide metabolism is a feature in the extracellular vesicle-mediated spread of alpha-synuclein in Lewy body disorders

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    This study was funded by the Lewy Body Society and the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. A.H. and B.M.B. gratefully acknowledge funding from the Knut och Alice Wallenberg Stiftelse through the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular and Translational Medicine, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. S.T., M.K.D. and P.D.W. gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the European Regional Development Fund, Scottish Funding Council and Highlands and Islands Enterprise. Newcastle University TEM Services acknowledge BBSRC support (Grant code BB/R013942/1). The Research was supported by the National Institute for Health Research Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre based at Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Newcastle University. The Newcastle Brain Tissue Resource is supported by grants from the UK Medical Research Council and the Brains for Dementia Research, a joint venture between Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK.Mutations in glucocerebrosidase (GBA) are the most prevalent genetic risk factor for Lewy body disorders (LBD)—collectively Parkinson’s disease, Parkinson’s disease dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies. Despite this genetic association, it remains unclear how GBA mutations increase susceptibility to develop LBD. We investigated relationships between LBD-specific glucocerebrosidase deficits, GBA-related pathways, and α-synuclein levels in brain tissue from LBD and controls, with and without GBA mutations. We show that LBD is characterised by altered sphingolipid metabolism with prominent elevation of ceramide species, regardless of GBA mutations. Since extracellular vesicles (EV) could be involved in LBD pathogenesis by spreading disease-linked lipids and proteins, we investigated EV derived from post-mortem cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and brain tissue from GBA mutation carriers and non-carriers. EV purified from LBD CSF and frontal cortex were heavily loaded with ceramides and neurodegeneration-linked proteins including alpha-synuclein and tau. Our in vitro studies demonstrate that LBD EV constitute a “pathological package” capable of inducing aggregation of wild-type alpha-synuclein, mediated through a combination of alpha-synuclein–ceramide interaction and the presence of pathological forms of alpha-synuclein. Together, our findings indicate that abnormalities in ceramide metabolism are a feature of LBD, constituting a promising source of biomarkers, and that GBA mutations likely accelerate the pathological process occurring in sporadic LBD through endolysosomal deficiency.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Identification of functional differences between recombinant human α and β cardiac myosin motors

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    The myosin isoform composition of the heart is dynamic in health and disease and has been shown to affect contractile velocity and force generation. While different mammalian species express different proportions of α and β myosin heavy chain, healthy human heart ventricles express these isoforms in a ratio of about 1:9 (α:β) while failing human ventricles express no detectable α-myosin. We report here fast-kinetic analysis of recombinant human α and β myosin heavy chain motor domains. This represents the first such analysis of any human muscle myosin motor and the first of α-myosin from any species. Our findings reveal substantial isoform differences in individual kinetic parameters, overall contractile character, and predicted cycle times. For these parameters, α-subfragment 1 (S1) is far more similar to adult fast skeletal muscle myosin isoforms than to the slow β isoform despite 91% sequence identity between the motor domains of α- and β-myosin. Among the features that differentiate α- from β-S1: the ATP hydrolysis step of α-S1 is ~ten-fold faster than β-S1, α-S1 exhibits ~five-fold weaker actin affinity than β-S1, and actin·α-S1 exhibits rapid ADP release, which is >ten-fold faster than ADP release for β-S1. Overall, the cycle times are ten-fold faster for α-S1 but the portion of time each myosin spends tightly bound to actin (the duty ratio) is similar. Sequence analysis points to regions that might underlie the basis for this finding