130 research outputs found

    СЕМАНТИКА ЛЕМКІВСЬКОГО КОСТЮМУ В КОНТЕКСТІ ДІАЛОГУ КУЛЬТУР. (The semantics of the traditional lemko costume in the light of the neighbor-culture dialogue.)

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    У статті розглядається семантика лемківського одягу в контексті діалогу культур. Охарактеризовано основні компоненти лемківського строю. Простежено можливі польські та словацькі впливи на лемківський костюм в умовах міжкультурної взаємодії. (This article addresses semantics of the traditional Lemko costume in the light of the neighbor-culture dialogue. The article describes the main components of the traditional Lemko costume and outlines possible Polish and Slovak impacts on it due to the inter-cultural influences.

    Vor- und Nachteile von RFID im Logistik Management

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    Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit Radiofrequenz Identifizierung (Radio Frequency Identification), einer neuen Technologie unter den automatischen Identifizie- rungsverfahren (Auto-ID-Verfahren), von welcher sich viele Experten ein hohes Opti- mierungspotential im globale Einsatz sowohl in der Logistik als auch im Supply Chain Management (SCM) erwarten. Die Arbeit positioniert zu Beginn RFID im technologischen Umfeld und erklärt sowohl die Bestandteile als auch die Funktionsweise. Im zweiten Kapitel wird insbesondere auf bereits bestehende Standards und die zum Teil damit verbundenen funktionalen Restrik- tionen eingegangen. In der Logistik sieht man den Einsatz von RFID in der Optimierung der Supply Chain Prozesse durch einen transparenten Informationsfluss der globalen (über die jeweilige Supply Chain) Lagerbestände und Transporte. Dies soll zu einer Minimierung von Fehlbeständen und einer abgestimmten just in time (JIT) Lieferpolitik, sowie zu Kos- teneinsparungen und somit zu dem allgemeinen Ziel der Effizienzsteigerung führen. Die theoretischen Ansätze vom Einsatz von RFID werden im dritten Kapitel diskutiert und anhand von modellierten Beispielen simuliert. Abschließend werden bereits eingesetzte RFID-Systeme aus unterschiedlichen Berei- chen vorgestellt und auf allgemeine Probleme und Gefahren des Einsatzes von RFID- Systemen hingewiesen. Zu den größten Hindernisse für den Einsatz von RFID zählen zur Zeit vor allem fehlende technische und Datenschutz-Standards.The present diploma thesis deals with radio-frequency identification (RFID), a new technology within the automatic identification processes (auto-ID) from which experts expect a high optimization potential with a global application in logistics as well as in Supply Chain Management (SCM). At the beginning of this work RFID is embedded in the technological environment and its components as well as functionality are explained. The second chapter of this thesis focuses on already existing standards and the functional restrictions of RFID. In logistics the application of RFID can lead to the optimization of the Supply Chain processes due to a global flow of information (restricted to the respective Supply Chain) of stocks and transports. This should lead to the minimization of deficiencies and well co-ordinated just-in-time (JIT) politics of delivery, as well as to cost-saving, thereby coming one step closer to the general aim of efficiency increase. The theoretical at- tempts of RFID applications are discussed in the third chapter of this thesis and are simulated on the basis of modeled examples. Finally, currently implemented RFID systems from different areas are introduced and general problems and dangers of the application of RFID systems are pointed out. At the moment, missing technical and data protection standards count to the biggest obstacles for the application of RFID

    Automatyczny pomiar objętości guzów płuc : optymalna densyjność progowa

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    Background: The aim of the study was to assess the influence of threshold density on automatic volume measurement of lung nodules, and to determine the range of optimal threshold density for automatic volume measurement. Material/Methods: The clinical material consisted of 28 patients with lung nodule. A chest CT examination was performed in each patient. After the examination, the nodule volume was assessed using Volume CT software, enabling both manual and automatic volume measurement. The volume of each lesion was measured both automatically and manually. The automatic measurement was performed with four different threshold densities: -250, -200, -150 and -100 HU. The results from automatic measurement were compared with those from manual measurement. Results: We found an obvious relation of the results of automatic volume measurement to threshold density. The higher the threshold density, the lower the value of automatic volume measurement. The agreement of manual and automatic measurements was significantly more common in the density range from -200 to -150 HU (57%), than for the range -250 to -200HU and for range -150 to -100HU (29% and 14% respectively). Conclusions: The results of automatic volume measurement depend directly on the chosen threshold density. The value of automatic volume measurement is lower for higher threshold density. The optimal threshold density range according to our study is from -200 to -150HU

    Differences in greeting behaviour towards humans with varying levels of familiarity in hand-reared wolves (Canis lupus).

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    Socialized wolves' relationship with humans is a much debated, but important question in light of dog domestication. Earlier findings reported no attachment to the caretaker at four months of age in a Strange Situation Test, while recently attachment to the caretaker was reported at a few weeks of age in a similar paradigm. To explore wolf-human relationship, we analysed behaviours of hand reared, extensively socialized wolves towards four visitor types: foster-parents, close acquaintances, persons met once before, and complete strangers during a greeting episode. As hypothesized, in the greeting context subjects showed more intense and friendly behaviour towards foster-parents, than other visitor types, which may reflect familiarity and affinity. However, differences were more pronounced in the group situation (at six months of age) than in the individual situation (at 12 and 24 months), suggesting that unique status of foster parents may become less distinct as wolves get older, while exploration of novel social agents is expressed more with older age. Fear related behaviour patterns were only found in the individual situation, mainly displayed towards strangers. We showed that, in case of extensively socialized wolves, distinctive affiliation and affinity towards the foster parent prevails into adulthood

    Clinically silent heterotaxy with polysplenia syndrome and IVC azygous continuation draining to SVC : CT findings : case report

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    Background: Patients with heterotaxy syndrome often have complex cardiac and extracardiac anomalies requiring further detailed diagnostic evaluation. They often present severe cardiac failure early in life. Newer radiological modalities in the form of spiral computed tomography (CT) and three-dimensional reconstruction of spiral CT allow clear definition of the anatomy of these anomalies. Case report: A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with polysplenia and multiple anomalies in an abdominal ultrasonography (US) during a control medical examination due to a trivial dietary mistake. She was then referred to our institution for further examination of these anomalies and an additional thoraco-abdominal computed tomography (CT) examination. The patient was totally asymptomatic at the time of admission. There was no significant past history and no abnormal laboratory data. We performed abdominal, pelvic and thoracic CT examinations using Somatom Siemens Emotion scanner. Non-enhanced sections were obtained with 8 mm scan collimation. Then, enhanced sections were obtained after administering a bolus of 120 ml contrast agent (Ultravist) with 5 mm scan collimation. Further multiple planar (MPR), volume rendering technique (VRT) and 3D reconstructions were performed in order to better visualize present abnormalities. Abdominal CT scans showed 5 spleens located in the right upper abdomen, 2 of them joined together in the form of a horseshoe with the latter 3 small splenules around. Liver was elongated and located in the central upper abdomen, with an enlarged left lobe. The dextraposition of stomach was found. Pancreas was short with hypoplastic tail. Furthermore, there was an abnormal passage of the IVC through the abdomen, which was interrupted at the level of diaphragm with azygous continuation in the thorax then joining the SVC, forming an arch and draining directly to the right-sided atrial appendage. No other anatomic anomalies, in particular those concerning the venous pulmonary return, lung lobation, rotation of the intestine, gastrourinary or central nervous system, often found in heterotaxy syndromes, were observed. Conclusions: Most of the patients die at an early age because of an associated heart disease or other malformations. Cases of heterotaxy in adults or adolescents are rare and can be sometimes discovered incidentally. We report a case of an asymptomatic adult patient with the polysplenia type of the syndrome and uncommon systemic venous drainage for this type of heterotaxy. Our case confirms also the frequent coexistence of midline associated defects in polysplenia and other heterotaxy syndromes. In our case, female sex, dextraposition of the stomach, short and hypoplastic pancreas and right-sided polysplenia occurred together, but we did not observe any malrotation of intestines, nor clearly seen gallbladder or biliary pathologies