318 research outputs found

    Metaphoric Ways of Presenting God and The Relation Between God and Man in Polish Proverbs

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    The aim of the author is an attempt to show metaphoric ways of presenting God and the relations God-man in Polish proverbs. The analysis of the research material shows that figurative images of God are strictly related to everyday life and daily occupations of an average user of Polish, especially trade, craft, construction, medicine, finances, education. It is not odd that these branches of life, generally acknowledged and respected, have become a basis for depictions of God as the highest value. It is also vital that metaphorical images of God and His relations to man are identical with the Christian idea of the Creator. What is more, almost all the metaphors of God present in the research material have their equivalents in the quotations from the Scriptures. Thus, we observe both the influence of the Bible on common images of the nature of God and the impact of the original (dating back to the times when the Bible was coming into existence), ‘naïve’ and commmon-sense vision of the world on biblical images of the Creator.Dr hab. BEATA KURYŁOWICZ – adiunkt w Instytucie Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku. Autorka książek "Język polski w szesnastowiecznych księgach miejskich Knyszyna" (Białystok 2004) i "Semantyka nazw kwiatów w poezji Młodej Polski" (Białystok 2012), a także kilkudziesięciu artykułów z zakresu historycznej polszczyzny regionalnej północno-wschodniej, językowego obrazu świata tekstów artystycznych oraz stylistyki tekstów artystycznych.Uniwersytet w Białymstoku13/2374

    Polemika z Martą Piszczatowską, autorką recenzji monografii Język polski w szesnastowiecznych księgach miejskich Knyszyna, autorstwa Beaty Kuryłowicz

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    Tekst jest odpowiedzią na recenzję książki Język polski w szesnastowiecznych księgach miejskich Knyszyna, autorstwa Marty Piszczatowskiej

    Wojciech Kosiński – His verse in the World’s Book

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    Autorka kreśli portret profesora Wojciecha Kosińskiego – architekta, naukowca i dydaktyka w kontekście dyskusji nad ewolucją współczesnego rozumienia pojęć „architekt” i „architektura” w odniesieniu do teorii architektury oraz przez pryzmat różnych postaw odnoszących się do tworzenia i powstawania obiektów architektury jako elementów kultury.The author presents a portrait of Professor Wojciech Kosinski. She places his achievement in the context of the discussion of modern insights into the calling of the architect, and the aims of architecture. She also refers to theories of architecture and considers various attitudes to the creation and emergence of works of architecture as elements of culture

    Rusticus i rusticitas Wieś i wieśniacy w tekstach prawa rzymskiego

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    The article discusses the main problems in regard to rural lands and peasants on the basis of primary sources on Roman private law. Roman law regulated signifi cant aspects of rural economy which tend to be overlooked by historians and philologists dealing with Roman agronomic literature, including rural lands in Italia (praedia rustica) as basic constituents (res mancipi) of Roman farms, farm slaves known as familia rustica, farm quadrupeds and rural servitudes (servitutes praediorum rusticorum), i.e. the right of foot passage (iter), the right of driving carriages (via), the right of driving cattle (actus) and the right of carrying water (aquaeductus). The term rusticitas is also used in the texts of Roman law to denote rural simplicity and ineptitude particularly as regards legal matters. Therefore, rusticitas was accepted as suff icient justifi cation for ignorance of the law, contrary to the ignorantia iuris nocet principle. The reason for that was indeed the rural simplicity, limited access to the law and a high illiteracy rate in rural areas

    Wizja afrykańskiego czasu w reportażach Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego

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    Time is one of the main categories that affect human life. Various communities, nations or tribes perceive and understand time in a different way. In every case understanding of time determines the character of a particular culture.The purpose of this article is an attempt to show the concept of time as a part of the African reality revealed in the literary reportages by R. Kapuściński. The author of “Ebony”, through linguistic and stylistic material, creates a conception of time characteristic of the residents of the Black Continent. Understanding of time is one of the elements of reality in Africa which Kapuœciñski wanted to convey in the most accurate manner. But he knew that the reproducing of the African world is not possible,therefore, the image of time presented on the pages of “Ebony” was his personal perception of the phenomenon, the artistic creation where an objectively existing fragment of reality was filtered through the imagination of the author, his cognitive, intellectual and psychophysical abilities. Kapuściński, by means of linguistic and stylistic expressions, gave literary form to what he saw, heard and read about the African concept of time. First of all, in descriptions of time, the most prominent feature is the author’s tendency to build opposition. Kapuściński confronts two concepts of time: the African and the European. In this way he emphasizes the differences in understanding of the concept of time in both aforementioned cultures, and, at the same time, he highlights the characteristics of time typical to African culture. The accumulation of stylistic devices, unique use of words, selection of appropriate lexis and emphasizing the connotative value of words serve one purpose – to express difficult to convey aspects of African time.Thus, the individual author’s style contributes to the vision of African time, affects modeling of its meaning and imprints a profound, special influence on the actual image of time which is used as a base for a creative play both with imagination and a matter of language

    Roman slaves in Krakow

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