5,951 research outputs found

    Lack of direct evidence for a functional role of voltage-operated calcium channels in juxtaglomerular cells

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    In this study we have examined the role of voltage-gated calcium channels in the regulation of calcium in juxtaglomerular cells. Using a combination of patch-clamp and single-cell calcium measurement we obtained evidence neither for voltage-operated calcium currents nor for changes of the intracellular calcium concentration upon acute depolarizations of the cell membrane. Increases of the extracellular concentration of potassium to 80 mmol/l depolarized the juxtaglomerular cells close to the potassium equilibrium potential, but did not alter the intracellular calcium concentration neither in patch-clamped nor in intact Furaester-loaded cells. Moreover, basal renin secretion from a preparation enriched in mouse juxtaglomerular cells and from rat glomeruli with attached juxtaglomerular cells was not inhibited when extracellular potassium was isoosmotically increased to 56 mmol/l. In mouse kidney slices, however, depolarizing potassium concentrations caused a delayed inhibition at 56 mmol/l and a delayed stimulation of renin secretion at 110 mmol/l. Taken together, our study does not provide direct evidence for a role of voltage-activated calcium channels in the regulation of calcium and renin secretion in renal juxtaglomerular cells

    The Nainital-Cape Survey -- II:Report for pulsation in five chemically peculiar A-type stars and presentation of 140 null results

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    To search photometric variability in chemically peculiar A type stars in the northern hemisphere. High-speed photometric observations of Ap and Am star candidates have been carried out from ARIES (Manora Peak, Nainital) using a three-channel fast photometer attached to the ARIES 104-cm Sampurnanand telescope. This paper presents three new variables: HD 113878, HD 118660 and HD 207561. During the time span of the survey (1999 December to 2004 January) pulsations of the δ\delta Sct type were also found for the two evolved Am stars HD 102480 and HD 98851, as reported in Joshi et al. (2002, 2003). Additionally, we present 140 null results of the survey for this time span. The star HD 113878 pulsates with a period of 2.31 hr, which is typical of δ\delta Sct stars. HD 118660 exhibits multi-periodic variability with a prominent period of nearly 1 hr. These periods need to be investigated and make HD 118660 a particularly interesting target for further observations. For HD 207561, a star classified as Am, a probable pulsation with a period of 6 min was found in the light curves obtained on two consecutive nights. Both HD 102480 and HD 98851 exhibit unusual alternating high and low amplitude maxima, with a period ratio of 2:1. The analysis of the null results confirms the photometric quality of the NainitalComment: 14 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    High Resolution Observations of the Massive Protostar in IRAS18566+0408

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    We report 3 mm continuum, CH3CN(5-4) and 13CS(2-1) line observations with CARMA, in conjunction with 6 and 1.3 cm continuum VLA data, and 12 and 25 micron broadband data from the Subaru Telescope toward the massive proto-star IRAS18566+0408. The VLA data resolve the ionized jet into 4 components aligned in the E-W direction. Radio components A, C, and D have flat cm SEDs indicative of optically thin emission from ionized gas, and component B has a spectral index alpha = 1.0, and a decreasing size with frequency proportional to frequency to the -0.5 power. Emission from the CARMA 3 mm continuum, and from the 13CS(2-1), and CH3CN(5-4) spectral lines is compact (i.e. < 6700 AU), and peaks near the position of VLA cm source, component B. Analysis of these lines indicates hot, and dense molecular gas, typical for HMCs. Our Subaru telescope observations detect a single compact source, coincident with radio component B, demonstrating that most of the energy in IRAS18566+0408 originates from a region of size < 2400 AU. We also present UKIRT near-infrared archival data for IRAS18566+0408 which show extended K-band emission along the jet direction. We detect an E-W velocity shift of about 10 km/sec over the HMC in the CH3CN lines possibly tracing the interface of the ionized jet with the surrounding core gas. Our data demonstrate the presence of an ionized jet at the base of the molecular outflow, and support the hypothesis that massive protostars with O-type luminosity form with a mechanism similar to lower mass stars

    Molecular beam epitaxial growth of high-quality InSb on InP and GaAs substrates

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    Epitaxial layers of InSb were grown on InP and GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. The dependence of the epilayer quality on flux ratio, J sub Sb4/J sub In, was studied. Deviation from an optimum value of J sub Sb4/J sub In (approx. 2) during growth led to deterioration in the surface morphology and the electrical and crystalline qualities of the films. Room temperature electron mobilities as high as 70,000 and 53,000 sq cm /V-s were measured in InSb layers grown on InP and GaAs substrates, respectively. Unlike the previous results, the conductivity in these films is n-type even at T = 13 K, and no degradation of the electron mobility due to the high density of dislocations was observed. The measured electron mobilities (and carrier concentrations) at 77 K in InSb layers grown on InP and GaAs substrates are 110,000 sq cm/V-s (3 x 10(15) cm(-3)) and 55,000 sq cm/V-s (4.95 x 10(15) cm(-3)), respectively, suggesting their application to electronic devices at cryogenic temperatures

    A Tight Upper Limit on Oscillations in the Ap star Epsilon Ursae Majoris from WIRE Photometry

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    Observations of Epsilon UMa obtained with the star tracker on the Wide Field Infrared Explorer (WIRE) satellite during a month in mid-2000 are analyzed. This is one of the most precise photometry of an Ap star. The amplitude spectrum is used to set an upper limit of 75 parts per million for the amplitude of stellar pulsations in this star unless it accidentally oscillates with a single mode at the satellite orbit, its harmonics or their one day aliases. This is the tightest limit put on the amplitude of oscillations in an Ap star. As the rotation period of Epsilon UMa is relatively short (5.1 d), it cannot be argued that the observations were made at a wrong rotational phase. Our results thus support the idea that some Ap stars do not pulsate at all.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 2 style files, accepted for publication in ApJ

    A unifying explanation of complex frequency spectra of gamma Dor, SPB and Be stars: combination frequencies and highly non-sinusoidal light curves

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    There are many Slowly Pulsating B (SPB) stars and γ Dor stars in the Kepler mission data set. The light curves of these pulsating stars have been classified phenomenologically into stars with symmetric light curves and with asymmetric light curves. In the same effective temperature ranges as the γ Dor and SPB stars, there are variable stars with downward light curves that have been conjectured to be caused by spots. Among these phenomenological classes of stars, some show ‘frequency groups’ in their amplitude spectra that have not previously been understood. While it has been recognized that non-linear pulsation gives rise to combination frequencies in a Fourier description of the light curves of these stars, such combination frequencies have been considered to be a only a minor constituent of the amplitude spectra. In this paper, we unify the Fourier description of the light curves of these groups of stars, showing that many of them can be understood in terms of only a few base frequencies, which we attribute to g-mode pulsations, and combination frequencies, where sometimes a very large number of combination frequencies dominate the amplitude spectra. The frequency groups seen in these stars are thus tremendously simplified. We show observationally that the combination frequencies can have amplitudes greater than the base frequency amplitudes, and we show theoretically how this arises. Thus for some γ Dor and SPB stars, combination frequencies can have the highest observed amplitudes. Among the B stars are pulsating Be stars that show emission lines in their spectra from occasional ejection of material into a circumstellar disc. Our analysis gives strong support to the understanding of these pulsating Be stars as rapidly rotating SPB stars, explained entirely by g-mode pulsations

    Finding binaries among Kepler pulsating stars from phase modulation of their pulsations

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    We present a method for finding binaries among pulsating stars that were observed by the Kepler Mission. We use entire 4 yr light curves to accurately measure the frequencies of the strongest pulsation modes, and then track the pulsation phases at those frequencies in 10-d segments. This produces a series of time-delay measurements in which binarity is apparent as a periodic modulation whose amplitude gives the projected light travel time across the orbit. Fourier analysis of this time-delay curve provides the parameters of the orbit, including the period, eccentricity, angle of ascending node, and time of periastron passage. Differentiating the time-delay curve yields the full radial-velocity curve directly from the Kepler photometry, without the need for spectroscopy.We showexamples with δ scuti stars having large numbers of pulsation modes, including one system in which both components of the binary are pulsating. The method is straightforward to automate, thus radial velocity curves can be derived for hundreds of non-eclipsing binary stars from Kepler photometry alone

    MOST observations of the roAp stars HD 9289, HD 99563, and HD 134214

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    We report on the analysis of high-precision space-based photometry of the roAp (rapidly oscillating Ap) stars HD 9289, HD 99563, and HD134214. All three stars were observed by the MOST satellite for more than 25 days, allowing unprecedented views of their pulsation. We find previously unknown candidate frequencies in all three stars. We establish the rotation period of HD 9289 (8.5 d) for the first time and show that the star is pulsating in two modes that show different mode geometries. We present a detailed analysis of HD 99563's mode multiplet and find a new candidate frequency which appears independent of the previously known mode. Finally, we report on 11 detected pulsation frequencies in HD 134214, 9 of which were never before detected in photometry, and 3 of which are completely new detections. Thanks to the unprecedentedly small frequency uncertainties, the p-mode spectrum of HD 134214 can be seen to have a well-defined large frequency spacing similar to the well-studied roAp star HD 24712 (HR 1217).Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Preliminary report on sand-streaming in Agadez and Tahoua Departments, Republic of Niger

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Infrared emission from interstellar dust cloud with two embedded sources: IRAS 19181+1349

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    Mid and far infrared maps of many Galactic star forming regions show multiple peaks in close proximity, implying more than one embedded energy sources. With the aim of understanding such interstellar clouds better, the present study models the case of two embedded sources. A radiative transfer scheme has been developed to deal with an uniform density dust cloud in a cylindrical geometry, which includes isotropic scattering in addition to the emission and absorption processes. This scheme has been applied to the Galactic star forming region associated with IRAS 19181+1349, which shows observational evidence for two embedded energy sources. Two independent modelling approaches have been adopted, viz., to fit the observed spectral energy distribution (SED) best; or to fit the various radial profiles best, as a function of wavelength. Both the models imply remarkably similar physical parameters.Comment: 17 pages, 6 Figures, uses epsf.sty. To appear in Journal of Astronophysics & Astronom