6,651 research outputs found

    Geminal wavefunctions with Jastrow correlation: a first application to atoms

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    We introduce a simple generalization of the well known geminal wavefunction already applied in Quantum Chemistry to atoms and small molecules. The main feature of the proposed wavefunction is the presence of the antisymmetric geminal part together with a Jastrow factor. Both the geminal and the Jastrow play a crucial role in determining the remarkable accuracy of the many-body state: the former permits the correct treatment of the nondynamic correlation effects, the latter allows the wavefunction to fulfill the cusp conditions and makes the geminal expansion rapidly converging to the lowest possible variational energies. This ansatz is expected to provide a substantial part of the correlation energy for general complex atomic and molecular systems. The antisymmetric geminal term can be written as a single determinant even in the polarized cases. In general, therefore, the computational effort to sample this correlated wavefunction is not very demanding. We applied this Jastrow-geminal approach to atoms up to Z=15, always getting good variational energies, by particularly improving those with a strong multiconfigurational nature. Our wavefunction is very useful for Monte Carlo techniques, such as Fixed node. Indeed, the nodal surface obtained within this approach can be substantially improved through the geminal expansion.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    High power arcjet

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    The activities of the High Power Arcjet Project (HIPARC) from August 1990 to January 1991 are discussed. In this period the HIPARC thruster was ignited for the first time. Power levels up to 140 kW with a mass flow rate of 300 mg/s hydrogen were reached. Specific impulse values of more than 1300 s were shown to be possible. Tests were performed with the baseline thruster version only, which has a 6 mm throat diameter and a conical nozzle with a 20 degree half angle. Measurement data summing up all tests carried out until now is included. All measuring methods are described, including a check on possible error sources

    Thermal loading in the laser holography nondestructive testing of a composite structure

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    A laser holographic interferometry method that has variable sensitivity to surface deformation was applied to the investigation of composite test samples under thermal loading. A successful attempt was made to detect debonds in a fiberglass-epoxy-ceramic plate. Experimental results are presented along with the mathematical analysis of the physical model of the thermal loading and current conduction in the composite material

    Time-resolved spectroscopy of the rapidly oscillating Ap star KIC 10195926

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    We report an analysis of high time resolution spectra of the chemically peculiar Ap star KIC 10195926 obtained with the Subaru telescope. We find that the star has low overabundances of rare earth elements compared with other rapidly oscillating Ap stars. We found only upper limits for pulsations from spectral lines of rare earth and other chemical elements. Pulsation was found only for the narrow core of the Hα line with an amplitude of 171 ± 41ms−1 and with the frequency corresponding to photometric frequency obtained from Kepler observations

    Holographic nondestructive tests performed on composite samples of ceramic-epoxy-fiberglass sandwich structure

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    When a hologram storing more than one wave is illuminated with coherent light, the reconstructed wave fronts interfere with each other or with any other phase-related wave front derived from the illuminating source. This multiple wave front comparison is called holographic interferometry, and its application is called holographic nondestructive testing (HNDT). The theoretical aspects of HNDT techniques and the sensitivity of the holographic system to the geometrical placement of the optical components are briefly discussed. A unique HNDT system which is mobile and possesses variable sensitivity to stress amplitude is discribed, the experimental evidence of the application of this system to the testing of the hidden debonds in a ceramic-epoxy-fiberglass structure used for sample testing of the radome of the Pershing missile system is presented

    A 3D study of the photosphere of HD 99563 - I. Pulsation analysis

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    We have used high-speed spectroscopy of the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star HD 99563 to study the pulsation amplitude and phase behaviour of elements in its stratified atmosphere over one 2.91-d rotation cycle. We identify spectral features related to patches in the surface distribution of chemical elements and study the pulsation amplitudes and phases as the patches move across the stellar disc. The variations are consistent with a distorted non-radial dipole pulsation mode. We measure a 1.6 km s−1 rotational variation in the mean radial velocities of Hα and argue that this is the first observation of Hα abundance spots caused by He settling through suppression of convection by the magnetic field on an oblique rotator, in support of a prime theory for the excitation mechanism of roAp star pulsation. We demonstrate that HD 99563 is the second roAp star to show aspect dependence of blue-to-red running wave line profile variations in Nd iii spots

    Finding binaries among Kepler pulsating stars from phase modulation of their pulsations

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    We present a method for finding binaries among pulsating stars that were observed by the Kepler Mission. We use entire 4 yr light curves to accurately measure the frequencies of the strongest pulsation modes, and then track the pulsation phases at those frequencies in 10-d segments. This produces a series of time-delay measurements in which binarity is apparent as a periodic modulation whose amplitude gives the projected light travel time across the orbit. Fourier analysis of this time-delay curve provides the parameters of the orbit, including the period, eccentricity, angle of ascending node, and time of periastron passage. Differentiating the time-delay curve yields the full radial-velocity curve directly from the Kepler photometry, without the need for spectroscopy.We showexamples with δ scuti stars having large numbers of pulsation modes, including one system in which both components of the binary are pulsating. The method is straightforward to automate, thus radial velocity curves can be derived for hundreds of non-eclipsing binary stars from Kepler photometry alone

    Electron beam seals outer surfaces of porous bodies

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    Porous tungsten plugs provide even airflow for frictionless bearings used in air bearing supported gyros. The plugs have their outer cylindrical surface sealed by an electron beam process to ensure unidirectional airflow through their exit ends
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