35 research outputs found


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    グループ心性と組織ストレスとの相互作用に関する理論的モデルを提示し、臨床的素材への適用を通じてその明確化を試みた。グループ心性は、逸脱メンバーに働きかけグループの安定を維持する機能を有するが、介入の仕方は一様ではない。本稿において提示した理論的モデルは、作動グループと基底的想定が共謀関係にあるとき、グループ心性による介入と逸脱メンバーのストレスは最も高位となり、統合関係のもとで最も低位、対立関係のもとでは中程度となるというものである。臨床的素材は理論的モデルを例証するものであり、共謀関係と組織ストレスとの関連が認められた。本理論的モデルは、経験する組織ストレスにかかわるグループ全体、あるいは個人とグループとの相互作用上の課題を明らかにし、個人の適応能力と組織的な環境改善のあり方を示唆するものである。今後の課題は、グループ心性に関する尺度を作成し、本理論的モデルを検証することである。The present paper aims to present and discuss a theoretical model concerning the interaction between group mentality and organizational stress. While group mentality serves to pressure deviant members to conform in order to preserve group stability, the manner of intervention is not always the same. The level of intervention by group mentality and the stress of deviant members are thought to be at their highest point where there is a conspiratorial relationship between work group and the basic assumption, at their lowest point where there is a unified relationship, and moderate where there is an antagonistic relationship. In testing a clinical illustration, the author observed a relationship between conspiratorial relationships and organizational stress. This theoretical model clarifies issues related to stress on individuals from the whole group or interactions and makes suggestions as to the state of individual efforts to adapt and systematic environmental improvements. Future issues include the creation of a method to measure group mentality and the conducting of empirical research to verify this theoretical model


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    本稿において筆者は、教育機会確保法(2017 年施行)を精神分析的集団論の観点から考察し、その教育界における意義と課題を明らかにすることを試みた。まず、不登校の増加を、教育への個人的欲求と、公教育の制度や精神に代表される、依存基底的想定を活動的とするグループ心性との葛藤の現れとして整理した上で、休養および学校外教育の選択を認める同法が、葛藤を減少させるグループ文化に位置づけられることを示した。次に、葛藤の緩和と回避という観点から同法の作用について検討し、欲求の充足と葛藤の緩和および回避とが相互に関連し合っていることを示した。同法を学校復帰前提で解釈することは、依存基底的想定の維持という意味で公教育の葛藤回避につながり、同法を普通教育の拡大の途上と解釈することは、逸脱メンバーからの解放という意味で不登校当事者らの葛藤回避につながる。そして、それぞれが、不登校当事者らに学校復帰という葛藤を、公教育の側に選択肢としての学校教育という葛藤を残存させる。しかし、個人と集団とが残存する葛藤をそれぞれ抱え変形していくことで成長・発達につながるという意味で、それらは価値のあるものでもある。そのために活かされていくことで、教育機会確保法はグループ文化としての機能を果たし、教育界全体の作動グループ活動に貢献することができるだろう。This paper examines the Educational Opportunity Securing Act based on the psychoanalytic group theory, and attempts to clarify its significance and issues in the field of education. First, the increase in school non-attendance is considered a manifestation of the conflict between the individual desire for education and the group mentality symbolized by public education, and the Act, which allows students to choose rest and alternative education, is positioned as a group culture that alleviates the conflict. Next, it examines the action of the law from the viewpoint of alleviating and avoiding conflict. And it was shown that the satisfaction of desire and alleviation and avoidance of conflict are interrelated. The Act is both a history of and a consequence of rights acquisition developed by criticism of public or school education. In this context, the relationship between schools and out-of-school education has become more mutually exclusive and conflict-avoiding. As education continues to diversify, it is important for each of us to deal with and transform the conflicts that remain. If the Ace contributes to the transformation of conflicts and functions as a group culture, it will help to active work group in the educational field

    Invasive Fungal Rhinosinusitis with Orbital Apex Syndrome Leading to Brain Abscess in a Patient with Ulcerative Colitis

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    We report the case of a 65-year-old male who presented with a 1-week history of right periorbital pain and progressive visual loss. He had a history of ulcerative colitis and was taking oral corticosteroids and mesalazine. Neurological and radiological examination demonstrated a rare case of invasive fungal rhinosinusitis that began with orbital apex syndrome. Initial endoscopic sinus surgery was performed and fungal culture identified Aspergillus fumigatus. Although antifungal treatment was started empirically before the operation, the patient had improved orbital pain but continued to have decreased right vision. Five months after the first surgical procedure, his condition deteriorated, including loss of consciousness, and a right temporal lobe abscess was found and surgically drained. Since then, the patient received antifungal treatment for 4 years without recurrence. Invasive fungal rhinosinusitis with orbital apex syndrome should be treated with long-term postoperative antifungal medication. It should be noted that even in immunosuppressive individuals such as ulcerative colitis, fungal rhinosinusitis with orbital apex syndrome may become severe

    A Case of Skull Base Chondrosarcoma with Intraoperative Trigemino-Cardiac Reflex

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    A 75-year-old female patient presented with a suspected recurrence of a clival chordoma. The tumor was resected using the infratemporal fossa type B and anterior petrosal approach with the help of a neurosurgeon. During cauterization of the trigeminal nerve, the patient developed cardiac arrest for approximately 10 seconds because of the trigemino-cardiac reflex (TCR). After several sternal compressions, there was return of spontaneous circulation. The operation was resumed after the circulatory dynamics stabilized. Subsequently, the surgery was completed with partial resection of the tumor without the recurrence of cardiac arrest. The pathological diagnosis was chondrosarcoma, and postoperative treatment with radiotherapy was started. Stimulation of the sensory branches of the trigeminal nerve induces TCR. There are reports of TCR developing in approximately 10% of skull base surgery cases in the absence of atropine administration. We report a rare case of TCR during the surgical procedure for the treatment of a skull base chondrosarcoma

    2006 ネンド コウガクブ シンニュウセイ オ タイショウ トシタ ボウサイ キョウイク ノ ジッシ ト ボウサイ イシキ チョウサ

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    本論文では,徳島大学工学部の2006 年度新入生を対象とした防災教育の実施と,同時に実施し たアンケート調査の結果から,学生の防災意識の現状を把握するとともに,徳島大学の防災教育のあ り方について検討を行った.アンケート調査の結果より,被災経験のある学生が多く存在するものの, 防災意識・知識が低く,防災訓練の経験に偏りが見られたこと,およびその重要性を認識できていな い傾向があることがわかった.一方,災害ボランティア活動に対して興味が持っている学生が多く, 災害時にボランティア活動に従事することが可能である,と答えた学生も多く見られた.災害時の 「自助・共助」を推進するためには,本学において防災教育を実施し,災害および防災に対する正し い知識と理解を深める必要があることを示した.This paper aims that recognition about Disaster prevention of the New Students entered the faculty of engineering the University of Tokushima in April, 2006. The authors used a questionnaire for investigation and analyzed it. As a result of having analyzed it, most of students cannot understand disaster prevention and more than half of them are single lives, but the students are interested in volunteer activity. By a disaster of the past, a youth is a lot dead next to an old man, too. The reason is because the students were crushed under furniture when an earthquake was generated a student lives in a simple building and a room is small. If students do volunteer activity of a disaster, it is very dangerous. The reason is because it leads to not only a primary disaster but also a second disaster. In other words, the students improve disaster prevention recognition and must understand disasters

    Genome-Wide Association Study Confirming Association of HLA-DP with Protection against Chronic Hepatitis B and Viral Clearance in Japanese and Korean

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection can lead to serious liver diseases, including liver cirrhosis (LC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); however, about 85–90% of infected individuals become inactive carriers with sustained biochemical remission and very low risk of LC or HCC. To identify host genetic factors contributing to HBV clearance, we conducted genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and replication analysis using samples from HBV carriers and spontaneously HBV-resolved Japanese and Korean individuals. Association analysis in the Japanese and Korean data identified the HLA-DPA1 and HLA-DPB1 genes with Pmeta = 1.89×10−12 for rs3077 and Pmeta = 9.69×10−10 for rs9277542. We also found that the HLA-DPA1 and HLA-DPB1 genes were significantly associated with protective effects against chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in Japanese, Korean and other Asian populations, including Chinese and Thai individuals (Pmeta = 4.40×10−19 for rs3077 and Pmeta = 1.28×10−15 for rs9277542). These results suggest that the associations between the HLA-DP locus and the protective effects against persistent HBV infection and with clearance of HBV were replicated widely in East Asian populations; however, there are no reports of GWAS in Caucasian or African populations. Based on the GWAS in this study, there were no significant SNPs associated with HCC development. To clarify the pathogenesis of CHB and the mechanisms of HBV clearance, further studies are necessary, including functional analyses of the HLA-DP molecule

    学校不適応研究における動向 : 「原子価論」からの再考

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    本稿の目的は、多くの実証的研究で用いられている学校不適応尺度の項目内容を、精神分析、特に原子価論(Hafsi, 2010)の頂点に基づき検討し、学校において不適応とみなされている言動や態度の内容を明らかにし、学校不適応研究の課題と今後の方向性を提示することである。主観的学校不適応感尺度(戸ヶ崎ら, 1997)、「学校生活満足度尺度」(河村ら, 1999)、そして「学校不適応観尺度」(淵上ら, 2001)の3 尺度について検討した結果、原子価4 類型のうち、「闘争」や「逃避」に相当する特性がより不適応的に、「依存」や「つがい」に相当する内容がより適応的に評価されていること、また各原子価におけるプラスとマイナスの特性が混同されている可能性のあることが分かった。このような偏りが生じている要因として、子どもや教師が適応/不適応を評価する際に、自身の原子価、および学級や学校の集団風土、あるいは基底的想定の影響を受けている可能性が挙げられる。従って、今後の研究において、教師や子どもの原子価と不適応観との関係、さらに、学級や学校集団の雰囲気や暗黙的なルールを規定している基底的想定と不適応観との関係を明らかにする必要があると考えられる

    Non-attendance at School Seen From a Family-Group Perspective: A Theoretical Inquiry From a Bionic Vertex

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    D-グループ(Diabnostic Group)におけるグループ過程の測定法の開発、検証、および応用

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