11 research outputs found


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    The article of “Keberadaan Kerajinan Batik Kayu Krebet†(the existence of Krebet wood batik craft) is theresult of a research to know the existence, various products, and the process of wood batik. The methodused is descriptive qualitative that describes a phenomena. The research uses historical approach while theresearch location is Krebet, Sendangsari village, Pajangan, Bantul Residence. The research problems include:1) how the history of wood batik in Krebet area, and 2) what the various forms of wood batik in Krebet area.The research is supposed to give a description and literature contribution concerning wood batik craft thatbecomes one of the batik arts developments in Indonesia. The result of research shows that the existence ofwood batik craft in Krebet area appears through the impressive history. Before the wood batik craft appears,there have been developing a leather and wood craft in Krebet that is mask and wayang klithik popularized byGunjiar, Kemiskidi and Anton. In 1990s, the wood batik craft in Krebet got the development in coloringtechnique that is batik technique on wood by Windarti. The craft development in Krebet is influenced byinternal as well as external factors among other things are the craftsmen and the agents’ will to support thecraft existence. The wood batik craft has a function as an aesthetic element, practical function, and as toys.The practical function can be changed into aesthetic element because of the aesthetical decorations inbatik.Keywords: craft, wood batik, Krebe


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    INTISARI Tesis yang berjudul “EKSISTENSI KERAJINAN BATIK KAYU DI DUSUN KREBET, DESA SENDANGSARI, KECAMATAN PAJANGAN, KABUPATEN BANTUL, YOGYAKARTA (Kajian Historis dan Estetika)”. Permasalahan penelitian ini difokuskan pada eksistensi atau keberadaan kerajinan batik kayu Dusun Krebet yang muncul dengan proses yang mengesankan. Permasalahan kedua difokuskan pada estetika kerajinan batik kayu di Dusun Krebet ditinjau dari bentuk, fungsi, serta unsur-unsur yang membagun kerajinan tersebut serta proses pembuatan batik kayu. Kerajinan batik kayu menghantarkan masyarakat Dusun Krebet menjadi masyarakat dengan perekonomian yang lebih baik. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Analisis data dilakukan dengan pendekatan sejarah dan estetika untuk mendapatkan gambaran kerajinan batik kayu secara utuh. Analisis interaktif digunakan untuk pemantapan serta pendalaman data melalui riset emik dan riset etik sebagai penunjang sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian. Analisis interpretasi mengacu pada bentuk kerajinan batik kayu selanjutnya dikaji melalui pendekatan estetika dengan tiga unsur mendasar, yaitu; wujud, isi dan penyajian. Aspek bobot (isi) merupakan proses pemahaman tentang makna melalui persepsi dalam dan hasil pengamatan luar. Penampilan atau penyajian berkaitan segi fungsionalnya dan kreativitas. Kerajinan batik kayu dapat dikatagorikan sebagai kerajinan yang memiliki nilai estetis. Kerajinan batik kayu dapat dikreasikan sesuai dengan selera kita, karena pada dasarnya semua kerajinan batik kayu Dusun Krebet mempunyai nilai estetis melalui motif-motif batik yang menghiasinya. Perajin dalam menciptakan kerajinannya memperhatikan dua nilai fungsi yaitu fungsi estetik dan fungsi praktis. Keterampilan perajin dalam membuat karya seni batik kayu terus berkembang sesuai dengan pesanan maupun inovasi dari perajin. Kerajinan batik kayu merupakan produk kerajinan yang mengembangkan seni batik bernilai tradisi. Keberadaan kerajinan batik kayu di Dusun Krebet merupakan proses kreativitas menjadi kebanggaan masyarakat Krebet karena di kenal baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. . Kata kunci : bentuk, batik kayu, Krebet, kajian estetik

    Training On Implementation of Early Childhood Education Curriculum 2013 and Assessment Record to Increase Teachers Competence

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    Early childhood education (ECE) Curriculum 2013 has been socialized since 2014, and had been prior testedin some kindergarten Pembina. Other early childhood institutions must use the curriculum 2013 started in oddsemester of 2015. Early childhood education Curriculum 2013 focuses on scientific approaches and authenticassessment, in order to give children more space and challenge to freely develop their potential. In the processof implementation, many early childhood education teachers face difficulties in interpreting the needs of thenew curriculum, especially on how to conduct activities based on scientific approach, and assess childrendevelopment authentically. This fact occurs might be because of the socialization and training of theCurriculum 2013 were only theoretical based, rather than provide more practices to the participants. To solvethese problems, the Center for Japanese Studies of Sebelas Maret University organized training for ECEteachers in Sukoharjo and Klaten on how to implement the Curriculum 2013. This training provided anexample of scientific approach based-activities and method to do recording of authentic assessment. It aimedto train teachers to be able immediately put it into practice in the classroom. Results from the training areteachers have increased their competences in the preparation of learning tools, scientific approach basedactivities,anddoauthenticassessmentprocess


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    Bongkotan Hamlet is the smallest hamlet located in Bojasari Village, Kertek District, Wonosobo Regency. In this place there is a site of Bongkotan Temple which is the legacy of the Syailendra Dynasty. Unfortunately, this rich history has not been managed optimally. Seeing this condition, Sigit Budi Martono along with creative activists in Bongkotan Hamlet invited the community to participate in reviving the tourism potential. The idea was initiated by creating the Kumandang Market located on Bongkotan hill, just across the Bongkotan Temple site area. It is intended that the existence of temple sites and village markets can be mutually integrated so that it can attract tourists to visit. Finally, after going through a preparatory process involving the local community, the official Kumandang Market was held on June 24, 2018 by utilizing the momentum of the Eid Mubarak holiday. Until now, the Kumandang Market has been held 18 times with the number of visitors increasing every week. This shows the existence of community participation in the development of the Kumandang Market. Based on the results of the study, community participation in the development of the Kumandang Market is indicated by the participation in decision making in Kumandang Market planning, participation in the implementation of the Kumandang Market, participation in taking utility of Kumandang Market, and participation in evaluating the Kumandang Market

    Kaca Aklirik (Plexiglas) sebagai Medium Alternatif Lukis Kaca

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    The research aim of art creation and presentation is to revitalize traditional glass painting in Indonesia by utilizing plexiglas flexibility as a medium in fine artwork. This is due to the use of glass as a medium is very heavy and easily broken when moved or taken for display. The research method used in the creation of art uses experimental method with the order of exploration stage, design stage, and realization stage. Exploration stage is an exploration activity that explores the source of ideas, including exploring plexiglass materials using various types of water-based and oil-based paints, as well as gravur and grinder techniques to erode the surface. Next is collecting data and references, as well as processing and analyzing data which results are used as the basic for making designs. Design Stage visualizes exploration results into various design alternatives which then the best is chosen and used as references in making works. Realization Stage is the process of manifesting the chosen design into the real work. Research showed that the use of plexiglass material as a medium of traditional glass painting has a very good results, and plexiglas can fully replace glass in terms of aplicable to various paint types, even plexiglas has excellence over ordinary glass that is water-based acrylic paint can be applied better in plexiglas and can fused (compound). Exploration of works visualization using plexiglas as medium has a very good result, as applied to ordinary glass. Exploration of works visualization has a very good result, some works still use traditional motifs and symbols combined with modern motifs and symbols with illustrative, expressionist and pop art style.Tujuan penelitian penciptaan dan penyajian seni adalah untuk merevitalisasi lukisan kaca tradisional di Indonesia dengan memanfaatkan kelenturan plexiglass sebagai media dalam karya seni rupa. Hal ini disebabkan penggunaan medium kaca sangat berat dan mudah pecah ketika dipindahkan atau dibawa untuk dipamerkan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penciptaan seni memakai metode eksperimen dengan urutan tahap eksplorasi, tahap perancangan, dan tahap perwujudan. Tahap Eksplorasi merupakan aktivitas penjelajahan menggali sumber ide, termasuk mengeksplorasi bahan pleksiglas dengan menggunakan berbagai jenis cat berbasis air dan berbasis minyak, serta teknik gravur dan grinder untuk mengikis permukaannya. Berikutnya pengumpulan data dan referensi, serta pengolahan dan analisa data yang hasilnya dijadikan dasar untuk membuat desain. Tahap Perancangan memvisualisasikan hasil penjelajahan kedalam berbagai alternatif desain yang kemudian dipilih terbaik dan dijadikan acuan dalam pembuatan karya. Tahap perwujudan merupakan proses mewujudan rancangan terpilih menjadi karya sesungguhnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan bahan plexiglass sebagai media lukisan kaca tradisional memiliki hasil yang sangat baik, dan plexiglass dapat sepenuhnya menggantikan kaca dalam menerima berbagai jenis cat, bahkan plexiglass memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan kaca biasa yaitu cat akrilik berbasis air dapat diaplikasikan lebih baik karena dapat menyatu (senyawa). Eksplorasi dengan cat berbahan dasar minyak memiliki hasil yang sangat bagus seperti diaplikasikan pada kaca biasa. Eksplorasi visualisasi karya hasilnya sangat baik, beberapa karya masih menggunakan motif dan simbol tradisional yang dipadukan dengan motif dan simbol modern dengan gaya ilustratif, ekspresionis dan pop art


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    The Curriculum 2013 entailed the importance of developing the physical ability (PA) of early age children (EAC). In fact, the standard measurement or instrument to assess the PA of early childhood has not been formulated yet to be used in the whole country. Therefore, it is required to develop the standard instrument to measure the physical ability of children. The Center for Japanese Studies, Research and Community Services of Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia collaboratively worked with HIMPAUDI (The Association of Early Childhood Education Indonesia) of District Karanganom in Klaten Regency to develop the standard achievement of Klaten's children based on the instrument of PA adopted from Japan. This program involved 21 ECE nurseries in Karanganom, and 70 instructors participated in the program. The activities were based on an action research aimed to change the mindset of related instructors on PA, connection between PA and cognitive development. It also trained the skills of instructors on measuring the PA. The program was conducted from July to September 2017. As the program ran, data of children' PA was also measured, and as the entry of database developed for Karanganom. There are five indicators of PA which represent the stability, locomotive, and manipulative movements, adapted from Japanese PA measurement. The results of database showed the average measurement of children' PA in Karanganom, and were compared to the Japanese peers, the achievement was lower. The instrument has to be validated and examined in the various regions and periods.


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    The level of success of PMW in several universities in producing new entrepreneurs (WUB) is still not optimal. Failure factors dominate PMW students more than success factors. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the success factors of student entrepreneurship based on the 7P Marketing Mix. The research method used is quantitative research. The results showed that in culinary and non-culinary businesses, the same success factors are in the elements of price, promotion, place, people, and process. In culinary, non-culinary, and service businesses, the same success factor lies in the process element. The similarities that do not exist in all elements indicate that the success factors found in the three business groups have their own uniqueness Keywords: Marketing Mix 7P, Student Entrepreneurship, Success Factor


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    Salah satu non sampling error dalam suatu survey adalah ketidakkonsistenan jawaban yang diberikan oleh responden terutama jika diminta untuk memberikan prioritas terhadap profil suatu produk. Hal tersebut berkaitan dengan alat ukur (kuesioner) yang digunakan. Dalam analisis konjoint, evaluasi preferensi terhadap suatu produk dilakukan dengan memberikan penilaian (rating) dan mengurutkan (ranking) profil-profil suatu produk. Responden dikatakan konsisten apabila hasil analisis konjoin per individu dari data rating dan ranking menunjukkan urutan tingkat kepentingan atribut yang sama dari dua metode pengukuran tersebut. Sebagai bahan evaluasi terhadap ketidakkonsistenan jawaban responden, dalam penelitian ini digunakan studi kasus preferensi mahasiswa IPB dalam memilih mata kuliah pilihan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive. Dari hasil survey, secara umum dapat dikatakan responden konsisten dalam mengevaluasi stimuli dengan metode rating dan ranking. Sedangkan apabila ditinjau dari sisi masing-masing individu diperoleh sekitar 43% responden yang dapat mengevaluasi stimuli dengan metode rating dan ranking secara konsisten. Kekonsistenan jawaban responden dipengaruhi oleh lamanya waktu yang diperlukan untuk evaluasi produk, sikap dan kesungguhan dalam menjawab, serta pribadi yang serius (ditunjukkan oleh prilaku yang tidak gemar bermain games). Kata kunci : konjoint, rating, ranking, kekonsistena

    Peningkatan Manajemen LPKK Puteri Mandiri melalui Implementasi Manajemen Keuangan

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    Lembaga Pemberdayaan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Puteri Mandiri telah berdiri pada tahun 2011 di Desa Jendi Kecamtan Selogiri Kabupaten Wonogiri. Usaha yang dijalankan yaitu pembuatan getuk goreng, jamu-jamuan, jamur krispi, tempe kripik, dan lain-lain. Selama Sembilan tahun berdiri, administrasi yang dilakukan di LPKK Puteri Mandiri masih mengandalkan pencatatan keuangan secara manual. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan sering terjadi ketidaksesuaian antara pencatatan dengan kondisi riil keuangan yang dikarenakan salah dalam menghitung secara manual. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan manajemen khususnya keuangan dengan menggunakan aplikasi keuangan sederhana. Implementasi aplikasi keuangan tersebut diharapkan mampu (1) Meningkatkan kemampuan pengurus dalam menggunakan aplikasi keuangan sederhana, (2) Meningkatkan kerapian dan ketertiban administrasi keuangan, (3) Menyusun laporan keuangan mengacu pada ketentuan dasar-dasar ilmu akuntansi. Metode pelaksanaan yaitu in-class dengan konsep pemberdayaan masyarakat. Adapun kegiatan pemberdayaan yang diberikan yaitu pelatihan manajemen keuangan secara manual dan aplikasi, pemberian buku administrasi keuangan (manual), serta pendampingan manajemen keuangan. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu terjadinya peningkatan kemampuan pengurus dan anggota dalam menggunakan pencatatan keuangan sederhana, peningkatan kerapian dan ketertiban administrasi keuangan hingga tersusunnya laporan keuangan yang mengacu pada ketentuan dasar-dasar ilmu akuntansi. tersedianya dokumen keuangan fisik berupa dokumen nota penjualan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bawha kegiatan yang diberikan sangat bermanfaat bagi LPKK Putri Mandiri