73 research outputs found

    Implementasi Pengendalian Risiko Kebisingan Dengan Pendekatan Hirarki Pengendalian Di Bagian Proses Pt. Iskandar Indah Printing Tekstil Surakarta

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    The measurement result of noise intensity at the process is over the threshold value, that is 100,23 dB. So it is necessary to do something to control the noise with hierarchy of controlled approachment. The goal of the research is about to know implementation of noise risk control by controlled hierarchy approachment in process department. This research is a kind of descriptive research and using the survey method. The subject of this research is management, supervisor, and the employees in the process department. The noise is measured with Sound Level Meter. The identification of noise source on the 632 machines in the process department is over the noise threshold value that has been determined. The danger of noise in the process department has a high or serious risk. The implementation of the noise danger management that have been done with the danger management hierarchy technique, such as: technique engineer, administration, and self-protector tools. Based on the data analyze result, the noise management with the technique engineer method, administration, and self-protector tools are not effective yet to c ontrol the noise in the process department of PT. Iskandar Indah Printing Tekstil. The firm is advised to provide ear muff for all of the employees to temporary controlled and form the long term for the K3 board

    Menggagas Pendirian Bank Digital di Indonesia: Sebuah Telaah Yuridis

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    In the industrial era 4.0 as it is today, the ease and speed of getting things are highly sought after, including the ease and speed of getting financial services. The convenience of banking services is an advantage for consumers in choosing the services provided at the bank. This is what banks do to form services from conventional banks to open digital services. However, from a juridical aspect, in Indonesia there is no specific regulation governing digital banks. As a country that adheres to the civil law system, it has become a real consequence that all applicable laws must be codified and regulated in accordance with applicable laws. Problems arise when digital banks operate but there is no legal basis that specifically regulates dealing with it. Through normative juridical methods, research results showed that there are no specific rules governing digital banks in the form of laws in Indonesia, so a special rule is needed regarding digital banks because there are significant differences from conventional banks.In the industrial era 4.0 as it is today, the ease and speed of getting things are highly sought after, including the ease and speed of getting financial services. The convenience of banking services is an advantage for consumers in choosing the services provided at the bank. This is what banks do to form services from conventional banks to open digital services. However, from a juridical aspect, in Indonesia there is no specific regulation governing digital banks. As a country that adheres to the civil law system, it has become a real consequence that all applicable laws must be codified and regulated in accordance with applicable laws. Problems arise when digital banks operate but there is no legal basis that specifically regulates dealing with it. Through normative juridical methods, research results showed that there are no specific rules governing digital banks in the form of laws in Indonesia, so a special rule is needed regarding digital banks because there are significant differences from conventional banks

    Modifikasi Perencanaan Struktur Gedung Fave Hotel Bojonegoro Dengan Sistem Steel Plate Shear Wall (Spsw)

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    Gedung Fave Hotel merupakan gedung yang pada awalnya memiliki 6 lantai dan didesain dengan menggunakan struktur beton bertulang. Sebagai bahan studi perancangan bangunan ini di modifikasi menjadi 11 lantai dan menggunakan struktur baja dengan sistem dinding geser plat baja (Steel Plate Shear Wall). Dinding geser plat baja (Steel Plate Shear Wall) adalah sebuah sistem penahan beban lateral yang terdiri dari plat baja vertikal padat yang menghubungkan balok dan kolom di sekitarnya yang terpasang sepanjang ketinggian struktur sehingga membentuk sebuah dinding penopang. Tujuan tugas akhir ini dibuat di harapkan dapat menjadi rekomendasi untuk proyek-proyek selanjutnya yang ada di Indonesia agar dapat memanfaatkan material baja sebagai bahan struktur gedung dengan pertimbangan keuntungan penggunaan material baja sebagai struktur utama gedung. Untuk menghasilkan perencanaan struktur baja yang rasional, maka perencanaan ini mengacu pada peraturan-peraturan yang berlaku diantaranya SNI 1726:2012 tentang Tata Cara Perencanaan Tahan Gempa Untuk Bangunan Gedung dan Non Gedung, SNI 1729:2015 tentang Spesifikasi untuk Bangunan Gedung Baja Struktural, SNI 1729:2002 tentang Tata Cara Perencanaan Struktur Baja untuk Bangunan Gedung, PPIUG 1983 tentang Peraturan Pembebanan Indonesia Untuk Gedung, dan SNI 1727:2013 tentang Beban Minimum Untuk Perencanaan Bangunan Gedung dan Struktur Lain. Beban gempa dihitung dengan metode beban gempa dinamis respons spectrum, Data Iranata,ST.,MT,Ph.D NIP. 19800430 200501 1 002 Budi Suswanto,ST, MT.,Ph.D NIP. 19730128 199802 1 002 iv kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan program bantu komputer SAP2000. Dari analisa dan hasil perhitungan diperoleh hasil, yaitu: tebal pelat atap 9 cm, pelat lantai 10 cm, dimensi balok induk gedung Fave Hotel WF 700.300.13.24 dan WF 300.150.6,5.9. Sedangkan dimensi kolom utama pada lantai 1-4 CFT HSS 700.700.22.22, lantai 5-7 CFT HSS 600.600.16.16, lantai 8-10 CFT HSS 500.500.12.12. Dimensi dinding geser plat baja memiliki ketebalan 4 mm. Serta perencanaan sambungan digunakan baut mutu fu b = 8250 MPa. Perencanaan podasi menggunakan tiang pancang beton pracetak berjenis Spun Piles berdiameter Ø50 cm (ketebalan 9 cm) dan Ø40 cm (ketebalan 7,5 cm). ============================================================ Fave Hotel is a building that initially has six floors and designed using reinforced concrete structures. As study material building design is modified to 11 floor and using a steel structure with Steel Plate Shear Wall system. Steel Plate Shear Wall is a lateral load resisting system consisting of a solid steel plate vertical connecting beams and columns around which installed along the height of the structure so as to form a buttress. The purpose of this final project was made in the hope can be a recommendation for future projects in Indonesia to take advantage of the steel material as the material structure of the building with consideration of the advantages of using steel materials as the main structure of the building. To produce the structural design of steel rational, then this plan refers to the rules that apply include SNI 1726: 2012 on Procedures Planning Earthquake for Building and Non Building, SNI 1729: 2015 on Specifications for Buildings Structural Steel, SNI 1729 : 2002 on Procedures for Steel Structural Design for Buildings, PPIUG 1983 on Indonesian Loading Regulation for Building, and SNI 1727: 2013 on Minimum Load for Planning Building and Other structures. Earthquake load is calculated by the method of dynamic response spectrum earthquake load, and then analyzed using computer aids program SAP2000. From analysis and the calculation results, the roof plate thickness 9 cm, 10 cm floor plate, dimensional beam building Fave Hotel is WF Data Iranata,ST.,MT,Ph.D NIP. 19800430 200501 1 002 Budi Suswanto,ST, MT.,Ph.D NIP. 19730128 199802 1 002 vi 300.150.6,5.9 and WF 700.300.13.24. While the dimensions of the main column on floors 1-4 CFT HSS 700.700.22.22, HSS CFT 600.600.16.16 5-7 floors, floors 8-10 CFT HSS 500.500.12.12. Dimensions of steel plate shear wall has a thickness of 4 mm. As well as planning to use bolt connection quality fu b = 8250 MPa. Planning of foundation using precast concrete piles that type is Spun Piles Ø50 cm (thickness of 9 cm) and Ø40 cm (thickness 7.5 cm)


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    tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh posisi dan sudut kemiringan dari guide vane pada turbin angin cross flow. Turbin angin tipe cross flow ditempatkan pada bagian outlet cooling tower untuk memanfaatkan udara buangan dari cooling tower untuk menghasilkan energi listrik. Integrasi ini terdiri dari sudu pengarah dan diffuser yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kecepatan putar turbin sehingga daya yang dihasilkan meningkat. Untuk menghindari pengaruh negatif pada cooling tower dan untuk mengoptimalkan performa turbin angin, penentuan posisi turbin dan pengukuran konsumsi daya cooling tower juga dilakukan dalam studi eksperimen. Pemodelan dibuat skala laboratorium dengan diameter turbin 400 mm dan tinggi 380 mm. Variasi posisi, sudut kemiringan guide vane diuji pada penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan turbin cross flow dengan guide vane menghasilkan daya yang lebih besar dibanding turbin cross flow tanpa guide vane. Turbin angin cross flow dengan variasi posisi guide vane x = 150 mm dengan kemiringan sudut 30o memiliki performa tertinggi dengan daya maksimal 3,38 Watt, peningkatan daya yang dihasilkan oleh guide vane pada variasi ini mencapai 84,69 %. Sementara itu tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada konsumsi daya kipas motor cooling tower, sebelum maupun setelah terpasangnya turbin angin dan guide vane. Sistem Upload Eprints

    Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Pembelajaran secara daring pada mahasiswa di masa Pandemi Covid-19 sangat mempengaruhi motivasi belajar para mahasiswa. Motivasi belajar merupakan salah satu penggerak dari proses pembelajaran, maka perlu diketahui dari mana motivasi belajar itu datang. Studi kasus ini betujuan untuk mengkaji tentang faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi meningkatnya motivasi belajar pada mahasiswa di Universitas Selamat Sri Kendal. Studi kasus ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan 3 mahasiswa Universitas Selamat Sri Kendal sebagai subjek untuk memperkuat hasil studi kasus. Data diperoleh dengan hasil observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi meningkatnya motivasi belajar adalah dukungan sosial dan konsep diri mahasisw


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    PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara is a copper mining company located in Sekongkang district, West Sumbawa regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) province. A mining system used by PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara is surface mining and a method used is open pit. The research is focused on mine slopes that have experienced failure, namely Failure #79 (F#79) which is located in the north open pit. The issues which will be discussed are what the proper design of the slope height and angle in order to reach safety and speed of slope movement categorized not safe to be mined around failure F#79. The slope instability at F#79 was monitored using monitoring radar. This research aims to determine the factors that cause slope instability at PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, a new slope design corresponding with the given factor of safety, the approximate speed and acceleration of the slope movement versus time starting from its acceleration (onset of failure) towards the slope failure at Failure F#79. The solution to the problem is to redesign the previous slope geometry starting with back analysis to obtain cohesion (c) and internal friction angle (Ï•) using bishop method and Hoek and Brown failure criterion in the geometry before its failure. The result of back analysis shows that rocks at failure F#79 have cohesion and internal friction angle 0,255 and 14,49 (RMR 20), 0.335 and 17,40 (RMR 30), 0,515 and 23,25 (RMR 40). Slope geometry is redesigned by changing single slope angles into 65 0 and 60 0 . The safe slope geometry according to the minimum factor of safety is single slope angle of 60 0 , height of 15 m, and width of 10m. The mine slope instability at PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara is analyzed using MSR (Movement and Surveying Radar) data by correlating the speed of slope movement versus time. From the analysis, it shows that the slope failure type which occurred at Failure F#79 is plane failure. The slope Instability is caused by the characteristics of the rock having very low RMR, the existing of many discontinuities in the form of faults, and high intensity of rainfall


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    Tugas akhir ini meliputi perancangan dan realisasi sebuah Subjek penelitian alat penghitung biaya energi listrik terpakai berbasis mikrokontroler AT-Mega 16 sebagai pengembangan pada prinsip kerja Kwh meter yang lama, prinsip kerja dari Kwh analog yakni dengan menghitung putaran piringan dalam waktu satu jam, Dengan pengembangan dari rancangan alat penghitung biaya energi listrik berbasis mikrokontroler AT-Mega 16 yaitu dengan menghintung satuan ampere pada peralatan listrik rumah tangga, diharapkan dengan alat ini bisa mengetahui berapa rupiah pemakaian dalam satu jam, Keyword: Alat Penghitung Biaya Energi Listrik Terpakai Berbasis Mikrokontroler AT-Mega 1


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    This study focuses on the application of passing models on volleyball in primary school students . The method used in this research is a study of volleyball passing learning model (Research and Development) taking from Borg and Gall. In the validation of the feasibility test the researcher model in cooperation with volleyball lecturer, learning lecturers and physical education teacher to examine the model made before tested try. A small-scale study with 15 students, on a large-scale trial with three schools with a total of 128 students. This study aims to enable students to improve passing skills above, as well as teachers have references in terms of volleyball learning especially overhead pass and more creative, novative in making a situation and conditions that fun to apply to students. After passing the validity test with expert justification, from the product that the researcher develop and create produce development model of overhead pass on the volleyball as much as 19 models. ******* Penelitian ini yang berfokus pada penerapan model passing atas bola voli pada siswa sekolah dasar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian model pembelajaran passing atas bola voli (Research and Development) yang mengambil dari Borg and Gall. Dalam validasi uji kelayakan model peneliti bekerjasama dengan dosen bola voli, dosen pendidikan jasmani dan guru pendidikan jasmani untuk menelaah model yang dibuat sebelum diuji cobakan. Penelitian skala kecil dengan 15 siswa, pada uji coba skala besar dengan jumlah 128 siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan agar siswa dapat meningkatkan keterampilan passing atas, serta guru memiliki referensi dalam hal pembelajaran bola voli khusunya passing atas dan lebih kreatif, novatif dalam membuat suatu situasi dan kondisi yang menyenangkan untuk diterapkan kepada murid. Setelah melalui uji validitas dengan justifikasi ahli, dari produk yang peneliti kembangkan maupun buat menghasilkan model pengembangan passing atas bola voli sebanyak 19 model
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