81 research outputs found

    Identification of Cannabinoid Acids and Neutrals in Consumer Products via GC-EI-MS

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    The cannabis plant (Cannabis Sativa L., aka hemp) produces a variety of compounds covering numerous chemical classes such as cannabinoids, terpenes, and terpenoids. Cannabinoids (acidic and neutral) are responsible for producing psychoactive and other pharmacological effects. In the first stage of this project, cannabinoid acids were studied due to their ability to bind to the spike protein of the COVID-19 virus and thus inhibit cell entry, replication, and infection. In this second phase, we expanded the number and types of consumer products studied. We applied our methodology to analyze three new consumer products in several matrices containing various combinations of CBD, CBDA, and CBGA. Since the cannabinoid acids are prone to decarboxylate at elevated temperatures and revert to their neutral counterparts (ex. CBDA to CBD), they are found formulated mainly into non-smokable consumer products. The elevated temperatures used in GC-EI-MS analysis necessitated the addition of protective functionality to active –OH groups via derivatization. This methodology proved to be effective at preventing decarboxylation and allowed the acids to survive the analysis. We also investigated the use of a new derivatizing reagent (MSTFA vs. BSTFA)

    Causes and consequences of soil bacterial rarity

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    In the highly diverse community of soil bacteria most species occur at extremely low numbers and are consequently called the “rare biosphere”. In this thesis I studied why these species are rare whereas others are common. I found that many rare bacterial species can grow rapidly and are doing well in competition, but that rare species could be more vulnerable to predation. This might account for their rarity in soil. Still growth, competitiveness and predation resistance differed greatly between rare species. In addition, I tested if rare soil bacterial species can protect plants from insect attack by stimulating resistance mechanisms in the plant. However, there was no effect of rare bacteria on plant resistance. Rather plant response varied with different bacterial communities regardless of whether rare species were present or not. Overall, my thesis demonstrates that there are likely no general causes of bacterial rarity or general consequences for plant health.</p

    Lojaalsusprogrammi mõju klientide lojaalsusele OÜ Biomarket näitel

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    Eesti kolmanda sektori organisatsioonide suhtekorraldus Säästva Renoveerimise Infokeskuse näitel

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    Non-profit organizations have a leading role in a democratic society: without their contribution a strong civil society cannot be formed. The present bachelor thesis “Estonian third-sector organizations´ public relations: Sustainable Renovation Information Center example” gives overview about the public relations in Estonian non-profit organizations and foundations. The mutual relations of organization and its stakeholders are described in depth on the sample organization (Sustainable Renovation Information Centre). The theoretical part of the thesis is based on the stakeholders approach. The third-sector approaches are also being introduced. According to the stakeholders approach organization has to understand the world of stakeholders and plan its actions accordingly, otherwise the organization cannot be successful. In order to get the answers to the research questions the questionnaire was implemented among the Estonian third-sector organizations. Additionally, qualitative semi-structured interviews were carried through with the members of Sustainable Renovation Information Centre and with the representatives from the stakeholders. The main finding of the thesis is that public relations in Estonian third-sector organizations is generally insufficient. On the basis of research findings the model was formulated for describing the relations between Estonian third-sector organizations and their stakeholders. Public relations are usually managed by CEO. Different means of communications are used as a channel for public relations. Organizations have lots of cooperative relations, however, considering the opinion of stakeholders is irregular. Public relations are planned randomly, partly because of the lack of time, money and knowledge. Stakeholders have great expectations towards the organizations, they estimate the growth potential of the non-profit organizations to be comparatively high.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b1737533~S1*es

    Eesti üldhariduskoolide õpetajate valmidus meedia õpetamiseks läbiva teemana

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    In February 2002, The National Secondary Education Curriculum was adopted by the Estonian Government, which declares media education as one of the disciplines implemented in the cross-curricular principle, starting from this year. The aim of the present Master Thesis is to find out the readiness of Estonian teachers to implement media education across the curriculum. The theoretical view-point, implemented in the Thesis, is the critical-constructivist approach to media education. The aim of the mentioned approach is to teach media, promoting methods of active learning in order to develop critical media literacy of the students. Critical media literacy contains raising motivated and competent members of citizen society, besides developing criticism and awareness towards information presented by media, as well as finding information in the media channels and using data to achieve one‘s aims. In order to find out the readiness of media teachers, the criteria of media teaching by Sirkku Kotilainen were taken as the basis; the questions of the Master Thesis developed from them. The readiness of media teachers was researched in the Thesis by the formal questionnaire, 252 teachers from different regions of Estonia took part of it. The other method used was semistructured qualitative in-depth interviews with 20 teachers of general education schools. As the result, it is concluded in the Thesis that teachers in Estonian general education schools are not ready to teach media. The preconditions for teaching media, media usage of the teachers and notion of media usage and media literacy of the pupils, are fulfilled. Approximately half of the teachers are well enough aware of the need and opportunities of teaching media in order to do so, they are ready to use active constructivist teaching methods and assess their readiness to teach media adequatly. The biggest obstacle is the insufficient media literacy of the teachers. Taking into account poor preparation of the teachers, it is clear that the media education cannot be implemented as an across-curriculum discipline without developing co-operation of teachers, pupils, parents and media experts. Advanced training courses must be developed for the teachers, support persons and educational materials must be available.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b1667355~S1*es

    Andres Ehini sürrealistliku luule kujunemine ja lähtekohad

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    Selle töö eesmärk on anda ülevaade ja analüüsida Ehini varasema perioodi loomingut, käsitledes teda kui üht vähestest eesti sürrealistlikest luuletajatest ning vaadeldes just selle perioodi loomingut kui algtuuma, kust kogu edasine looming välja arenes, kuid samas ka perioodi, kus autori isiklik stiil kujunes selgelt välja. Ehini luule põhineb algusest peale fragmentaarsel ja kujundikesksel lähenemisel, mis ühendab loomulikku ja ebaloomulikku. See vastandite ühendamine seob Ehini sürrealistidega, sõnulseletamatu edasiandmine annab aga tema luulele igavikulise ja avara tasandi. Töö koosneb neljast peatükist: esimene peatükk annab ülevaate sürrealismi kujunemisloost ja selle põhiprintsiipidest, teine peatükk räägib lühidalt Ehini luuleloomingust käsitletaval perioodil. Kolmandas peatükis seostan Ehinit sürrealismiteooriaga, annan ülevaate tema enda esseest ''Kujund ja meeled'' (1966) ning tema luulekeele peamistest eripäradest. Neljas peatükk hõlmab sisulist analüüsi, kus käsitlen kolme luulekogu: esikkogu ''Hunditamm'' (1968), ''Uks lagendikul'' (1971) ning samal perioodil kirjutatud luuletused kogust ''Tumedusi rüübatan'' (1988). Toon neist välja mõned kõnekamad tekstid, mis illustreerivad kolmandas peatükis viidatud lähtekohti

    Tumor-penetrating peptide for systemic targeting of Tenascin-C

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    Extracellular matrix in solid tumors has emerged as a specific, stable, and abundant target for affinity-guided delivery of anticancer drugs. Here we describe the homing peptide that interacts with the C-isoform of Tenascin-C (TNC-C) upregulated in malignant tissues. TNC-C binding PL3 peptide (amino acid sequence: AGRGRLVR) was identified by in vitro biopanning on recombinant TNC-C. Besides TNC-C, PL3 interacts via its C-end Rule (CendR) motif with cell-and tissue penetration receptor neuropilin-1 (NRP-1). Functionalization of iron oxide nanoworms (NWs) and metallic silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) with PL3 peptide increased tropism of systemic nanoparticles towards glioblastoma (GBM) and prostate carcinoma xenograft lesions in nude mice (eight and five-fold respectively). Treatment of glioma-bearing mice with proapoptotic PL3-guided NWs improved the survival of the mice, whereas treatment with untargeted particles had no effect. PL3-coated nanoparticles were found to accumulate in TNC-C and NRP-1-positive areas in clinical tumor samples, suggesting a translational relevance. The systemic tumor-targeting properties and binding of PL3-NPs to the clinical tumor sections, suggest that the PL3 peptide may have applications as a targeting moiety for the selective delivery of imaging and therapeutic agents to solid tumors.publishedVersio

    Where less may be more: how the rare biosphere pulls ecosystems strings

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    Rare species are increasingly recognized as crucial, yet vulnerable components of Earth’s ecosystems. This is also true for microbial communities, which are typically composed of a high number of relatively rare species. Recent studies have demonstrated that rare species can have an over-proportional role in biogeochemical cycles and may be a hidden driver of microbiome function. In this review, we provide an ecological overview of the rare microbial biosphere, including causes of rarity and the impacts of rare species on ecosystem functioning. We discuss how rare species can have a preponderant role for local biodiversity and species turnover with rarity potentially bound to phylogenetically conserved features. Rare microbes may therefore be overlooked keystone species regulating the functioning of host-associated, terrestrial and aquatic environments. We conclude this review with recommendations to guide scientists interested in investigating this rapidly emerging research area

    An unfolding signifier: London's Baltic Exchange in Tallinn

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    In the summer of 2007 an unusual cargo arrived at Muuga and Paldiski harbors outside Tallinn. It consisted of nearly 50 containers holding over 1,000 tons of building material ranging from marble columns, staircases and fireplaces, to sculpted allegorical figures, wooden paneling and old-fashioned telephone booths. They were once part of the Baltic Exchange in the City of London. Soon they will become facets of the landscape of Tallinn. The following article charts this remarkable story and deploys this fragmented monument to analyze three issues relating to the Estonian capital: the relocation of the ‘Bronze Soldier’, the demolition of the Sakala Culture Center, and Tallinn’s future role as European Cultural Capital in 2011