Eesti kolmanda sektori organisatsioonide suhtekorraldus Säästva Renoveerimise Infokeskuse näitel


Non-profit organizations have a leading role in a democratic society: without their contribution a strong civil society cannot be formed. The present bachelor thesis “Estonian third-sector organizations´ public relations: Sustainable Renovation Information Center example” gives overview about the public relations in Estonian non-profit organizations and foundations. The mutual relations of organization and its stakeholders are described in depth on the sample organization (Sustainable Renovation Information Centre). The theoretical part of the thesis is based on the stakeholders approach. The third-sector approaches are also being introduced. According to the stakeholders approach organization has to understand the world of stakeholders and plan its actions accordingly, otherwise the organization cannot be successful. In order to get the answers to the research questions the questionnaire was implemented among the Estonian third-sector organizations. Additionally, qualitative semi-structured interviews were carried through with the members of Sustainable Renovation Information Centre and with the representatives from the stakeholders. The main finding of the thesis is that public relations in Estonian third-sector organizations is generally insufficient. On the basis of research findings the model was formulated for describing the relations between Estonian third-sector organizations and their stakeholders. Public relations are usually managed by CEO. Different means of communications are used as a channel for public relations. Organizations have lots of cooperative relations, however, considering the opinion of stakeholders is irregular. Public relations are planned randomly, partly because of the lack of time, money and knowledge. Stakeholders have great expectations towards the organizations, they estimate the growth potential of the non-profit organizations to be comparatively high.*es

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