351 research outputs found

    Proposed Organization of Family Cancer Clinics in Indonesia

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    AbstractAround 10-15% of breast cancers are associated hereditary and/or familial predisposition. By definition familial breast occurs in two or more first degree relatives within a nuclear pedigree (first or second degree relatives). Hereditary and familial cancer displays different characteristics in the pathological features, clinical course, response to treatment, and outcomes. Therefore, specific consultation and treatment need to be addressed to patients with hereditary or familial predisposition for example the need for rigorous surveillance and preventive treatment including options for preventive surgery. Cancer clinical genetic service is not yet formally available in daily clinical practice in Indonesia. Surgeons usually become the first medical specialist to see cancer patients with familial predisposition, therefore they have to elaborate clinical cancer genetic service under Family Cancer Clinic (FCC). Clinical genetic service within FCC consists of several step-wise tasks including assessment of personal and family history of cancer, personalized cancer risk assessment, review of medical and family history, individual cancer screening and surveillance recommendations, genetic testing if necessary, discussion of benefits and limitations of genetic test, cancer risk reduction options and preventive strategies, and opportunity to participate in research as well as clinical trial. Nation-wide network for FCC is of importance to share knowledge and skill to perform cancer genetic service. Ability to perform genetic test including the interpretation in Indonesia has also been required

    Kajian Psikologi Icuk Sugiarto

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    Aspek psikologi seorang pemain berperan penting dalam menjalani latihan maupun pertandingan yang sebenarnya. Dalam artikel ini ditampilkan profil psikologis Icuk Sugiarto yang mendukung keberhasilannya dalam bermain bulutangkis. Diantaranya berpikir positif, motivasi, keberanian mengambil resiko, dsb. Aspek – aspek psikologis Icuk Sugiarto tidak muncul secara serta merta tetapi juga dipengaruhi oleh aspek lingkungan dan aspek pembawaan / orangtua Kata Kunci : Aspek psikologi, profil psikologi, Icuk Sugiart

    Analyzing and Developing Aspects of the Artist Pipeline for Clemson University Art

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    Major digital production facilities such as Sony Pictures Imageworks, Pixar Animation studio, Walt Disney Animation Studio, and Epic Games use a production system called a pipeline. The term “pipeline” refers to the structure and process of data flow between the various phases of production from story to final edit. This paper examines current production pipeline practices in the Digital Production Arts program at Clemson University and proposes updates and modifications to the workflow. Additionally, this thesis suggests tools that are intended to improve the pipeline with artist-friendly interfaces and customizable integration between software and remote-production capabilities

    Towards the Development of Broad-Spectrum Disease Resistance in Citrus

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    Transgenic plants expressing Cyclic nucleotide-gated channel (CNGC) and Bcell lymphoma 2 (bcl-2) transgenes have been shown to be resistant to fungal and viral pathogens. A PCR amplification product comprising CNGCcit open reading frame (ORF) with Xba I and Eco RI ends was generated, inserted into pRTL22 plasmid, transformed into E. coli, and sequenced. The 3.2 kb Hind III fragment of pRTL22/CNGCcit containing the CaMV 35S promoter with dual enhancer, CNGCcit, and CaMV 35S terminator was inserted into the Hind III site of pBin 34SGUS to generate pBin35SCNGCcit construct, and transformed into E. coli. The cDNA clone of bcl-2 in the pPTN binary vector was digested with Hind III to release a fragment consisting of CaMV 35S promoter, bcl-2, and CaMV 35S terminator and inserted into the Hind III site of pBin 34SGUS to generate pBin35SBcl-2 construct. These constructs along with pPTN334Bcl-2 were used in Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of sour orange rootstock, ?Rio Red?, ?Ruby Red? and ?Duncan? grapefruit cultivars. The presence and expression of CNGCcit and bcl-2 in the transgenic plants was verified by b-glucuronidase histochemical assay, nptII enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, polymerase chain reaction, Southern blot, northern blot, relative quantitative reverse transcription PCR , and quantitative real-time PCR. In this study, two transgenic ?Ruby Red? plants were successfully produced with an incorporated CNGCcit gene that gave a positive result with all the analyses. None of the putative transgenic plants was transgenic for bcl-2 gene based on Southern and northern analyses. Detached leaf assays of the transgenic ?Ruby Red? plants showed an enhanced resistance to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, Alternaria alternata, and Phytophthora nicotianae. Also, the leaves did not show any sensitive response to tentoxin. The citrus cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (cAPXcit) genomic clone was isolated and characterized. Expression of cAPXcit in ?Duncan?, non-transgenic control ?Ruby Red?, and ?Rio Red? was suppressed due to A. alternata and P. nicotianae inoculations. However, an increased expression of cAPXcit was observed in the inoculated transgenic ?Ruby Red? leaves

    Design of an FPGA-based parallel SIMD machine for power flow analysis

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    Power flow analysis consists of computationally intensive calculations on large matrices, consumes several hours of computational time, and has shown the need for the implementation of application-specific parallel machines. The potential of Single-Instruction stream Multiple-Data stream (SIMD) parallel architectures for efficient operations on large matrices has been demonstrated as seen in the case of many existing supercomputers. The unsuitability of existing parallel machines for low-cost power system applications, their long design cycles, and the difficulty in using them show the need for application-specific SIMI) machines. Advances in VLSI technology and Field-Programmable Gate-Arrays (FPGAs) enable the implementation of Custom Computing Machines (CCMs) which can yield better performance for specific applications. The advent of SoftCore processors made it possible to integrate reconfigurable logic as a slave to a peripheral bus and has demonstrated the ability in the rapid prototyping of complete systems on programmable chips. This thesis aims at designing and implementing an FPGA-based SIMI) machine for power flow analysis. It presents the architecture of an SIMI) machine that consists of an array of processing elements with mesh interconnection and a Soft-Core processor; the latter is used as the host. The FPGAbased SIMI) machine is implemented on the Annapolis Microsystems Wildstar-II board that contains multiple Virtex-II FPGAs. The Soft-Core processor used is the Xilinx Microblaze and the application targeted is matrix multiplication


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    Pada umumnya kayu digunakan sebagai bahan utama industri pulp dan kertas. Namun semakin banyaknya kebutuhan kayu yang semakin meningkat maka diperlukan adanya pembaharuan atau alternatif bahan baku lain yaitu dengan memanfaatkan limbah kulit kopi sebagai bahan baku kertas ( pulp ). Kopi mempunyai peranan yang cukup besar bagi sektor perkebunan di Indonesia, karena biji kopi termasuk salah satu komoditi unggulan. Limbah kulit buah kopi hanya digunakan sebagai bahan pakan ternak saja atau sebagai bahan pembuat pupuk organik, dengan melihat kandungan lignin sebesar 8,67% dan - selulosa sebesar 41,26% maka seiring berjalannya waktu dan teknologi yang semakin maju kulit buah kopi dapat digunakan sebagai bahan alternatif bahan baku kertas ( pulp ). Proses pembuatan bahan baku pulp dimulai dengan proses ekstraksi pektin dengan variabel suhu 80oC, kecepatan pengadukan 500 rpm dan waktu pengadukan 75 menit, untuk memisahkan pektin. Kemudian diteruskan dengan proses delignifikasi yang menggunakan metode organosolv. Metode Organosolv adalah proses pemisahan serat dengan menggunakan bahan kimia organik seperti etanol dan metanol. Pada proses delignifikasi variabel yang dijalankan adalah waktu pemasakan 1;1,5;2;2,5;3 jam dengan konsentrasi etanol dan metanol ( v/v ) 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, dan 50%. Hasil terbaik dari proses delignifikasi kulit kopi menjadi bahan baku pulp dengan metode organosolv adalah pada konsentrasi etanol 40% ( v/v ) dengan waktu pemasakan selama 2,5 jam didapatkan kadar lignin sebesar 3,11%, hal ini memenuhi syarat sebagai bahan baku pulp yaitu kadar lignin dibawah 20%. Kata kunci: kulit kopi, lignin, ekstraksi pektin, etanol, metanol, α-selulosa


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    Abstrak: Pendidikan bagi siswa tunagrahita ringan di jenjang SMALB lebih diutamakan pada keterampilan vokasional, dengan keterampilan vokasional tersebut dapat dijadikan bekal untuk siswa tunagrahita ringan agar mampu hidup mandiri.Keterampilan vokasional yang diberikan di SMALB ACD Pertiwi Kota Mojokerto yaitu keterampilan membuat keset. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh penerapan teknik modelling terhadap keterampilan vokasional dalam membuat keset untuk siswa tunagrahita ringan kelas XII di SMALB ACD Pertiwi Kota Mojokerto.Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif jenis pre eksperimen dan rancangan one group pre test-post test design. Teknik statistik yang digunakan dalam analisis data adalah wilcoxon. Menggunakan teknik modelling dengan 8 kali perlakuan. Hasil penelitian rata-rata menunjukkan = 14 menunjukkan Zh=2,37 lebih besar dibanding nilai krisis 5% Zt=1,96 yang dapat diartikan ada pengaruh signifikan teknik modelling terhadap keterampilan vokasional siswa tunagrahita ringan. Kata Kunci = Teknik Modelling, Vokasional, Keterampilan Membuat Keset

    Difficult component areas of research experienced by lecturers in the Faculty of Education, Federal University of Kashere, Gombe State

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    The study was conducted to ascertain difficult component areas of research experienced by lecturers in the faculty of Education, Federal University of Kashere. Three (3) purposes and three (3) research questions guided the study. The population of the study was 155 lecturers in the faculty. Purposive sampling techniques was used to select a sample of 65 lecturers below the rank of Associate Professor who were not on study fellowship. A 31 items questionnaire developed from literature reviewed was use to collect data for the study. Data collected for the study was analyzed using mean, standard deviation and Need-gap analysis to answer the research questions while t-test statistic was used to test the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. It was found out that lecturers in the Faculty of Education, Federal University of Kashere experienced difficulties is some aspect of research such as conceptualizing research problem, writing the background of the study relating all variables of the study, conceptual and theoretical framework, research methods, interpretation of results among others. It was recommended that the Dean Faculty of Education should organize seminar and workshop for the lecturers on principles of conducting and writing research


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    Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak ditentukan bagaimana gaya hidup termasuk pola makan, dan  aktivitas sehari-hari yang tentunya tak lepas dari peran orang tua untuk selalu mengawasi dan memperhatikan anak-anaknya. Hal ini harusnya sudah menjadi kesadaran sendiri untuk para orang tua. Namun mayoritas orang tua justru senang jika anaknya makan berlebih sehingga berpotensi untuk obesitas. Tanpa disadari, ini sangat berdampak bagi kesehatan sang anak. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh D Koren dkk.(Koren et al., 2015) Menyatakan adanya peningkatan obesitas pada anak-anak 16,9% disertai komorbiditas. Dari obesitas inilah juga bisa timbul penyakit lain, salah satunya yaitu Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) yang belum terdiagnosis banyak ataupun belum diketahui banyak oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Meskipun dikatakan penanganan dengan penurunan berat badan akan mengurangi risiko progresifitas dari komorbiditasnya, namun pada usia anak-anak sulit untuk diatur mengenai makanan yang dikonsumsi. Hal ini harus menjadi perhatian, khususnya orang tua agar bisa menurunkan angka obesitas pada anak untuk mengurangi risiko penyakit OSA dan lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) dengan OSA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode studi analitik cross-sectional dengan jumlah sampel 158 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna yaitu IMT obesitas dengan kejadian OSA dan hubungan yang tidak bermakna yaitu IMT underweight dengan kejadian OSA. Beberapa faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian OSA diantaranya yaitu usia, jenis kelamin, berat badan dan tinggi badan, lingkar leher dan IMT Dari beberapa faktor tersebut dapat disimpulkan pada usia anak-anak lebih rentan dengan prevalensi terbanyak pada laki-laki dan semakin tinggi IMT seseorang dan semakin lebar lingkar lehernya semakin tinggi risiko terhadap kejadian OSA


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    This study aims to determine the "Strategy of the Department of Population and Civil Registration in Achieving Excellent Service in Bekasi Regency" which is marked by the presence of people who complain or complain about the service that is not yet excellent. This has the potential to become a barrier to achieving these goals. This study uses a qualitative method. The data collection technique is done by means of interviews (interviews) and distributing questionnaires (questionnaires). The instrument used was a Likert scale model questionnaire, with data analysis used was categorization analysis. The sample of this study was 125 people who came to the Bekasi district civil registration and occupation service. The results of the analysis show that: (1) Based on the level of excellent service, the research subjects at Disdukcapil Bekasi regency where the attitude aspect is 62% in the good category, the attention aspect is 50% in the good category, the action aspect is 51% in the good category (Ability) 45% is in the bad category, then the appearance (appearance) is 51% in the good category and 46% is in the good category. This is based on the results of a questionnaire given to 125 research subjects. (2) Based on the conclusion of the research results, there are still obstacles in the ability aspect (ability) 45% which are categorized as not good such as slow service, limited information on service procedures, less informative service and still lack of human resources to provide services. (3) Based on the existing obstacles, Disdukcapil designs strategies to achieve excellent service such as updating administrative information, disdukcapil issues E-SIAK and makes requests through WhatsApp and adds to service human resources provided with administrative training
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