15 research outputs found

    Solving Multi-Objective Voltage Stability Constrained Power Transfer Capability Problem using Evolutionary Computation

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    Competitive market forces and the ever-growing load demand are two of the key issues that cause power systems to operate closer to their system stability boundaries. Open access has since introduced competition and therefore promotes inter-regional electrical power trades. However, the economic flows of electrical energy between interconnected regions are usually constrained by system physical limits, e.g. transmission lines capacity and generation active/reactive power capability etc. As such, there is a limitation to the capacity of electrical power that regions can export or import. This maximum allowable electrical power transfer is normally referred to as Total Transfer Capability (TTC). It is critical to understand that TTC does not necessarily represent a safe and reliable amount of inter-regional power transfer as one or more operational limits are usually binding when quantifying TTC. Hence, it is of interest that power system stability issues are being considered during power transfer capability assessment in order to provide a more appropriate and secure power transfer level.The aim of this paper is to formulate an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) algorithm, which is capable of evaluating inter-area power transfer capability considering mathematically-complex voltage collapse margins. Through a multi-objective optimization setup, the proposed OPF-based approach can reveal the nonlinear relationships, i.e. the pareto-optimal front, between transfer capability and voltage stability margins. The feasibility of this approach has been intensively tested on a 3-machine 9-bus and the IEEE 118-bus systems

    Avian Colibacillosis and Salmonellosis: A Closer Look at Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Control and Public Health Concerns

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    Avian colibacillosis and salmonellosis are considered to be the major bacterial diseases in the poultry industry world-wide. Colibacillosis and salmonellosis are the most common avian diseases that are communicable to humans. This article provides the vital information on the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, control and public health concerns of avian colibacillosis and salmonellosis. A better understanding of the information addressed in this review article will assist the poultry researchers and the poultry industry in continuing to make progress in reducing and eliminating avian colibacillosis and salmonellosis from the poultry flocks, thereby reducing potential hazards to the public health posed by these bacterial diseases

    Analiza urazu mnogiego u pacjenta po wypadku komunikacyjnym z uwzględnieniem diagnostyki obrazowej chorego.

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    Złamania z uszkodzeniami kości miednicy stanowią około 3% uszkodzeń szkieletu. Mogą przybierać one charakter od łagodnych do ciężkich, których skutkami jest czasem śmierć. Do kategorii tej zaliczamy złamania panewki stawu biodrowego, kości obręczy miednicy oraz oderwania drobnych fragmentów kości miednicy w wyniku urazów [Kiszka i Gutkowski 2010]. Praca ma charakter kazuistyczny. Część pierwsza zawiera budowę anatomiczną miednicy oraz kości udowej, podziały złamań miednicy wraz z krótką charakterystyką wybranych urazów takich jak na przykład: złamanie gałęzi kości łonowej, rozejście spojenia łonowego, złamanie miednicy typu Malgaigne'a.W drugiej części pracy został zawarty opis przypadku klinicznego z uwzględnieniem badań obrazowych, które są wykonywane w diagnostyce urazów i złamań miednicy. Badaniami wykonywanymi w diagnostyce i ocenie urazów mnogich są zdjęcia rentgenowskie oraz tomografia komputerowa, które dostarczają wielu cennych informacji lekarzom.Breaks with the failure of the hip bone account for about 3% of the skeleton damages. They can be gentle or serious, sometimes may even cause death. This category includes the breaks of the acetabulum, hip bone, and detachment of small fragments of the hip bone as a result of injuries [Kiszka i Gutkowski 2010]. The work has a kazuistic character. The first part includes the anatomical structure of the pelvis and the femur, the division of pelvis breaks together with short characteristics of the chosen injuries like the break of the pubic ramus, relaxation of the pubic symphysis, Malgaigne fracture. The second part of the thesis includes the description of the clinical case with consideration of the image examination, that is made in the diagnostics of the injuries and pelvis fracture. The examination methods used in the diagnostics and evaluation of polytrauma are X-rays and computer tomography that give a lot of valuable informationto the doctors

    Gender Difference in Crime Involvement in Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    This paper examines the gender difference in crime involvement between males and females. The null hypothesis tested was that there is no significance difference in gender crime involvement in Adamawa State. The data used for this paper were for the period of 2005 to 2012. Ten crime types that included theft, cheating, trespass, enticement, deformation of character, mischief, force and assault, conspiracy, intimidation, being in possession was considered for this research work. The data obtained were analyzed using Z-Test at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the analysis shows that, there is clear evidence that females commit less crime than males. The study recommends that, there should be Prompt and consistent punishment for male offenders so as to help reduce the incidence of male crime in the State

    Synthetic studies on terpenoids. Part XVI. Synthesis of 3β,17-diacetoxyphyllocladen-15-one

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    A stereoselective synthesis of 3β,17-diacetoxyphyllocladen-15-one (XIX) from ethyl 5,5-ethylenedioxy-2-oxo-cyclohexanecarboxylate proceeding in ten stages via methyl 13,13-ethylenedioxy-3-oxopodocarpa-5,9(11)-diene-8β-carboxylate (V) and methyl 3β-hydroxy-13-oxopodocarpane-8β-carboxylate (XII) is described. The ester (XII) has been correlated with a known degradation product from phyllocladene. Some by-products from the hydrogenation of the diene (V) are discussed