1,940 research outputs found

    Petrology and tectonic development of supracrustal sequence of Kerala Khondalite Belt, Southern India

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    The granulite terrain of southern India, of which the Kerala Khondalite belt (KKB) is a part, is unique in exposing crustal sections with arrested charnockite growth in different stages of transformation and in varied lithological association. The KKB with rocks of surficial origin and incipient charnockite development, poses several problems relating to the tectonics of burial of vast area and mechanisms involved in expelling initial H2O (causes of dryness) for granulite facies metamorphism. It is possible to infer the following sequence of events based on the field and laboratory studies: (1) derivation of protoliths of KKB from granitic uplands and deposition in fault bounded basin (cratonic rift); (2) subhorizontal deep burial of sediments; (3) intense deformation of infra and supracrustal rocks; (4) early granulite facies metamorphism predating F sub 2 - loss of primary structure in sediments and formation of charnockites from amphibole bearing gneisses and khondalites from pelites; (5) migmatisation and deformation of metasediments and gneisses; (6) second event of charnockite formation probably aided by internal CO2 build-up; and (7) isothermal uplift, entrapment of late CO2 and mixed CO2-H2O fluids, formation of second generation cordierites and cordierite symplectites

    Water activities in the Kerala Khondalite Belt

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    The author and colleagues presented their determinations of water activities in various granulite-facies rocks of the Kerala Khondalite Belt. Using mineral equilibria, thermodynamic data, and assumed geopressure-geotemperature conditions of 5.5 kbar and 750 C, they calculated uniformly low a(H2O) values of about 0.27 over a large geographic region. They suggested that these conditions were produced by the presence of abundant CO2-rich fluids, derived either from deeper levels or from metamorphic reactions involving graphite

    Installation of New CSD (Carbonated Soft Drink) RGB (Returnable Glass Bottle) Line with Food Safety Comply and Final Validation

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    The basic of this project was installation of new CSD (carbonated soft drink) RGB (returnable glass bottle) line with comply food safety and final validation of line. New manufacturing line installation deals with installation of all equipment and machine require for smooth running and producing CSD for COCA-COLA company (Coca-Cola, Thums UP, Limca) such as conveyer belt, uncasing machine, light inspection station, bottle washer EBI (electronic bottle inspection ) machine, Paramix, Filler, Sealer, Date coding machine, caser etc. During installation of machine we have fulfill requirement related to machine, work space, hygienic condition so that machine can work smoothly and deliver safe food product The main concern of doing this project was deliver a safe product to the consumer by applying HACCP and ISO22K. I have done hazard analysis and validation of this new installed line and identify CCP and OPRP which need to control by applying control measure

    Investigation of deep level defects in copper irradiated bipolar junction transistor

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    Commercial bipolar junction transistor (2N 2219A, npn) irradiated with 150 MeV Cu11+-ions with fluence of the order 1012 ions cm-2, is studied for radiation induced gain degradation and deep level defects. I-V measurements are made to study the gain degradation as a function of ion fluence. The properties such as activation energy, trap concentration and capture cross-section of deep levels are studied by deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). Minority carrier trap levels with energies ranging from EC - 0.164 eV to EC - 0.695 eV are observed in the base-collector junction of the transistor. Majority carrier trap levels are also observed with energies ranging from EV + 0.203 eV to EV + 0.526 eV. The irradiated transistor is subjected to isothermal and isochronal annealing. The defects are seen to anneal above 350 °C. The defects generated in the base region of the transistor by displacement damage appear to be responsible for transistor gain degradation. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Analysis of maternal deaths: autopsy study at tertiary health care center

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    Background: Every day thousands women died due to complications of pregnancy and child birth globally. Almost all of these deaths occurred in low-resource settings, and most could have been prevented. Maternal mortality is a health indicator that shows very wide gaps between rich and poor, urban and rural areas, both between countries and within them. The present study was carried out with view to determine factors causing maternal deaths, causes of maternal deaths and utility of autopsy with autopsy record as a useful and adjunct data source for ascertainment of maternal deaths.Methods: Total 95 cases of maternal deaths which were brought for postmortem were studied during period of August 2012 to July 2014.Results: Maximum number of maternal deaths were seen in age group of 21 to 25 years comprising 38 (40.0%) and with maximum cases from low socioeconomic strata. Analyzing the pregnancy outcome, live birth to child were given by 66 (69.5%) against negative outcome in 29 (30.5%) of cases. Post-partum hemorrhage remains the leading cause followed by sepsis 13 (13.7%) in direct causes of maternal deaths. In indirect causes hepatitis leads the list with 4 (4.2%) cases.Conclusions: Despite the improved methodology, global database on maternal mortality remains weak. Hence forensic pathologist plays important role in identifying these cases with appropriate cause of death. Review of autopsy findings along with hospital records can prove to be one of the useful sources to identify pregnancy related deaths and elucidating the emerging trends

    A clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Keechakadi Taila in Darunaka

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    Darunaka (dandruff) is a disorder mentioned under the spectrum of Shirokapalagata Roga/Kshudra Roga by various Acharyas. It is a Kapha-Vata predominant disorder of Shiro-Kapala (scalp), characterized by Kandu (itching), Kesha-Chyuti (hair fall), Keshabhumi-Rukshata (dryness of scalp) and Keshabhumi-Sphutana (scaling). Shiroabyanga (oil massage to scalp) with Keechakadi Taila is mentioned as a treatment modality for Darunaka by Vangasena. It contains Keechaka (Bambusa arundinaceace), Sarshapa Taila (mustard oil), Gomutra (cow’s urine) as ingredients.  In general all Tailas (oils) alleviates Vata-Dosha and does not aggravate Kapha-Dosha. It is Twak Prasadaka (nourishing), thus helping in treating the disease by Samprapthi Vighatana (breaking the pathogenesis). Though there are plenty of treatment options available for dandruff, there is no promising treatment in any of the allied sciences assuring its complete cure, avoiding recurrence. Thus with the aim to know the efficacy of Keechakadi Taila in treating Darunaka and also to know how effectively it can prevent/ reduce interval between recurrences of Darunaka the present study was carried out. The study showed statistically significant result in the management of Darunaka


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    ABSTRACT Modernization of Madarasa These questions need to be explored in depth so that the root cause of the stagnation of Madarasa system of education could be unearthed and once again the Madarasa education could help lift the Muslim community from backwardness to enlightenment and from poverty to prosperity

    Evolution of Currents of Opposite Signs in the Flare Productive Solar Active Region NOAA 10930

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    Analysis of a time series of high spatial resolution vector magnetograms of the active region NOAA 10930 available from SOT/SP on-board Hinode revealed that there is a mixture of upward and downward currents in the two foot-points of an emerging flux-rope. The flux emergence rate is almost the same in both the polarities. We observe that along with an increase in magnetic flux, the net current in each polarity increases initially for about three days after which it decreases. This net current is characterized by having exactly opposite signs in each polarities while its magnitude remains almost the same most of the time. The decrease of net current in both the polarities is due to the increase of current having a sign opposite to that of the net current. The dominant current, with same sign as the net current, is seen to increase first and then decreases during the major X-class flares. Evolution of non-dominant current appears to be a necessary condition for a flare initiation. The above observations can have a plausible explanation in terms of the superposition of two different force-free states resulting in non-zero Lorentz force in the corona. This Lorentz force then push the coronal plasma and might facilitate the magnetic reconnection required for flares. Also, the evolution of the net current is found to follow the evolution of magnetic shear at the polarity inversion line.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    Plant Traits in Fig as Indicators of Resistance to Shoot Borer, Dyscerus? Fletcheri Marshall (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    A comparative study was conducted on fig (Ficus carica L.) cultivars Deanna and Poona to test whether antixenosis due to plant traits was at least partially responsible for a differential susceptibility to the shoot boring curculionid weevil, Dyscerus? fletcheri. Field evaluation revealed significant difference in borer incidence in cvs. Poona (6.25%) and Deanna (75%). Further, traits of plant architecture such as number of primary/ secondary/ terminal shoots, plant vigour and density of terminal shoots were significantly higher in cv. Deanna, which was highly susceptible to shoot borer. However, latex-flow index was significantly higher in cv. Poona that was resistant to the borer. A step-wise multiple regression analysis revealed that the tested plant traits explained 60% of the total variation in stem borer infestation (y=-0.96-0.02x1+0.23x2-0.03x3+0.24x4+1.28x5-1.31x6, R2=0.60) in the susceptible cultivar, Deanna. Role of these traits in preference/non-preference of D. fletcheri for a cultivar is discussed
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