855 research outputs found
Learning motivation is one of the most important factor in Chinese learning process. The strength of learning motivation will be effected by time and other various factors, and the strength of learning motivation will affecting learner enthusiasm and also affecting their learning attitude. Therefore, this thesis is researching multi aspect about intensity and dimension of learning motivation, this has an important reference value for Chinese language teaching in Indonesia. Looking at the research result, the study motivation of UBM student is rather high, many factors have effect to the study motivation, the biggest factor is the student's study environment. According to the study condition of the students, this thesis pointed out specific suggestions for Chinese language teacher, in order to boost and conserve the student's study motivation
Penerapan Business Process Reengineering Untuk Mendukung Operational Activity Based Management Dalam Rangka Mencapai Efesiensi Biaya Pada PT. X Di Batam
Adanya tekanan persaingan dan krisis ekonomi yang telah melanda
Indonesia selama lebih dari satu tahun ini telah memberikan dampak yang
besar terhadap PT "X". Volume penjualan produk-produk PT "X" turun secara
tajam sebagai akibat dari kenaikan harga yang signifikan, yang dipicu oleh
kenaikan biaya produksi. Hal ini juga diperparah oleh anjloknya daya beli
masyarakat dan macetnya roda perekonomian nasional. Selain itu, bentuk
organisasi PT "X" merupakan organisasi fungsional yang bersifat hirarkis
sehingga tidak optimal apabila dipandang dari perspektif pelanggan. Bentuk
organisasi fungsional ini juga lamban dan tidak efisien untuk beroperasi
sehingga sulit digunakan untuk merespon kebutuhan lingkungan persaingan
dewasa ini.
Keadaan ini mau tidak mau membuat PT "X" harus segera mencari
"obat mujarab" yang dapat membuatnya bertahan hidup dan tetap bersaing di
masa depan. PT "X" harus mengubah cara pandang fungsionalnya menjadi
cara pandang proses. Untuk itu, PT "X" mengadopsi konsep operational
Activity-Based Management yang berfokus pada efisiensi proses. Namun
operasional Activity-Based Management ini akan kurang memberikan
potensinya apabila diterapkan pada cara-cara lama yang telah ada dalam
melakukan pekerjaan-pekerjaan dalam PT "X". PT "X" harus memusatkan
perhatiaunya pada bagaimana seharusnya pekeijaan dilakukan, agar dapat
mencapai suatu lompatan yang besar melalui skala perbaikan yang bersifat
radikal. Dalam hal ini, Business Process Reengineering (BPR) merupakan
alat yang tepat.
BPR menantang banyak asumsi yang mendasari pembentukan
organisasi dan menempatkan proses-proses sebagai fokus utama. Dengan
merancang ulang proses-proses ini, maka dimungkinkan untuk mencapai
perbaikan-perbaikan yang luar biasa dalam kinerja PT "X", yaitu dengan
meminimumkan atau bahkan mengeliminasi control dan other activities yang
tidak bernilai tambah. Terdapat lima tahap yang dapat dilakukan dalam
penerapan BPR, yaitu tahap persiapan, identifikasi, visi, solusi dan
transformasi. Dengan penerapan BPR ini, PT "X" akan mencapai peningkatan
yang drastis dalam efisiensi biaya sebagai hasil dari efisiensi sumber daya dan
mampu untuk merevitalisasi daya saing bisnisnya untuk menjadi pemenang di masa depan
Gambaran Kriteria Robson pada Ibu Bersalin dengan Preeklampsia
AbstractPreeclampsia is hypertension in pregnancy which is associated with 2-8% of pregnancy-related complications worldwide. It causes 9-26% of maternal deaths in low-income countries and 16% in high-income countries. This study aims to determine the prevalence and characteristics of pregnant women with preeclampsia who underwent cesarean section based on Robson's criteria at Sumber Waras Hospital, West Jakarta. This research methodology uses a descriptive method with a cross-sectional design with a total sample of 55 women with preeclampsia who underwent caesarean section in 2020 at Sumber Waras Hospital, West Jakarta. The results of this study were the highest group 4 on the Robson criteria with 41.81%, while the lowest were groups 3, 6 and 9 with 1.81%. The conclusion of this study is that the prevalence of women giving birth with preeclampsia who undergo cesarean section at Sumber Waras Hospital, West Jakarta is 78.57% and shows that group 4 on Robson's criteria has the highest number.Keywords: Cesarean section; Preeclampsia; Robson's criteriaAbstrakPreeklampsia adalah hipertensi pada kehamilan yang berhubungan dengan 2-8% komplikasi terkait kehamilan di seluruh dunia. Ini menyebabkan 9-26% kematian ibu di negara-negara berpenghasilan rendah dan 16% di negara-negara berpenghasilan tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi serta karakteristik ibu bersalin dengan preeklampsia yang menjalani seksio sesarea berdasarkan kriteria Robson di RS Sumber Waras Jakarta Barat. Metodologi penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan desain penelitian potong lintang dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 55 ibu bersalin dengan preeklampsia yang menjalani seksio sesarea pada tahun 2020 di RS Sumber Waras Jakarta Barat. Hasil penelitian ini yang tertinggi adalah kelompok 4 pada kriteria Robson dengan 41,81%, sedangkan yang terendah yaitu kelompok 3, 6 serta 9 dengan 1,81%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah prevalensi ibu bersalin dengan preeklampsia yang menjalani seksio sesarea di RS Sumber Waras Jakarta Barat adalah 78,57% serta menunjukan bahwa kelompok 4 pada kriteria Robson memiliki jumlah yang paling tinggi.Kata kunci: Kriteria Robson; Preeklampsia; Seksio sesare
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pembelajaran dengan
menggunakan metode pembelajaran SCL berbasis Geschool dibanding metode
TCL dalam pembelajaran TIK siswa kelas XI semester 2 di SMA Negeri 1 Depok
Sleman Yogyakarta.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Quasi Eksperimental dengan
bentuk desain penelitian nonequivalent control group design. Subjek penelitian
terdiri dari dua kelas XI IPA tahun ajaran 2012/2013 yaitu kelas XI IPA 1 dan
kelas XI IPA 2 dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 72 orang. Teknik pengambilan
sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling (sampel bertujuan) dengan
menggunakan dua kelas yaitu kelas ekperimen dan kelas kontrol. Dalam
penelitian ini yang diambil yaitu 36 orang kelas XI IPA 1 sebagai kelas
eksperimen dan 36 orang kelas XI IPA 2 sebagai kelas kontrol. Proses treatment
kelompok kelas eksperimen dilakukan dengan metode pembelajaran SCL berbasis
Geschool dan kelompok kontrol menerima materi dengan metode TCL.
Pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan tes hasil belajar dalam bentuk soal
pilihan ganda. Kualitas instrumen tes hasil belajar dilakukan Uji validitas butir
soal berdasarkan penilaian para ahli (judgement expert) dan uji reliabilias
menggunakan Cronbach's Alpha. Teknik analisa data untuk pengujian hasil
penelitian menggunakan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, uji gain, uji Independent
Sample T Test menggunakan Equal Variance Assumed dan uji Mann-Whitney
dengan olah data menggunakan program SPSS 17.0.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas penggunaan metode
pembelajaran SCL berbasis situs jejaring sosial Geschool lebih tinggi daripada
dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran TCL. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh uji
hipotesis posttest dan nilai gain ternormalisasi. Hasil uji hipotesis posttest dengan
Mann-Whitney nilai signifikansi adalah 0,000 < 0,05 , sehingga Ho ditolak dan Ha
diterima. Dan untuk nilai gain ternormalisasi antara kelas ekperimen juga lebih
tinggi daripada kelas kontrol, yaitu nilai gain ternormalisasi kelas ekperimen g =
0.710 dan pada kelas kontrol g = 0.320.
Kata Kunci : efektivitas, SCL berbasis Geschool, TCL, hasil belajar
One of the themes in the public service announcements designed then be exhibited at the International Visual Arts Studio ALVA-FSRD (ISACFA) 2013 is Child Beggar, the theme is lifted or the existence of the phenomenon of beggars beggars especially children who are around people, especially in the road environment highway (around traffic lights). trend can be seen lately is the increasing number of street beggars who beg, earn a fortune from the mercy of others. Actually, when viewed from governmental regulations, article 504 of the Criminal Code and article 40 of DKI Jakarta Government Area 8/2007 that the activities of begging and give something to beggars is a prohibited activity and any sanctions or punishment. Instead viewed from any religion recommends Muslims to give charity or share their good fortune to others. This is what raises the question, what to do or what action should be taken when dealing or see beggars beggars especially children? Accordingly, in order to design a poster to attract attention and can achieve the expected goals are believed to be in accordance with the concept of the theme of duality or two things that have different properties or counterclockwise. This concept will be applied to the text containing government regulations prohibit begging and give something to beggars and the text contains a suggestion of religious verses, sayings and so forth, while the role of illustrations is an object or thing be any contradiction between what statements of the two texts. The colors used are colors that are directly (original) contained in the selected photo illustration, by adding effects saturate the background of figures beggar children anak.Untuk interpret that, or the environment around the child's life tend to be bleak without an uncertain future. While the color of the writing (headlines and sub headlines) use red to provide contrast value or more prominent than the other text. Bodycopy colored text on black, which is adapted to the background color so that in the end the text actually serves as a conduit of explanation when the elements have not been able to explain the illustrations. Poster rectangular shape with A2 size (42 cm x 59.4 cm). Digital print finishing techniques
Keywords: Exhibition, Poster, Child Begga
Adaptasi Budaya Dalam Pernikahan Etnis Tionghoa-Jawa
Inter-ethnical marriage has become a phenomenon that many occur in society, if different ethnic marriage couples do not adapt to each other, there will be disunity among them. This study aims at how to adapt the culture to Chinese-Javanese inter-ethnical marriage in establishing family harmony by using the Theory of Adaptation (Judee Burgon) which explains that someone who has not known another one has two patterns, namely reciprocal and compensation and Accommodation Theory (Mulac H. Giles) that a person uses a linguistic strategy to show his ability to interact with people who have cultural differences with him. This research uses descriptive qualitative research type and phenomenology approach. Informants of this research are three pairs of different ethnic husbands between Chinese-Javanese ethnic in Semawis village, Semarang. The results of this study show that three different ethnic study pairs with adaptation and accommodation process can gradually understand the different characteristics of each other, although initially each couple takes a long time to adapt from the beginning of the introduction, dating until the couple is married. Every couple is able to give understanding to parents if ethnic and religious differences are not something that is a barrier for the household. The success of the adaptation process will result in a harmonious relationship in the household. The success of the adaptation process also reflects the success of the couple in establishing communication with their partner so that here formed as a harmonious family. The three couples can be a harmonious family because of mutual respect for their fellow family members, have good communication, always spend time with family, respect each other, have close relationships between family members shown by mutual help, and lack of internal conflict. Households Each couple uses a combination of reciprocal and compensatory patterns in adaptation theory, since all parties initially have a negative perception of new relationships but because they have the keenness to build deeper relationships so they need adaptation processes to adapt to each other
Use of English in Teaching Mathematics
This is a descriptive qualitative study designed with the aim of investigating the teacher’s use of EFL English in teaching Mathematics at Fatih Bilingual School in Banda Aceh in terms of opening, main, and closing activities. This study also investigated the obstacles encountered by the teacher in teaching Mathematics using EFL English and her efforts to overcome those obstacles. The subject of this study was a female Mathematics teacher who has been teaching tenth grade Mathematics. The research subject was chosen by using a purposive sampling technique. The data were collected through three periods of classroom observations and an in-depth interview with the teacher. The data collected was analyzed qualitatively. This study revealed that the processes of teaching Mathematics in Fatih Bilingual School involved translation. The use of English and Bahasa Indonesia were not equivalent when English became dominant. For the concepts of Mathematics, the teacher explained them in both languages. The main obstacle the teacher faced was difficulty with terminology which she had to deal with first and then had to make her students understand it too. The results also indicated that the teacher had made efforts to make the hard topics simpler so that the students could get the concepts when the teacher explained them using English. The solution for those problems was that the teacher used tools of mathematics, pictures, graphs and/or video. Code switching was also an alternative used to help the bilingual activities. In conclusion, the use of EFL English in teaching Mathematics can be done with bilingual classes. The portions of English and of the mother tongue used in the teaching activities may not be the same
TTechnological developments are now in the era of super-smart society 5.0 which is an advanced solution to the 4.0 industrial revolution. The era of super-smart society 5.0 is a learning innovation that changes from basic literacy to digital literacy. This study aims to analyze the innovation of Biochemistry learning in the Department of Chemistry at UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung in welcoming the era of super-smart society 5.0. The research method used descriptive qualitative. The data analysis technique was carried out using a literature review. The method of data collection was carried out by observation, distributing questionnaires, documentation, lecturer interviews, and student interviews. The research instrument consisted of observation sheets, questionnaires, and interview sheets. The results showed that in the era of super-smart society 5.0, lecturers and students were required to be quick in making decisions and solutions when learning Biochemistry. Lecturers must dig up information and look for innovations so that students can think ahead and keep up with the times according to the era of super-smart society 5.0. Lecturers act as tutors or teachers, facilitators, and inspire students to achieve learning objectives. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that lecturers must have the ability in digital literacy and train students to be able to think critically and creatively in learning Biochemistry in the era of super-smart society 5.0
Environmental factors such as the existence of exogenous sugar and light quality during seed germination may affect the growth and quality of seedlings. This experiment was aimed to evaluate the effect of glucose and light quality on seed germination percentage, vitamine E and chlorophyll content in green bean sprout (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilcz). The experiment design used was 5x5 factorial. The main factor was glucose concentration which consisted of 5 levels (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 2.5% or 5 %). The second factor was variation of light quality which consists of 3 different light spectrums namely blue, red or green as well as sunlight and dark condition. Seeds were selected, sterilized and germinated in a petridish containing various level of glucose. Fourty seeds were germinated in each petridish and 5 replicates were used per treatment. Petridish with seeds in it were then placed in a growth chamber having different light quality (blue, red or green), under dark condition or light condition. Growth parameters observed were germination percentage and height of bean sprout. In addition, vitamine E and chlorophyll conten were determined using spectrophotometer. Data were analyzed by using analysis of variance (ANAVA) and followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at significant level of 5%. The results showed that increasing glucose content caused reduction in the germination percentage and height of bean sprouts whereas green and blue light also reduced seed germination. The vitamine E content in green bean sprout grown under red and blue light was relatively similar compared to those grown under sunlight or dark condition, however, green light decreased the vitamine E content in green bean sprout. In addition, the existence of glucose and light quality influenced chlorophyll content in green bean sprout.Keywords : glucose, light quality, green bean, vitamine E, chlorophyll content
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