55 research outputs found

    Good Night, Little Girl, Good Night

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    Effects of tryptophan depletion and tryptophan loading on the affective response to high-dose CO2 challenge in healthy volunteers

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    It has been reported that in panic disorder (PD), tryptophan depletion enhances the vulnerability to experimentally induced panic, while the administration of serotonin precursors blunts the response to challenges. Using a high-dose carbon dioxide (CO2) challenge, we aimed to investigate the effects of acute tryptophan depletion (ATD) and acute tryptophan loading (ATL) on CO2-induced panic response in healthy volunteers. Eighteen healthy volunteers participated in a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study. Each subject received ATD, ATL, and a balanced condition (BAL) in separate days, and a double-breath 35% CO2 inhalation 4.5 h after treatment. Tryptophan (Trp) manipulations were obtained adding 0 g (ATD), 1.21 g (BAL), and 5.15 g (ATL) of l-tryptophan to a protein mixture lacking Trp. Assessments consisted of a visual analogue scale for affect (VAAS) and panic symptom list. A separate analysis on a sample of 55 subjects with a separate-group design has also been performed to study the relationship between plasma amino acid levels and subjective response to CO2. CO2-induced subjective distress and breathlessness were significantly lower after ATD compared to BAL and ATL (p <0.05). In the separate-group analysis, Delta VAAS scores were positively correlated to the ratio Trp:I LNAA pound after treatment (r = 0.39; p <0.05). The present results are in line with preclinical data indicating a role for the serotonergic system in promoting the aversive respiratory sensations to hypercapnic stimuli (Richerson, Nat Rev Neurosci 5(6):449-461, 2004). The differences observed in our study, compared to previous findings in PD patients, might depend on an altered serotonergic modulatory function in patients compared to healthy subjects

    Living in the city: School friendships, diversity and the middle classes

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    Much of the literature on the urban middle classes describes processes of both affiliation (often to the localities) and disaffiliation (often from some of the non-middle-class residents). In this paper, we consider this situation from a different position, drawing on research exploring whether and how children and adults living in diverse localities develop friendships with those different to themselves in terms of social class and ethnicity. This paper focuses on the interviews with the ethnically diverse, but predominantly white British, middle-class parent participants, considering their attitudes towards social and cultural difference. We emphasize the importance of highlighting inequalities that arise from social class and its intersection with ethnicity in analyses of complex urban populations. The paper's contribution is, first, to examine processes of clustering amongst the white British middle-class parents, particularly in relation to social class. Second, we contrast this process, and its moments of reflection and unease, with the more deliberate and purposeful efforts of one middle-class, Bangladeshi-origin mother who engages in active labour to facilitate relationships across social and ethnic difference

    How cigarette smoking may increase the risk of anxiety symptoms and anxiety disorders : a critical review of biological pathways

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    Multiple studies have demonstrated an association between cigarette smoking and increased anxiety symptoms or disorders, with early life exposures potentially predisposing to enhanced anxiety responses in later life. Explanatory models support a potential role for neurotransmitter systems, inflammation, oxidative and nitrosative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, neurotrophins and neurogenesis, and epigenetic effects, in anxiety pathogenesis. All of these pathways are affected by exposure to cigarette smoke components, including nicotine and free radicals. This review critically examines and summarizes the literature exploring the role of these systems in increased anxiety and how exposure to cigarette smoke may contribute to this pathology at a biological level. Further, this review explores the effects of cigarette smoke on normal neurodevelopment and anxiety control, suggesting how exposure in early life (prenatal, infancy, and adolescence) may predispose to higher anxiety in later life. A large heterogenous literature was reviewed that detailed the association between cigarette smoking and anxiety symptoms and disorders with structural brain changes, inflammation, and cell-mediated immune markers, markers of oxidative and nitrosative stress, mitochondrial function, neurotransmitter systems, neurotrophins and neurogenesis. Some preliminary data were found for potential epigenetic effects. The literature provides some support for a potential interaction between cigarette smoking, anxiety symptoms and disorders, and the above pathways; however, limitations exist particularly in delineating causative effects. The literature also provides insight into potential effects of cigarette smoke, in particular nicotine, on neurodevelopment. The potential treatment implications of these findings are discussed in regards to future therapeutic targets for anxiety. The aforementioned pathways may help mediate increased anxiety seen in people who smoke. Further research into the specific actions of nicotine and other cigarette components on these pathways, and how these pathways interact, may provide insights that lead to new treatment for anxiety and a greater understanding of anxiety pathogenesis

    Heroic heads, mobility mythologies and the power of ambiguity

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    This paper explores how the contradictions of neoliberal education reform and its companion, the self-made aspirational subject, are embodied by Sir Michael Wilshaw, former headteacher of Mossbourne Community Academy in Hackney, East London, through his leadership practices. Wilshaw creates powerful mobility and morality tales that pave over the contradictions and ambiguities inherent in the academies programme and Mossbourne’s approach. Drawing on a larger study of Mossbourne, the paper focuses on how raced and classed pathological discourses are mobilised and inverted both by Wilshaw and policy rhetoric, cultivating compliance through a belief in the aspirational subject capable of transcending social structures. The paper argues that neoliberal academy reforms are not about autonomy, but the imperative to comply with centralised policy demands at the expense of democratic participation and accountability

    'Structure liberates?': Mixing for mobility and the cultural transformation of 'urban children' in a London academy

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    This paper explores how the creation of a socially and ethnically mixed student body relates to mobility within the context of Beaumont Academy. This authoritarian school opened in 2004 under the ethos 'structure liberates'. Based in a predominantly deprived, ethnic minority area of London, Beaumont seeks to culturally transform its students. With its outstanding GCSE results, the school has been championed as a blueprint for reform, yet the cultural implications underlying this approach remain unexamined. The ethos pathologizes the surrounding area while essentializing itself as an 'oasis in the desert' liberating students through discipline. The paper explores how mobility is embodied by students and the alterations or eliminations necessary to achieve it. These alterations produce raced and classed positions and bring them into focus, highlighting who needs to 'adjust' themselves to accrue value. Uncritical celebrations of mixed-ness conceal structural inequalities lingering beneath the rhetoric of happy multiculturalism and aspirational citizenship. These inequalities are exacerbated by a marketized education system
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