21 research outputs found
Региональные органы государственной власти и население Волгоградской области: векторы политической идентичности и коммуникативной стратегии
There are various instances of local identity in modern Russia. However, vying with it, regional features of national identity must not contradict. At the same time, ethnic, confessional, symbolic, historical markers are being structured in local regional communities in a number of ways.
The main actors who are totally legitimate for building local identities in political discourse are regional political elites. By the identity politics of political actors, social space is structured and “typified”, and own strategies are legitimized. “Leader - electorate” relationship still remains as the key factor which can be used to manipulate public opinion.
The article raises the issue of the current state of the political identity of the population of Volgograd Region. The results of the empirical analysis of the political identity structure are also presented. The authors conclude that the nature of the political identity of Volgograd Region population is determined mostly by its syntagmatic qualities being developed through the mismatch of ideological, electorate and personified levels of the political identity. Furthermore, key features of the political consciousness are inactivity and supineness of the people. Inhabitants prefer not to take part in policy decisions and take no responsibility.
The achievements and the problems on the way of seeking regional political identity originated from the peculiarities of the regional dynamics are also analyzed in the work. Despite the domination of the negative ideologemes in the regional political development, sense and images of historic victories of the country are still the main unifying forces for the separate ways of thinking of Volgograd population.В статье обсуждается вопрос об актуальном состоянии политической
идентичности населения Волгоградской области. Анализируются достижения и проблемы
на пути поиска региональной политической идентичности, порожденные особенностями
динамики регионального пространства. В работе изложены результаты эмпирического ис-
следования структуры политической идентичности населения Волгоградской области
A global look at time: a 24-country study of the equivalence of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory
In this article, we assess the structural equivalence of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) across 26 samples from 24 countries (N = 12,200). The ZTPI is proven to be a valid and reliable index of individual differences in time perspective across five temporal categories: Past Negative, Past Positive, Present Fatalistic, Present Hedonistic, and Future. We obtained evidence for invariance of 36 items (out of 56) and also the five-factor structure of ZTPI across 23 countries. The short ZTPI scales are reliable for country-level analysis, whereas we recommend the use of the full scales for individual-level analysis. The short version of ZTPI will further promote integration of research in the time perspective domain in relation to many different psycho-social processes
Towards crystal structure prediction of complex organic compounds - a report on the fifth blind test
Following on from the success of the previous crystal structure prediction blind tests (CSP1999, CSP2001, CSP2004 and CSP2007), a fifth such collaborative project (CSP2010) was organized at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre. A range of methodologies was used by the participating groups in order to evaluate the ability of the current computational methods to predict the crystal structures of the six organic molecules chosen as targets for this blind test. The first four targets, two rigid molecules, one semi-flexible molecule and a 1: 1 salt, matched the criteria for the targets from CSP2007, while the last two targets belonged to two new challenging categories - a larger, much more flexible molecule and a hydrate with more than one polymorph. Each group submitted three predictions for each target it attempted. There was at least one successful prediction for each target, and two groups were able to successfully predict the structure of the large flexible molecule as their first place submission. The results show that while not as many groups successfully predicted the structures of the three smallest molecules as in CSP2007, there is now evidence that methodologies such as dispersion-corrected density functional theory (DFT-D) are able to reliably do so. The results also highlight the many challenges posed by more complex systems and show that there are still issues to be overcome
Les Fleurs d’ici et d’ailleurs : quelques réflexions sur l’ikebana
Le présent article se propose d’interroger la pratique, ou plutôt les pratiques, de l’ikebana en tant qu’un phénomène traditionnel de la culture japonaise. Relativement confidentiel en France, sa spécificité repose sur une tradition ancestrale transmise de génération en génération et cultive un regard original porté sur la plante. Le croiser avec celui de l’art floral français permet de tracer une perspective d’échanges culturels potentiels à développer dans le cadre de l’amitié réciproque entre la France et le Japon.This article proposes to question the practice, or rather the practices, of ikebana as a traditional phenomenon of Japanese culture. Relatively confidential in France, its specificity is based on an ancestral tradition transmitted from generation to generation and cultivates an original look at the plant. Crossing it with the French floral art allows to draw a perspective of potential cultural exchanges to be developed within the framework of the reciprocal friendship between France and Japan
Sustainability and Energy Policy: The Case of Germany's Natural Gas Supply Chains
Climate change presents a global challenge. Despite the environmental concerns associated with fossil fuels, they remain vital for global economies. This is a particularly important topic for Germany, as the country is highly reliant on natural gas (NG) - a crucial component for its economic growth and stability, as well as for its ambitious energy transition policy, Energiewende. The central research question probes the impact of the energy crisis on Germany's energy transition and its potential consequences on achieving the country’s sustainability targets. The thesis begins with an analysis of the dynamics of Germany's natural gas supply chains, scrutinizing the nexus between sustainable energy practices and the policies that underpin them. Thereafter, a mathematical model is developed that connects the overall emission levels with changes in the Primary Energy Consumption (PEC) mix and this model is used to test the impact of changes in the future PEC caused by changes in NG supply conditions on future emission levels. The results of the analyses show that Germany needs to keep focusing on renewable energy sources development instead of moving its focus to LNG supply chains development if it hopes to reach the ambitious goals set out in its energy transition policy
Éric Chevillard and literature : Absences and presences of cliché in Éric Chevillard's writing
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’œuvre abondante et originale de l’écrivain contemporain Éric Chevillard. Son objet est de cerner l’isotopie du cliché dans l’écriture chevillardienne où le rapport à la littérature passe essentiellement par la manipulation des stéréotypes, des topoï et des idées reçues. Ainsi, la contestation de la banalité apparaît comme une des constantes majeures de ses textes. Pour en signaler les caractéristiques et les modalités principales, le travail s’organise autour de trois axes : le rôle du cliché verbal dans l’organisation stylistique du récit, puis l’observation de sa dimension intertextuelle à travers le cliché citationnel qui dénonce la banalisation de la référence littéraire, et, enfin, la remise en question de la doxa qui régit la société moderne. Cette triple manipulation du cliché définit la posture singulière d’Éric Chevillard au sein du champ littéraire contemporain fondée sur les notions de l’écart, de la distance ironique et du rejet du réalisme prosaïque en littérature. Le dernier mouvement de l’étude vise à démontrer qu’au delà de sa propre fiction, le cliché est mobilisé par le Chevillard critique comme un des critères essentiels de la qualité littéraire que ce soit sur son blog, L’Autofictif, ou dans sa chronique hebdomadaire dans Le Monde des livres. C’est là que le cliché acquiert véritablement la valeur isotopique dans la mesure où sa contestation assure la cohésion de l’œuvre entière.This PhD thesis is devoted to the prolific and original work of the contemporary writer Éric Chevillard. Its subject is to define the isotopy of cliché in Chevillard's writing, in which the relationship to literature mostly goes through the manipulation of stereotypes, topoi and accepted ideas. Thus, questioning the banality appears like one of the major constants of his texts. In order to indicate the characteristics and main modalities, the work is organized around three axis: the role of verbal cliché in the narrative stylistic organization, then the observation of its intertextual dimension through the cliché of quotation which denounces the trivialization of literary reference, and, finally, the questioning of the doxa ruling modern society. This triple manipulation of cliché defines Éric Chevillard singular position in a contemporary literary field based on notions of gap, ironical distance, and rejection of prosaic realism in literature. The last movement of the study aims at demonstrate that, beyond its own fiction, the cliché is being called on by Chevillard-critique as one of the essential criteria of literary quality, both on his blog, L’Autofictif, or in his weekly column in Le Monde des livres. This is where the cliché truly acquires the isotopic value insofar as its contestation provides the entire work cohesion
Reengineering of supply chain management integrated scheduling processes
The paper describes the principle of the reengineering of supply chain management integrated scheduling processes in order to increase in efficiency of business process and decrease the decision-making time at collision of plan-fact deviations. The basic concept of business-processes reengineering is analyzed. The experience of reengineering of supply chain integrated scheduling business processes for the oil and gas branch is presented. The bottlenecks of the current practice were revealed. The purpose of this paper is to carry out recommendations for improving business processes based on an analysis of the current realization of the process, his provision with information systems and data flows
Reengineering of supply chain management integrated scheduling processes
The paper describes the principle of the reengineering of supply chain management integrated scheduling processes in order to increase in efficiency of business process and decrease the decision-making time at collision of plan-fact deviations. The basic concept of business-processes reengineering is analyzed. The experience of reengineering of supply chain integrated scheduling business processes for the oil and gas branch is presented. The bottlenecks of the current practice were revealed. The purpose of this paper is to carry out recommendations for improving business processes based on an analysis of the current realization of the process, his provision with information systems and data flows