609 research outputs found

    Limingan nuorisotoimen perehdytyskansio

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    Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli toteuttaa perehdytyskansio Limingan nuorisotoimelle. Perehdytyskansion tekeminen tuli ajankohtaiseksi, koska se nuorisotoimelta puuttui. Opinnäytetyön tilaaja on Limingan nuorisotoimen esimies. Perehdytyskansion tavoitteena on auttaa uusia työntekijöitä ja opiskelijoita hahmottamaan nuorisotoimen keskeiset asiat. Samalla se toimii vanhojen työntekijöiden tukena perehdyttämiseen. Perehdytyskansion sisältö muodostui haastattelemalla Limingan nuorisotoimen työntekijöitä. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytin avointa haastattelua. Opinnäytetyön tietoperusta on koottu aiheeseen liittyvän kirjallisuuden ja internetistä löytyvien tietojen pohjalta. Opinnäytetyön teoreettinen viitekehys käsittelee nuori-sotoimen organisaatiota, nuorisotyötä, työhyvinvointia, perehdyttämistä ja mentorointia perehdyttämisen menetelmänä. Opinnäytetyön yksikkökohtaisena tavoitteena on nuorisotoimen laadun kehittäminen perehdytyskansion avulla. Yksilökohtainen tavoitteeni oli tutustua perehdyttämiseen ja tutkimusmenetelmiin. Kokonaisuutena opinnäytetyön ja perehdytyskansion tavoite ja tarkoitus on olla Limingan nuorisotoimea palveleva kokonaisuus.The purpose of this functional thesis was to create an orientation folder for the youth work service of Liminka. It became actual because of the lack of such album. The orderer of the thesis is the foreman of the youth work service of Liminka. The purpose of the orientation folder is to help new employees and students to perceive the salient issues of youth work service. Besides it helps the old employees to familiarize the new em-ployees to the work. The contents of the orientation folder is based on the interviews of the employees of the youth work service of Liminka. As a data collection method I used open interview -method. The databasis of the thesis has been collected from literature and internet.The theoretical context of the thesis handles the organisation of the youth work service, youth work service, work welfare, orientation and the mentoring as a method of orientation. The purpose of the thesis is also to develope the quality of the orientation of youth work service. In its entirety the aim and the purpose of this thesis is to help and serve the youth work service of Liminka

    Musiikin ilmaisen Internet-jakelun hyödyt ja haitat

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    Internetissä ilmaiseksi leviävä musiikki voi olla taloudellinen rasite musiikin tekijälle ja julkaisijalle. Maksuton musiikin kuuntelu verkossa on tänä päivänä hyvin yleistä, ja usein äänitteiden tekijät jäävät jopa kokonaan ilman tekijänoikeudellista korvausta työnsä hyödyntämisestä. Laiton kaupallisen musiikin levitys Internetissä ja vertaisverkoissa on vaikuttanut koko alan ilmapiiriin ja vienyt suuren osan musiikintekijöiden tuloista, mutta myös lailliset sivustot ja sovellukset ottavat niistä osansa, kuten tämä opinnäytetyö osoitti. Tässä työssä tiedonhankintamenetelminä käytettiin muun muassa haastatteluja sekä kuluttajakyselyä. Opinnäytetyön tekeminen paljasti, kuinka ilmaisista jakelumahdollisuuksista voi olla joillekin musiikin parissa työskenteleville arvaamatonta hyötyäkin. Esimerkiksi single-kappaleen ilmainen jakaminen Internetissä toimii usein hyvänä markkinoinnin edistäjänä ja pitää kuulijakunnan tyytyväisenä. Myös uudet, suuremmalle yleisölle tuntemattomat, yhtyeet voivat löytää ponnahduslautansa ilmaisesta levityksestä. Linkit helposti saatavilla olevasta musiikista leviävät vaivattomasti ja nopeasti sadoille ihmisille vaikkapa sosiaalisen median välityksellä. Tässä opinnäytetyössä pohdittiin musiikin ilmaisen Internet-jakelun hyötyjä ja haittapuolia monipuolisesti esimerkkien avulla sekä jaettiin alan ammattilaisten mieli-piteitä ja näkemyksiä. Lisäksi tekijä tarkasteli ihmisten musiikinkulutustottumuksia tekemäänsä kyselyyn perustuvan tilaston valossa.Music spreading out free of charge on the Internet could be economically harmful for music makers and publishers. That is because they are often entirely left without financial benefits defined by copyright. Illegal distribution of music in the Internet has influenced for the whole atmosphere of the music industry by taking away a lot of income from composers and musicians. Legal webpages and applications affect their paycheck in a negative way as the findings of this thesis indicate. The research methods used in this thesis were interviews and inquiry for the music consumers. Researches and examples exposed how free distribution possibilities could be exploited. For example publishing a new single works as a good advertisement. New and unknown bands can easily distribute the links to their song via social media. The benefits and disadvantages of free music distribution on the Internet were variedly pondered in this thesis by examples and by sharing the opinions of professionals working in the music industry. Furthermore the author examined the habits of music consumers by statistics based on the inquiry

    The rise and fall of the Russian strategy of indirect actions in Ukraine

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    The war between Russia and Ukraine has been ongoing since Russia’s illegal occupation of Crimea nine years ago. In February 2022, Russia launched ‘a special military operation’ against Ukraine. To support its military operations, Russia used asymmetric and indirect methods and non-military measures as a part of its strategy. These three, heavily intertwined concepts form the basis for understanding Russia’s ‘strategy of indirect actions’ as seen by Russian academics and military leaders. As part of this strategy, Russia employed indirect military and non-military measures against Ukraine until 2021 when it became clear that Ukraine would not comply with Russia’s views of the Minsk II agreement. Consequently, Russia used non-violent military measures and multiple non-military means, including diplomatic, economic, and information means first to prepare and then to support its direct and violent military operation against Ukraine. Russia used indirect and asymmetric methods in its operational plan to support its traditional warfare efforts, including special forces and separatist troops, cyber-attacks and information warfare, and long-range precision weapons against civilian targets. Russia has varied these methods during the duration of conflict. Russia’s strategy of indirect actions has resulted in both failures and successes. Initially Russia’s operational plan to occupy Ukraine was based on wrong premises, and it lacked necessary resources. Russia lacked situational understanding and underestimated its adversaries. Russia was also unable to shape the strategic environment in its favour due to a failure to synchronize military and non-military measures. Indirect methods failed when joint warfare failed, and no new or novel ‘asymmetric’ technology or doctrine was successfully deployed to produce surprise. However, indirect methods also had successful elements, and as the war continues, some of Russia’s methods might still produce desired effects. Russia managed to manipulate its opponents enough to achieve limited surprise, and partially managed to force Ukraine to fight a war that will eventually favour Russia. Although tactical indirect and asymmetric methods largely failed, Russia has managed to turn asymmetry to its favour through mobilization and the use of non-military measures, as the war has proceeded. An important lesson from Russia’s ‘special military operation’ for countries sharing a border with Russia is that Russia will use geography, economic linkages, information tools, subversion, and strategic movements of its armed forces to create an asymmetric, strategic situation where the weaker opponent must sacrifice almost everything to order to survive. The implications for Russia’s small neighbouring states are clear. Military and economic alliances and great power support are required for deterrence by denial to withstand Russian non-military and military use of force. Resilience, readiness, and capabilities to counter Russian influence are required to resists Russia’s indirect methods and non-military measures. Core identity and interests should always be protected against Russia’s pursuit to alter them. Finally, continuous intelligence collection and an understanding of Russia’s strategic culture is critical for acquiring situational awareness and anticipating Russia’s potential actions

    Effect of fertilization on the growth of different tree classes in a spruce stand on Myrtillus-site.

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    Ionien heijastuminen Maan kvasi-poikittaisella keulasokilla Vlasiator-simulaatiossa

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    A stream of charged particles known as the solar wind constantly flows with supersonic speed in our solar system. As the supersonic solar wind encounters Earth's magnetic field, a bow shock forms where the solar wind is compressed, heated and slowed down. Not all ions of the solar wind pass through the shock but rather a portion are reflected back upstream. What happens to the reflected ions depends on the magnetic field geometry of the shock. In the case where the angle between the upstream magnetic field and the shock normal vector is small, the reflected ions follow the magnetic field lines upstream and form a foreshock region. In this case the shock is called quasi-parallel. In the case of a quasi-perpendicular shock, where the angle is large, the reflected ions gyrate back to the shock, accelerated by the convection electric field. Upon returning to the shock, the ions have more energy and either pass through the shock or are reflected again, repeating the process. Ion reflection is important for accelerating ions in shocks. In this work we study the properties and ion reflection of the quasi-perpendicular bow shock in Vlasiator simulations. Vlasiator is a plasma simulation which models the interaction between solar wind and the Earth's magnetic field. The code simulates the dynamics of plasma using a hybrid-Vlasov model, where ions are represented as velocity distribution functions (VDF) and electrons as magnetohydrodynamic fluid. Two Vlasiator runs are used in this work. The ion reflection is studied by analysing VDFs at various points in the quasi-perpendicular shock. The analysis is performed with reflections in multiple different frames. A virtual spacecraft is placed in the simulation to study shock properties and ion dynamics, such as the shock potential and ion reflection efficiency. These are compared to spacecraft observations and other simulations to test how well Vlasiator models the quasi-perpendicular bow shock. We find that the ion reflection follows a model for specular reflection well in all tested frames, especially in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field. In addition, the study was extended to model second specular reflections which were also observed. We conclude that the ions in Vlasiator simulations are nearly specularly reflected. The properties of the quasi-perpendicular bow shock are found to be in quantitative agreement with spacecraft observations. Ion reflection efficiency is found to match observations well. Shock potential investigations revealed that spacecraft observations may have large uncertainties compared to the real shock potential

    The Military Strategic Effects of the Russian National Segment of the Internet

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    The aim of this thesis is to develop a theoretical and conceptual basis for studying structural cyber asymmetry and to examine the strategic effects of the Russian national segment of the internet. This topic is important because cyberspace is one of the domains through or into which force can be directed to achieve political ends. Methodologically this thesis is a theory-driven qualitative case study based on content analysis and abduction. This thesis demonstrates that cyber power can be studied as a means to shape cyberspace. This approach offers a new perspective on studying the effects of national cyber strategies and the asymmetric power relationships between states. Freedom of action, common situation picture, command and control, and resilience are useful concepts for studying the relationship between closed and open national networks. These four concepts can be combined with the model of a national information security and defence system of systems to examine and compare the management and control of national networks in a novel way which takes into account the way the governance of the internet is currently changing. This thesis argues that the structural cyber asymmetry caused by the creation of a national segment of the internet sets significant premises and frames of reference on the states’ use of force in cyberspace. Structural cyber asymmetry also shapes the effects of the use force. The construction of a national segment of the internet can be compared to strategic level preparation of a cyber battlefield. The Russian national segment of the internet can, if successfully completed, change the global balance of power in cyberspace. However, the national segment, as currently envisioned, has serious vulnerabilities. Moreover, its construction will increase the interdependencies between domains, great power competition, risks of escalation, and the risk of preventive or even pre-emptive cyber strikes. The national segment of the internet increases the fragmentation of cyberspace and strengthens the norm of cyber sovereignty


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    Tämän opinnäytetyön toimeksiantaja on Hoiva & Puoti, joka on Ylivieskassa toimiva hoivapalvelualanyritys. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli Hoiva & Puodin sähköisen markkinoinnin kehittäminen uudistamalla yrityksen Internet-sivut ja kehittämällä Facebook-markkinointia. Tavoitteena oli luoda yritykselle yhtenäinen ilme Internet- ja Facebook-sivulle sekä lisätä yrityksen tunnettuutta. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosassa käsittelen palvelujen markkinointia ja laajennettua markkinointimixiä. Keskeisenä teorian tarkastelun kohteena on viestintä sähköisessä ympäristössä, josta keskityin erityisesti sosiaaliseen mediaan ja Facebook-markkinointiin. Laajennettua markkinointimixiä käsittelin myös Hoiva & Puodin näkökulmasta katsottuna. Työn kehittämistehtävät olivat yrityksen Internet-sivun uudistaminen ja Facebook-markkinoinnin kehittäminen. Työn tuloksena yritys sai itselleen uudistetut Internet-sivut ja toimivat Facebook-sivut sekä suunnitelman Facebookin käyttöä koskien.This thesis was commissioned by Hoiva & Puoti, which is a care service company operating in Ylivieska. The goal of this thesis was to develop the e-marketing of Hoiva & Puoti by reforming the company’s website and by improving its Facebook-marketing. The objective was to create a consistent look for the company’s website and Facebook page and to increase people’s awareness of the company. The theory section of the thesis focuses on marketing services and the extended marketing mix. The main focus on is communication in the electronic environment, particularly on social media and Facebook marketing. In addition the theory discusses the extended marketing mix from the company’s point of view. The practical development tasks in this study were reforming the company’s website and developing the company’s Facebook marketing. The result of the thesis was that the company got a reformed webpages, a well-working Facebook page and a plan considering the use of Facebook

    Biohiilen ja lannoituskäsittelyiden vaikutuksia maaperän viljavuuteen ja viljan sadonmuodostukseen vähäravinteisessa maaperässä kahdeksan vuotta lisäyksen jälkeen

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    Biohiili on maanparannusaine, joka valmistetaan orgaanisesta aineesta pyrolyysillä. Biohiiliä käytetään maaperän viljavuuden parantamiseen ja kasvien kasvun edistämiseen. Biohiilen käytön hyödyt tulevat esille erityisesti vähähiilisillä, happamilla ja vähäravinteisilla mailla. Biohiilen pitkäaikaisia vaikutuksia ei ole kuitenkaan paljoakaan tutkittu. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää kuusesta valmistetun biohiilen pitkäaikaisvaikutuksia maaperän ominaisuuksiin ja ohran (Hordeum vulgare L.) kasvuun boreaalisessa vähäravinteisessa karkeassa hietamaassa. Maaperän ja ohran ominaisuuksia mitattiin kenttäkokeessa, jossa kuusen biohiiltä oli levitetty kahdeksan vuotta aiemmin. Koemalli oli osaruutukoe, jossa pääruututekijänä oli biohiilen levitysmäärä (0, 5, 10, 20 ja 30 t ha-1). Lannoitteiden ja biohiilen yhteisvaikutusta tutkittiin osaruututekijänä olleen lannoituskäsittelyn (kontrolli, mineraalilannoite ja lihaluujauho) avulla. Maaperästä mitattiin kosteuspitoisuus 0–15 cm:n syvyydestä, pH, kasvien saatavilla olevien ravinteiden määrä, kokonaishiili ja -typpi sekä C/N-suhde. Ohran kasvua arvioitiin epäsuorasti mittaamalla lehtien lehtivihreäpitoisuutta, lehtialaindeksiä, kasvitiheyttä, biomassaa, C- ja N-pitoisuutta, C/N suhdetta, jyväsatoa sekä 1000 jyvän painoa (TJP). Biohiilellä ei havaittu olevan tilastollisesti merkittäviä vaikutuksia maaperän kosteuteen ja kemiallisiin ominaisuuksiin eikä ohran lehtivihreäpitoisuuteen, lehtialaindeksiin, kasvitiheyteen tai biomassaan. Suurin biohiilen levitysmäärä, 30 t ha-1, lisäsi suuntaa antavasti jyväsatoa ja TJP:tä, mutta lisäykset eivät olleet tilastollisesti merkitseviä. Mineraali- ja lihaluujauholannoitteilla saatiin samansuuruisia jyväsatoja, vaikka typen saatavuus lihaluujauhosta oli todennäköisesti heikompaa aiemmin kasvukaudella. Biohiilen ja lannoitteen yhteisvaikutuksia ei havaittu. Tuloksia selittävät maaperän orgaanisen aineksen suuri määrä sekä käytetyn biohiilen alhainen kalkitusvaikutus ja alhainen ravinnepitoisuus. Myös biohiilen rapautumista ja kulkeutumista syvemmälle maaperään on oletettavasti tapahtunut kahdeksan vuoden aikana. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytetyn biohiilen levityksellä ei ollut negatiivisia vaikutuksia maaperän ominaisuuksiin eikä ohran kasvuun ja sen käytön voidaan katsoa olevan turvallista. Biohiilet voivat tarjota varteenotettavan vaihtoehdon hiilensidonnalle peltomaihin pohjoisissa olosuhteissa. Lisää tutkimusta tarvitaan erityyppisten biohiilten pitkäaikaisvaikutusten selvittämiseksi erilaisissa peltomaissa.Biochars are produced from organic materials using pyrolysis and are used as a soil amendment to improve soil fertility and plant growth. Biochars are particularly beneficial to soils with high acidity, low carbon (C) content, nitrogen (N) content and other nutrient contents. However, it is not well-studied whether the beneficial effects of a biochar exist for the long-term. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of one-time application of spruce biochar on soil and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) properties in the long-term. For this purpose, soil and plant properties were measured from the biochar field experiment in a boreal nutrient deficient Umbrisol where spruce biochar was applied eight years earlier. The experiment had a split-plot design with biochar application rates (0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 t ha-1) as the main-plot factor. The effects of fertilisers alone and their interaction with biochar were studied with three treatments (control, mineral fertiliser and meat bone meal (MBM)) as the sub-plot factor. Soil moisture content at 0–15 cm depth, as well as pH, plant available nutrients, total C and N content and C/N ratio of the soil were measured. Barley growth was assessed indirectly by measuring leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD), leaf area index (LAI), plant stand density, biomass, C and N content, C/N ratio, grain yield and weight of 1000 grains (TGW). No consistent significant effects of biochar on soil moisture content or soil chemical properties were observed. Biochar application did not have significant effects on leaf chlorophyll, leaf area index, plant density or biomass of barley. The highest biochar application rate of 30 t ha-1 tended to increase grain yield and TGW but the increases were not statistically significant. Mineral and MBM fertilisers produced similar grain yields although N was likely less available from MBM earlier in the growing season. Biochar and fertiliser interaction did not have significant effects on any of the measured properties. The lack of effects of biochar may be explained by the high amount of initial soil organic matter as well as low liming effect and low nutrient content of the used biochar. In addition, the lack of significant effects of biochar also suggests loss of biochar from topsoil due to weathering and downward displacement of biochar over the period of eight years. In this study, biochar application did not have negative consequences on the measured soil and crop properties. Therefore, it should be safe to use. Biochars may provide a viable option to sequester carbon in boreal agriculture. Further research on this is still needed to investigate the long-term effects of different types of biochars on different types of soils

    Toistuvalla lannoituksella saatava kasvunlisäys kivennäismaiden männiköissä ja kuusikoissa.

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    25 graphs, 11 tables80 ref. Summaries (En, Fi). Incl. 2 append. table

    State Observer for Grid-Voltage Sensorless Control of a Converter Equipped With an LCL Filter: Direct Discrete-Time Design

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    Synchronization with the power system is an essential part of control of grid-connected converters. This paper proposes a grid-voltage sensorless synchronization and control scheme for a converter equipped with an LCL filter, measuring only the converter currents and the DC voltage. A discrete-time pole-placement design method is used to formulate an adaptive full-order observer for estimation of the frequency, angle, and magnitude of the grid voltage. The proposed discrete-time design method enables straightforward implementation and suits low sampling rates better than its continuous-time counterpart. The analytically derived design is experimentally validated, and the results demonstrate rapid convergence of the estimated quantities. Moreover, the experimental tests show that grid-voltage sensorless operation is possible under balanced and unbalanced grid disturbances and distorted grid conditions.Peer reviewe