32 research outputs found

    Risk assessment of the occurrence of aflatoxin and fungi in peanuts and cashew nuts

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    In the present study, the occurrence of fungi and aflatoxins (AFs) in peanut and cashew nut samples was investigated. Mycological analysis revealed the presence of fungi in 58.8% of samples, and assessment of AFs by chromatographic methods revealed that 52.9% were contaminated by AFs. AFB1 was the principal component in all AF-contaminated samples, with a mean level of 14.0, and 1.08 µg/kg in peanut and cashew nut, respectively. Eleven samples (32.4%) exceeded the total AF maximum level (4 μg/kg) and 8 samples (23.5%) exceeded the AFB1 (2 μg/kg) established by the European Commission. Our findings suggest that the incidence of AFs emphasizes the need for regular monitoring and a more stringent food safety system to control AFs at the lowest possible levels in peanuts and cashew nuts. The hypothetical dietary exposure suggests that the food products evaluated may significantly contribute to the overall human exposure

    Molecular Mechanisms of Microcystin Toxicity in Animal Cells

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    Microcystins (MC) are potent hepatotoxins produced by the cyanobacteria of the genera Planktothrix, Microcystis, Aphanizomenon, Nostoc and Anabaena. These cyclic heptapeptides have strong affinity to serine/threonine protein phosphatases (PPs) thereby acting as an inhibitor of this group of enzymes. Through this interaction a cascade of events responsible for the MC cytotoxic and genotoxic effects in animal cells may take place. Moreover MC induces oxidative stress in animal cells and together with the inhibition of PPs, this pathway is considered to be one of the main mechanisms of MC toxicity. In recent years new insights on the key enzymes involved in the signal-transduction and toxicity have been reported demonstrating the complexity of the interaction of these toxins with animal cells. Key proteins involved in MC up-take, biotransformation and excretion have been identified, demonstrating the ability of aquatic animals to metabolize and excrete the toxin. MC have shown to interact with the mitochondria. The consequences are the dysfunction of the organelle, induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cell apoptosis. MC activity leads to the differential expression/activity of transcriptional factors and protein kinases involved in the pathways of cellular differentiation, proliferation and tumor promotion activity. This activity may result from the direct inhibition of the protein phosphatases PP1 and PP2A. This review aims to summarize the increasing data regarding the molecular mechanisms of MC toxicity in animal systems, reporting for direct MC interacting proteins and key enzymes in the process of toxicity biotransformation/excretion of these cyclic peptides

    Effects of microcystins on functions of neutrophils

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    Microcistinas (MCs) são heptapeptídeos cíclicos produzidos por cianobactérias e possuem potente hepatotoxicidade e atividade promotora de tumor. Em intoxicações agudas induzidas por MCs ocorre infiltração leucocitária no foco inflamatório. Embora os mecanismos de hepatotoxicidade não são claros, o recrutamento de neutrófilos no fígado pode contribuir ao dano tecidual e desenvolvimento tumoral causados por xenobióticos. O objetivo dessa tese foi investigar os efeitos de três estruturalmente distintas MCs (MC-LA, MC-YR e MC-LR) nas seguintes funções de neutrófilos: síntese e expressão de moléculas de adesão, rolamento, adesão, migração e liberação de citocinas e de ROS. Nos ensaios de migração em bolsa de ar, as três MCs induziram similarmente a migração de leucócitos in vivo em tecido subcutâneo de ratos e diferencialmente a secreção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias (CINC, IL-1β, TNF-α, VEGF-α e MIP) no exsudato. Concentrações elevadas de CINC-2αβ foram encontradas nos exsudatos inflamatórios de animais após injeção de MC-LA, MC-LR ou MC-YR. MIP-2 elevou-se apenas em exsudatos de animais expostos a MC-LR. Não foram observadas alterações em secreção de IL-1β, TNF-α e VEGF-α. Estudos de microscopia intravital mostraram que apenas a aplicação tópica de MC-LR reforçou o rolamento e a adesão de leucócitos no endotélio de vênulas mesentéricas pós-capilares. Esses últimos resultados podem ser dependentes de aumento e expressão da síntese da L-selectina e β2-integrina nos neutrófilos, tal como avaliado por FACS e PCR-RT, respectivamente. Adicionalmente, em ensaios em câmara de Boyden in vitro, as três MCs promoveram locomoção direta de neutrófilos e aumentaram a migração dessas células em resposta ao fMLP, além do aumento de cálcio intracelular observado por microscopia confocal. Os efeitos das MC-LA, MC-YR e MC-LR em neutrófilos humanos e de ratos tiveram o mesmo padrão de resposta. A análise de viabilidade celular, fragmentação de DNA, despolarização de membrana mitocondrial e liberação de ROS intracelulares foram avaliadas pela técnica de FACS. A concentração de ROS extracelular foi medida por quimiluminescência amplificada por lucigenina. A produção de citocinas em células tratadas foram determinadas por ELISA. Observamos aumento da liberação de IL-8, CINC-2α β e da concentração de ROS extracelular por neutrófilos humanos e de ratos pela exposição dessas células com as MCs. Os resultados aqui obtidos mostram o efeito pró-inflamatório direto das MC-LA, MC-YR e MC-LR. A possibilidade de os neutrófilos migrarem e responderem localmente a MCs contribui para a toxicidade destas toxinas.Microcystins (MCs) are a family of heptapeptide toxins produced by some genera of Cyanobacteria. MCs have potent hepatotoxicity and tumor-promoting activity. Leukocyte infiltration in the liver was observed in MC-induced acute intoxication. Although the mechanisms of hepatotoxicity induced by MCs are still unclear, neutrophil infiltration in the liver may play an important role in triggering toxic injury and tumor development. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the effects of three structurally distinct MCs (MC-LA, MC-YR and MC-LR) in the neutrophil functions: synthesis and expression of adhesion molecules, rolling, adhesion, migration and release of cytokines and ROS. In migration assays of the air pouch, the three MCs similarly induced the migration of leukocytes in vivo in subcutaneous tissue of rats and differentially the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines (CINC-2αβ, IL-1-β, TNF--α, VEGF- α and MIP-2) in exudates. Elevated concentrations of CINC-2αβ were found in the inflamed exudates from animals injected with MC-LA, MC-LR or MC-YR, although MIP-2 was only detected in the exudates from animals injected with MC-LR. There were no changes in the secretion of IL-1-β, TNF-α and VEGF--α. Intravital microscopic studies showed that topical application of MC-LR enhanced the numbers of rolling and adhered leukocytes in the endothelium of postcapillary mesenteric venules. The latter effects may be dependent upon induction of the synthesis and expression of L-selectin and -α2-integrin in neutrophils, as assessed by flow cytometry and RT-PCR, respectively. Conversely, the three toxins promoted direct locomotion of neutrophils and enhanced their migration in response to fMLP, as measured by Boyden chamber assays, and increased intracellular calcium, a messenger in the chemotaxic process. The effects of MC-LA, MC-YR and MC-LR in human neutrophils and mice had the same pattern of response. The analyses of cell viability, DNA fragmentation, mitochondrial membrane depolarization of and release of intracellular ROS were evaluated by the technique of FACS. Extracellular ROS content was measured by lucigenin-amplified chemiluminescence, and cytokines were determined by ELISA. We found that these MCs increased interleukin-8 (IL-8), cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-2αβ (CINC-2αβ) and extracellular ROS levels in human and rat neutrophils. In conclusion, our results showed that MCs act on specific pathways of neutrophil recruitment, indicating their potential effect on neutrophils activation. This process can significantly contribute to the pathogenesis of hepatic damage due to generation of ROS by neutrophils as well as act on hepatocytes under such conditions and potentially increase injury processes induced by MCs

    Microcystins produced by the cyanobacteria Microcystis panniformis and some effects on human neutrophil functions

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    A proliferação acelerada de cianobactérias do gênero Microcystis em mananciais e reservatórios tem causado sérios danos ecológicos e à saúde pública, e é um problema que desafia as instituições responsáveis pelo fornecimento de água para a população. Essas cianobactérias produzem microcistinas (MC), heptapeptídeos cíclicos hepatotóxicos e que podem causar câncer. Neste trabalho, isolamos (CLAE preparativa) e identificamos (ESI-EM/EM) as microcistinas MC-LR e [ASp3]-MC-LR produzidas pela cianobactéria Microcystis panniformis. As concentrações dessas substâncias foram determinadas por CLAE e variaram de 0,25 a 2,75 (MC-LR) e 0,08 a 0,75 ([ASp3]-MC-LR) fmol. Célula-1. Analisamos as concentrações destes compostos em tempos diferentes durante o ciclo claro:escuro (C:E) e foi encontrado que a quantidade de MC por célula é pelo menos três vezes mais alta durante a fase clara do que a fase escura. Isto pode ser associado ao relógio biológico, pois as cianobactérias expressam um robusto ritmo circadiano no controle do mecanismo de tempo que é independente do ciclo de divisão celular. O mesmo ocorreu no ciclo claro:claro (C:C). Também estudamos os efeitos da MC-LR e [ASp3]-MC-LR sobre as funções de neutrófilos humanos in vitro. Essas substâncias têm capacidade quimiotáxica, uma vez que observamos um aumento de migração de neutrófilos, além de ativarem a formação de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) e a fagocitose. Já a atividade microbicida é ativada somente pela MC-LR. Nossos resultados indicam que concentrações menores do que o limite máximo de exposição a MC-LR (1 µg.L-1), sugerido pela OMS, exercem efeito sobre funções de neutrófilos humanos in vitro, podendo contribuir com a toxicidade dessas MC.Cyanobacterial blooms of the genus Microcystis in water reservoirs have caused serious ecological and public health concern due to their ability to produce toxins. Microcystis and some other cyanobacerial species biosynthesize microcystins (MC). These cyanotoxins are hepatotoxic cyclic heptapeptides which can induce tumor promotion. In this study, MC-LR and [Asp3]-MC-LR were isolated (by preparative HPLC) and identified (by ESI-MS/MS) in the strain Microcystis panniformis BCCUSP100. Their levels were determined by HPLC and ranged from 0.25-2.75 and 0.08-0.75 fmols. cell-1 , respectively. The levels of MC-LR and [Asp3]-MC-LR were analyzed at different times during the light:dark (L:D) and light:light (L:L) cycles. It was found that the levels of MC per cell were at least three-fold as high during the day-phase than during the night-phase (L:D experiment). This may be associated to the biological clock since prokaryotic cyanobacteria express robust circadian (daily) rhythms under the control of a timing mechanism that is independent of the cell division cycle. Our findings also showed the same pattern under L:L cycle. The effects of MC-LR and [Asp3]-MC-LR in some human neutrophil functions were also studied by in vitro assays. We observed that MC have chemotactic capacity as well as can generate reactive oxygen species and increase phagocytosis activity. The killing activity was activated only by MC-LR. Our results indicated that lower concentrations of MC-LR than the one recommended by World Health Organization (1 µg.L-1) may affect human neutrophil functions in vitro. These findings can contribute to the elucidation of MC toxicity as well as its effects in human neutrophils

    Microcystins produced by the cyanobacteria Microcystis panniformis and some effects on human neutrophil functions

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    A proliferação acelerada de cianobactérias do gênero Microcystis em mananciais e reservatórios tem causado sérios danos ecológicos e à saúde pública, e é um problema que desafia as instituições responsáveis pelo fornecimento de água para a população. Essas cianobactérias produzem microcistinas (MC), heptapeptídeos cíclicos hepatotóxicos e que podem causar câncer. Neste trabalho, isolamos (CLAE preparativa) e identificamos (ESI-EM/EM) as microcistinas MC-LR e [ASp3]-MC-LR produzidas pela cianobactéria Microcystis panniformis. As concentrações dessas substâncias foram determinadas por CLAE e variaram de 0,25 a 2,75 (MC-LR) e 0,08 a 0,75 ([ASp3]-MC-LR) fmol. Célula-1. Analisamos as concentrações destes compostos em tempos diferentes durante o ciclo claro:escuro (C:E) e foi encontrado que a quantidade de MC por célula é pelo menos três vezes mais alta durante a fase clara do que a fase escura. Isto pode ser associado ao relógio biológico, pois as cianobactérias expressam um robusto ritmo circadiano no controle do mecanismo de tempo que é independente do ciclo de divisão celular. O mesmo ocorreu no ciclo claro:claro (C:C). Também estudamos os efeitos da MC-LR e [ASp3]-MC-LR sobre as funções de neutrófilos humanos in vitro. Essas substâncias têm capacidade quimiotáxica, uma vez que observamos um aumento de migração de neutrófilos, além de ativarem a formação de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) e a fagocitose. Já a atividade microbicida é ativada somente pela MC-LR. Nossos resultados indicam que concentrações menores do que o limite máximo de exposição a MC-LR (1 µg.L-1), sugerido pela OMS, exercem efeito sobre funções de neutrófilos humanos in vitro, podendo contribuir com a toxicidade dessas MC.Cyanobacterial blooms of the genus Microcystis in water reservoirs have caused serious ecological and public health concern due to their ability to produce toxins. Microcystis and some other cyanobacerial species biosynthesize microcystins (MC). These cyanotoxins are hepatotoxic cyclic heptapeptides which can induce tumor promotion. In this study, MC-LR and [Asp3]-MC-LR were isolated (by preparative HPLC) and identified (by ESI-MS/MS) in the strain Microcystis panniformis BCCUSP100. Their levels were determined by HPLC and ranged from 0.25-2.75 and 0.08-0.75 fmols. cell-1 , respectively. The levels of MC-LR and [Asp3]-MC-LR were analyzed at different times during the light:dark (L:D) and light:light (L:L) cycles. It was found that the levels of MC per cell were at least three-fold as high during the day-phase than during the night-phase (L:D experiment). This may be associated to the biological clock since prokaryotic cyanobacteria express robust circadian (daily) rhythms under the control of a timing mechanism that is independent of the cell division cycle. Our findings also showed the same pattern under L:L cycle. The effects of MC-LR and [Asp3]-MC-LR in some human neutrophil functions were also studied by in vitro assays. We observed that MC have chemotactic capacity as well as can generate reactive oxygen species and increase phagocytosis activity. The killing activity was activated only by MC-LR. Our results indicated that lower concentrations of MC-LR than the one recommended by World Health Organization (1 µg.L-1) may affect human neutrophil functions in vitro. These findings can contribute to the elucidation of MC toxicity as well as its effects in human neutrophils

    Effects of microcystins on functions of neutrophils

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    Microcistinas (MCs) são heptapeptídeos cíclicos produzidos por cianobactérias e possuem potente hepatotoxicidade e atividade promotora de tumor. Em intoxicações agudas induzidas por MCs ocorre infiltração leucocitária no foco inflamatório. Embora os mecanismos de hepatotoxicidade não são claros, o recrutamento de neutrófilos no fígado pode contribuir ao dano tecidual e desenvolvimento tumoral causados por xenobióticos. O objetivo dessa tese foi investigar os efeitos de três estruturalmente distintas MCs (MC-LA, MC-YR e MC-LR) nas seguintes funções de neutrófilos: síntese e expressão de moléculas de adesão, rolamento, adesão, migração e liberação de citocinas e de ROS. Nos ensaios de migração em bolsa de ar, as três MCs induziram similarmente a migração de leucócitos in vivo em tecido subcutâneo de ratos e diferencialmente a secreção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias (CINC, IL-1β, TNF-α, VEGF-α e MIP) no exsudato. Concentrações elevadas de CINC-2αβ foram encontradas nos exsudatos inflamatórios de animais após injeção de MC-LA, MC-LR ou MC-YR. MIP-2 elevou-se apenas em exsudatos de animais expostos a MC-LR. Não foram observadas alterações em secreção de IL-1β, TNF-α e VEGF-α. Estudos de microscopia intravital mostraram que apenas a aplicação tópica de MC-LR reforçou o rolamento e a adesão de leucócitos no endotélio de vênulas mesentéricas pós-capilares. Esses últimos resultados podem ser dependentes de aumento e expressão da síntese da L-selectina e β2-integrina nos neutrófilos, tal como avaliado por FACS e PCR-RT, respectivamente. Adicionalmente, em ensaios em câmara de Boyden in vitro, as três MCs promoveram locomoção direta de neutrófilos e aumentaram a migração dessas células em resposta ao fMLP, além do aumento de cálcio intracelular observado por microscopia confocal. Os efeitos das MC-LA, MC-YR e MC-LR em neutrófilos humanos e de ratos tiveram o mesmo padrão de resposta. A análise de viabilidade celular, fragmentação de DNA, despolarização de membrana mitocondrial e liberação de ROS intracelulares foram avaliadas pela técnica de FACS. A concentração de ROS extracelular foi medida por quimiluminescência amplificada por lucigenina. A produção de citocinas em células tratadas foram determinadas por ELISA. Observamos aumento da liberação de IL-8, CINC-2α β e da concentração de ROS extracelular por neutrófilos humanos e de ratos pela exposição dessas células com as MCs. Os resultados aqui obtidos mostram o efeito pró-inflamatório direto das MC-LA, MC-YR e MC-LR. A possibilidade de os neutrófilos migrarem e responderem localmente a MCs contribui para a toxicidade destas toxinas.Microcystins (MCs) are a family of heptapeptide toxins produced by some genera of Cyanobacteria. MCs have potent hepatotoxicity and tumor-promoting activity. Leukocyte infiltration in the liver was observed in MC-induced acute intoxication. Although the mechanisms of hepatotoxicity induced by MCs are still unclear, neutrophil infiltration in the liver may play an important role in triggering toxic injury and tumor development. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the effects of three structurally distinct MCs (MC-LA, MC-YR and MC-LR) in the neutrophil functions: synthesis and expression of adhesion molecules, rolling, adhesion, migration and release of cytokines and ROS. In migration assays of the air pouch, the three MCs similarly induced the migration of leukocytes in vivo in subcutaneous tissue of rats and differentially the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines (CINC-2αβ, IL-1-β, TNF--α, VEGF- α and MIP-2) in exudates. Elevated concentrations of CINC-2αβ were found in the inflamed exudates from animals injected with MC-LA, MC-LR or MC-YR, although MIP-2 was only detected in the exudates from animals injected with MC-LR. There were no changes in the secretion of IL-1-β, TNF-α and VEGF--α. Intravital microscopic studies showed that topical application of MC-LR enhanced the numbers of rolling and adhered leukocytes in the endothelium of postcapillary mesenteric venules. The latter effects may be dependent upon induction of the synthesis and expression of L-selectin and -α2-integrin in neutrophils, as assessed by flow cytometry and RT-PCR, respectively. Conversely, the three toxins promoted direct locomotion of neutrophils and enhanced their migration in response to fMLP, as measured by Boyden chamber assays, and increased intracellular calcium, a messenger in the chemotaxic process. The effects of MC-LA, MC-YR and MC-LR in human neutrophils and mice had the same pattern of response. The analyses of cell viability, DNA fragmentation, mitochondrial membrane depolarization of and release of intracellular ROS were evaluated by the technique of FACS. Extracellular ROS content was measured by lucigenin-amplified chemiluminescence, and cytokines were determined by ELISA. We found that these MCs increased interleukin-8 (IL-8), cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-2αβ (CINC-2αβ) and extracellular ROS levels in human and rat neutrophils. In conclusion, our results showed that MCs act on specific pathways of neutrophil recruitment, indicating their potential effect on neutrophils activation. This process can significantly contribute to the pathogenesis of hepatic damage due to generation of ROS by neutrophils as well as act on hepatocytes under such conditions and potentially increase injury processes induced by MCs

    Observations on the blood-vascular system of Rana palmipes

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    W-SBA-15 as an Effective Catalyst for the Epoxidation of 1,5,9-Cyclododecatriene

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    The results of a study on the epoxidation of 1,5,9-cyclododecatriene (CDT) on a W-SBA-15 catalyst using the batch and half-periodic methods are presented. During this study, the activity of the W-SBA-15 catalyst was compared to that of the Ti-SBA-15 catalyst, and the W-SBA-15 catalyst was found to be about 20 times more active than the Ti-SBA-15 catalyst. The highest CDT conversion so far, amounting to 86 mol%, was obtained after carrying out the 4 h epoxidation process. Conducting the studied process using the semi-batch method did not result in the significant improvement in value functions describing this process (CDT conversion and selectivity of CDT transformation to ECDD), but the fastest H2O2 dosing rate (246 µL/h) allowed us to obtain 9 mol% higher CDT conversion in comparison to the batch method

    Epoxidation of 1,5,9-Cyclododecatriene with Hydrogen Peroxide over Ti-MCM-41 Catalyst

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    This work presents the results of our research on the epoxidation of 1,5,9-cyclododecatriene (CDT) with hydrogen peroxide over the Ti-MCM-41 catalyst. The influence of the following parameters on the course of the process was investigated: temperature, CDT:H2O2 molar ratio, solvent composition and its type, and catalyst content. The highest selectivity of CDT transformation to 1,2-epoxy-5,9-cyclododecadiene (ECDD)—approximately 100 mol%, the highest yet reported—was obtained at the CDT conversion of 13 mol% and with the following parameter values: a catalyst content of 5 wt%; a molar ratio of CDT:H2O2 = 2; isopropyl alcohol (i-PrOH) as the solvent, with a composition of 80 wt% in the reaction mixture; a temperature of 80 °C; and a reaction time of 240 min. The highest conversion of CDT (37 mol%) was obtained at the ECDD selectivity of 56 mol% and using the following process parameters: a catalyst content of 5 wt%; a molar ratio of CDT:H2O2 = 0.5; i-PrOH used as the solvent, with solvent composition of 80 wt%; a temperature of 80 °C; and a reaction time of 60 min. It should be emphasized that the CDT conversion obtained in the current study is higher (by 9 mol%) than that described in the literature on heterogeneous catalysts

    Cyanobacterial occurrence and detection of microcystins and saxitoxins in reservoirs of the Brazilian semi-arid

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    Aim:The rapid spread of cyanobacteria in water sources and reservoirs has caused serious environmental damage and public health problems, and consists in a problem that challenges the institutions responsible for providing water to the population. In this study, the quantification of microcystin, saxitoxins and cyanobacteria levels was performed over 3 years in the semi-arid reservoirs of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil). In addition, we analyzed the seasonal distribution of cyanotoxins and the percentage of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins which were above the limit established by Brazilian law.MethodsThe study was conducted between 2009 and 2011 in four dams with six sites: Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves (ARG) in Itajá, San Rafael (SR) and Jucurutu; Passagem das Traíras (PT); Itans and Gargalheiras (GARG). Cyanobacteria presence were quantified and identified and the presence of microcystins (MCYs) and saxitoxins (STXs) was investigated by ELISA.ResultsThe densities of cyanobacteria were found to be above the permitted in 76% of cases. The ELISA results showed that of the 128 samples analyzed, 27% were above the maximum allowed by the Brazilian Ministry of Health Order 2914/2011. A seasonal pattern for the presence of MCYs was found (0.00227 to 24.1954 µg.L–1), with the highest values in the rainy season. There was no clear seasonal pattern for STXs (0.003 to 0.766 µg.L–1).ConclusionsThis study showed the importance of establishing a water quality monitoring for human consumption and its potability standards since the concentration of MCYs in some samples was above the maximum limit allowed by Brazilian law, thus posing a risk to public health since the conventional water treatment is not able to eliminate these potent hepatotoxins