690 research outputs found
Constant-time distributed dominating set approximation
Abstract.: Finding a small dominating set is one of the most fundamental problems of classical graph theory. In this paper, we present a new fully distributed approximation algorithm based on LP relaxation techniques. For an arbitrary, possibly constant parameter k and maximum node degree , our algorithm computes a dominating set of expected size in rounds. Each node has to send messages of size . This is the first algorithm which achieves a non-trivial approximation ratio in a constant number of round
Razón entre atención ambulatoria y hospitalaria : un indicador para el área de salud mental
Objective: to create a mathematical ratio indicator between outpatient and inpatient care in mental health in the SUS. Methodology: a quantitative approach of secondary data from DATASUS (SIH/SUS and SIA/SUS) of residents in the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre – RS in the 2015-2017 period was used. Results: there was a ratio of 12.9 outpatient visits (from 0.2 to 1,248.2/10,000 inhabitants/year) per hospitalization (from 4.9 to 77.1/10,000 inhabitants/year) in mental health for all residents in the territory studied and a mean of 17.1 (95% CI: 10.5-23.7) considering by municipality (range from 0.0 to 82.3). The ratio was higher for females (14.4) when compared to males (11.8) in 22%. There is a bimodal distribution with higher ratios between outpatient and inpatient care in the age groups of 0-19 (20.0) and 45-59 (17.3) years old. Conclusion: the DATASUS data showed significant disparity in results, but they can contribute to a better organization and management of the Psychosocial Care Network in the SUS. There is a need for greater care and surveillance when correcting the information provided by the municipalities. In this sense, the ratio that was created may come to represent an indicator of information quality.Objetivo: construir um indicador de razão matemática entre os atendimentos ambulatoriais e hospitalares em saúde mental no SUS. Metodologia: foi utilizada uma abordagem quantitativa dos dados secundários do DATASUS (SIH/SUS e SIA/SUS) de residentes na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre – RS no período 2015-2017. Resultados: obteve-se uma razão de 12,9 atendimentos ambulatoriais (0,2 a 1248,2/10 mil hab./ano) por hospitalização (4,9 a 77,1/10 mil hab./ano) em saúde mental para todos os residentes no território estudado e média de 17,1 (IC95% 10,5-23,7) considerando por município (amplitude de 0,0 a 82,3). A razão foi maior para o sexo feminino (14,4) em relação ao masculino (11,8) em 22%. Há uma distribuição bimodal com maiores razões entre atendimentos ambulatoriais e hospitalares nas faixas etárias de 0-19 anos (20,0) e 45-59 anos (17,3). Conclusão: os dados do DATASUS evidenciaram grande disparidade nos resultados, mas podem contribuir para melhor organização e gestão da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial no SUS. Há necessidade de maior cuidado e vigilância perante a correção das informações fornecidas pelos municípios. Nesse sentido, a razão construída pode vir a representar um indicador de qualidade da informação.Objetivo: formular un indicador a partir de la razón matemática entre atención ambulatoria y hospitalaria en salud mental en el SUS. Metodología: se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo para los datos secundarios del DATASUS (SIH/SUS y SIA/SUS) de residentes de la Región Metropolitana de Porto Alegre - RS en el período 2015-2017. Resultados: se obtuvo una razón de 12,9 atenciones ambulatorias (0,2 a 1248,2/10 mil habitantes/año) por hospitalización (4,9 a 77,1/10 mil habitantes/año) en salud mental para todos los residentes en el territorio estudiado y una media de 17,1 (IC 95% 10,5-23,7) por municipio (rango de 0,0 a 82,3). El valor de la razón fue 22% mayor para el sexo femenino (14,4) que para el masculino (11,8). Existe una distribución bimodal con valores mayores de razón entre atención ambulatoria y hospitalaria para las franjas etarias de 0-19 años (20,0) y de 45-59 años (17,3). Conclusión: los datos del DATASUS muestran una gran disparidad en los resultados, pero pueden contribuir a mejorar la organización y gestión de la Red de Atención Psicosocial en el SUS. Es necesario un mayor cuidado y vigilancia para corregir la información proporcionada por los municipios. Por lo tanto, la razón formulada, puede ser un indicador de la calidad de la información
Dynamic Analysis of the Arrow Distributed Protocol
Distributed queuing is a fundamental coordination problem that arises in a variety of applications, including distributed directories, totally ordered multicast, and distributed mutual exclusion. The arrow protocol is a solution to distributed queuing that is based on path reversal on a pre-selected spanning tree of the network. We present a novel and comprehensive competitive analysis of the arrow protocol. We consider the total cost of handling a finite number of queuing requests, which may or may not be issued concurrently, and show that the arrow protocol is -competitive to the optimal queuing protocol, where s and D are the stretch and the diameter, respectively, of the spanning tree. In addition, we show that our analysis is almost tight by proving that for every spanning tree chosen for execution, the arrow protocol is -competitive to the optimal queuing protocol. Our analysis reveals an intriguing connection between the arrow protocol and the nearest neighbor traveling salesperson tour on an appropriately defined grap
New Procedures for Uranium Isotope Ratio Measurements using the Triton Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer
In February 2004 the new Triton Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer from Thermo Electron has been installed at IRMM. For uranium isotope ratio measurements on the Triton at IRMM two basic techniques have been introduced and validated, namely the MTE- (¿Modified Total Evaporation¿) and the HI (¿High Intensity¿) techniques. The performance of these techniques is considered excellent for uranium isotope ration measurements to be performed at IRMM. Data obtained for the IRMM-183-187 series will be used to recertify the minor uranium ratios for these well know reference materialsJRC.D.4-Isotope measurement
Quantitative real time PCR does not reliably detect single fecal indicator bacteria in drinking water
The microbial quality of drinking and environmental water is usually determined by culture-based detection of fecal indicator bacteria according to ISO reference methods 16649-1 and 7899-2, respectively. Because of an increasing demand for rapid, culture-independent methods, we tested three quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) approaches for the simultaneous detection of both, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp., using either 16S rRNA or 16S rDNA as a target molecule. Filter sterilized drinking water was artificially contaminated with bacteria from either high or low nutrient culture conditions and directly analyzed after membrane filtration without any other enrichment. Depending on the culture condition used, qPCR analyses revealed a lower limit of detection of 1–10 E. coli/100 ml and 10–100 E. faecalis/100 ml, respectively. In addition, the microbial quality of different surface water samples was monitored. The analyses revealed a clear correlation between viable cell counts and qPCR data. However, the safe and reliable detection of 1 CFU/100 ml failed.</jats:p
Corrigendum to “Effect of shear rate on primary nucleation of para-amino benzoic acid in solution under different fluid dynamic conditions” [Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 136 (2018) 48–56]
The authors regret that a typographical error occurred in the original
publication in Eq. 8 - the factor b should be raised to the power of 5.
The equation is shown correctly below:
P = NPρN3
The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused
Razão entre atendimentos ambulatoriais e hospitalares: um indicador para a área de saúde mental
Objetivo: formular un indicador a partir de la razón matemática entre atención ambulatoriay hospitalaria en salud mental en el SUS. Metodología: se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativopara los datos secundarios del DATASUS (SIH/SUS y SIA/SUS) de residentes de la RegiónMetropolitana de Porto Alegre - RS en el período 2015-2017. Resultados: se obtuvo una razónde 12,9 atenciones ambulatorias (0,2 a 1248,2/10 mil habitantes/año) por hospitalización (4,9 a77,1/10 mil habitantes/año) en salud mental para todos los residentes en el territorio estudiadoy una media de 17,1 (IC 95% 10,5-23,7) por municipio (rango de 0,0 a 82,3). El valor de larazón fue 22% mayor para el sexo femenino (14,4) que para el masculino (11,8). Existe unadistribución bimodal con valores mayores de razón entre atención ambulatoria y hospitalariapara las franjas etarias de 0-19 años (20,0) y de 45-59 años (17,3). Conclusión: los datos delDATASUS muestran una gran disparidad en los resultados, pero pueden contribuir a mejorarla organización y gestión de la Red de Atención Psicosocial en el SUS. Es necesario un mayorcuidado y vigilancia para corregir la información proporcionada por los municipios. Por lo tanto,la razón formulada, puede ser un indicador de la calidad de la información.Objetivo: construir um indicador de razão matemática entreos atendimentos ambulatoriais e hospitalares em saúdemental no SUS. Metodologia: foi utilizada uma abordagemquantitativa dos dados secundários do DATASUS (SIH/SUSe SIA/SUS) de residentes na Região Metropolitana de PortoAlegre – RS no período 2015-2017. Resultados: obteve-seuma razão de 12,9 atendimentos ambulatoriais (0,2 a1248,2/10 mil hab./ano) por hospitalização (4,9 a 77,1/10mil hab./ano) em saúde mental para todos os residentesno território estudado e média de 17,1 (IC95% 10,5-23,7)considerando por município (amplitude de 0,0 a 82,3).A razão foi maior para o sexo feminino (14,4) em relaçãoao masculino (11,8) em 22%. Há uma distribuição bimodalcom maiores razões entre atendimentos ambulatoriais ehospitalares nas faixas etárias de 0-19 anos (20,0) e 45-59anos (17,3). Conclusão: os dados do DATASUS evidenciaramgrande disparidade nos resultados, mas podem contribuirpara melhor organização e gestão da Rede de AtençãoPsicossocial no SUS. Há necessidade de maior cuidado evigilância perante a correção das informações fornecidaspelos municípios. Nesse sentido, a razão construída pode vira representar um indicador de qualidade da informação.Objective: to create a mathematical ratio indicator between outpatient and inpatient carein mental health in the SUS. Methodology: a quantitative approach of secondary data fromDATASUS (SIH/SUS and SIA/SUS) of residents in the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre – RS inthe 2015-2017 period was used. Results: there was a ratio of 12.9 outpatient visits (from 0.2 to1,248.2/10,000 inhabitants/year) per hospitalization (from 4.9 to 77.1/10,000 inhabitants/year)in mental health for all residents in the territory studied and a mean of 17.1 (95% CI: 10.5-23.7) considering by municipality (range from 0.0 to 82.3). The ratio was higher for females(14.4) when compared to males (11.8) in 22%. There is a bimodal distribution with higherratios between outpatient and inpatient care in the age groups of 0-19 (20.0) and 45-59 (17.3)years old. Conclusion: the DATASUS data showed significant disparity in results, but they cancontribute to a better organization and management of the Psychosocial Care Network in theSUS. There is a need for greater care and surveillance when correcting the information providedby the municipalities. In this sense, the ratio that was created may come to represent an indicatorof information quality
Correcting Aberrations of a Transverse-Field Neutron Resonance Spin Echo Instrument
The neutron resonance spin echo (NRSE) technique has the potential to
increase the Fourier time and energy resolution in neutron scattering by using
radio-frequency (rf) neutron spin-flippers. However, aberrations arising from
variations in the neutron path length between the rf flippers reduce the
polarization. Here, we develop and test a transverse static-field magnet, a
series of which are placed between the rf flippers, to correct for these
aberrations. The prototype correction magnet was both simulated in an NRSE
beamline using McStas, a Monte Carlo neutron ray-tracing software package, and
measured using neutrons. The results from the prototype demonstrate that this
static-field design corrects for transverse-field NRSE aberrations.Comment: 8 figures, 10 page
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